In view of the large number of models of outboard motors with different parameters is difficult to make a choice. To avoid mistakes, you need to understand the options and understand whether the unit is suitable for use in the planned conditions.
- Types of outboard motors
- Physical parameters of the boat and engine
- Details of the internal combustion outboards
- characteristics of electric motors
- important characteristics
- indicators
- Control
- Exploitation
- Bag for transporting
Types of outboard motors
Two types of engines are used on modern boats - petrol engine (ICE) and electric.
Electric motors are lightweight and almost no noise, simpler in design and cheaper to operate. However, due to the fact that the powerful electric motor would require too big batteries they produced little power - up to 5 hp (3677.5 W).
In addition, depending on the battery capacity is limited by the duration of the voyage.
Electric motors are commonly used in the waters where the use of gasoline engines is prohibited for environmental reasons or where excess noise is undesirable.
Engine power range is much wider, they have enough even for use on the most high-speed and heavy vessels. Cruising range is considerably higher than in boats with an electric motor. Such ships can go in planing mode, which reduces fuel consumption. However, such models weigh more electric. In addition, they are expensive both in themselves and in operation.
Engines differ in their purpose. There are classic boat motors and auxiliaries.
- classic - are used as sources of the main course. It could be a small motor boat for a single and powerful for large boats or yachts;
- ancillary - are used in fairly large ships as facilitators in various maneuvers, cornering, mooring and other similar cases. The drives have a lot of power, reinforced gearbox. They can also be used as a classic boat motors.
There are two types of design that makes the boat move - a screw and turbine.
screw design using the rotation of the propeller. Models can be used on all types of water transport, have a simple construction and low cost. However, in shallow rotary screw can cut to the bottom or other hard objects and broken.
The distance by which bolt to move in one turn without slipping, called the step. This is the main characteristic of the screw, which affects the motor load. With increasing propeller pitch movement speed of the boat increases, and the load on the actuator becomes larger.
Slippage of the screw is the amount equal to the difference between the ideal and the real pitch propeller.
The less slippage, the higher the efficiency of the entire drive boat.
From step depends on the diameter of the propeller bladesThese two parameters are interrelated and dependent on the torque and engine power.
Another characteristic of the screw is the number of blades. The more blades, the higher smoothness and maneuverability. However, with increasing number of blades slippage becomes larger (increases water resistance) and drive efficiency decreases.
Should take into account the direction of rotation of the screw. Rotation clockwise during forward motion of the boat called the right and in the direction opposite the movement of the left clockwise.
They are standard screws with clockwise rotation, but if two drives installed on the boat, the screws should be twisted in different directions, if the screws will make turns into one side of the ship will be demolished in the direct position steering.
A helpful tool for the vessel with two engines will be synchronizerWhich coordinates the work of the two devices so that they work together as one unit.
To synchronizer working properly, you want to use the same model engines.
In order to pick up the propeller need to start the engine and wait until it comes to its rated capacity, after measuring the number of revolutions per minute at maximum speed tachometer.
If the measured rotation number is less than specified in the documentation for this motor, it is necessary to install the screw with a smaller pitch (this compensates for the lack of revolutions). Reduction of pitch per inch increases the number of revolutions of 200 revolutions / min.
Turbine drive screw is hidden in a special tube, he moves the boat due to the fact that sucks water from one side of the pipe, whereupon the screw disperses and emits a narrow side jet. This arrangement increases the safety of the use of screw vessel in places of underwater diving, with water skiing and near the beaches.
The turbine drives are ideal for traffic in shallow water, for their operation sufficiently in the depth of 30 centimeters. They are protected against algae and floating debris in the water. Vessels equipped with turbine designs are soft stroke and a small vibration when operating at high and medium speeds.
Requirements for the design of the boat when using the turbine drive:
- It should have a supply of carrying capacity to carry except motor also water jet;
- The boat must be strong enough to go into planing mode of navigation;
- Rubber boat must have a strong enough side and bottom cylinders.
Long boat set nonremovable turbines that are part of the body. Steering wheel is carried out with using the electric or hydraulic drive.
Boat removable turbine set smaller. Can control the drive of the stern and the tiller of the wheel.
Adjusting screw immersion
In electric motors there is control of penetration of the propeller without tilting. V ICE submergence is regulated motor tilt about a horizontal axis.
