Soft toys love not only children but also adults.
It is warm, pleasant to the touch, bright and colorful products that give kids positive emotions, activate audible, tactile and visual receptors are taught to perceive the outside world and to communicate with them.
- Kinds of soft toys
- Benefits of soft toys
- Problems
- How to choose a stuffed toy
- what better
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- Manufacturers of soft toys
Kinds of soft toys

- classic. They are made in the form of animals and humans. Used for the production of natural and synthetic materials, different in texture and color.
Thanks to a simple soft toys a child learns and develops tactile sensations, forms a positive emotional responses.
- Developing. These include playgrounds, suspended carousel, game panel, developing mats. These models are small in size and colorful hues.
Designed for the development of color perception, and tactile sensations of the child.

- Soft rattle. Manufactured in conventional rattles from textiles. In such models sewed special mechanisms that rustle, squeak or rattle when shaken. Rattles develop the guys sound perception, motor skills of hands.
- Soft books. These products are hooped with textile materials: knitted fabric, fleece, cotton. Instead of drawings used appliqué fabric depicting environmental objects environment or showing the situation of life.
There are products with built-in sounding mechanisms.

- Soft cubes. From traditional cubes of plastic and wood models such different ecological safety. Cubes consist of upholstered cloth (artificial fur, velvet, jersey, Color Options) foam. Designed for building kids games.
- Soft balls. Models are designed to improve the child's coordination. The advantage of this type of toy is functionality and ease. Balls develop sports activity baby.
- Soft dolls. Base - the glove, which is complemented by fabrics and furniture. Made models in the form of animals, characters from fairy tales. First, such a toy master the parents, then the children.
- soft music. Outwardly indistinguishable from simple toys. Feature is the presence of built-in mechanisms into the product. Models emit different sounds melody, poems, songs.

Search button to start the mechanism develops thinking toddler. Suitable for an interesting pastime and aesthetic education.
- Soft online. Built on the principle of musical toys and multifunctional. They talk, sing, dance. Often used music and light support.
Popular interactive products in the form of animals that can feed and touch.
Classification of toys by age group:
- from birth to 1 year;
- 1 to 3 years;
- from 3 to 5 years;
- from 5 to 9 years old.

According to the material they are textile and nap.
Textiles made of:
- flax;
- cashmere;
- fleece;
- knitwear;
- suede;
- cotton;
- wool.
Main characteristics:

- material (textile, a fleecy coating);
- filler (sintepon, sintepuh, artificial fur);
- kind of (musical, interactive, stuffed dolls, blocks, books);
- size (height and weight);
- color (bright and neutral shades);
- accessories (jewelry, beads, sequins, buttons);
- built-in mechanisms (available / not available).
Functions: entertainment and developing (development of motor skills of hands, coordination, hearing aid, knowledge of the world).
Benefits of soft toys

- suitable for children of different ages;
- have a high level of safety: they do not have sharp corners, hard edges, about which you can get hurt;
- develop tactile sensations from early childhood;
- when a fault occurs easily Stalling;
- playing, the child receives information about the external world;
- practicality and functionality.

Disadvantages of soft toys:
- to cause allergic reactions in children;
- well absorb dust;
- bad erased, it is difficult to remove dirt;
- heavy weight;
- for products need special care.
Common problems:

- precarious attachment fittings;
- materials that are easy to mechanical damage and wear out;
- non-environmental filler;
- inaccurately formed stitches;
- sharp unpleasant odor;
- large size products, are disproportionate to the child's height and weight;
- unnatural appearance of small animals;
- molt and fading of fabric;
- sloppy tailoring.
How to choose a stuffed toy

- Before you buy a toy, rub it with your fingers. If they remain traces of ink, the choice of this product should be discarded. Favorably affect the psyche of the child model, calm tones, have a negative effect black, gray and brown shades.
Toxic paint will excite the nervous system of the baby and irritate the eyes. Quality soft things are odorless.
- Pay attention to the size of a toy. Important functionality and practicality of the subject: the child must independently carry it.
Huge models can scare the kid, and tiny - lost. Needed for a comfortable game products from 10 to 40 cm. in height, ideal weight - 100-400 grams.

