Scooter - vehicle, driven by their own muscle power of the rider. In contrast to the bicycle pedals have no scooter and power transmission directly to the wheel, the movement on it happening any other way.
- Device
- urban scooters
- Scooters with shock absorbers
- three-wheeled scooters
- Scooters for adults
- Scooters with large wheels
- scooter
- Children's three-wheeled scooters
- Elektrosamokaty
During the movement of the bicycle with one foot standing on the deck - a special area designated on the frame or the connecting part of it, the second repelled from the ground and this causes the scooter to move. There are also bicycles, the movement which is based on other principles.
Standard scooter has two wheels, however, are made and three-wheeled model. There are also unusual options, such as foot-bikes, outwardly resembling a bicycle. They are a professional scooter designed for high-speed movement. These options should also include inertial scooters.
This transport is performed as movement due to weight transfer cyclists. Motorcycles - scooters, equipped with a gasoline engine. Using them, cyclist almost spends effort on the movement.
This device is used as a training device. Movement on it develops a vestibular apparatus. While riding stimulates the cardiovascular system, respiratory.
The resulting load when riding strengthen the muscles of the inner thighs and buttocks. Kikbordy and trikes are added to this list of the spine and back muscles training.
urban scooters
The purpose of this mode of transport - travel around the city. For this reason, special attention is given to comfort manufacturers use urban scooters.
Wheels of such models of medium size, reaching 150-230 millimeters in diameter, it allows you to confidently overcome the bumps in the road, cracks and joints in the Pavements, curbs.
Movement speed non-primary purpose of the developers of these structures. Their distinctive features are:
- frame material. Preferred frame made of lightweight, durable materials. For this reason, the frame made of metal. There are models made of steel frames. Children's scooters are made of plastic. Adult models are made from special high-strength alloys.
- Steering rack. Scooter with adjustable stand easily adapts to the growth of the rider, which significantly increases the comfort of movement. The steering wheel is narrower than that stunt model that improves mobility.
- Deca. Deca can be removable or integral part of the frame. In urban areas, this factor is not particularly important. Pay attention to the height of the deck, more precisely, the distance from it to the road surface. Low-lying deck complicate movement across borders, small obstacles, high - complicate the repulsion forces will increase the cost of movement. The flexible deck is an optional element road roughness damping system.
- The folding mechanism. This simplifies the construction element storage and transportation scooter. Make sure that the folding mechanism is convenient for you, and to lay down the structure before it is packaged in a bag - you do not need outside help. Compact design is easy to carry, travel with her on the subway or bus. Please note that the foldable construction is less strong than the whole, urban scooter is not designed for high-speed driving, and performing tricks. Excessive exercise several times will shorten its life.
- Wheels. Made of hard material elements, its characteristics are more suitable for high-speed movement and maneuver, soft tires increase stability and ride comfort. In urban settings, choose the average hardness of wheels as a reasonable compromise between wear, comfort and speed.
- Depreciation. Depreciation increases driving comfort. Without depreciation pavement bumps or stones cause perceptible vibration, it reduces the life of the vehicle service. Vibration damping is achieved through the installed shock absorber, the use of soft materials in the manufacture of tires, the elastic element structure.
- The weight. The best is of urban scooter to be placed in the range of 3-5 kg. Remember, where you will pass on your own transport - it will have to carry in their hands. In this model made from relatively cheap steel alloys reach a weight of 15 kg.
- Brake. Urban models are equipped with a brake mounted on the front or rear wheels. On the front wheel is usually mounted handbrake, in the background - a foot.
Scooters with shock absorbers
Shock absorbers are installed on various types of vehicles. Remember, each shock absorber scooter brakes.
If this vehicle is to be used on parts of the road or pavement with poor coverage, the need for a comfortable ride shock absorbers. Paving slabs also require amortization, otherwise the owner will feel strong tremors.
In addition to increasing the comfort of movement, shock absorbers reduce the burden on the frame, and thus prolongs its life.
