5 types of inflatable boats: the pros and cons, how to choose, specifications, manufacturers

There are plenty of designs and types of inflatable boats, designed for many different applications.

Characteristics of the models are very different, so the goal should consider carefully before buying, for which they will be used.


  • Types of inflatable boats
  • Benefits
  • disadvantages
  • How to choose an inflatable boat
  • Which is better
  • Guarantee
  • Repairs
  • manufacturers

Types of inflatable boats



Small rubber boats, which have hinged transom. Intended to walk a short distance with the use of oars, but some manufacturers even allow for the installation of her engine.

The boats are mainly made quadruple.

Sport boats

Designed for extended stays on the water and the speed of movement. Made with fiberglass or wooden body, at least - with an inflatable.

They have a strong and sturdy deck transom that allows you to install a powerful motor.

Flexible or rigid keel effect on speed. Together with the motor keel reduces friction on the water, which gives a high speed of movement.

Gender typically invoice - aluminum, fiberglass or plywood. Controlled by a motor, oars or sail.

Boats to the bottom Roll Up

The only difference with sports is that they can not install high-power motor. The vessel is formed, together with the floor, which makes it a plus in storage and transportation.

At the same time they have a solid transom and keel (rigid or flexible), and to use such boat you can sail, oars and outboard engine.


Boats with a flexible bottom Air Deck

It consists of a flexible and durable keel transom, which gives them an advantage - the lowest weight, as opposed to other types of inflatable boats. Cope with them alone will not be difficult, since they are easily assembled and transported.

But to carry a heavy load on them and exceed the load capacity is dangerous because of the soft bottom.

Boats with rigid overhead bottom (RIB-boats)

This view - one of the most reliable. It combines the strength of the boats and buoyancy of inflatable boats. Kil is made of fiberglass or aluminum. flexible tube. Types RIB-boats are plentiful.

They are equipped with water-jet engines, fuel tanks, control racks, seats. RIB-boat overall, which complicates their operation, but they are more commonly used services of MES and the Coast Guard because of speed and reliability.

Types of inflatable boats

Types of inflatable boats

Inflatable boats are divided into three types:

  • rowing;
  • motor;
  • RIB-boat.

Rowing boats lightweight, simple design. They are used for light hiking or boats for hunting or fishing. A rigid bottom (plywood or light alloy) or a semi-rigid (with inserts made of plywood or plastic).

If the damage of the cylinder can not worry: the boat will not sink because of the separation tanks into compartments. Even the damage are rare.

Motor model is sure to have a strong transom, which is required for the installation of the outboard motor. The differences lie in the type of bottom and the engine power.

RIB-boat with a rigid V-bottom of speeds up to 100 km / h, and to transfer such a vessel may only a few people.



Commonly used material for the manufacture of inflatable vessels - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). He is strong and lightweight, can tolerate exposure to UV rays. However, resistant to extremely high temperatures and chemicals.

PVC is divided into two kinds: reinforced and unreinforced. Last less durable and strong. Reinforced PVC is made of polyester or nylon and used to expensive vessels.

Boats made of rubberized fabrics are cheaper because they are less durable than PVC.

Material will deteriorate and exfoliates, requires a careful and meticulous care. After each operation the boat need to be dried to prevent mold.

Composite material - compound artificial result hiparona and neoprene. For its production uses a special seam bonding technology. Models of this material are durable, but are relatively expensive.

Hiparon elastic, but not strong enough, so is used for the inner coating.

Neoprene - strong and resilient, because of what takes the place of the outer coating.

Materials hard bottoms

Materials hard bottoms
  1. Plywood. Economical, but a short-lived version.
  2. Fiberglass. Durable and lightweight material. Suitable for fishing, because the bottom does not produce noise upon contact with water.
  3. Aluminum. The same easy and durable as fiberglass, but because of the strong conductivity metal sound is not used by fishermen.

types bottoms

types bottoms

The inflatable boats are only two types of bottom:

  • Flat bottom. It has a quiet move, suitable for fishing. To increase the level of safety and comfort, the set includes additional decks.
  • inflatable bottom. Stable and reliable, it does not require the use of additional decks. The most common types in rowing boats.

coating the bottoms

coating the bottoms
  1. inflatable flooring - the second deck, which travel along the bottom. Compact than rigid, but the same weight.
  2. hard flooring is a continuous or consisting of several parts of the surface. It completely covers the bottom, which provides much greater stability and reliability. This flooring is required for models with inflatable keel.
  3. rack Slano - special plywood sheets which are not connected to each other, unlike hard flooring. In most cases, this type of coating used in small lightweight non-inflatable boats with flat bottom due to the fact that their total weight is insignificant.
  4. Without an additional coating - used for small cheap kinds of flat inflatable bottom. Since sex in them is only a layer of PVC, stand on a boat will not work.

Operating the boat with no cover is allowed only in small bodies of water.