Lack of penetration will lead to the fact that the propeller will be in the shadow of the hydrodynamic area aft and can not develop cravings. As a result, the ship even with a powerful motor not pick up speed.
If the propeller positioned below the optimum mark will cause unnecessary stress in the drive structure, and an exhaust system It will operate less efficiently, which reduces the power to develop, and the passage of the rocks will increase the risk of breakage device.
Physical parameters of the boat and engine

Weight and dimensions of the outboard motor
Weight and dimensions of the main engine depends on the capacity and distinctive design features - powerful than he is, the greater size. Its weight is in the range of 3 to 350 kg.
Weight units:
- capacity of 6 horsepower - 20 kilograms;
- 8 horsepower - 30 kilograms;
- 35 horsepower - 70 kg.
ICE Weight is indicated without regard to the fuel tank.
- Electric motors weigh less than the internal combustion engine.
- Weight required in the calculation of the balance of the boat and its payload capacity.
- Dimensions should be in accordance with the size of the boat.
For DIC is considered an important parameter of the cylinder diameter. Available motors can be found with a cylinder diameter of 40 - 100 millimeters.
With the increase in diameter of the cylinder increases the angular speed but decreases torque.
Another important characteristic of the internal combustion engine is considered Stroke. In commercially available engines with stroke 30 - 100 millimeters. With an increase in the stroke increases the torque, but also reduced speed.
When choosing the motor it is necessary to take into account the ratio of diameter of the cylinder to move the piston in the velocity model is the relationship tends to unity.
The weight and length of the boat
Manufacturers of engines indicate the maximum weight and the length of the boat, which is designed for their device.
In this case, the weight is taken into account not only the hull, but also the equipment of passengers and luggage.
Indicator is not hard, but it ensures compliance with the most efficient operation of the drive.
The shorter the ship, the more you should download the nose, to compensate for the weight of the engine, located at the stern.
Boat two meters in length are designed for one person and can withstand loads of up to 500 kilograms. If necessary, this boat will fit up to four people. Three-meter craft are considered to be the best choice for fishing or hunting activities. Four-meter-long boat can withstand 6 people.
Height trance for boat motor
In order to choose the right outboard drive is necessary to determine the height of the transom of the boat.
Transom is called the back of the boat on which the engine is installed. The height is the distance from the transom bottom to top vessel.
To propeller was located at the optimal depth, transom height should be equal to the recommended for the drive.
The characteristics of the engine recommended height transom marked with the Latin letters:
- S trance height 380-450 mm;
- L height of trance 500-570 millimeters;
- Trance X height 600-640 mm;
- U height of trance 650-680 millimeters;
The length of deadwood distance from the motor mounting space to the bottom of trance. Between the anti-cavitation plate and a lower point of the transom should be 15-25mm. In some cases, the best depth of immersion of the propeller is determined empirically.
For some electrical drives deadwood length is adjustable, in such cases in the motor data sheet indicates its maximum value.
Mounting types outboard
There are four styles:
- Stiff - The drive is fixed to the transom of the boat without the possibility of turning in any direction;
- Rotating - turning on its vertical axis;
- Folding - able to rotate on a horizontal axis;
- Pivotally hinged - is rotated about a horizontal and vertical axis.
Pivotally hinged mount for easy steering on, due to the vertical axis of rotation and softens the punches underwater structure with an obstacle on the engine rotation, the horizontal axis.
To the vibration of the hull was less suspension should be made of elastic materials.
The rise of the motor
To prevent damage to the propeller of the boat when mooring the shallows required to raise the engine from water. During a long stay of the engine rise reduces corrosion damage. There are two types of lifting mechanisms - both manual and electro.
- manual gear. Lifting is performed by means of the tiller. The advantage is the low cost and simplicity of the lifting mechanism. The mechanism can not be used for lifting heavy powerful models.
- electrohydraulic mechanism. For lifting a person just press the button. The only drawback - the high cost, so the design is only used to lift the powerful engines.
Details of the internal combustion outboards

Number of cylinders
motor chamber in which a piston runs, it is called a cylinder. Gasoline engines are two-stroke or four-stroke.
Two-stroke petrol. By design primitive. The fuel is a mixture of gasoline and oil. The ratio of oil and gasoline should be strictly defined.
If the oil mixture will be more than necessary, the engine will smoke, and if less, bask.
Due to the fact that in the exhaust gas is longer harmful substances it is not desirable to use devices nearby bathing areas.
