Children flippers: the benefits, design, maintenance, security,

If your child is engaged in swimming, then the acquisition of flipper needed. They will allow the muscles to develop properly, with good speed to move around in the water and under the water, whether a swimming pool or other body of water.


  • Benefits children's flippers
  • The design of children's flippers
  • Material and design
  • Care and Storage
  • accident prevention

Benefits children's flippers

Help develop speed in the pool and become a great athlete a special children's flippers
  1. Swimming with flippers It improves and stabilizes the body position in water.
  2. Increases several times the speed during the race.
  3. Adds flexibility to joints and increases leg strength.
  4. It assists in less time to dial in shape.
  5. It facilitates the learning process for beginners (reducing the load).

Under water, they become extensions of the body, and that the blades - replace tail fin, which is fish.

Using fins allow the child to quickly master the navigation process.

The design of children's flippers


Short model will be a good companion for children.

Two types of structures:

  • open
  • closed

open design provides - open heel with adjustable strap by which changes size. This is convenient, because the kid is growing, and foot size also increases.

This type of save the family budget, they can acquire for growth. Adult open type used for skin diving and scuba diving. It is very convenient to put on socks or diving wetsuit boots.

The closed design is convenient their precise maneuverability. It is very well fits the foot, thereby becoming its continuation.

  • swimming short - perfect for the pool, they have an excellent maneuverability;
  • long - usually made of plastic, it is necessary for those who engage in scuba diving and requires a good speed the development of the water;
  • with closed heel - it has a wide fit so perfectly captures completely the whole foot. They wear on bare feet, they do not rub blisters. Suitable for diving under water and swimming in the pool. Made to measure. They need to be measured carefully to his leg was comfortable, and they is not flew or were not small;
  • adjustable - having an open heel, which is fixed by the presser spring or belt. The size is adjustable. Additionally recommend the use of special rubber shoes or socks. This will protect from decay of the fixing belt and the rubbing of the foot. Suitable for purchase for growth;
  • long, narrow types are suitable, if the child is engaged in a high-speed sport swimming. They allow to reach speeds in water. But maneuverability they have not very big;
  • monofin - is a broad blade. This blade is inserted into the two legs at the same time (a place for both feet side by side);
  • products have gained popularity with galoshes rubber or similar material and the blade made of thermoplastic. Foot in them comfortably, stroke is getting stronger. There may be variants equipment entirely made of rubber.

Material and design


One of the most popular materials for sports equipment - silicone. It does not cause skin irritation, do not absorb odors (for pools with chlorine using a suitable variant).

Silicone kinds of equipment does not deteriorate when exposed to sunlight (UV). They are not afraid of chlorinated compounds, which are used in the pool. This material is softer and has a better elasticity of the rubber products.

Short version - made of silicone. Do not overload the joint of the leg. A suitable choice for children who have just started to use the swimming pool, have more training.

The main difference - a good dynamic. The shape of fins resembles a bird with webbed paws (both paws from waterfowl ducks). They are versatile, suitable for a swimming pool.

Experienced athletes prefer elastic materials:

  • Thermoplastic.
  • Model made of composite materials.

Types of equipment such materials maneuverable, characterized by high rigidity. The blades act as vertical channels, they direct the movement of water, reducing the voltage and resistance.

Correctly select the size. Fins should sit tight on the leg, but do not squeeze it. The product must not cause discomfort (press, press foot heel), but too much steam subside upon contact with water.

Better to take one size larger fins, between the foot and the fins will water cushion. It creates a protective layer, preventing friction.

The design includes:

  • abstraction;
  • drawings;
  • picture favorite cartoon characters;
  • bright text labels.

In sports colorful outfit your child wants to swim.

Care and Storage

Care and Storage

Proper care of the gear will give you to use the purchased model long term.

They must be used for its intended purpose, to walk on land they do not recommend. There is a chance to deal damage to such walks, and they can not be corrected. Coming out of the water, remove the equipment. Use special care products. It can be purchased at specialty sporting goods stores or ordered online.

Retention rules:

  1. Gear after each training session was washed with running water. Thoroughly dry.
  2. Store need not bending. Better - a natural position. For training of children's models most manufacturers use soft rubber, which greatly bends. Hall at the site of inflection can not be equalized. Equipment will be unusable.
  3. Never store a sports model in a warm place and near a heat source (radiators). With such storage or drying fins deform under the influence of temperature.
  4. Flippers to keep in shape should be stored with inserted inside the special tabs. In designated bag-in-bag.

accident prevention

accident prevention

During the swim in order not to disturb the streamlined body, it is desirable to keep the hands on the sides or pulling ahead of itself. Power in the hands of movements compared with the power of leg movements in flippers, so small that the rowing arms hinder rather than help when navigating. Try to use the swimming leg only.

  • Before you pull galoshes training model on foot, swimming gear in wet with water. Top rubber wet is not necessary, to prevent slipping.
  • In a closed rubber overshoe, moistened with water (recommended first unscrew rubber and put on the floor), the second leg occur. With the power to push the other foot in the overshoe. After this easy and slowly put on the back of the heel overshoes. You can ask a friend, if you are swimming in a group.
  • If the model is on the belt anchorages, while donning comes easy: it is enough only to pull the strap on the heel strap and pull tightly to keep it flew.

For safety it is better not to run into them on the shore, so as not to damage the limbs. Moving the fins on the water is not minimized. You should carefully plan the dressing and removal training models.

Picking model for swimming child, first define a place of employment. This is for Diving basin or pond, professionally trained child or just a beginner in this case). Take into account the nuances, then you will not have problems with the right choice.

To choose the right equipment to the pool to the child, you will save him from injury. He feels like a fish in water.