Skates - special shoes with attached steel blades on the bottom. Distinguish and movable integrally fixed blades are adapted to slide along the surface of solid ice field.
Skates are separated by type - walking and sports. Sport skates are made with removable blade system will be replaced, if necessary.
Pleasure and children's models are made monolithic - non-removable blades.
- Features skates
- blades
- color variants
- types of skates
- How to choose skates
- Care
Features skates
material boot

Sew using natural leather or synthetic materials.
The skin, as opposed to synthetic materials:
- It absorbs moisture;
- It takes the form of the legs;
- breathable.
But her need to care, and the service life of 1 year due to permanent loads, wear skates. Shoes made of leather are suitable for skating. For other types of skating is preferable to choose synthetic materials, they are stronger and lighter than leather.
Skin drawback - it is low weight and durability, and nylon are much lighter and stronger.
Sew and use artificial skin. It is much cheaper, but the moisture absorption does not occur.
If you do not katatsya professionally, purchase skates on artificial materials, this will save you.
thermoformable shoes

This is one of the achievements of the modern modeling skates. Thanks to technology shoes are created in such a way that they correspond to the smallest millimeter feet of the owner.
It works this way: the boot is lowered to a specialized furnace at a temperature of 85 ° C for 5 - 8 minutes thereafter, its shoes and lace. When the shoes cool shoes will take the form of user feet.
There are other models with similar characteristics - their shoes, at higher temperatures special material inside the shoe, takes the form of legs.
To carry out these manipulations are required strictly according to instructions, otherwise ruin the shoes. It should be remembered that a couple in any case can not be dried near heating devices - they will lose their shape.
A pair of these shoes will cost expensive, so buy them only recommended for adults who have already stopped growing feet.

Materials for interior finishing:
- natural - successfully retain heat and absorb moisture. Pleasing to the body and support the state of comfort when riding on ice. Characterized by high wear resistance, are more expensive than synthetic.
- synthetic - often used, resistant to wear - the price is less natural. Faux fur is used as a decorative model for pleasure.
- combined - the meaning is to use materials because of their performance in the part of the interior decoration, where they are better suited. For example, to boot the walls need a material that has a firm foot fixation and for lining - breathable, wicking, and not the hard stuff.
All kinds of materials should not retain heat and prevent the loss of excess moisture in the shoe. Most often used for finishing synthetic fabrics.
Synthetic materials have long been superior to the natural. Synthetic material - more durable when wearing shoes, stretched shape of the foot, absorbs moisture and prevents the spread of bad odors. So feel free to buy models made from synthetics.
After use, always wipe the shoes inside and outside of an absorbent cloth, and leave to dry in a ventilated area, should not be left to dry near a heater.
inner boot

Some manufacturers produce models in which there is no interior finishing. These shoes produced in order that it was possible to remove the inner sock washing and drying, or replacement. The main idea is to eliminate the unpleasant odor that will certainly appear over time in any shoe. Practical for ice rinks that rent skates for rent.
If we acquire your personal couple and plan to engage a professional, such a function to anything, they do not provide stable fixation on the leg, and the inner sock presses on your toes, if not properly located.
anatomical details

Best of all, when the anatomic shoes made of genuine leather. This material makes it possible to store heat, feet do not sweat in the shoe. And most importantly, that the shoes accurately takes the shape of the feet. Hardness is usually maintained shoe 3 skin layers, but refers to a pair expensive model.
If the price seems too high, look at the model with anatomic inserts:
- anatomic sole - created taking into account the characteristics of the human foot. It allows you to feel much better sliding on the ice. Due to this the sole load is evenly distributed and easier to learn to ride. Prefer anatomical sole.
- anatomical footbed - almost the same as the anatomic sole, only cheaper, but also the quality of its worse.
- anatomical language - located on the sides of the pads, which allow tongue securely fastened to the foot and not move. Thus softens pressure lacing. Choose shoes with ventilated tongue, it is equipped with a light nylon or polyurethane mesh.
frost-resistant parts

