9 types of infant formula: The composition, use, properties

In our time, a mixture made from almost anything. However, the main types of mixtures, are popular, are powered by natural milk, cow or goat. Many believe these two species do not differ from each other. But this is not the case, a mixture of goat's milk is best.


  • Infant formula goat milk
  • Adapted milk infant formula
  • Antireflux infant formula
  • Hypoallergenic infant formula
  • Infant formula without palm oil
  • Infant formula without lactose
  • Infant formula without GMOs
  • Infant formula without gluten
  • Infant formula without sugar

Infant formula goat milk

The composition of these two products is almost equal, it has proteins and fats. Here proteins and different. As part of the cow's milk - beta-lactoglobulin, and goat - alpha-lactoglobulin. When injected into the child's stomach curdled milk and then under the influence of gastric juice begins to be processed.

Only goat's milk has a lower percentage of curdling, and the product is obtained in the stomach loose and soft, and as a result it is much better digested.

According to the fat content of these milks are also different, as dairy goats are much fatter cow. Fatty acids contained in the milk product is goat saturated enterocytes (intestinal cells) energy. Whereby the cells are quickly restored. Due to this property in the baby food based product is goat, almost does not cause colic in children.

This power is less likely to cause regurgitation in infants, since the digestive process takes place easily.

The dairy product goat many trace elements, as in other matters, and the cows, but there is one difference. At the use of newborn nutrition Goat milk is better absorbed iron.

Some parents whose children do not digest cow's milk protein, believe that the product will cure goat. In some situations, nutrition Goat milk can help, but it is rare. If a child indigestion to cow's milk, then the probability that it will not happen while feeding a mixture of goat's milk is very low. These mixtures are designed to Zdorovenki children and they have no beneficial effect.

Such mixtures are suitable the kids that are poorly gaining weight, suffer from frequent colic, and constantly regurgitate after feeding.

You may want to transfer the child to a mixture of goat's milk, but if this is due to some disease, you should consult your doctor for advice. Only by taking into account all the nuances that may occur later, from such a transition can be introduced into the diet of baby food with goat product.

Adapted milk infant formula

The state of the baby depends on the food. For the little man breastfeeding - the best option. But if Momma is not enough breast milk, there is a problem for the proper selection of baby food.

Baby adapted nutrition gives the child the necessary nutrients. Before starting the selection of the power supply, contact your pediatrician.

He will take into account the state of health of the baby and features. The doctor will advise you to mix, describe in detail how to enter into the diet of a new food, how to use and prepare. What the doctor tells you it is important, as it is calm, and healthy development of the baby.

Make infant formula composition, close to mother's milk. The main components in this product - it's milk (cow or goat). It is in use in excellent quality. All the necessary baby items: fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are found in the diet in an amount that is necessary to a child in a given period of development. For the rules of useful components of the following experts on child nutrition.

Types mixtures

Power close to mother's milk from 0 - 6 months, is the first step. The following mixture - this is from 6 to 12 months. The latest stage in the product - a mixture of children from one year.
There are four types of this product:

  • Dry (bred warm boiled water);
  • liquid (sold in cartons and are ready for use);
  • mixture of fermented or fresh.

Lactic food fermenting milk with special, beneficial bacteria, which are necessary for the children's intestines.

How to introduce a new product in the diet of the baby?
If up to this point the baby breastfed, artificial nutrition, doctors recommend to include in the diet carefully, otherwise the baby may develop diathesis. On the first day of complementary foods should be given not more than one measuring spoon. The scoop thirty grams of the product, and this is enough to feed half. On the second day you need to spend only one feeding mixture. Increase feeding need to carefully and gradually. Approximately after a certain time you finally translate child on fresh produce, and addiction will be painless.

Antireflux infant formula

Little baby after feeding spits up milk mixture. It is considered the norm, if not frequent regurgitation. From the constant regurgitation doctors advise mums to transfer the baby to the antireflux mixture.

What is meant is the baby food and what it consists of?

Antireflux - a product of dairy origin whose consumption decreases the amount of regurgitation. The consistency of the product is very thick, but other than that the mixture has the ability to thicken in the stomach of a baby.