Expensive models are equipped with automatic mixing mechanisms that relieve a person from manual labor.
Two-stroke engines are cheaper to operate, when compared with the four-stroke.
Four. Operate smoothly, quietly and more powerful two stroke engines, and of their dimensions larger. pollutant emissions low. With increasing number of cylinders increases smoothness and fuel consumption is reduced. In multi-cylinder device is less sensitive to the weight of the vessel.
With fewer cylinders increases reliability of the product, because its structure is simplified. Motors that have a small number of cylinders is small in size and weight.
In this way:
- Twin engine It delivers more power at a relatively small size and weight, but it can not be used in ponds, which are increased to environmental requirements.
- four-cylinder engine installed on vessels used for fishing by the trolling, they work is relatively quiet and stable at low speeds.
Installed on ships with a lot of weight and dimensions.
working volume
An important characteristic of gasoline engine is the working volume of the combustion chamber, it depends on the fuel consumption and driving power. For a single-cylinder engine is calculated by multiplying the area of the piston on its course. For multi-cylinder gasoline engines of cylinder volume must be multiplied by the number of cylinders.
With an increase in the working volume power increases, the motor size and fuel consumption. However, the power not only depends on the working volume, but also on other design features such as the presence of turbocharging and the number of cycles.
Fuel consumption
Value that indicates how much fuel consumed in one hour of operation of the engine is called fuel consumption. The higher the power of the engine, the more fuel it consumes, so we need to strive to choose the model that at the same power consumption is smaller.
fuel type
It is fuel grade, the lowest acceptable octane number, which can be poured into the engine.
Allowable to use fuel having a high octane number, but it should exclude fuel with less than the specified parameters.
Resistance to detonation of fuel is determined by its octane number. Detonation detrimental phenomenon which leads to a drop in power, increasing loads and increase the concentration of harmful components in the exhaust gases. It arises when using gasoline as fuel, the octane number which is lower than that specified in the motor data sheet.
For example, gasoline marking the CIS begins with the letters AI, the Asia-Pacific region, RON, and in Europe EURO. In any case, after the letters are numbers that indicate the value of the octane number. The higher requirements for the fuel makes the engine, so it is more. Models capable of operating at 90-m gasoline can be used with 92-m or 95-m, but not with 87-m and 76-m. Most unpretentious devices operate at 76-m gasoline.
Fuel tank
For the storage of fuel reserves are the fuel tanks. The larger the tank, the greater the distance the ship will overcome without refueling.
In addition, the larger power of the engine, the more fuel it uses, and accordingly the fuel tank must be more capacious.
Large tanks occupy much space on a vessel, it should be noted that an increase in the size and capacity of the tank increases its weight.
Fuel tanks are of two types: built-in and external.
- Vstorennye tanks. Is integral with the motor, which eliminates the need to build a separate fuel supply system. However, this increases the weight and dimensions of the unit, which has a negative effect on the management of the ship using the tiller. It is not suitable for high-power devices that consume a lot of gasoline and require large capacity tanks. Embedded tanks are typically used with motors whose power does not exceed 5 horsepower;
- External fuel supply system. Fuel is supplied through a special hose from the tank standing alone. The device makes the engine lighter and more mobile, and for powerful engines requiring a large amount of fuel is the only possible solution.
Before you proceed to the choice of the tank, you need to know how much fuel consumption the engine and, on this basis, to calculate the correct amount, because while swimming you can not refuel. Note the strength of the material from which made the tank. Usually cans made of aluminum or stainless steel. The material should be durable, resilient and elastic.
If the fuel used kerosene, then the capacity for it should have increased tightness, as the substance is very fluid.
The tank must have an air nozzle dropping excess internal pressure generated in sunny weather as a result of heating the walls and evaporation of fuel.
It is recommended to buy cans with embossed bottom condensate accumulation. Pay attention to the quality of components - hoses, gaskets, fittings, it is from these parts depends on the tightness of the whole structure.
Type of lubrication
Engine oil is needed for lubrication of gasoline engines, and with the increase in drive power more oil is needed. Therefore, the larger the engine, the greater the volume of the tank is required for the oil.