There are the following components:
- freezeproof heel - this is a mandatory element of skates operated outdoors. Make sure that the rear part of the skate, with a glass, made of high quality anti-frost material. Glass - a detail shoe, which joins the blade in the heel area. Therefore, if a low-quality material will crack from the cold, you get a serious injury.
- frost-resistant toe - not such an important parameter as a heel. But his presence is welcomed. This sock will not only increase the longevity of skates, but also ensure the safety of the heat inside the shoe. The presence of the nose slightly increase the cost.
The material of the sole

The sole is made of:
- skin - the sole is not made from the usual leather and Pressed. Such a variant of the sole should be selected only for professional figure skating lessons. Since such a base will significantly increase the cost of a pair. But it's hard because of the elasticity of the material and is able to withstand heavy loads.
- plasty - active material used for the soles. Suitable for any kind of non-professional skates. But the material is too hard, therefore, not capable of withstanding heavy loads. And when operating in conditions of severe frost, so the sole burst.
- CFRP - material suitable for hockey shoes. Easy, hard, but elastic - damps the collision of the shock wave. With its plus models to 40% more expensive than others.
- rubbers - widespread use for hockey models. It is cheaper than carbon fiber, and unlike plastic elasticity.
type of fixing

Much easier and more practical to use hooks to lace than Velcro. Because they are longer and more reliably fix the leg. Highest quality pictures for laces considered nylon.
For better fixation of feet in shoes sewn ankle support. It's such a special protruding inserts that increase comfort when riding. Shoes with the presence of a support ankle quite expensive. Therefore, purchase skates with inserts at the ankles. These skates more expensive than usual, but on the leg sit much more convenient.
Skates with air chamber with pumping - they are arranged so that with the aid of a special pump in a special chamber, air is pumped. In this case, the voids are filled inside the shoe and the foot is fixed firmly in the correct position.
But not all of these skates feel comfortable. Therefore, before you buy, you should definitely try them on and try not to shoot at least 15 minutes.
Starting from the bottom lace, lace up to the middle of recommended tighter, but not dragging shoes in the finger area, otherwise the legs go numb and freeze. Above - lacing shoes so that the foot is firmly taken its place. Top laces loose, flexible performing sit-ups or other exercises on the ice.
The size

Choose the size that promotes a comfortable fixation foot in the shoe. If the size is large, the foot in the shoe is unstable - risk tuck foot. If the size of small - shoe rubs, uncomfortable ride.
Children's Size Chart: | Junior sizes: | Adults: |
26 - Y08; 27 - Y09; 28 - Y10; 29 - Y11; 30 - Y12; 31 - Y. | 32-32,5 – 1; 33 – 1,5; 33,5-34 – 2; 34,5 – 2,5; 35 – 3; 35,5 – 3,5; 36 – 4; 36,5 – 4,5; 37 – 5; 37,5-38 – 5,5; 38,5 – 6. | 38,5 – 6; 39 – 7; 39,5-40 – 7,5; 41 – 8; 41,5-42 – 8,5; 42,5 – 9; 43 – 9,5; 43,5 – 10; 44 – 10,5; 44,5 – 11; 45 – 11,5; 45,5-46 – 12; 46,5-47 – 13. |
When choosing, consider the foot fullness factor - the impact on the size of the first. If the length of the boot fits, and shoe does not fit in width, it is necessary to try on a model for wider feet.
Try on skates is required on your toes, which then will wear at the rink. Properly selected shoe sits on the leg without causing discomfort considering warm sock thickness.

Currently, manufacturers indicate not only the size but also the completeness of the shoe. In the fullness of the European system of point numbers from 1 to 8. In England give notation letters A, B, C, D, E and F.
Measure at least 3 pairs store to select the most suitable embodiment.