- Examine the quality of tailoring the soft stuff. The joints must be carried out correctly and accurately, without protruding threads. Before buying a toy with a skeleton palpate them. If prickly or sharp parts not found, you can purchase the product.
- It is important that filler (sintepon, artificial fur, synthetic fluff) was evenly distributed. Models sintepon may contain harmful formaldehyde resins.
A good option - filler granules which will retain the heat and develop a tactile perception.
- When selecting models rag look at the material, especially if the baby sleeps with a toy. It should be natural (cotton, linen, wool) and pleasant to the touch. Synthetic substances cause allergic reactions.
- Pay attention to the strength and length of the nap. Models with long pile collect dust and harmful microorganisms that cause allergic reactions.

Should choose soft things from the pile no longer than 4 cm. To test the strength, tug lightly for fiber. If hands stayed pile, do not get the goods.
- Kids who do not have six months, buy things with a lint-free coating. Suitable models of cashmere, fleece, jersey. Older guys buy velvet, velvet, plush animals.
- Children older than 3 years, you can choose a model with small parts (eyes, beads, ornaments, buttons). See how firmly sewn on these elements. Fastening should be reliable.
- Faces of animals should be made of plastic, PVC materials are dangerous to children. To check the quality, touch her hand. Plastic is hard and cold, and the details of the PVC soft and warm.

- The appearance of the animal should be as close to the real form (except size of the animal). Buy only toys natural colorings, because through them, the kid learns the outside world. It is important that the muzzle was fun and good.
- Be sure to check the certificate of quality of the goods, stating the country of origin, age limit, the expiry date and the recommendations for care. This product must meet the requirements of GOST and international standards EN71 and ISO 9001.
- It is desirable that the child was present at purchase. Allow him to choose a toy for the soul, but without sacrificing quality. Take into account gender, age and preferences of the baby.
what better

Most soft toys:
- They have a natural appearance;
- made of natural materials, which do not fade or wear;
- They have a solid fixture, which clings cloth;
- with rather short nap, which absorbs little dust;
- proportionate to the height and weight of the baby;
- environmentally friendly;
- nice color, which does not irritate and does not tire the eyes;
- with quality tailoring and without protruding threads;
- odorless;
- practical and functional.

Recommendations for care:
- Wash toys washing machine recommended for delicate cycle, using baby detergent. Number Spin - minimum temperature - 30-40 degrees.
Turn on the extra rinse function, it will thoroughly wash the powder.
- Manually deleted items with accessories and models made of various materials (with metal inserts). For manual cleaning using a brush, sponge, cloth and warm soapy water.

Dilute the detergent in warm water, then dip the toy so that wetting is minimal. Clean thing lightly, so as not to cause mechanical damage.
- Dry the product in direct sunlight or near heating appliances. It is best to place them on a flat surface (table, sill), or hang on the clothespin.
Knits can not hang on a rope so that they are not deformed, and the fabric does not shrink. It is recommended to dry them on a towel, placed horizontally.

- Clean the dust from the toy can be vacuum cleanerUsing a nozzle for upholstered furniture. That the product is not deformed, put the minimum suction power.
- If the child is prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to clean the material using washing vacuum cleaner. In this case, contaminants are removed in the dry cleaning on the special environmental technology.
- disinfection freezer - another method of cleaning. Low temperature regimes eliminate things from dust mites and germs. To do this, put a toy in the package, and place it in the freezer.

At a temperature of -10 degrees needed for cleaning day, when the temperature reaches -18 degrees, with just a few hours. This procedure is carried out once a month.
- Special care will require products with a music box. If the mechanism can be removed by washing the toy amenable. Otherwise, you can not allow moisture on the thing. Musical models may be wiped with a cloth or vacuum.
- Another way for products that can not be washed, - soda purification. To do this, place a toy in the plastic bag, fill up to half a pack of soda. The package should be tightly tie and shake for 3-5 minutes.

After the procedure, remove the ash from the dust and dirt that has remained on the product. Less of this method - a long preservation of a third-party smell.
- After washing, check the product for damage, pay attention to the integrity of the seams.
- If the home someone has picked up a viral disease at a time, remove all soft toys from the room. Be sure to perform cleaning stuffed animals.
- If a child is constantly sleeping with a soft toy, treat it with a quartz lamp.
Precautionary measures:

- Children under 3 years should not buy a product with fine details. Kids at this age are inclined to drag everything into his mouth.
- Do not allow children to play with old things, they painted an unsafe dye - lead.
- Take care that the details have been tightly sewn and stuffed toys were not torn. Broken items may not be operated.
- Regularly clean the product from dust and dirt, wipe them with a damp cloth every 1-2 days. Otherwise there is a risk of causing the baby allergies.
- Make sure that every thing was on the spot designated for it. This will provide additional security for the baby's health.

