During the tour you want to hike or travel quickly arrange a comfortable place to rest and sleep, where you will gain strength to continue the journey.
It is hard to imagine how you can do it without a sleeping bag, taking into account the climatic conditions and the dimensions of the traveler. Double model - a type of sleeping bag.
A distinctive feature of this version is the ability to hold two travelers. Operating it has a number of advantages and disadvantages depending on the purpose and conditions under which it is used.
Pooh products used in either natural or synthetic. The inner part is lined with natural cotton, does not irritate the skin and other allergic reactions.
- Device
- Pros and cons of double sleeping bags
- How to use
- Care and Cleaning
- frequent faults
- How to choose a double sleeping bag

Double bag is designed for operation by two travelers, providing them with a comfortable sleep. If hiking are two of a loved one, it is easiest to take a sleeping bag than a twin.
Weight and cost of a double set of less than two separate single. In addition, a joint stay in it makes it easier to keep warm.
Croy sleeping bags is done by the type of "cocoon" and "blanket":
- Croy "cocoon" made fitting shape - narrowed in the shoulders and legs.
Possible options for the expansion of cut shapes in the knees that makes staying in the "cocoon" more comfortable and allows weary travelers to take a comfortable position. The upper part of the cocoon is formed as a hood.
Such models are closed with a zipper: completely or partially split (mid). Cocoon is well retains body heat. This sleeping bag is better kept warm. Thus it smaller volume and lighter than "blanket".
- Croy "blankets" rectangular shape is equipped with a zipper on the edges. Some versions are made with headrest covering the head like a hood. The advantage of this cut - the ability to use this product as a simple blanket.
As a variation you can use single-sleeping blankets that perestegivayut SPARK, redistributing lightning. This method allows a sleeping bag placed inside two or three travelers according to their dimensions.
As additional elements are present in the product:
- Hood with tightening on the perimeter. Protect your head from the cold air.
- Lightning made using "antizakus" systemTo facilitate buttoning a sleeping bag.
- The upper part of zipper is closed with Velcro flapPreventing lightning undoing during sleep. This valve provides a sleeping bag tightness.
- Loop for drying and storage. Placed at the bottom of the product, making it easy storage and drying. Storage in a suspended form helps to preserve the initial properties of the insulation.
- Closed pocket. Designed for storage of small items placed in the chest of the sleeping bag. In the dark, a flashlight may be required, lighter, other stuff - they can be easily found in a pocket.
Pros and cons of double sleeping bags

Double models have become widespread due to its efficiency, cost-effectiveness and practicality.
- Heat retention. Due to the natural warmth of two bodies double model will warm faster.
- Save space in your backpack. If the campaign is a friendly company, the best option is to use a two-seater model - it takes up less space than two single bag, and weighs less.
- Parents + child. If camping is family, parents fits easily around like a child. This travel bag the child can easily warm up and feel secure.
- Lack of comfort. Rest two people in one bag less comfortable than sleeping in single sleeping bags. In some cases, tourists prefer to stay in the campaign apart from the rest, feeling more comfortable and unity with nature.
- The design does not allow tightly pull tightnessLeaving the neck and upper chest open. In the case of frost will further insulate the upper body.
- At discrepancy of the size of the two travelers (Height and weight) may have difficulty with comfortable seating.
How to use

Rules of operation of a double and a single bag of tourist options are no different. To extend the period of use, consider the following requirements:
- The product will last longer by avoiding dirt and moisture during use. Loss properties to protect from cold sleeping bag depends on the absorption of sweat and dirt. It is recommended to sleep in it in clean clothes, impedes perspiration during sleep.
- additional lining acquisition will allow longer maintain the purity and improve thermal protection level from 9 to 13 degrees Celsius. Upon completion of the campaign lining thoroughly washed and dried, regaining the original properties.
- During the hike the sleeping bag should be aired, previously removing him inside. Eliminating the product from the additional moisture, keep in mind that direct sunlight contribute to the destruction of the tissue from which it is made.
In case of heavy wetting-drying process can take several hours.
- To avoid problems with the folding of a sleeping bag, enjoy spacious packing bags. The compression system of addition of the packaging bag helps save space in the backpack, but store the product in this manner for a long period of time is not necessary - the insulation may compacted. Begin add sleeping bag in a packaging must from the bottom, making sure that the zipper fastened at least partially.
Care and Cleaning