Selected according to body weight and riding level. For those who are just learning to ride, pick up an average hardness. And who can keep on ice buy soft, dense fixation.
The greater the weight of the person, the harder pick up shoes to the foot feel comfortable. It is better to pay attention to models with a steel insert in the sole. This increases the rigidity and increases the life of the couple.
type of steel

On its quality depends on the value of the pair. Cheap blades bad slide, quickly become dull and worn down quickly.
for skate blades are made from the following types of steel:
- stainless - the steel, within which is contained chromium, increases the resistance to corrosion.
- alloyed - steel, which are combined in the composition various additives to provide strength and other positive qualities - is such elements as manganese, nickel and chromium.
- Carbon - steel comprising in its composition a small amount of carbon. The higher the amount of carbon in the steel composition, the harder the blade. Developers even learned to make high-carbon steel.
Hardness and curvature

Hardness determines the metal from which it is made. It is important to keep in mind: the harder the blade, so it is better, and hence serve a long service.
Slip it is also important curvature - if the blade is put on a flat surface, it only touches the side parts - the ribs, the central part - the groove. The curvature of the line affects the riding speed and to perform the rotation elements or bends. Better to choose the average amplitude of the fold.
protective spray

To extend the service blades cause a special protective plating for corrosion protection. Full protection can not be achieved, but only delay the appearance of rust.
Protective spray is kept on the surface is not too long - peels off after 2-4 sharpening.

Blades Skating sharpen "under the groove" a radius of 10-15 mm, creating external and internal ribs.
The main thing is when you sharpen and restore the groove, which is aligned during skating on ice. He sharpened shallow, and in hockey a little deeper in the figure skates.
Skates Klapy-sharpened on machines where they are fixed parallel blade up, and then their sharpened one bar, forming a leading edge with a right angle. After that, grind, giving luster.
You can not leave any irregularities or burrs, because they contribute to the resistance while riding. Do not attempt to sharpen the blade using a sharpener. This is done by experienced professionals, sharpening is performed on special sandpaper with clamps.
The main rule for sharpening: be sure to check the result. When sharpened "a groove" both edges are displayed on one level, avoiding blockages, if there was a marriage, it takes to master resharpen.
Types of skate blades

There are removable and fixed. Recently, many professional models are equipped with removable blades. It is practical, as they sharpen only a certain amount of time. Often the shoe remains still in usable condition, a blade unsuitable for skiing - replacing the blade, you will save.
In the models for walking and for children, blades are attached prefabricated, and subsequently removed.
color variants

Many people proceed to the election of skates only in appearance. Especially prone to this, children and young girls. But do not stop your choice on the pair, based only on this parameter. First, determine the type of skiing, after select the most comfortable pair. And only then look at the current color model.
In figure skating for a vivid and memorable numbers used beautiful costumes. And in this case, choose a pair of skates or white body color.
Professional skaters themselves are decorated with designer shoes with removable parts. But these details look presentable, also need a neutral color shoes.
For hockey and skating practical to choose dark colors. They tend to accumulate grease and longer retain their original appearance.
For children it is better to take bright and showy, which further encourage them to classes.
If the purchase ice walking shoes, you can not limit myself to choose. Take all necessary, relying only on your own personal taste. The main thing that the appearance was not overloaded with small protruding parts, they can wear after wear off and fall off.
types of skates

They were called so because they are comfortable to perform a variety of shapes and elements, while maintaining good posture.
Model for figure skating has a number of teeth in the front of the blade ridge, which are necessary for the execution of various elements. They help the athlete to perform jumping, walking on tiptoe, and perform other elements of figure skating.
Blade, because they are longer and wider than in other species, more stable, so ride a curly nice and easy, even for beginners. The blade has a notch, a groove, allowing skaters to easily perform various rotation jumps and spirals on a skating rink.
They differ, and his heel, which evenly distributes the center of gravity.
As a material for shoe leather is used, which allows perfect breathing feet, retains heat and duplicating the shape of feet. To increase the rigidity and long-term service, not superimposed 1, 2 or 3 and the skin layer.
The height of the shoe is not important, but for a beginner is better to choose a small height. This does not prevent the ankle flexion is performed, and eliminates discomfort when riding.
It is important to know that this species is not insulated, so before riding wear thermal socks to keep warm.
for hockey