There are two types of lubricants used in petrol engines, this manual and separate.
manual lubrication It is used in the most simple designs. In this type of mixture is prepared by hand, after which the fuel is poured into the tank. alone, it is important not to be mistaken with the proportions, so that the engine does not overheat and chadil when preparing the mixture.
separate - is used in more expensive models. In this case, the oil is poured into a tank and the gasoline in your mix and produced at the fuel supply to the working chamber. This mechanism allows the right to maintain the proportions of the fuel components.
Fuel supply system
For the working chamber sacrifice prepared mixture of fuel and air system is designed for supplying fuel.
There are two variants of systems: the carburettor and electronic injection.
In the carburetor, fuel together with the air sucked into the working chamber of the cylinder during the intake phase. They are undemanding to quality of fuel and cost less than devices with electronic injection. However, engines that use such a system to consume more fuel and more difficult to start.
The electronic injection system fuel forcedly fed through the nozzle. The concentration of air in the mixture is controlled based on sensor readings. In engines reduced fuel consumption for the same power, in addition, they are easier to run. However, they have a complex structure, and to repair their own hands will not work.
Exhaust system
There are two types:
- over the screw,
- through screw.
In the most simple constructions arranged on the principle of screw, the gases are discharged directly into the air. They are the most simple and cheap, but they create a nuisance to the occupants of the boat due to the noise created by them and exhaust emissions.
A more comfortable option is a system in which the exhaust gases are discharged into the water above the screw.
In systems through screw exhaust gases discharged into the water through the propeller hub. They are considered the most technically sophisticated in their low noise and better traction characteristics. The disadvantage is the high cost and complexity of the design.
In an internal combustion engine installed on ships, three types of starters can be used: electric, manual and mixed.
To start the engine with the manual mechanism person managing the vessel should pull the cable to the engine earned. The mechanism weighs less and is more compact because it does not need a battery for its operation. When using a manual mechanism does not need to worry about whether or not the battery is charged.
The disadvantage of this system is that you need to start to make a large enough physical strength.
Such start applied to small capacity drives.
In the electric system for starting apply the starter is powered by a rechargeable battery. The main advantage of the convenience of start - you have to press a button or to make a turn the key in the ignition. The large size and weight is a disadvantage.
The devices are expensive, are used in conjunction with powerful engines, for which the use of hand-held machinery is impossible.
In the mixed type in normal mode, the electrical system, but there is also a manual start Breakage or discharged battery. Mixed start is used in conjunction with powerful engines, but not enough to cause serious problems for manual winding.
A mixed system can be used on models with capacity of 25 - 45 horsepower.
Outboard motors with an electronic ignition system
To operate the internal combustion engine is used ignition system, igniting the fuel with an electric spark. There are two types of ignition - mechanical and electronic.
The advantages of an electronic ignition system, compared with the manual:
- It creates a strong and stable spark;
- It saves fuel;
- Ensures a stable run;
- It works reliably at low speed;
- More durable.
Outboard engines with turbocharging
In turbocharged engines, exhaust energy is used to inject into the cylinders of the combustible mixture. The working chamber at each cycle falls more fuel capacity is increased without increasing the displacement volume of the structure.
Turbo engine will take up less space compared to the models of the same capacity, but without him.
Devices are more environmentally friendly, since they provide a complete combustion of the fuel and therefore contain less emissions of harmful substances.
When you use you must comply strictly with the rules of operation.
The design of any gasoline internal combustion engine is present generator which generates electric power necessary for operation of the ignition system. But not to any generator can be connected to other devices. Powered by it is more convenient than the battery and many echolocation system, navigation, radio communication and other powered it from the generator.
The standard output voltage of the generator 12 volts.
One of the characteristics of the generator - the maximum generated current (power, measured in amperes), than it is, the more different devices can be connected to the generator.
characteristics of electric motors

For electric outboards indicate the driving force, which he can create or cravings. This parameter is measured in kilograms, and serves as an objective indicator of engine capacity.
Parameter traction you need to consider when choosing the weight of the boat. Link measured in pounds (1 pound = 0.453 kg). The calculations of this parameter are quite complex and are determined by the existing tables, based on the weight of the boat.
Batteries are used as power sources of electric motors. The motor can be powered by a voltage source at 12 or 24 volts, and all the most common batteries produces a voltage of 12 volts.
Therefore, for the motor power supply operating from a voltage source of 24 volts need two battery that It includes sequentially (important - the batteries must be identical to the parameters and the same manufacturer).
There are two types of batteries for electric boat drives: the starting and traction.