Proper handling and care of the product allows you to use it as long as possible. During operation it is important to comply with the measures aimed at reducing the rate of wear.
In addition to the normal wear and tear, which manifests itself during the campaign, the loss of product performance promotes each wash - stretches the material gradually diverge seams, heat-lost properties.
recommended to remove them by means of a toothbrush dipped detergent paste and water in the case of small spots.
When cleaning, pay particular attention to the hood and collar. Hold the inner lining, and not allowing it to come into contact with the insulation material, a sleeping bag clean without wetting the inner surface.
This allows you to quickly clean and dry the product without the need for wetting and washing the entire set.
However, without washing sleeping kit is not completely dispensed with, because as far as the use of lost and there is a neat appearance overall pollution.
Washing is recommended to use a professional laundry service. Dry cleaning is not recommended, especially for sleeping bags with down insulation.
The solvents used in the process of dry cleaning, deprive fluff natural oils that contribute to maintaining the shape and thermal insulation properties of the bag.
Self washing requires compliance with the rules, taking into account the particular tissue type sleeping bag and insulation:
- Handwash:
- For hand-washing without using soap detergents intended for products from fluff or synthetic filler.
- The bath is filled with warm water and detergent. Sleeping bag is lowered into the water, and the lather left in the water for 15 minutes.
- Soapy water is drained from the bath, rinsed with a sleeping bag and squeeze gently.
- If washed in cold water, will require extra rinse as long as in a sleeping bag will remain soaps.
- Machine wash:
- Some models are subject washing machine, provided horizontal load. Vehicle with vertical loading can damage the joints and insulation material during rotor movement.
- When machine washing delicate washing course selected with low water temperature.
- Drying:
- Drying is preferably carried out in the open air without the use of dryers. The process takes longer, but the risk of overheating the outer fabric and insulation is minimal.
- If a dryer is used, exhibit a minimum temperature, and thrown into the tennis balls to help break caked during washing space.
- Storage:
- After returning from a trip sleeping immediately turn inside out and be sure it is dry.
- The dry article is placed in a special cotton bag. Termomeshok packaging and are not recommended for long term storage of a sleeping bag.
frequent faults

The following measures will help extend the life of the product, eliminating some of the damage:
- Restoring cover DWR. This repellant is applied at the factory during manufacture of the product and is intended to protect against the penetration of moisture inside. As you use the bag cover is erased, degrading the performance of the product. With the help of special means to restore the situation repellent correct.
- Safety of isolation. In some models, there is a dense tissue that prevents the spread of fluff. If feather distracting from the heater, it gently retracted back into the liner without damaging the outer layer. This problem occurs more frequently in new sleeping bags, where the fluff has not caked.
- Lightning damage. If the product is still under warranty, the problem is solved with the help of the warranty card. Upon the expiry of the guarantee apply to the workshop.
- Tissue damage and ruptures at the surface in field conditions covered with a nylon tape.
How to choose a double sleeping bag

Not to be mistaken with a choice of a bag, take into account the type of cut, fill, thermal insulation characteristics.
- product weight.
If the important weight of a berth, it is recommended to purchase a "cocoon" type sleeping bag. In the selection of the model chosen, the weight of which will allow travel without the critical load for the tourist.
On the weight of the product affected by the type of filler. Cotton sleeping bags with insulation made of cotton batting or heavy and bulky. Therefore, modern sleeping bags are made of synthetic materials high strength.
- Cost.
The quality of the products, the strength of the materials used, the reliability of the joints and the type of insulation depends on the cost.
Models with polyester fiber filler are cheap embodiments in the temperature range from minus 5 to plus 10 degrees Celsius. The disadvantage syntepon acts fragility, rapid loss of elasticity and thermal insulation.
These models are designed for summer hiking and warm weather. Artificial Thinsulate filler used in expensive models, appears as goose down, and has a high compressibility.
- The characteristics of the material.
- The filler material. Hollofayber filler, as a type of padding polyester, elastic. It performs the function of thermal protection.
By using insulation Fibertech solved the problem of resistance to damage and preservation of consumer properties of the bag.
The filler represents polyester fibers with silicone processing, resistant to moisture absorption of preserving elasticity and insulation.
- The material of the outer layer. For frequent application using articles whose surface is made of synthetic fabrics with nylon or polyester. When buying pay attention to the moisture resistance and breathability.
Material from the membrane manufacturing technology meets high requirements.
- The material for the inner layer. Preferred range of models with a cotton inner layer (satin, flannel) or semisynthetic tissue (fleece).
- Temperature conditions. Option is chosen depending on the specific needs of the tourist and climatic conditions for future campaigns.
Accounting for all these factors in a selected embodiment, a double bag in the campaign will provide the necessary comfort, and the purchase will be a safe haven where weary travelers gain strength, and will warm rest.