The basis of the boat, serving as ballast.

inflatable keel considered protrusion on the bottom of which is filled with air. He is resilient and provides good ride quality. It takes up little space and is minimized with the boat, but it is less reliable than hard. Inflatable keel for motor boats.

Hardkeel - this is the usual V-shaped keel bill from a tree. He is reliable and strong, but unlike inflatable, dimension and awkward.

Hard keel provides the boat's course on the stability of the wind and turns, makes it easy to drive the boat at high speeds and is suitable for heavy duty engines.

Air tank compartments

Air tank compartments

Serve to ensure safety on the water. Thanks to them, the boat remains afloat in case of damage of one of the compartments. design for maximum safety, consists of two chambers - internal and external.

Many current models are manufactured with multiple separate chambers. Due to this assembly process is accelerated. This is useful for larger vessels, as separate compartments may be repaired and the pump is not sticking to the shore.



The transom is a wooden piece with metal pins, used to attach the motor to the boat.

  • Built-in transom. Used for motor types that have a non-closed shape and are part of most boats. Item is made from water resistant plywood, fiberglass or metal, can withstand installation sufficiently powerful motors.
  • Hinged transom. It is applied to the motor or rowing, having a closed shape and a special attachment at the transom. He quickly assembled and disassembled, but is only suitable for a certain weight and engine power.
  • Without transom. Rowing species that either do not have bindings under the transom, or just do not have it included. In this case, the owner can be satisfied with oars or buy yourself transom.



Each type of match standards on permissible maximum engine power. It depends on the type of boat, stiffness, body shape and other parameters:

  • Motors up to 5 hp Used for motor and rowing. Installed only if they hinged transom.
  • Motors up to 8 HP Used for more serious and expensive boats. With such a motor may planing.
  • Motors above 10 hp For models that have a built-in transom.

Limit Motor weight - individual parameters for each type. Maximum - 100 kg.



Behind length the boat is considered to be the distance from the outer edge of the nose and aft edge. Most often an indicator of spaciousness. The minimal length can be 123 cm, and the maximum - reach 610 cm.

width is the distance extending from one side to the other side. It affects the stability of the boat and rate stability.



Determined by the number of seats, taking into account the steering. Depends on the capacity, as determined usually taken into account only the number of adults.

Less indication can be found in type, e.g., 1.5. This means that additional space is taken into account for a child or luggage.



Determines the allowable maximum load for safe use. Load capacity takes into account not only the weight of the passengers, but also the weight of the engine (if any), equipment and accessories.

For small single boat carrying capacity may be only 80 kg, and for large - up to 1900 kg. Usually it is indicated with a margin.

seat types

seat types

The most common is a hard seat, which is a plank of wood or plywood, which is mounted between the sides of the boat. Attaching themselves are rigid (stationary) or floating (those that can be moved).

They are fixed flexible loops or slots.

Inflatable seats do not require special installation, easy to transport and take up almost no space in a deflated state. Removable model can be placed in any convenient location inside the boat.

special features

special features
  • The maximum cylinder pressure

For each boat there is a recommended pressure in cylinders. Especially important this factor is for models with the motor. In case of an insufficient level of pressure in cylinders at planing mode, there is a risk of losing the stability of the course.

In addition, it may cause a malfunction of the engine. Maximum pressure 200 mbar starts with, and in some models of up to 800 mbar.

  • seam type

Technology bondingseam most commonly used in the manufacture of rubber models and is strong enough, but expensive.

Vulcanization or ultrasound welding are hot or cold methods of manufacturing seam. These methods are most effective.

  • Connection type

overlap - if such a connection edge material are superposed on each other. This is the easiest way, but it is less reliable in the sense that the air may remain when connecting tissue in the joints.

This will break the seal of the boat. This method is used mostly for the production of rubber boats.

butt - Joining material without overlap. Such a method is more reliable, but it is much more difficult to manufacture.

additional equipment

additional equipment

Pump often it comes with the boat. It is recommended to always keep it with you during your stay on the water. For larger vessels it is better not to buy a hand pump, as in this case, the suspension will take a long time.

paddles often produced disassembled for ease of transportation. Their length can vary depending on the size of the ship. For smaller species will be short enough aluminum oars with plastic inserts.

Steering It applies only RIB-boats, is very expensive.

oarlocks provide for more comfortable control and allow one person to row the two oars, without the need to release them from the hands. They are made of metal, plastic or rubber.

Oarlocks are rotating, stationary (fixed by), high and low.

anchor ring located on the bow of the vessel sides and contributes to prevention of abrasion rope or rope. With rope eyebolt easily fixed in position.

Carry Handles located either on the edges of the sides or at the bow and stern. They help to avoid any damage during transit. The handles are made from rubber or plastic. Sometimes there are rope model.

additional equipment

Lifelines with ropeluzhit for multiple purposes. If there are no special pen can be used to secure various objects on board. But its main function is to rescue.