Starter batteries capable of delivering high current values, but only for a short period of time. It occurs after prolonged use deep discharge batteries, and they are unsuitable for further use.
traction batteries excellent maintained full charge and are better adapted for use as a power source for electric outboard motors.
Traction batteries serve as 6-10 times longer starting.
There gelevidnym traction battery with electrolyte, which protects the plate from vibration and leakage when tilted, the battery has a high strength. Even a month after it is fully discharged, the battery charge is one hundred percent of its original capacity.
peak current
The greater the power of the engine, the higher the maximum current consumption, it is important when choosing a battery. Maximum battery discharge current must be greater than the maximum current consumed by the motor by 15-20%.
Knowing the capacity of the batteries and motor consumption can be calculated during operation. To do this, the battery capacity is divided into current consumption.
For example, when a fully charged battery capacity of 80 amperes per hour and the engine, in which the maximum current is 20 amperes engine will run 4 h.
important characteristics

Engine power is measured in horsepower. This is true when using petrol and electric models. This is due to the fact that the market for boat engines have won fame petrol engines, and therefore the electrical product manufacturers show horsepower.
In the data sheet of some electric motors written in kilowatts.
To convert kilowatts to horsepower you need to multiply the power in kW at 1.3596.
The marking of products of Western countries and CIS manufacturers differ. The technical characteristics of engines made in CIS specified maximum data on the output shaft of the drive. Western manufacturers indicate in the passport shaft capacity.
Thus, the CIS producers do not take into account the losses on the transfer of motion from the motor shaft to the propeller shaft, and therefore the power of the Western drive, the same values will be slightly higher.
In order to develop a high speed needs a strong engine. Also, it is necessary for heavy ship with a large carrying capacity. But with the increase in drive power grows and its weight, price and fuel consumption. Exceed the capacity of the motor, written in the data sheet of the boat is dangerous for two reasons:
- The boat can not withstand the acceleration to high speeds;
- The transom of the boat not designed for a lot of weight.
Given the efficacy and safety recommended to select a motor whose power is 60 - 80% of the maximum possible for the boat.
How to choose a power boat motor
For boats shorter than 3 meters, and carrying at the same time is not more than one person, suitable engines of 2 - 4 horsepower.
On small and medium-sized vessels of up to 4 meters long established model in 5 - 8 horsepower. These motors are easy to transport because of their weight does not exceed 30 kilograms. Devices can bring small boats in a special mode - planing. In this mode, only a small part of the bottom touch the water, and most of the floats in the air. This much reduces the resistance movement and the load on the engine.
The most popular are models from 10 to 20 horsepower, which are installed on boats, the length of which is in the range 3 - 5 meters and a weight of 50 to 300 kilograms.
Their fashionable to use for fishing, transportation of goods over long distances. These motors provide movement of the boat with several passengers and cargo.
For boats with a length up to 6 meters (but no more), it is recommended to buy models from 25 to 35 horsepower. Boats with this engine can reach a speed of 40 kilometers per hour and leaving to planing even at high load mode.
Boats longer than 6 meters, serving for the transport of heavy loads, and able to fly at high speeds, equipped with a drive capacity of 40-45 hp. They can reach speeds of 50 kilometers per hour.
To launches and yachts 5 - 8 meters choose the model capacity of 90 - 140 horsepower. Motors provide vessel speed exceeding 100 km per hour, and are applied on large bodies of water can also be used for navigating in the sea.
On small cruise ships and yachts are used motors whose power exceeds 140 horsepower.
There are three modes of movement of the vessel on the water:
- displacementIn this mode, floating boats with low-power motor at low speeds. It is the most uneconomical mode due to high friction on the bottom surface of the water;
- Transition, An intermediate mode in which the boat has not yet been published in the planing mode, but the nose is already beginning to rise above the water. Typically active mode characteristic for boats are moving at a speed of 16 - 18 kilometers per hour.
- planing mode characteristic for boats are moving at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. In this mode, the bottom area of contact with the water reaches a minimum.
A vessel with such a movement is not pushing the water and retained on the surface of the lift force generated due to the speed of movement. energy costs, to achieve planing more than to maintain such movements.
To the ship could enter into planing mode, it should be a powerful engine and a flat bottom.
The speed required to exit this mode depends on the design of the bottom of the boat, its weight distribution of the load, propeller and the engine.
emergency switch
Emergency motor switch intended to drown out the engine in the fall for a man overboard a control vessel, and thus it prevents an accident, the cause of which may be unguided boat.