They are designed for the game of hockey, or hockey. Type of fixing blades is cast or removable. They protect your feet from injury and provide convenience to the players.
By type of ice hockey shoes are divided into:
- Goalkeeper;
- for the players.
for goalkeepers - the blade is longer and wider, shockproof construction outside and frost glass, equipped with a hole for the fastening flaps. Goalkeeper's shoes are especially strong and bright design.
The main rule when choosing a model for the players - half a size larger foot size. This is done with the purpose of extension of the blade, which increases the speed of movement through the field.
The most susceptible to injury, body part, hockey players legs are considered. The washer in the game moves at a speed 180-220km / h and in contact with a leg causes serious injury and even fracture. Therefore, to protect them - this is the main criterion when choosing skates.
To strengthen the protection of certain used materials and technologies, and manufacturers are making models with reinforced boot. To do this, inside use special materials that provide maximum protection.
There are also models with protected parts:
- reinforced heel;
- reinforced toe;
- enhanced language.
Better to choose a fully reinforced shoes. This will ensure the highest protection against injuries.
Buying skates for hockey, watch the choice of glass - the part that connects the blade to boot. They are usually made of plastic that can withstand low temperatures. Cold-resistant and cold-resistant sock heel create a foundation that will not bring the player on the ice.

The main difference of glasses - the level of the heel height. This height can even be changed using the blade height and mounting. Nowadays, technology offers a variety of options for coloring the glass, until transparent.
Blades hockey skates are made of chrome or nickel-plated steel. Usually they are removable, because it reinforced shoes do not wear as fast as the blade. It requires that reinforced heel in the center coincides with the middle of the nose, or a hockey player withdraws aside.
for walking

These models resemble the curly - for females, and hockey - for men. Different from other models of the high degree of comfort. Used for driving on frozen ponds or in the open and closed rinks.

Skates for walking with a blade like a curly, refer to a particular class. Their main task - to respect the human comfort, and give full opportunity to carry out elements of figure skating on ice.
Blade in such models is slightly wider and lower than hockey. All for convenience! Even the teeth are located above, so casually teeth will not be able to use.
For Skating

Their other name - "klapa". Speed skating - it's a sport where overcome the distance in a circle, in a short period of time. In itself comprises two types: short track and classic.
Skaters run on Clapier, who appeared at the end of the XX century. They are low polusapog made of fiberglass or carbon fiber, finished with a soft top skin.
To it is attached removable blade, equipped with front swivel unit and rear - a bounce-free part of the reinforced air chamber with an auto-pumping air. From other types of shoes they differ ice moving, the longer the blade, with a high rounding radius.
For short-track

Used in sports discipline, similar to speed skating. They have recorded a short fixed blade, attached to the boots with a slight offset to the side. This is done in order to achieve maximum speed when making turns in a small circle.
Material - similar to "Clap", but the shape is completely different: reinforced toe allows stiffer cornering on ice.
for tourism

This kind of hybrid, widespread in northern Europe. They have a wide replaceable blade and used without shoes, with a suspension system adapted to classical ski shoes. So tourist, traveling on skis, will replace them on the runners and continue on the frozen pond.
The shape of the blade is designed as a long wedge that makes it possible to not get stuck in the cracks in the ice and overcome small drifts of snow. In such models choose quality blade steel which little subject to corrosion.
For children