Vodootboynik - device that prevents ingress of water in case of shock waves on the board. It is produced in the form of a peak, which is mounted around the perimeter of the boat.

Repair Kit. Typically, the structure includes adhesive for rubber, which has water-resistant properties, one or more patches, and sometimes even more tools.

bulwark - special fence along the edge of the board. Typically used on large ships, and sometimes has a special slot for drainage of excess water.

Bag for boats - the maximum for easy transport and storage when assembled.



The most important advantage of inflatable boats is easy to transport. For storage do not require a separate room, as assembled, they occupy a small enough space.

Inflatable model consists of several sections and in case of damage to one of them the other allowed to continue to stay afloat. An impressive width of inflatable boats and additional bottoms make them more sustainable.

Upon detection of a leak or other not very significant damage inflatable boat is much easier to undergo repair than usual, which increases their lifespan.



To inflatable lasts as long as possible, will have to work hard. Before assembly, it must be thoroughly dried to prevent mold. It is important to always concerned about not to puncture the surface.

With all the positive qualities of the PVC material to repair boats of it is much more difficult and sometimes even impossible. Transportation capacity models of more than 2 people is almost impossible without a car.

How to choose an inflatable boat

How to choose
  • Decide in what area you will be using the boat: fishing, hunting, for rafting boat, Sports, or for quiet family walks.
  • Assess your capabilities. Do not buy a larger boat, without bothering about transport issues. For the transport of certain types of boats will need at least a car, and in some cases even a trailer.
  • You must also think about capacity. Would be irrational to buy three or even eight-boat for fishing, if you often fish in alone.
  • When you select should think about the material on the types of connections and joints to evaluate the overall quality.

Which is better

Which is better

Ideal inflatable should be:

  • transportable;
  • compact;
  • practical;
  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • easy to maintain.

One of the most important considerations when choosing a material from which made the ship. If you want it to last a long time, it is recommended to stop the choice on boats made of reinforced PVC or composite material.

The connection seam - a key point in the ship's safety. Much wins Connect "butt", and will come in handy additional strips of matter over the sutures.

For greater security, better to choose a model with a large number of watertight compartments. The color usually has a value only for hunters.



Most often on the new inflatable boat the warranty period of 1 to 2 years. The warranty card is specified expiration date, model, purchase date and serial number. This document must be kept during the whole period of use.

There are cases in which the warranty service is not available:

  • damage arose as a consequence of reckless or intentional actions of the buyer;
  • operating rules have been violated;
  • It was made unauthorized changes to the product design;
  • warranty card has been filled in incorrectly;
  • safety guarantee seal has been broken.

The warranty does not include repair at:

  • natural wear;
  • accidental damage;
  • damage caused by operation of the product for other purposes.



Repairing inflatable boats is not recommended without proper experience and skills. Lacking the necessary arsenal of knowledge, you can only make the situation worse, and then when professional repair will cost even more.

Conventional services for repairing offer the following services:

  • diagnosis and evaluation of the cost of repairs;
  • elimination of small punctures, holes and damages;
  • scale repair breaks and cuts;
  • repair fractures running along the seam;
  • Repair breaks barriers;
  • complete replacement of damaged tissues with new ones.



It guarantees high quality products, reliability and safety. It provides optimal pricing and the ability to install additional equipment. Production has good directional stability, smooth-running and durable bottom.

Inflatable boat can develop more speed and be highly maneuverable. Mainly models are sold with a warranty of 12 months.


Inflatable boats are diverse in form and design. Compound stitches usually occurs by hot air welding. Good luck finding a convenient location of the air valve.

On the boat extends the warranty period of two years duration.


The largest producer in Russia. Quality meets all the necessary technical requirements. Warranty service free of charge and is valid for two years. Engineers are constantly improving existing models, improving their design and quality.


Chinese-made boats have earned good reviews from customers. Only high quality materials are used in their manufacture.

Sutures are typically glued together by welding method, which makes the structure more monolithic aesthetic appearance. Due to the shape of the nose the water is not poured into the boat, and the structural features of the transom to quickly display the vessel in planing mode.


It provides a very wide range of models of different specializations. Intex boats are made from three-layer rubber, which makes them resistant to the influence of sea water, petrol and other chemical agents.

The inflatable air bed equipped with internal baffles. Occupy disassembled little space and convenient for transportation.


The manufacturer uses as a base material of high quality PVC. During the design engineers consider all the traditional quality standards, each boat is subject to scrutiny.


Inflatable boats have a particular wide and raised the nose, making it easy to go through the big waves, as well as a wide cockpit.

cylinder diameter approximately the same in all models. It has excellent maneuverability and quick access to the planing mode. company's assortment is constantly updated and expanded.


The products are manufactured by a special original technology. Solar models are suitable for many environments and are very reliable. Inflatable bottom in their strength is not inferior to rigid models.

The seams are usually glued together, but it does not reduce the strength of the structure. Models are constantly being improved and updated. The warranty period is two years.