Shock absorbers are mounted on the front, the rear or on both wheels directly. frame elements or scooter deck can serve as shock absorbers. By improving ride comfort, bicycles with shock absorbers are recommended for children and those who are just learning to use this mode of transport.
three-wheeled scooters

Manufacturers produce three-wheeled model. From the two-wheeled device they are distinguished by stability.
- Two ahead. Resistant variant scooter. Recommended for children.
- Two behind. It is more maneuverable embodiment, as compared with an arrangement in which a pair of wheels located ahead.
- Treader. In Treader platform legs split, one deck for each leg. To move the move the weight from one leg to another, or change the distance between the decks. Second name Treader - trike.
- Kikbordy. Kikbord turns due to weight transfer cyclists, as well as a skateboard, turn the front wheels. one wheel is located behind. It exists in adult and pediatric versions.
Scooters for adults
Their design is characterized by high demands on strength.
Such a model can withstand the weight of an adult. Frame designed to withstand the weight of 100 kg or more.
For adult designs include:
- Two-wheeled. Designed for comfort around the city, but there are solutions to ensure riding on the road or a bad road.
- Trick scooters. Comfort offered up as a sacrifice speed. Designed for speed and perform tricks in the first place on a specially prepared for this purpose lanes and ramps.
- Racing and polugonochnye model. Specializing in high-speed movement. Refer to sports models, although polugonochnye - suitable for travel around the city.
- Foot-bikes. Due to the size of the wheel to develop a high speed, easy to overcome obstacles, suitable for transportation over long distances unsuitable for this coverage.
- Elektrosamokaty. Type of vehicle, equipped with an electric motor and battery. They weigh a few kilos more than the scooters without motor and battery, thus to move the stored energy is used, rather than the power of the owner's feet.
Scooters with large wheels
The size of the wheel scooter greatly affects the speed of movement on it. The larger the diameter of the rim is mounted on your favorite, - the higher the speed will be able to develop it.
Consider the fact that the movement on rough roads to these wheels more comfortable than at medium or small.
Wheels - There are different wheel technology for scooters. The main difference remains the material of the formed tire. Rigidity of the wheels determines the speed of the scooter movement.
- Construction of PVC. They are characterized by wear resistance, resistance to aggressive chemicals, but the wheels are considered low class.
- Plastic models. Cheap and thus sensitive to damage embodiment. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that they respond to the slightest vibration of the rigid surface roughness, on that move. Legs tired, vibrating scooter deprives the bulk of cyclists from riding pleasure. In addition, the plastic models are short-lived.
- Models made of polyurethane. These models - a reasonable compromise between speed and cushioning road irregularities. They are hard, while moving them kept relatively high speed, wherein the polyurethane which is smooths fine unevenness of the road.
- Rubber wheels. This material does not produce noise while driving, provides smooth motion without vibration, but thanks to the softness, the wheels wear out quickly and require frequent replacement.
- Inflatables. These models are suited for scooters with bicycle wheels. They have an internal chamber in which, under pressure, is inflated the air. From the outside protects the camera from damage rubber tires reinforced with fabric or metal elements. These wheels are better than other options tolerate movement on rough roads, absorb bumps, do not vibrate. Inflatable structures require nursing care like bicycle wheels.
Remember, the softer the tire, the harder it is to be dispersed, rapidly loses speed, often require replacement of worn-out elements. If you are using inflatable wheels - be careful not to puncture them. Remember, they have a constant high load. Requires regular lubrication of bearings, cleaning and replacement of defective parts.
Differences in children's models from adult small.
- The size. Child need transportation adapted by its dimensions, so the children's model is less. However, given the speed at which children grow up, choose a model with the possibility of adjusting the height of the steering rack.
- The weight. The child is difficult to ride on a heavy scooter. Heavy model less docile and less controllable. In this model, a high risk of child injury. For this reason, children's scooters are made of light alloy or plastic. Often made of plastic are produced, even the wheels, they were hard, vibrate, slip on the road.
