Electromagnetic elliptical trainer - sports equipment for cardio, combines elements simple bike, Treadmill and stepper.
When taking on ellipsoid involved muscles of the lower housing back, the press apparatus of the shoulder, while avoiding the load on the spine and joints, such as for treadmill without handrails.
Classes on the ellipsoid will help to lose weight, strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase stamina, improve coordination.
Electromagnetic brake system is able to adjust the load cardio medically accurate, orbitrek therefore ideal for active sports and rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal apparatus.
- How does electromagnetic elliptical trainer
- How to choose an electromagnetic elliptical trainer
- functions
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to use
- Precautionary measures
- frequent faults
How does electromagnetic elliptical trainer

Classes at orbitrek simulate walking, climbing stairs, running.
The operating principle of the cardio equipment is the user devaysa pedals that rotate along a trajectory ellipsoid, hands are placed on the movable handle.
With the simultaneous movement of the feet and hands of the feeling of weightlessness, so the classes are held, without prejudice to the joints.
ellipsoid action mechanism is based on the principle of magnetic resistance, which occurs due to the electric magnet, the decelerating flywheel. Is controlled through a computer.
Unlike magnetic elliptical exerciserTo use the electromagnetic sports devaysa mains connection is required, some models are equipped with built-in generator.
How to choose an electromagnetic elliptical trainer

When choosing a look for such design features sports equipment:
- location and weight of the flywheel;
- the step length;
- the distance between the pedals;
- Reversing;
- manufacturing material.
Weighty selection criteria - height and weight of the elliptical cardio users.
Location and flywheel weight
Flywheel - ellipsoid electromagnetic assembly, which in the first place need to look for when choosing.
Depending on the location of the flywheel elliptical trainers are divided into these types:
- rear-wheel drive;
- front-wheel drive;
- hybrids.
Zadneprivodnye orbitreki - conveniently handwheel located at the rear of the structure. A characteristic feature of the rear-wheel ellipsoid - a big move the pedals.
In front wheel drive models, the handwheel is disposed in front orbitrek, in the zone of visibility athlete. For the stability of the equipment it is equipped with a front-ellipsoid heavy flywheel, which ultimately weigh down the weight of the structure.
For users whose growth is greater than 180 cm, Recommended for sports equipment to use with front-wheel drive.
The main advantages of the ellipsoid in a central location of the flywheel in comparison with the other two types of simulators are the compact size, maximum stability, a broad platform.
The weight of the flywheel main indicator in the selection of sports equipment model depends on it load level, smooth, boundary resistance, the mass of the simulator and the allowable weight user.
Preference in the selection is better to models with a heavy flywheel (8 and up kilo).
stride length

The step length is responsible for the range of motion. This parameter in the selection of sports equipment model is unique.
An average pitch length of the ellipsoid is in the range of 40-50 cm, however, if the equipment is designed for employment of family members with a sharp difference in growth is better to give preference to models with a length adjustment option step.
The distance between the pedals
The distance between the pedals or Q-factor directly affects the load on the ankle and knee joints, comfort during training. It is important to remember that the smaller the distance, the lower the load.
The best option considered model, class on which the drumstick and knees are coplanar with the thighs.
"Reverse" function
The "reverse" provides pedaling in two directions. Forward and reverse pedal extends the range of loads, activates more muscles, enhances the effect of employment on orbitrek.
Material components and structural components affect the time for sports equipment.
It is not necessary to stop the choice on models orbitrek, most of the units which is made of plastic, in particular this applies to moving parts.
In today's market of sports equipment presented collapsible and stationary ellipsoid model. The advantages of a folding design include:
- possibility of transportation,
- space saving (after training simulator can be folded and put away, for example, under the bed).
Stationary elliptical trainers safer, their service life is higher than that of collapsible models.