The package includes the emergency switch cord which is secured to the wrist by using a special fastening. When a person is strongly pulling the cord at the moment of falling overboard, there is an emergency engine shutdown.
The maximum number of revolutions per minute
With an increase in engine speed increases the ship's speed. The number of revolutions of the boat propeller depends on the gear ratio and the pitch of the screw. However, the speed of the vessel in addition to speed affects many more factors: the screw design, engine power, etc.
It should be noted that the models with a large number of turns emit more noise with their work.
In some engines for overload protection built speed limiter function. By increasing the temperature above the critical Automatic cut back, allowing the unit to cool down - with the speed of the vessel decreases, but the engine remains intact.
In some drives, integrated system to stabilize the ship's speed. It is useful in cases where the ship has to move at a constant speed without jerks, such as fishing by trolling. Disadvantage - the high cost.
Reducer outboard
The boat drives reducer used to reduce the number of screw turns. Screw speed equal to the angular rotation of the motor shaft speed divided by the gear ratio. This parameter has little practical value, and is a reference. The basic drive parameters, such as power, thrust, and other practically independent of the gear ratio.
Inside the gearbox are friction parts, which from time to time it is necessary to lubricate the special gear oil. Although the gearbox is protected from water seals, over time the water still gets inside.
Therefore it is recommended for the lubrication of the gear to use special oils that are composed of special additives antiemulsionnye.
Manufacturers do not recommend the use of conventional oils, which are used for the lubrication of transmissions in cars. Savings on oil quality end costly gearbox repairs.
Number of speeds
Changing drive speed, both front and back is very simple you can do for electric motors.
To change speeds in the drive uses the gasoline engine is the gearbox, which greatly complicates the design. In modern drives usually implemented from 2 to 5 speeds.
Cooling outboard
Cooling systems are of two types:
- air,
- Water.
Air cooling system is:
- actively use the fan,
- passive radiators.
This is a very simple design and its efficiency is low. Used for motors, power is less than 15 horsepower.
Plus, the air system is that it can be used on dirty water reservoirs.
Water cooling system It uses water from a reservoir and discharged after use overboard. It can not be used if the water is very dirty behind. This design is more efficient than air and is used in high-power drives, but it is more expensive and more complicated.
Transmission system is designed to measure the speed and direction of movement of the vessel. It can be in three positions "front", "rear" and "neutral".
"Front" gear engaged while moving forward, can have several speeds.
When the "back" the screw is rotated in the opposite direction, causing the ship to move in the opposite direction. This function is not available in cheaper models. "Rear" transmission is more convenient during emergency braking and maneuvering in a small space. In electric motors is carried out by changing the polarity of the motor power.
When the "neutral" transmission rotation is not transmitted from the engine to the shaft and the boat will not move when the engine is running. The system is useful in the gasoline models since their launch a rather complicated procedure. The electric engine start and stop are not present any problems, therefore, not usually used for data types of drives.
Producing engine start off with only the necessary transmission, since otherwise run causes overload in the construction of the drive units and contributes to jerk the ship and the collision with the shore or fall overboard people.
Therefore, in some models to prevent accidents, a system which does not give to start the engine when a gear is engaged.
To the person operating the vessel able to follow the status of the drive, additional indicators can be installed on the boat. If compatibility with the indicator stated in the motor data sheet, then it means that the design of the sensor is present, and for the removal of his testimony indicator need to be purchased separately.