- Stability. Due to the imperfections of motility of the child, child's scooter stability has received increased attention. Wheels on children's models widely used or three-wheeled solution. Remember that the child is just learning to manage their means of transportation, sport or stunt a child model does not fit.
- Appearance. Children's scooters are painted bright, design elements are cartoon characters, or the characters of fairy tales and movies.
- Depreciation and additional accessories. Depreciation plays the same role as the adult models. In view of the rapid deterioration of children's models, it is rarely used. Basically, the role played by the shock absorber soft wheels or elastic design elements. In addition, the child models are supplied with a basket in which the child will carry toys, bells or horn to signal. Baby models are made eye-catching decorative elements.
- Brake. On children's models advisable to install the brake. A brake on the rear wheel, or on the front, it does not matter.
- Speed. Children's models are rarely provided with wheels adapted for high-speed driving. If the selected model fitted the soft tires - it will give extra cushioning, increase grip, reduce vehicle speed.
- Children elektrosamokaty. The developers have created a number elektrosamokatov models for children. This model with reduced speed, reduced size and small capacity batteries.
Children's three-wheeled scooters
Produced children's models meet the strict safety requirements of movement. For the stability of the device, used additional support. On one side of the device is mounted a pair of wheels, on the other - one. A pair of wheels are located both in front of the direction of travel, and back.
Location front pair of wheels, makes the whole structure more stable than the version with one wheel located ahead.
There are children's options kikbordov, these devices are more suitable for teenagers than for younger children.
This kind of inherited the advantages of the original model, it is compact, mobile and easy to drive and maintain. Thus elektrosamokaty acquired dignity vehicles equipped with its own engine.
By using this kind of transport do not have to spend their own strength to the movement. In addition, this kind of transport can be useful for people with disabilities.
- battery power. Battery capacity which is enough to travel at least 20-25 kilometers - a good solution. If the battery capacity is not enough, you stay on the road, away from the point where we are going. In addition it is always useful to have a reserve capacity. Choose the modern types of batteries, it will prolong the service life, reduce the charging time. This increases the comfort of use of the vehicle.
- Wheels. Wheel size for getting around the city meets the recommended urban scooter 150-230 millimeters. This will allow to move comfortably even over long distances. The recommended wheel covered with the top wings. This will protect you from dirt drops in wet weather. Preferred types of inflatable wheels because they possess additional damping characteristics and are lightweight. The design used elektrosamokata wide tires, it improves the adhesion to the road surface and the vehicle stability increases.
- Speed. Elektrosamokat open vehicle. With a view to driving safety and comfort perception of the speed of movement - it is better to choose the scooter traveling with a human running speed. It is about 20-25 kilometers per hour. Such speed requires a large battery capacity and light weight of the device.
- The weight. Average weight elektrosamokata exceeds that of the model without the motor and battery. Remember, it is sometimes necessary to take the device in your hand and move it to another location, pack in a bag and go to public transportation, to rise with him in the elevator. Weight elektrosamokatov varies over a wide range. There are models weighing up to 10 kilograms, while the weight of some models up to 50 kg. Choose the model from 10 to 20 kilograms, they are easily manipulated by one person.
- Headlights. The speed of this type of transport is high, the movement in low visibility conditions is dangerous. Road at night you need to cover. Search option installed or backlight manufacturer purchase the spotlight as an accessory.
- Material. Choose an easy and robust construction. Do not try to buy the cheap plastic or regular steel. It is better to choose elektrosamokat made of high-strength and light alloys. He last longer and require less care.
- The size. Choose elektrosamokat having small dimensions. This type of vehicles is stored without a specially adapted room and you have to move it independently in case of damage or depletion of the battery charge. Preferred model, which is provided for folding. Note that a structure folds and unfolds easily with minimum effort. Scooter - individual vehicle. If you help him to fold or pack in a bag - think about how you will cope with this task on their own and, if appropriate, with one hand.