Auditory analyzers are beginning to respond to sound stimuli, perceive, remember and distinguish sounds from the very first days of life. Therefore, musical toys are fun for both children and harmonious way to explore the world.
- Advantages of musical toys
- Kinds of musical toys
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to choose a musical toy
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- Manufacturers of musical toys
Advantages of musical toys

In addition to the hearing, musical toys are beneficial to the eyes, helping to:
- focusing view;
- perceive colors and color combinations;
- be aware of the volume of the bodies;
- be aware of the path of motion of objects.

Musical children's products develop a sense of rhythm, movement motivated, beneficial effect on children's brains and developing:
- ability to remember;
- the ability to recognize objects;
- the ability to compare objects with the sounds that they make;
- concentration skills;
- ways of understanding the world;
- creative thinking;
- locomotor activity.

Musical toys from the very first days of life to help the development of the mind and contribute to:
- the manifestation of creative abilities;
- develop skills to express their feelings and emotions;
- development of communication skills;
- harmonious development of the emotional background;
- improvement of mood;
- skills development successful experiences negative emotions;
- self-discovery process.
Interest in musical instruments since childhood can define their future profession. Due to the one-piece shaped toys and talented person.
- to participate in children's games;
- encourage children's interest in music;
- help to understand the mechanisms of the toy;
- interested in the kid's opinion.
Kinds of musical toys

Kinds of musical toys, primarily differ in the age of children for whom they are intended:
Up to 1 year
Newborns are susceptible to rustling, jangling and clattering. At this age, they are attracted to the movement, the change of pictures and objects. By popular toys include:
- rattles. Hand rattle made of wood or plastic. They emit a pleasant, natural sound to the ear. Toys for kids are easy to use, easy to store.
Manufacturers pay attention to environmental and safety issues, as children often pull rattle in his mouth.

- Musical mobiles. enshrined in crib or wheelchairMounted on a stand or attached to the table over the entrance door toys are called mobiles. Electronic devices are equipped with a set of tunes, backlit remote control.
The Mobil used bells, birds, funny and cute items. Bright colors and shapes attract the baby, he is trying to reach out and touch the toy. Some models are equipped with a projection device that plays on the ceiling designs and patterns.
- Musical mats. On mats of this type are shown pictures by pressing the reproduced sounds. for baby mat - an extremely fascinating subject, which he curiously explores.

From year to 4-5 years
Children older than one year are already actively moving and it is not enough to observe the objects make sounds. Now it is necessary to touch everything, to feel the material, texture and even taste.
At the forefront cognitive value of the game. For children's toys appropriate to the age of five years are as follows:
- Shaped soft toy. Option for preschool children. Plush animals, dolls fabric with built-in speaker when you press a hidden button or when tilted emit any sound.
These items help to develop communication skills and are suitable for role-playing and group lessons.
- Toys with a voice. Complex design, the ability to speak, sing a song or recite poetry. Manufacturers use the voices of professional readers, some models are capable of voice short stories.
Products to help develop memory, learn new words.

- Musical mats (for older children). For children older than one year are suitable mats complicated models with more features. Such products are produced in the form of music tracks, reproducing a few tunes.
This option helps to develop an ear for music in children, teaching notes. Playing with their parents, children learn the first elements of creativity. Another option - a dance mat. On its surface there are color areas, when clicked, which sounds a short melody.
- multifunctional toys. They come in all shapes and sizes: cars, trains, phones and much more. The special mechanism of the buttons allows you to play music and sounds of nature, helping to expand horizons.
Some products have the ability to record voices and sounds. Role playing helps you to remember names, to develop new types of action.
- Toys fixed melody. All kinds of boxes, boxes, small organs, hurdy-gurdy, which is played by one or more melodies. Music soothes and is suitable for use at bedtime.
Toy decorate the interior of a child's room and will serve as the child not only in childhood.
5 years
Preschool children need complex and interesting design, with which you can play your own sounds. The game at this age is already paired with training elements.

The technology is complicated, musical instruments close to the present, and Multi Panels resemble miniature computers.
Kinds of musical products for preschool children:
- Musical instruments. Manufactured in full compliance with the real analogues. Miniature wind, string, keyboard and percussion toy instruments will be fun and possible step in music education.
Schoolchildren will suit an electric guitar or digital piano, Recording music and songs.
- music books. Cognitive, develop memory and attention. Musical book allows children to concentrate on the text for learning to read.
Soft sounds are distracting background noise. Reading is fun, has a calming effect.
- Multi panel. Developing panel for preschoolers promotes memorization of the alphabet and numbers. With its help children take their first steps in learning the mother tongue and English languages, geography and mathematics.
Musical toys differ in material from which they are made, by function and mechanism of extracting audio.
Power produced suitable for use in the bathroom and unsuitable for this purpose, self-winding, and is battery operated.
Advantages and disadvantages

A variety of children's products complicates the selection of the desired product. Toys are different materials, functionality, suitable for children of different ages. Only careful analysis of all the features, you can make a choice of quality products.

The task of each toy - in an entertaining form to help mental and physical development of children. Children learn about the world through games, learn to communicate. Musical children's products have a mass of undoubted advantages over conventional, helping to:
- to organic physical development;
- the harmonious development of the psyche;
- mastering communication skills;
- mental development according to age;
- Disclosure of creative abilities;
- maintaining close emotional contact with parents.

Depending on the type of toys have the following functional advantages:
- small size - the baby can hold a toy in his hands;
- a wide variety of materials, shapes, colors;
- ease of carrying and storage;
- ease of maintenance;
- kid involved in the game and does not require attention to every minute of their parents;
- the possibility of fixing in the desired position;
- combining in one item of music, movement and lighting;
- the possibility of remote control;
- compact and easy to store;
- the possibility of playing together;
- development of motor skills;
- developing mass functions;
- fascination for children.

As with any toy, music is not without drawbacks:
- she may just not like the kid;
- capable of delivering inconvenience parents and neighbors from the loud sounds;
- it may be difficult to install a music module;
- most environmentally friendly material - wood - is not as durable as plastic.
How to choose a musical toy

First, we should consider the following criteria:
- appearance and functionality;
- material;
- colors;
- ringtones type sound image;
- mechanism of action.
It is worth remembering that the musical toys are designed for children, so you need to attend to a double safety and environmental products
- The surface should be smooth, without roughness and sharp edges;
- in a toy should not be holes into which can fit a child's finger;
- if the toy team, all its parts must be matched in size;
- toys should be comfortable to hold in the hands of children;
- the sounds that are produced by a toy, should be pleasant to the ear;
- colors used in the product, - diverse shades of light, it is not recommended black;
- all fastenings - secure that the baby had not been able to make out the toy and swallow small parts;

- the light should be soft, not sharp, not to tire the eyes;
- keys, the buttons do not fail, smooth depression;
- the sounds of the toys come without some delay;
- product packaging is not damaged;
- attached to the product clear and detailed instructions for use;
- from product no unpleasant chemical smell;
- toy certified.
While in the store, it is best to follow the following tips:
- do not rush to purchase, visit some shops;
- older children is better to take with you to the store to try on the spot how the toy, view all the options;
- before payment with the seller should check the packaging of the goods after purchase to keep a check.

Musical toy to last longer, it is necessary to follow some rules:
- toy should fit the child's age;
- Before giving your child a toy, inspect the product for external damage;
- Read the instructions for assembly and operation;
- should be cleaned regularly toy in warm soapy water;
- caution should be cleaned with products musical mechanism;
- toys can not be stored on the balcony or in direct sunlight.

When mounting the musical mobiles in a cot:
- carefully check the strength fasteners;
- make sure that rattles not hang low and do not prevent the baby to sleep;
- eyes baby rattles should find no difficulty - place them in a comfortable field of vision;
- lighting arrangements should be available for the baby.

On the musical children's toys covered by the law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. In the case of buying substandard or defective goods the buyer is entitled to return it to the store.
When buying children's products:
- Acquired products only at official points of sale;
- Keep a check, proof of purchase;
- Learn in the store, whether an exchange or refund conditions apply to a specific product;
- check mark on the packaging of the warranty period.
Manufacturers of musical toys
- ABtoys - Internet- store of musical goods. On the official website been established navigation products. Represented brands of children's products. The company offers delivery in the regions of Russia.
Online store offers discount funded and provides guarantees for the return of the goods of inadequate quality.
- Casio - the Japanese company that produces clock, Electronics and musical instruments. Manufacturer confirms the product quality assurance.

- ELC - online store for educational toys for children with professionally-formed range of musical toys. Detailed classification makes it easy to choose a product to the desired age.
The company has a network of stores in cities across the country, toys ordered and delivered to your door.
- FisherPrice It produces musical toys for children. An extensive range of music modules and rattles.
The company provides young parents interesting and educational information materials on children's education, the organization of gaming space and time.

- Halilit - Israeli company that produces musical toys for children from an early age, different compliance requirements for product quality and level of musical sound.
- LittleTikes - products of this company is known for quality and durability, using special materials compositions greater strength.
- Potex, Shantou, Gepai, Simba, Smoby - brands that offer an assortment of keyboard musical toys for children's stores.