Beginners and sometimes experienced athletes take sports nutrition. And if the muscle recruitment situation is more or less clear what to take during the drying process is not clear. This is a complex process, because to get rid of annoying body fat you need to work hard.
- properties
- The composition and the principle of action of sports nutrition for drying
- additives
- How does

There are many sports supplements, the principle of action, and they have a different purpose for which they are drinking athletes differ:
- Reduction of body fat;
- Power muscles;
- Replenishing with vitamins and minerals;
- Blocking cortisol;
- Testosterone production;
- Increased energy;
- Protecting joints.
In sports supplement many supporters and opponents. Contraindications have not, so everyone decides for himself, it is necessary to take or not.
The composition and the principle of action of sports nutrition for drying

When performing fat loss program, it is advisable to include in the daily diet:
- Protein;
- amino acids;
- Omega - 3, 6, 9;
- Vitamin complexes;
- Weight loss;
- L - carnitine;
- Glucosamine and chondroitin.
Some athletes mistakenly believe that protein is consumed only during the set weight. During drying, the body needs a pure protein, as diet is reduced. In this case, the aid comes this sports supplement.
The protein is divided into 3 types: casein, whey protein and weight gainer. When drying gainer excluded from the diet, because it includes not only protein but also carbohydrates, and other components are not suitable for burning fat. Therefore gainer is only useful when a set of muscle mass.
Whey protein is recommended to drink 1-2 times a day: in the morning and immediately after your workout. If you miss a full meal, it is recommended to drink extra protein portion.
As for casein, the protein is also recommended to include in the diet. However, unlike whey protein, it is slowly absorbed. Therefore, it is better to eat before bedtime or in the evening. Casein take in an emergency. If you know in advance that you miss one meal. He will slowly absorbed and protect muscles from damage.
An indispensable tool. This complex includes the following amino acids:
- valine;
- isoleucine;
- Leucine.
These amino acids possess anti-catabolic effect, so using them in the drying period, you will not lose muscle mass. Since during dieting organism deprived of the main energy source, it uses energy from muscle protein. To avoid this, be sure to drink BCAA.
The body will consume stored fat reserve. Scientific evidence shows that BCAA supplementation helps to reduce the percentage of fat in the body.
Instead BCAA have the opportunity to purchase a complete set of amino acids. It includes not 3, and 22 essential amino acids.
Take amino acids should be in the morning and immediately after your workout. It is also recommended to use amino acids in case you miss a full meal, it will help keep the muscles.
Omega 3, 6, 9
Unsaturated fatty acids. Because they are not produced in the body, it is important to get them in a sufficient amount of food. Omega 3, 6 and 9 are in fish and seafood.
They help to reduce weight, accelerate metabolism, increase endurance, and are a source of energy. Unsaturated fatty acids inhibit the production of cortisol, which destroys muscle fibers.
Recommended by 3 grams of each type of unsaturated fatty acids in the form of supplements daily to reduce body fat.
Vitamins and minerals
Athletes, like anyone else you need to constantly replenish stocks of vitamins, especially the representatives of power sports. After all, without vitamins muscle growth is not possible in the period of drying out of the food they fed enough. It is therefore important to drink vitamin-mineral complexes during weight loss.
Vitamins are available in different combinations - every athlete chooses a complex individual.
Do not rely on the fact that the complex, which contains large amounts of vitamins, would be useful. All vitamins at the same time can not be digested, so it's best to take them separately, with different food.
Vitamins help strengthen the immune system. Since completing the program for burning excess fat, the body does not get enough vitamins, you need to use them later. This will save the health of strong and work on the result.
Take in the morning, following the instructions.
Weight loss
Their mechanism of action is aimed at the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, removing excess fluid, appetite suppression and reduction in absorption of carbohydrates and fats.
Properly selected fat burner will help reduce drying at least twice.
Physical training launches the extraction process of glycerin fat cells, which is the basis zhiroszhigatelnogo mechanism. Due to the increase in body temperature speeds up the metabolism. An additional effect of some types of fat burners can be loss of appetite.
Supplements of pharmacies may be the same in components with specialized sports nutrition. In such preparations should contain L-carnitine - a popular fat burner that is trusted by professional athletes. In its structure similar to vitamins B, however, the vitamin is not the substance itself. It transports fatty acids and facilitates their disintegration.
Should take 3,000 mg before training.
Glucosamine and chondroitin
During drying, the joints do not get the necessary materials and the risk of damage arises. Glucosamine and chondroitin help to strengthen the joints, cartilage growth, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
These additives need to be sure to include in the diet, in order to save your joints. This is especially true beginners who are skeptical of such substances.
Take 2-3 capsules daily (depending on the dosage and the manufacturer, read the liner).
For drying the above should necessarily drink additives. Since they are not only accelerate the process of fat burning, but also nourish the body necessary substances.

You can be included in the diet if you wish:
- Pre-training complexes;
- Testosterone boosters;
- creatine;
- Melatonin.
pre-workout facilities
Used to increase endurance and improve the effectiveness of training. They make productive employment and contribute to the accelerated recovery of muscle fibers. The composition usually contains a stimulant, caffeine often. Thanks to this training in the drying period takes place not less effective than the usual time.
Stimulants allow use buffer stocks of the organism, in the first place - the body fat. Which is a huge advantage in reducing weight.
Drink half an hour before your workout. Before use, it is important to read the instructions, because the mechanism of action may vary.
testosterone boosters
They are used to increase the production of testosterone. Testosterone promotes the growth of muscle mass and burn fat.
Do not count on the fact that during the drying of the muscle fibers will increase, this is not possible, however, the fat will be burned much faster.
It protects against weight loss. The structure of testosterone boosters generally includes natural ingredients of plant origin, so the side effects they do not have.
Use in courses for 4-5 weeks, 1-4 capsules per day.
Can take in the drying period and a set of muscles, however, it should be done properly.
Creatine drink "on the ground", but recent studies have shown good results during the drying process. Studies have shown that creatine addition to its role accelerates fat burning. It saves reserves of strength and stamina.
Drink creatine need half an hour before your workout.
Melatonin - is not a sports supplement, but it can be useful in the recovery of muscle tissue after training. When disturbed sleep, or changing time zones.
Melatonin - a natural hormone that is produced in the human body and contributes to the onset of sleep. Healthy sleep are known athletes half of success at a set mass and burning of fat.
Unlike hypnotic drugs, melatonin has no side effects and is not addictive. The only thing to remember while taking melatonin can not operate a vehicle and be in suspected hazardous areas (cross the road, and so on. D.).
Melatonin is recommended for half an hour before bedtime.
How does

Athletes can not wait to see the first results, so sometimes they resort to different banned drugs. This approach leads to undesirable consequences.
As for sports supplements, they help speed up the process while maintaining muscle mass. But do not expect results only with them. For maximum effect, requires an integrated approach. They will help burn excess body fat only if you stick to a strict diet and exercise regularly.
Not respecting these rules, you throw money down the drain. Therefore, before ordering supplements, make sure of the seriousness of their intentions. After drying - is stressful for the body, and to her to finish, you need strong willpower.