Exercise Bike - is the most popular device for keeping the body in shape at home. Riding on the machine is different from the street walks, classes are conducted safely, regardless of weather conditions and time of day.
No need to lift the bike up the stairs or afraid to have an accident. The simulator will help get rid of excess weight, boost immunity, strengthen the heart and respiratory system.
- Types of exercise bikes for home
- The principle of operation and design
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to choose an exercise bike for home
- malfunctions
- Precautionary measures
- Operation of exercise bikes for home
Types of exercise bikes for home

According to the type of landing
- upright Exercise bike. The simulator simulates a track bicycle. The user is guaranteed a full workout as after a ride on the standard vehicle.
The main feature of the machine is that the pedals are arranged vertically, allowing you to train your body muscles. It is the most sought after models in the world that does not take up much space, but is contraindicated in those who have injured spine.
- Horizontal exercise bike. This kind of very easy to use, because it can be used for people who have health problems, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Due to the horizontal landing exercises on the simulator on a heavily loaded spine. The device is recommended for use during rehabilitation to restore the muscles of the legs and the study of cardiac and respiratory systems.
- Portable exercise bike. The unit is indispensable for frequent trips, because it can be easily transported. It is suitable for home use, if the room is small-sized.
The main drawback is that the treadmill is less effective as compared to other models, as the load on leg muscles is distributed differently.
- Hybrid bike. The apparatus comprises a vertical and a horizontal exercise bike. By adjusting the seat classes are reclining or sitting. This option is the least popular, so finding it difficult.
According to the type of load
- Belt. it simple bikeOther than the inconvenience of use, increased noise level, compact and reliable. Cheap price segment.
- shoe. The apparatus consists of a pad and a flywheel, which when exposed to each other create additional load during training.

According to its characteristics simulator acts like a bicycle with a gain, which is suitable for professional occupations.
- magnetic exercise bike. System load is a magnetic plate, which are arranged near the metal flywheel. The closer the wheel to the magnets, the harder the user to rotate the pedals.
The athlete can independently change the load by means of a special device that is installed at the computer. The simulator is characterized by long life, quiet, affordable price and ease of use.
- Electromagnetic. The unit is equipped with additional functionality as a heart rate monitor and a selection of training programs. By the simulator connected multimedia devices, allowing during the ride to watch a favorite movie or listen to music.
For the price of bikes is more expensive than standard models, but they are versatile and durable.
- portable. This is an unusual variant of home trainers, because it consists of a stand and pedals. Full workout on it does not work, it is recommended to use as a device to strengthen the muscles in the arms and legs from injury.
- bicycle ergometer. Models for home drive devices have electromagnetic system load and the drive for its adjustment.
It is expensive simulators with high-tech content. Thanks to the computer is set desired level of load, allowing it to maintain the most accurate during the entire workout.
The principle of operation and design

Bike for home use is simple, it simulates riding on the street. Most models are equipped with an onboard computer, which shows the user about his successes, distance, exercise time, heart rate and calories burned.
When tracking the dynamics of employment, are allowed to make their own programs to improve their previous results.
The mechanical part of the simulator is divided into several types of drives: inertial, magnetic and belt.
The first method is considered the most realistic simulation of cycling. He is popular among athletes and works through the inhibition of the flywheel clamping pads.
Available models are equipped with belt-driven bikes when pedaling and flywheel depends on the belt. The downside of such a drive is considered to be the fact that after a while the ball is replaced due to stretching.
A device with a magnetic drive runs from exposure, controlled by the user, the flywheel on the permanent magnet. Compared with the belt drive, such models are effective and comfortable to use. Modern bikes can accommodate electromagnetic braking system.
Advantages and disadvantages

Exercise equipment for the home, simulating riding a bike, have a number of advantages:
- compact device allows easy to put it in the apartment, without disturbing the overall look of the room and not taking up much space;
- you can train at the right time, regardless of weather conditions;
- classes are held in comfortable clothing and comfortable home environment;
- Load level is controlled by the user;
- classes to help get rid of excess weight and improve metabolism;
- on the home trainer decrease the load on the ankles and knees;
- with regular training increases endurance, strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Exercise bike for home has several disadvantages as a large size that does not allow the device to hide in the closet and the need to frequently change the straps and pads, but it applies to cheaper models;
How to choose an exercise bike for home