Thickener is guar gum - a dietary fiber of natural origin. Fiber swells in the acidic environment of the stomach and its contents thickens. Locust bean gum has a laxative effect, and helps eliminate constipation in your baby. This product is sometimes recommended for constant regurgitation of the child, as a method of treatment.

Do not confuse the antireflux and hypoallergenic formula. The first contained the whey proteins in the same condition and casein, and although the optimum ratio of these components, this product may cause allergy. the lactose content of this product is reduced to a minimum, and in some products may enter into the starch. Gum slows the digestion and assimilation of nutrients, for this reason, it is not necessary to feed the child this power for more than two months. On the recommendation of pediatricians, feeding this product should be half the daily food rations.

What kinds of antireflux mixtures are:

  • including locust bean gum
  • containing conventional starch
  • having in the "pre-gelatinized" starch

The starch contains natural polysaccharide - amylopectin, it consists of glucose residues. Upon entering the small intestine, it is subject to cleavage by enzymes present in it. Starch a lot longer holds the contents of the stomach and the baby for a long time does not feel hunger. When used in food starch which occurs anchoring effect. This drug is prescribed kids who suffer from loose stools or frequent diarrhea.

Both of these foods for babies who vomit frequently and abundantly, are equally useful. The only difference is that one mixture has a laxative effect, and the other fixed. Remember, constantly feed the baby that such a mixture can not quite two months, then you need to go to the usual diet.

Hypoallergenic infant formula

The child, who is on an artificial feeding frequently begins to suffer from allergic reactions. Some kids have a very early age have intolerance to breast milk. And then it becomes an important factor in the selection of the right mix that will not only satiate the child and give him all the nutrients for growth and development, but also will not cause persistent allergies. More recently appeared mixtures which possess anti-allergic effect. How to start feeding the baby with this product? What types of it are? We will try to answer in this article.
Hypoallergenic mixtures and their composition:

  • On the basis of goat's milk,
  • Soy-based,
  • Based on protein hydrolysates.

These products are not universal. If one little one suitable feeding on goat's milk, the other can get an allergic reaction, all individually.

Power to goat's milk

It is specialized nutrition for babies, in which there is a reflex to cow's milk or soy intolerance is present. Proteins and fatty acids prevalent in goat milk are readily absorbed. On the basis of the milk and create adaptive power, which does not cause allergies. Mix on this basis, suitable for all the kids and allergies and do not have any in the health deviations.

Power on the basis of soy

This kind of power is assigned breast kids who can not tolerate lactose and cow protein, and suffer from genetic diseases. Lactose in the diet there. Before you start feeding the baby soy formula, consult your pediatrician as this power, too, is an allergic reaction. The popularity of soy products for this reason and fell that kids began to suffer from an allergy to soy protein.

Power on the basis of protein hydrolysers

This product is suitable for babies who have persistent allergic reaction to all kinds of mixtures listed above. As treatment they prescribed to children who suffer from diseases of stomach, or there is a problem with the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Assign this power can pediatrician with mild allergies, or for the prevention of the latter.

Choosing the mixture should be under medical supervision. The manifestations of intolerance can be different, e.g., rash or hives, baby change in stool or excessive flatulence.
What hypoallergenic mixtures feed the baby It can be solved only by a doctor, who will advise you how to enter into the diet of the product.

Infant formula without palm oil

Palm acid contained in palm oil, and in breast milk. The difference consists in the formula, acid found in breast milk, completely digestible, but not from palm oil.
What is palm oil composition
Palm oil is digested poorly, why is this happening?
Consider its composition:

  • Vitamin "A" growth,
  • Vitamin "E" increases blood coagulability and facilitates oxygen enrichment of cells
  • Antioxidant Q10,
  • Similar to breast milk palmitic acid.

The composition is really good, but it is better to buy a mixture that does not contain palm oil. The oil is melted at high temperature, and for this reason it loses not only the majority of nutrients, but also ceases to be absorbed completely.

What is the reason to add mixtures of palm oil producers?
Significantly increases product shelf life, which is the arm manufacturer. Thanks to palm oil and mixtures of cereals have a sweet taste, which is very like small children, and they are happy to eat it. This fact increases the sale of the product.

If your baby has started eating porridge, then cook them yourself - this will save health of your daze.
What effects is the presence of palm oil in baby food
Pediatricians are advised to feed a child's diet does not consist in its composition of palm oil. According to them, undigested particles palmitin, react with minerals and trace elements in the body of the baby.
Your child has constipation, disorders, metabolism, or excess gas. The palm oil a high content of cholesterol, and that overweight and heart disease.

Palm oil prevents the absorption of calcium in the body of the child, and it is slowed down due to bone development, they become soft and brittle.
If you do not follow the advice of doctors and feed the baby products containing palm oil, the consequences are inevitable:

  • heart diseases,
  • obesity,
  • constipation,
  • bone demineralization,
  • constant colic,
  • flatulence.

When choosing food for the baby, which contains palm oil, mom should be aware of all the consequences of the use of this product. Of course, it is difficult to get lost in such a range of infant formulas that are on store shelves. When in doubt, it is best to consult your pediatrician for advice.

Infant formula without lactose

Baby drinking from bottle
The benefits of mother's milk is undeniable. It contains all the useful minerals, so necessary for a good little man development and growth. But there are situations that the child is endowed with a rare disease, which is caused by the absence of a special enzyme, which is able to split the mother's milk.

As a result of the disease the baby is experiencing constant colic after feeding, there may be increased flatulence and frothy, loose stools. Baby refuses the breast.

To resolve this issue is allowed in two ways. In the first method malyutke prescribe specific drugs that compensate for the lack of enzymes. And the baby continues to breastfeed. The second option is a transition to artificial feeding. In this embodiment, mother's milk is replaced by a mixture of lactose-free. This means that it does not contain milk sugar that can carry your baby discomfort.

lactose free food unlike conventional

The difference is actually not very significant in terms of enrichment of food with vitamins and microelements. Manufacturers are trying to approximate the artificial to the natural food. Conventional mixture for producing cow's milk, but can be produced lactose-free goat milk or soy protein.

The essential difference is only that the product mother can pick up on their own. To do this, observe the baby during the first days, he sees a new product, how he likes it. If the state of health of the baby is unsatisfactory, then pick up his food properly can only doctor.

It's not quite in the disease, and lactose intolerance, a baby must receive all necessary for the development and growth micronutrients, which corresponds to the fact that food should be subject to constant adjustments by specialist.

How to transfer the child to the lactose-free diet?

  • To introduce a product that recommend Dr. necessary steps while controlling the reaction of the baby body.
  • If you notice that the baby after feeding is not feeling well, you should stop feeding this product and pick up another.
  • Begin to lure this mixture, only micro dose.
  • Lactose-free mixture may cause an allergic reaction.

Infant formula without GMOs

GMO - a foodstuff into which an artificially added genetic material from another species. While not only multiplied crop yields, reduced time for which the plant can fully mature, but also reduced the cash cost of production of these products.

In the pursuit of profit, many manufacturers are trying to not only use in the manufacture of modified products, but also to hide their presence in the lineup. After research it was found that these products do not benefit the individual, but rather the opposite.

What consequences can be when feeding the baby with a mixture containing GMOs?

  • Allergy. The child's body is very sensitive and if it enters into it unknown genes, the immune system recognizes it as a kid allergen.
  • Increased risk of developing chronic diseases, such as accretion bowel, headaches, skin diseases, and so on.
  • There is a risk of ineffective treatment with antibiotics pinitsilinovogo a number of modified genes resistant to these antibiotics.
  • These products accumulate a lot more pesticides.
  • It increases the likelihood of cancer and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Recent studies have shown that GMOs may not only reduce brain size, but also lead to infertility. And it will take several decades before these consequences will be identified.

After some publications in the media, that in baby food were found modified foods, mothers are in confusion than feed their babies. Of course, there is nothing better than breastfeeding, but there are times that it is impossible.