Orbitreki with an electromagnetic resistance characterized by a wide range of functions.
Virtually every modern ellipsoidal model orbitrek loading equipped with an electromagnetic sensor, which is carried out by control of such parameters:
- pulse,
- the number of calories,
- distance traveled;
- the number of steps.
Modern electromagnetic orbitreki equipped with a built-in computer that allows you to automatically mode, set the training program, in some models, provides the function of creating an individual program classes.
Useful option performs the function jog load level. The expensive models available function "inclined plane", which increases the load, engages more muscles.
When choosing an elliptical cardio electromagnetic note on the display. Value has a screen size, the presence of the function "illumination" color scheme.
As a rule, budget models orbitrek mounted monochrome display, costly advanced ellipsoids are equipped with multimedia touch screens.
Elliptic electromagnetic orbitreki can be equipped with additional devices:
- a holder for a water bottle;
- bookends;
- a temperature sensor in the room;
- speakers, and audio devices;
- zhiroanalizatorom;
- built-in fan;
- fixed handrail;
- wireless pulse belts.
The design of some models, simulators provide an internet connection.
Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage of an ellipsoidal trainer with electromagnetic resistance - expensive cost. However, this negative moment is compensated by the benefits of sports equipment:
- efficiency;
- functionality;
- quiet;
- security;
- smooth ride;
- a large number of loads and training programs;
- long service life.
electromagnetic ellipsoid design is characterized by high strength, maximum allowable weight of the user depending on the model orbitrek reaches 120-150 kg.
Orbitrek with an electromagnetic resistance flywheel consists of a minimum number moving nodes, this fact has a positive effect on the service life and reliability of sports equipment.
How to use

The solenoid is intended for use indoors and is suitable under the category Elliptical trainer for home.
In the room, intended for use or storage of sports equipment must be observed sanitary regulations, is not allowed the use of electromagnetic orbitrek in areas with high humidity.
Permissible temperature storage simulator from -15 to 40C, the temperature regime during exercise from 10 to 35C.
Electromagnetic orbitrek mounted on a flat, solid surface. Free space around the ellipsoid - a minimum of two meters.
Sports equipment are kept clean to prevent dust accumulation in the display, and other sites. For cleaning parts Cardio use alcohol-based, does not apply cleaners containing abrasives, polishes.
Precautionary measures

During the lessons on orbitrek need to follow some simple precautions in order to avoid injury.
Before starting the training of sports equipment the user must:
- warm up your muscles by doing a set of exercises to warm up;
- verify serviceability of the simulator, check the tightness of threaded connections.
In any case it is not recommended to repair or configure sports equipment not provided instructions.
Electromagnetic ellipsoid operates on 220 volts to avoid electrical shock to the mains only through a grounded outlet, without the use of extension cords. After the end of training orbitrek should be disconnected from the network.
Busy orbitrek at a time is allowed only one user. Before work on the simulator, make sure that next to no children or pets.
Use for training appropriate exercise clothes, keep the laces on athletic shoes were firmly tied.
People with health problems, before using cardio is necessary to consult a doctor.
If you experience symptoms while exercising on elliptical trainer - shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, rezey in the heart, exercise must be stopped.
frequent faults

It does not change the load
The "load changes" may fail for several reasons:
- Simulator poorly connected to the power supply;
- malfunction of the control unit, the drive mechanism or the console.
First of all check the correct connection to the mains orbitrek. To eliminate the damage of the control unit, the drive mechanism, the console, it is better to contact the service center.
A knock during training
Knocking on orbitrek time training may be due to the fact that the user's weight exceeds the limit allowed in the instructions. Frequent causes of extraneous knocks - the failure of the bearing axis of the flywheel or Loose fastening.
To solve the problem in the first place, tighten the nuts on all moving nodes. If the knock did not disappear, you will need to disassemble the simulator and have a bearing replacement.
Sometimes appearance characteristic knock due to the fact that the sports equipment is installed on an uneven surface.
Defects in the console

The console is not included - if the ellipsoid is powered by the mains, check that the voltage in the power supply, if the battery - replace batteries.
The console is turned on, but does not display the distance and speed - to solve the problem, check the wiring and switch, located next to the flywheel.
When triggered, the sensor resistance between the contacts offlineThat is equal to zero. For measuring the resistance of the sensor connector is disconnected from the console, check for a short circuit using a multimeter.
A complete revolution of the flywheel in one of the provisions of the pedal meter should show a value of zero if it did not need to replace the sensor.