A device for home workouts you need to choose not only in appearance, but also additional options. The first thing you should pay attention - a convenience that is checked immediately in the shop.
Should sit on the device and rotate the pedal a couple of minutes, after adjusting the height of the seat and steering wheel. The unit must be resistant to while driving was no vacillation.
Reliability of the design depends on the brand and its reputation. Immediately inspected all the major parts of their connections for damage.
Advanced functionality depends on the cost of the product, the greater the price, the more options in the bike. There pattern with the sensor, where the sensor is placed on the handrail, is worn in the ear or wireless. Sensors help monitor the heart rate during a workout.
It is recommended to use wireless pulse belts that measure heart rate and do not hold down movement. The appliance is purchased in specialty stores where the seller will tell you about the features of each model and provide documentation.
When you select a unit should know at what weight it is designed, this parameter is important for users with a weight of over 100 kilograms. For a comfortable ride is important seat type and its mounting.
It is better to give preference to an exercise bike with adjustable seat on the location and altitude, allowing for people to put a different weight class.
The price of domestic bicycle depends on the manufacturer. This applies to the reliability of the unit, because popular brands produce good-quality product.
When buying a product in demand companies can be sure of long life and according to the respective characteristics.
Pedal with spring clips on the outer edge of the foot securely fixed. Pedal size is selected based on the user's foot size. It should be borne in mind that some models create noise that drowns out the music, TV, phone call.

Annoying noise, so the time of purchase is necessary to stay on an exercise bike and pedal to scroll to make sure that it works with minimal sounds.
The main element of the load simulator - the flywheel, which should be heavy. This component is a rotating disk, providing resistance when exposed to the pedal.
Most models are equipped with a flywheel with a weight of seven kilograms. Smoothness his work shows how a quality unit which depends on the transmission belt with adjustable tension.
If the device is chosen exclusively for burning calories and losing weight, you should pay attention to the presence of special programs. Current models are equipped with programs for the intensive burning of body fat.

Eliminating such problems as non scrolling pedals depends on the type of simulator. In case of breakage of the electromagnetic element to fix yourself is difficult. The maximum that can make the user - is to check the wiring contacts.
Sometimes leaves the wire, so it is recommended to solder. The mechanical devices most often the problem is torn brake belt. With the replacement of no difficulty if the tape fits the model of the unit.
In case of breakage of the simulator, the absence or reduction of the load is checked guarantee it. If the warranty is still valid, you can not fix the problem yourself. When you open the case, the service center will not agree to repair the problem.
When tight pedaling, the bike should be open, clean and well lubricated main components. In magnetic models checked the cable, which adjusts the exposure of the magnets on the flywheel.
cable often jammed, and pedaling becomes difficult or impossible. Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that you forgot to switch the intensity of the load.
Precautionary measures

To achieve a result, you can use regular workouts. It is impossible to bring the body to exhaustion, it is necessary to gradually increase the load. The first session on an exercise bike does not exceed 20 minutes, following two days, the time increases by 10 minutes.
Those who have problems with the heart or other organs need to consult with a nutritionist who tells the load level. Only the selected training plan will help improve their health and to tighten the body without harming the body.
Keep your back straight, because the simulator is designed to strengthen the muscles of the lower body, and the top should be relaxed. The load on the pedal is distributed equally over the surface of the foot. When pedaling fingers increases the risk of cramps and pains in the muscles of the legs.
Clothing for employment should not constrain movements, the best option would be easy stuff. Training time is selected depending on the mode of the day. It can be morning, afternoon or evening.
Operation of exercise bikes for home

- The unit is used for training and placed in the places provided for it. It is installed on a flat hard surface, wherein the sides be extra space of 50 cm.
- Harmful to train on the faulty device. It is required to regularly check the connecting elements surface structure.
- You need time to change the batteries in the onboard computer, so they are not spoiled and do not damage your computer.
- Installation is performed according to the instructions to avoid problems.
- If during training the user condition worsened, the activity is immediately stopped.
- Do not abruptly stop the ride if reached the target heart rate. Training ends gradually.
- The seat is set so that the user at the bottom of the leg point was half-bent at the knee or straight.
Compliance with these rules will help to enjoy shopping to the full. Instructions will allow detailed consideration of assembly and installation. It contains a list of elements and parts of the simulator in the illustrated form.