Warranty for products is 14 days after purchase. You will need to present a valid warranty card. Goods can be returned or replaced with a new factory in the presence of a marriage and the following conditions:
- on the product is not using the following: scratches, chips;
- It preserves the integrity of the packaging of the goods, its complete equipment;
- the buyer has a receipt.
Warranty is not granted in the following cases:

- if the goods are traces of mechanical damage;
- non-compliance with the rules on the use of the goods;
- held unskilled repair products;
- visible natural wear and tear of the goods;
- traces exposure to chemicals;
- deformation when an explicit model.
Without the warranty card and purchase receipt is not guaranteed.
Manufacturers of soft toys

This is a company that produces soft toys, computer game characters. Inside the product - small polystyrene beads. Products are made of high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. The products are certified according to international standards.

The Korean company, the production is in Indonesia and China. Products represented by several hundreds of units. Among them - the toys, cushions, soft ware in the form of bags, musical model, attached to the wheelchair.
The kid learns to distinguish between colors, different shapes of figures, enhances the tactile sensation. There are special models for infants.
The advantage of goods from Aurora - fur, which can not be dirt, and almost does not accumulate dust. Filler - sintepon providing shape retention.

Products made from eco-friendly materials. Wash can be at a temperature of 30 degrees different kinds of detergents.
Known series:
- Dilly Dallys,
- Okee Dokee,
- Pet Carriers,
- Mini-Pet Carriers,
- Aurora Babies,
- Aurora Naturally (Eco-Plush),
- YooHoo & Friends.
Products are certified according to international standards.

Russian brand, which produces a soft toys and children's clothing. Products represented by fashionable models: jeans with holes, comfortable shorts and T-shirts, Skirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts and long sleeve.
This functional things for work and home, sports and school activities. Since children love outdoor games, the emphasis is on simplicity and ease of wearing.
It includes models with bright colors, decorated with drawings of things. Company products are safe for the health of children, as are strict certification. Price matches the quality of the product.

The company specializes in the production of cartoons for children, has been producing children's products: toys, clothes, shoes. Presented suits and pajamas, shirts and dresses, socks and T-shirts, including accessories - sunglasses.
Things decorated with appliqués favorite characters from "The Adventures of Nemo," "Winnie the Pooh," "The Lion King", "wheelbarrows".
brand models differ practicality, originality, convenience. Natural fabrics are used to make clothes. Products develop the mental and physical abilities of the child, contribute to the development of hand movements and sound perception.
The child learns to explore the world on their own through communication with their favorite characters.

company's products are made from environmentally friendly fabrics with original design. Models available with a stylish image, bright handbag, red hat, gift collections, and trinkets pillow.
The range has a classic, youth, car, children's and gift model.
Technologies that are used in the production, in line with international standards, have a high level of security.

The company specializes in the production of soft toys in the form of animals. Products are of varying heights (5 cm to 4.5 m) are sewed manually. They have a high ecological, simple and easy to care for.
For the manufacture of goods used durable materials that are resistant to fading and distortion, so it lasts a long time with proper maintenance.

Products are products with an unusual design and high quality. advanced technology is used for production. Among the goods popular plush elephants, bears, lions, penguins, horses.
With these models, the child will develop both mentally and physically. Production has necessary certificates of quality.

The Italian company, which is 50 years engaged in the production of soft toys. Product Benefits - awareness, safety and quality. Company model does not accumulate dust, is not amenable to mechanical damage.
They are made from environmentally friendly materials that are hypoallergenic. The company guarantees the quality of products meet international standards.

brand products are presented such series:
- Beanie Babies,
- Beanie Buddies,
- Ty Classics,
- Ty Girlz,
- Bow Wow Beanies.
Inside, there are some models of small plastic pellets which develop a child's motor skills of hands. For the manufacture of hypoallergenic materials used and safe dyes.
A distinctive feature of the company model - bright eyes, which attract not only the child, but also adults. The products are certified according to international standards.