Curtains on the triangular windows: non-standard solutions, how to sew curtains oblique

Today, in the construction of homes set the window not only the traditional square or rectangular shape, but also unconventional: oval, triangular, round, arched and many others. Execute their curtains easy.

The most common forms of non-standard windows


  • 1 The curtains on the windows are triangular
  • 2 Making custom shaped windows
  • 3 How to make a non-standard window curtains
  • 4 Triangular windows, their design options
  • 5 How to decorate the round and oval windows
  • 6 How to sew curtains and drapes on windows slanting
    • 6.1 How to cut out the fabric for oblique windows
  • 7 Best practices in the design of windows in a country house, photo
  • 8 Video: Curtains on atypical windows: trapezoid, rounded shapes, triangular.
  • 9 Interesting ideas for decorating the windows of unusual triangular and other forms:

The curtains on the windows are triangular

"Window Diversity" most clearly represented in the country, in homes and cottages, built on personal projects.

Triangular windows are often decorated with two moldings arranged in parallel to the upper side of the opening, and curtains, caught on the sides of the window

Making custom shaped windows

Individual planning may include the installation of window openings with unusual shapes. Particularly impressive they look in private households, cottages.

Unusual windows often used in homes built on an individual project

To pick up and set the curtains on the non-standard window is quite difficult; it requires:

  • the sense of space and the ability to save it visually increase or decrease;
  • to choose the right fabric;
  • take into account the characteristics of the premises and shape of window openings.

Making curtains on atypical windows in a country house requires a professional approach, but not everywhere and not always homeowners are design services. Help yourself to elevate them are sites where has pictures of different options.

In form, in addition to round, oval and triangular in homes set:

  • arched,
  • sloping roof,
  • oriel,
  • complex

as well as very small, unusually wide or high, consisting of two parts. They draw attention to themselves unusual, but give rise to the complexity of drapery. Curtains on the corner windows require the same type of performance that does not break the harmony of the interior. Custom window openings can be installed in different rooms: the bedroom, the kitchen. Proper design will decorate the hall, the living room.

How to make a non-standard window curtains

To design solution such windows harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, you need to choose the right texture, shape and color of curtains.

Triangular windows, their design options

Among the non-standard windows have a lot of kind of a triangle. Very often they are installed in the attic. here are the most appropriate classic curtains, pleated curtains and blinds. Each species has its own characteristics curtains that are important to consider when installing them.

  1. Classical is good because it allows the use of any fabric texture. Fasten the curtains, made in classic style, it is possible on a flat ledge in the traditional way, on the eyelets, and - on an inclined rod using sticky Velcro. Also, they can draw on a wooden or plastic bar.

    Making a triangular window close to the traditional way of decoration of the window opening

To the curtains on the triangular windows do not interfere with the air flow of, they can partially be moved apart. Hold them in such a state will help install the magnets, the use of prints and lace.

  1. Features installation of blinds depends on the characteristics of the triangular windows. Wide conveniently close the fabric vertical curtains. A small window will appear visually larger, if its decoration use horizontal blinds made of PVC. The general rule is the account of the size and geometry of the structure.

    The vertical fabric blinds are well protected from the sun room and traditional curtains, easy to fit into any home

  2. Pleated curtains - a novelty that once relished consumers. They are considered shutters option. Their main advantage is considered universal: the product can be installed in window openings of any shape and size, including - and separate the sash window construction.

    Pleated curtains will look harmonious in the interior will not move out and reduce the aesthetic of the triangular window

Also possible to use interesting and original way - to hang draperies on a ledge

Additional Information. For those who do not have sewing skills, make your own hands is quite difficult to blind triangular window; This will help in the photo, and master classes. Recommendations how to sew a trailing curtain on the window, as well as the patterns and sew the scheme can be found on the Internet.

How to decorate the round and oval windows

Making the round window openings in the classic version curtains Direct eaves

Manufacturing of window openings in the form of an oval or circle requires compliance with the order of certain operations, which shoulder professionals. The result is designs that add originality, however, set them mostly in bathrooms, corridors, hallways and stairwells.

Perhaps decoration textile curtains, hung on hooks and mini-ledge

The most convenient form of curtains on the round window pleats believe they underline the unusual shape of the window and have a number of advantages over other blinds:

  • wide range of colors and variety of textures;
  • possibility to select control options;
  • easy to install, which takes a few minutes;
  • not "steal" space of the room, firmly adhering to the window;
  • a long time retain the aesthetic appearance;
  • have antistatic properties and anti-dust;
  • reasonable price.

The original solution for round windows - Pleated blinds that can be used for windows of any geometrical shape and size

This type of curtain is perfect and oval windows.

Beautiful and convenient solution for the non-standard oval window of three parts - pleated curtains

Classic curtains on the ledge for an unusual oval window

How to sew curtains and drapes on windows slanting

Perhaps interesting to mount beautiful decorative hooks fastened to the wall at the same distance

The easiest way to blind fasteners to the triangular window is a Tape-velcro

Slanting window openings give the room a unique and unusual. More often than not, today they are installed in the attic.

Sketch of curtains for the window with a sloping top and covered with cushions complete

Sketch of curtains for the roof window in the nursery for girls

Outside, they attract attention and demand within the ability to pick up the curtains, as they form dictates certain rules fabric selection and installation of products.

Making a triangular attic window curtains with a fringe trim in country style

To sew the curtains on the windows and slanted to decorate a room, you need to be:

  • Loose and monophonic;
  • long, if the aperture value is small;
  • lambrequins decorated, if present in an arch geometry;
  • made of natural materials.

Making a triangular attic window light fabric

Making roof window tulle with an additional middle cornice

One of the conditions for the successful registration of premises curtains on windows slanting line is their manner of execution with common interior features.

How to cut out the fabric for oblique windows

Driving tulle pattern for the custom beveled windows

If the product is supposed to drape, the length of the tissue is taken longer considering drape coefficient

The complexity of selecting the material for this type of window openings do not exclude the self-production of curtains with his hands. To make them, you need to:

  • to make the necessary measurements;
  • to carve out the pattern;
  • trim fabric, the upper edge of which should correspond to the shape and size of the bevel;
  • cutting the bottom material is not necessary;
  • edge process inlay for curtains.

Scheme sequin curtain tape

On top of the curtains on the future oblique oblique window curtains sewn strip with which the product will be attached to the eaves.

Correct handling of the side sections

To arrive to the room more light curtains drawn picked up, prints or kuliske with which they will be raised up.

Best practices in the design of windows in a country house, photo

For a compact aperture use short eaves as attaching curtains

Custom design options windows in homes and holiday cottages - great variety. Their occurrence depends on the willingness of the landlord, his financial possibilities and ideas about beauty.

French curtains looks great on a triangular window

Ways to choose how to drape atypical windows, will be available with color photos posted on this site.

Video: Curtains on atypical windows: trapezoid, rounded shapes, triangular.

Interesting ideas for decorating the windows of unusual triangular and other forms: