- What to do to make a thing a village - disassemble natural materials
- What to do to get woolen things?
- What can I do to get a cotton thing from a village?
- What can I do to get jeans?
In the wardrobe of almost every person there are products from all kinds of materials, and some of them can easily stretch to unprecedented dimensions. By all the known "law of meanness", as a rule, it happens with your favorite clothes. In fact, this is inherent and natural for things made from natural materials, as this is their structure. That's why you need to know how to wash to make the thing sit down. This will be discussed in our article to help you restore your clothes to normal size and you were able to continue wearing it, and not sent to rags for the house.
to the contents ↑What to do to make the thing of the village - disassemble the natural materials
Natural materials have slightly different structures. Therefore, if you decided to arrange your favorite thing "fizzaryadku" in a washing machine for a long time, it is only natural that it has become much larger. But now we just need to understand how this can be remedied. And it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the material.
Typically, stretch when washing can products from:
- wool;
- of cotton;
- jersey;
- of the jeans.
What to do to get woolen things?
If you want a woolen sweater to sit down, then for starters it will be useful for you to learn the tag that is on the sweater. With it, you can get the right information - in what water to wash woolen things, so that they sat down.
Then you need to follow the instructions that we prepared for you below:
- Fill a small basin with water whose temperature should be 20 degrees higher than the one indicated on the label. Soak the necessary product in it for 20-30 minutes.
- Then wash the woolen sweater in plain water.
Important! Do not forget that you should not overdo it with washing. If you wash the product incorrectly, it will sit down on several sizes more than you need. After - rinse clothes in cold water.
Important! Some experts do not recommend wooling at all.
But this is not the whole process, because you also need to be able to properly dry the clothes, so that she sat down to the right size, and not deformed at the same time.
Wool drying takes place on a horizontal surface. Straighten your product in length and width so that it can take the shape you need.
Important! It is possible to reduce the size of a wool product to dry it on a battery, placing a towel under the towel. But if you decide on such a drastic measure, consider that a soft sweater can become dry, but it is no longer suitable for "going out".
to the contents ↑What to do to get a thing made of cotton?
If you are going to change the size of the cotton product manually, then do the same with it as with woolen things. Easier to itself process it is possible, if to take advantage of the washing machine.
How to wash cotton to sit:
- We put the necessary things from this material into the drum of the machine.
- We expose a long cycle of washing at a temperature of 60 degrees, you can 90.
- Spin is necessary, it can be very intense.
- Finally, you can rinse the thing by hand in cold water, squeeze well and hang it.
Important! A colored cotton product can be seriously shed during a "bathing".
Cotton normally withstands even boiling, so you can safely apply water of this temperature, if you are thinking how to wash, so that the thing sat down. Here, take into account such features:
- 5 minutes of stay of the stretched product is enough to reduce it by 1 size;
- if you need to "tighten" it to 1.5-2 size, then the duration of such a procedure should be about 15 minutes.
What to do to get jeans?
Many ladies notice that even a carefully chosen by size stylish jeans thing after a week does not look so effective on the figure. Due to the combination of cotton and stretch fibers such pants are very prone to stretching. On the one hand - it's convenient, because walking in them becomes more comfortable, but that's the appearance of this phenomenon can be significantly affected.
To completely not "blacken" denim fabric, we give due to the following property: the ability to return to the starting position with normal washing. If you need to get a cardinal effect, with a decrease in the size of clothes by 1 size or more, just when washing, put a higher temperature - about 60 degrees.
Important! Please note that it is better to do this with jeans, which you have long worn, and in the event that you are sure that the fabric does not shed.
From this article you learned the most effective ways how to wash, so that the thing sat down. The principle of action for different types of tissues is similar, the difference is only in the permissible temperature, the need for pressing, twisting and drying rules. We hope that you could bring your pants, sweater, T-shirt or dress to a normal look and you will be able to carry them on whenever you want.