Of course, you can rely on the fact that the producers who write on the label "non-GMO" decent and there's really no this product. But it is better to err and to buy food the child only trusted manufacturers.

There are times when a healthy child has an allergy to the mixture, and on the box it says that it does not contain GMOs. It is possible that the manufacturer simply cheated, are not included in this item.

Just do not forget that the mixture, which is designed for kids young age, must contain only natural products, and subject to thorough checks. Only then can you be sure that your child receives all the necessary for development.

Infant formula without gluten

New terms are constantly being few people are surprised. What is a "gluten-free"? The term is more often we see in baby food packaging. In fact, it vegetable protein, which is found in cereals, canned foods, as well as hot dogs and sausages. It is able to give a density of bakery products and cereals due thereto have tackiness.

And if he is not afraid of the adult organism, for the child it contains some danger. This component can affect children's health? What can happen to a child later? If time does not detect gluten intolerance? Try to understand this article.

Gluten initiates in individual children allergic reactions, and drop tract absorbability. This can cause abnormalities in the development of:

  • dermatitis,
  • anemia,
  • sudden weight loss,
  • infertility,
  • fainting,
  • osteoporosis,
  • hair loss,
  • caries, bleeding,
  • joint pain, impaired
  • growth
  • epilepsy.

These disorders are caused not by the component itself, and those chains that it creates during perevalivaniya. Celiac disease - a reaction which may cause the product to be diagnosed at an early stage. The only way to avoid the consequences that may occur in the body of a young child.

Previously, doctors have not heard of celiac disease, but at the moment, many pediatricians believe this disease is dangerous. The experiments make it possible to understand - celiac disease is masked until adolescence, showing an erroneous picture.

Many doctors believe that the dermatitis - this is nothing like the initial reaction to gluten.

If your child has an intolerance glutin detected, the subject will have a lifetime to adhere to a strict diet in the diet. In addition to the diet of both ordinary people can not go back, even with the improvement of the state. In this case, the health will be in danger.

There infant formulas and cereals, which lack gluten. We must remember that children with this intolerance can eat only corn porridge, rice and buckwheat. Everything else you can not eat, and will have to give up bread. From semolina, which is so fond of children, will have to give, as in its composition has the ingredient.

Infant formula without sugar

Mother's milk is for a young child - the most useful food. Thanks to the baby in breast milk produces strong immunity, it gets the body needs vitamins. Well, when there is breastfeeding, but there are situations where it is not possible for various reasons. And then the question arises, what to choose for baby mix to suit all the requirements of child's growing body.

When you start feeding, to know about some of the nuances of baby food, its content and composition.

It is worth noting that in the power supply may be a hidden sugar, which is harmful no less simple. We can not just guess at it.

Talk about a mixture which contains no sugar in its composition. Let's start with the fact that breast milk no sugar in its pure form, it contains lactose, which is fruitful effect on digestion and development of the baby.
With regard to the sugar in the diet, for the kid's just poison. It can cause a lack of many useful baby vitamins and essential elements. When choosing food, carefully read the composition on the box. The composition should not be:
  • Sahara,
  • glucose,
  • sucrose,
  • Fructose.

The presence of such ingredients in baby food causes malfunctions in the insulin metabolism, gasification and fermentation.
Influence of sugar immunity
The immune system when an excess of sugar in the body of the baby, is suppressed, and as a consequence of frequent colds, infectious diseases. The more sugar and its components ingested by a child, the lower the immune system fights infections that can cause the development of chronic diseases.

Choosing baby food should be remembered that some manufacturers in order to reduce the price of their products by adding sugar in it. The mixture with the addition of sugar is always cheaper. But choosing a product, mother should understand that it will affect the baby's health.

As for the mixture does not contain sugar, it is close to breast milk. It does not cause allergies, fermentation and bloating. In addition, it contains useful trace elements, which are so necessary malyutke first months of life. Such a diet is considered to be hypoallergenic if the child has no special problems with health. When persistent allergic reactions pediatrician may assign child mixture without sugar as the treatment.