Models for beginners require 2 blade on the leg, that the child has learned to confidently and consistently feel at the rink. When it's ability to stay on two runners, while parents buy an option with a single blade.
In no event should not buy skates for growth. In this case, the legs are not fixed, and often are folded, it invariably leads to injury. Purchase skates with sliding shoes - design, changing the size easily. Synthetic materials should be excluded. Because the child does not have to sweat the leg, and the natural heat will protect it from hypothermia.
The child is not always able to say how it fits the size. Required to help him - let obuet unlace the skates, and will focus on the heel, then, push the the back of the shoe - feel if the heel is firmly located in the shoes - Do not be turned leg.
Some children's models are made with perforated blade, in order to attract the child's attention. This design solution is used for the outer beauty.
Perforation significantly reduces blade weight, but their durability and decreased.
Even in children's models are made "growth stocks." In this system it is laid approximately 4 sizes - a savings for the next 2 or even 3 years.
The models for children manufacturers insert special insulation of the inner shoe, which saves a child from hypothermia feet and does not allow them to sweat.
The main parameters of the choice of children's shoes Ice:
- They can be made of genuine leather, but will approach and its substitute. The main thing - it is the top-quality finish and insoles that can be removed to dry.
- pay attention to enhanced language from 2 layers of material, it is equipped with the necessary special holes for the laces, with Lacing, he always firmly fixed on the center, and the leg feels comfortable.
- preference should be given hardened steel, these blades glide on without frequent repulsive and do not require frequent sharpening.
- choose the best size slightly larger than the size of the shoe. The stock is made for wool socks.
Immediately buy a pair of professional, novice athletes is not advisable. First is to buy simple skates while sitting comfortably on foot. Further, when the skating technique is improved, and on the go professional models.
Suitable for beginners hockey, because they are made of plastic, while the leg is clearly fixed. A blade choose a sloping line, it protects from drops. Girls, more often, opt for a shoe for skating.
How to choose skates
When choosing skates for figure skating, focuses on the size and fullness of the shoe. From compliance with these parameters depends on the long-term operation and the prevention of leg injuries. If the size is matched exactly, the athlete feels comfortable on the ice, and faster learning.
Models are for both beginners and professional figure skaters. When you purchase guided by the level of training. When practiced regularly, figure skating is not worth saving.
Ice shoes for the game of hockey is different from curly greater rigidity.
They are divided into the following groups:
- professional;
- semi;
- amateur;
- for beginners.
Assessing the level of training, choose the appropriate option. Recall that the skates for professional hockey games are made of materials that are used at a temperature of -4 degrees. Trying hockey options, make sure that the foot does not move inside the shoe, and completely occupied the middle.
Walking model designed for a quiet skiing, manufactured by the production of commercials, appearance familiar to the rollers, only in place of wheels arranged blades.
Inside the boot is set soft, comfortable for the foot. Efforts laces and comfortable Buckley (clip-on belt latch on the ridge).
Many manufacturers want to use a pair of rollers, and in the winter, that is to put in place the blade wheels. But the idea is not implemented to date. The most important thing in roller skates - it is ventilation, and in the winter - comfortable and keep warm. Therefore, for recreational skates manufactured winter sport shoe.
Visually model ice shoe for walking like a model for ice, but in practical use, they are much softer, make sudden movements on the ice surface in them is impossible.

Skates identified for careful treatment and care. It is impossible to dry in an open flame or near the hot battery. It is necessary to put them on a clean cloth or suspended from the blade in a ventilated area. Cover wear on the blade, but when you go to the rink, or get home. Typically, the runners are in raschehlonnom state.
Do not leave the soaked blade covers from this rust appears. Wipe with a soft flannel cloth and leave it for storage in a ventilated area. If you take away the park for the summer season, then treat the blade with machine oil or lithologic and top boots - colorless shoe polish, after, wrap them in paper.
The best option - to have 3 types of covers:
- Soft fabric covers - absorb moisture and protect against corrosion.
- Hard rubber or plastic covers - protecting the blade when you move is not on the ice surface.
- covers made of fabric for shoes - carry out protection shoes from abrasions and cuts.
If there was rust - treat these places with kerosene. But once there was rust, the blade, in a short time, will have to be replaced.
To extend the life of skates, a rule of thumb: when returning from the rink always wipe the blades dry with a cloth and clean the shoes shoe polish.
Do not drive with nezachehlonnymi blades off the ice. Because they quickly become dull and skates will not bring the pleasure of riding, and often have to sharpen them.
Conclusions on the acquisition of skates:
- The choice of model depends entirely on the style and the place where you plan to ride.
- Buy should only be in stores specializing in the sale of sports equipment and space for proper storage. If possible, do not purchase a pair of used shoes over time, take the form of legs worn.
- Follow the fitting on the socks, which are then put on when riding. At the same time that the tight-fitting shoes, sitting on the foot like a glove, especially in the area of the ankle joint. Be sure to move around in them. Sit down, feel comfortable, if the shoes are too tight, or vice versa, the leg is rotated, it is impossible to buy the pair.
- If there are no factory sharpening is easily possible to fix any existing rink. Sharpen themselves is not recommended, because you can ruin the blade.
Armed with these tips, you will gain the necessary and really comfortable pair of knowing on what could be saved, and what can not.