Most often on the ships are present:
- Speedometer determines the speed of movement of the vessel relative to the water surface. Since it determines the speed of movement of the vessel through the water, rather than the coast, with the rapid current of his testimony are significantly different from the actual speed of movement of the vessel relative to the land;
- Tachometer It shows the motor rotation angular speed and is used to control the operating mode;
- Hour meter It shows the engine is running. The data obtained from this sensor is needed to identify a shared resource. In addition, maintenance, replacement oil, etc. It is also performed after the engine has worked certain number of hours;
- oil pressure indicator We need to time to warn about the lubrication system problems or the need to perform the procedure oil change, because the lack of oil threatens to premature wear of the engine, and even accident due to his jamming;
- Oil temperature indicator warns of excessive overheating. When the oil is heated so the temperature is higher than permitted, it loses its svoytstva and does not fulfill its tasks. In addition, the sharp increase in temperature indicates a malfunction in the drive mechanism;
- Oil level indicator It shows how much oil is left in the engine and alerts, when necessary, the need to replenish its reserves;
- Battery charge indicator indicates the battery is charged, it can be approximately calculated during operation of the electric motor. In the electric drive it plays the same role as the residual fuel in the petrol indicator. These indicators can be equipped with not only the power but also the gasoline engine with an electric start system, so that you can monitor the battery status and its timely charge;
- Indicator fuel residues It shows how much fuel remains in the tank. Information obtained from this sensor is not completely accurate, but it is enough for practical use;
- fuel flow indicator shows how much the fuel consumption the engine at this operation at this time. By its indications, as well as indications of residual fuel indicator, one can determine how long the motor can work at a given operation;
- LED engine overheating It indicates the temperature increases above the maximum allowable. Overheating causes various troubles. For example, jamming or even a fire engine, and it does not depend on the reasons which have caused it, whether it was caused by technical failure or natural cause, such as overheating under the influence of direct sunlight rays;
- Indicator excess engine RPM warns exceeded the output shaft speed above the maximum allowable. It differs from tachometer that does not show the shaft rotation frequency, and only signals exceeding;
- Trimm position indicatorIt shows the current position of "legs" of the engine. In the presence of this indicator a person to operate the vessel does not need to be supervised to the device;
- Throttle position indicatorIt gives information about the position in which is a choke, and therefore which mode the engine is running. It can be used to diagnose problems actuator;
- Indicator that signals the presence of water in fuelIt warns about contact with the fuel outside the liquid, which leads to lower power and outages, or may cause water hammer, which will seriously damage the motor.

Variety of control systems
Management made the tiller or remotely. There are combo drives that are managed as a tiller, or remotely.
Tiller used to control the engines of small and medium power. He designed as a lever. It is on tiller handle throttle, via which fuel supply is regulated and the motor stop switch. Also, the tiller is used to select the direction of movement of the vessel.
With this method, the person managing the vessel shall at all times be located near the engine. These control systems are inexpensive, have a simple construction and are quite functional. In electric models to adjust the speeds there is a special switch.
The most comfortable position for driving a boat is selected, changing the inclination of the tiller. Therefore, you should look for a drive with the maximum possible slope.
The remote system controls are displayed on the bow of the boat. It is mounted on the boat rather expensive, so before you buy a drive with remote control, make sure that it can be mounted on your boat.
Engines that can be controlled both by means of the tiller and remote are expensive and are mounted on a top-class ships.
Remote vessel management system
There are three types of steering:
- mechanical,
- electric,
- hydraulic.
In a mechanical steering, controlling with the cables laid along the side. When you turn the steering cable is wound onto the steering gear pinion, which causes rotation of the actuator. Such a system is inexpensive and easy to assemble yourself.
However, the mechanism has a small life and for the management of heavy and powerful engines, it is necessary to put considerable effort.
Hydraulic remote control system It applies to vessels with engines of more than 150 horsepower. Positive qualities: force applied in the management of the ship is very small, such a mechanism may be used on multi-engine ships, it has a high reliability and is connected to it autopilot. Only one drawback - the high cost.
electrical system It eliminates the cables, the controller is connected to the motor by a cable over which signals are transmitted, and they actuate the hydraulic cylinder pistons. This device makes it possible to synchronously control several devices simultaneously.
Boat drives are designed for use in freshwater, not recommended for use in seawater. The sea water used special designs with increased protection against corrosion.
Getting around in shallow water
In some models of drives, to prevent contact of the screw with algae and slime, is adjustable depth of immersion of the motor. To move through the shallow water is better to use turbine engine.
Bag for transporting
When transporting in a vehicle engine boat engine cover protects the trunk from the oil, which could remain in the unit, algae, slime and other debris. In addition, the motor cover protects itself against scratches, chips, bumps and prolong its service life.
There are two types of covers bags:
- For storing engine - are made of strong waterproof fabric and provided with a fastener;
- For transportation - typically equipped with special inserts that protect the engine from various damages. For their manufacturing, durable waterproof fabric, which does not allow moisture and dirt to get inside.
When choosing a bag you need to pay attention to the following points:
- The bag should be appropriate for your model that is possible to repeat its shape to the motor is not hanging in a bag during transport.
- Case must be made of a high strength waterproof fabric and is equipped with special inserts to protect the engine during transport.