Having a baby in the family - a wonderful event. However, during the growing problem of additional areas. After all, the baby should be sleeping, workplace, play area. How can that be, if the space in the apartment or house is not enough? For example, children are very small and placing it in all the necessary details of the interior is problematic. And adults sometimes need more space. In this case, it will be a real saving loft bed for adults and children. What does it represent? It is in this and we will try to understand today. And of course, along the way we try to understand it is possible to manufacture a similar design with their own hands.

Read article
- 1 A loft bed for adults: how to do it, the kinds of designs and reviews of the owners
- 1.1 Garret bed having a working zone: photo examples and features
- 1.2 What furniture can be built into a loft bed
- 2 Features of the application of such furniture in the rooms for children and adolescents
- 2.1 A loft bed for a teenager with a work area: as it is better to issue
- 2.2 Nuances loft beds for children from 3 years
- 2.2.1 Zone lofts beds - how to arrange
- 3 How difficult is the production of a loft bed with his hands
- 3.1 Dimensions of beds, the height above the floor, and other dimensions
- 3.2 Which materials can be produced attic bed
- 3.3 Step by step the production of a loft bed with his hands with photo examples
- 4 Overview of manufacturers and models of loft beds, on the Russian market
- 4.1 Loft bed "Yaroff Kid" - the main advantages of the model
- 4.2 Customer Feedback on the bed-loft "Fairy Tale"
- 4.3 Children's loft bed "Legend": whether it has differences from previous models
- 4.4 What features has a loft bed "Astra"
- 4.5 Loft bed "Mansion" - is there any disadvantages
- 4.6 Loft bed "Le Corsaire" - the outsider rating
- 4.7 Loft bed, "Carlson" - advantages and disadvantages of the product
- 4.8 New to the Russian market - a loft bed "Sture"
- 4.9 Loft bed "Indigo" and its characteristics
- 4.10 Orbita-1 M85 - a new generation of loft bed
- 5 Price Range: how to buy a loft bed and do not make the wrong choice
- 6 Summarizing
A loft bed for adults: how to do it, the kinds of designs and reviews of the owners
To begin, dear reader to be more clear what it is, we offer a small overview of the photo lofts beds in the interior, in which it is impossible not to fall in love. After all, even by the images it becomes clear as it is stylish, comfortable and practical.

It is not necessary that the bed was narrow. Indeed, in this case the bottom will not be as much space. Quite interesting to look and double loft bed. Such designs are best suited for rooms with relatively high ceilings. In this case under them it will be quite convenient place. Here are a few such examples.
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Pretty amazing that at a fairly high popularity of such structures, information about them, as well as their manufacture, the network is sufficiently small. Today we will try to rectify the situation.
We would like to note the low loft beds. Their peculiarity is that is not working or the play area beneath them, and a variety of different cabinets. Although, the variant desktop settings extendable structure. These beds are often located in attic spacesWhere the ceiling height does not allow the operation of conventional designs. But they have proved among those who have already bought them. Now we give a few examples of reviews that we could find on the Internet.
Shambala17, Ukraine, Donetsk: Loft bed. Very handy and compact furniture. Which is especially good when you live in a small apartment. and no where to put even a mug, it's very convenient and irreplaceable furniture when you have a lot of children, and they need somewhere to sleep it wants to play good furniture I can advise and none man. The truth is a little expensive furniture is suitable for those who have a lot of money. Well, at least, even if not very big salary, I think it is possible to defer money to his child to live in comfort. So I advise everyone to buy not regret it, very good. minus no minuses. Thank you all for that you have read my review.
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4119992.html
And here's another tip from St. Petersburg.
Anonim355857, Russia, Saint-PetersburgVery handy thing for a studio apartment. Bought for my daughter first-grader. Soft mattress, the bed is quite large. Plus, the wall is obtained additional shelf for toys, even the top 5 deep shelves, along with school supplies and a bunch of toys. It's easy to be expanded, a table can be very long. I liked that he did not need to remove even a desk lamp.
Advantages: Easy to fold, 6-year-old daughter, she copes.
Disadvantages: The long production time, we waited in St. Petersburg 5 weeks
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1316227.html
In general, the negative reviews could not be found in the network. Minor inconveniences such as long term production of custom-made furniture - do not count. After all, this is the individual problems of individual manufacturing companies.
But still, let's see what kinds of such structures exist. The main are:
- Loft bed having a working zone;
- With fitted furniture;
- For teens;
- For children from 3 years old;
- With the gaming area.
It is their we are now separately consider.
Garret bed having a working zone: photo examples and features
For those who work a lot at home, for example, a computer, you need plenty of space to accommodate a variety of papers and office equipment. In this case, the use of loft bed with a working area and a wardrobe fit perfectly while saving valuable space. See how it looks aesthetically pleasing. Besides the convenience of this design can be seen even in the photo.
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At its core it is a bunk bed with a working area, which occupies the upper berth, and the bottom - a computer or desk. The main convenience is that there is no need to hold separate cabinets securities. All you need to store Chancery is at hand. And the fact that the bed is located upstairs is an additional bonus.
Loft bed with a working place is suitable not only for adults. Very useful, this design and for schoolchildren. This is especially significant in the flats with a small area. Indeed, in our time, saving valuable space, while the average market value of the apartments, is very relevant.
The use of bunk beds with a work place, of course, very convenient, but not always feasible. We are talking about areas with low or sloping ceilings. This can be attic or something in the like. In this case, as there are uses for similar structures, though in a slightly different form.
Related article:
Loft bed with a working area for the teenager.In this article we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of furniture, the selection criteria for the girl and the boy, fabrication and installation of your hands, review of models and manufacturers.
What furniture can be built into a loft bed
When under-ceilings would be a convenient location on the lower tier of the various lockers, drawers tables or sofas. Agree, conveniently enough, if necessary, to watch TV, you can simply push the sofa. At the same time, and all the things that are usually composed of bulky cabinets are laid out neatly in boxes under the bed.
Sofa under the loft bed and can not be nominated. After sitting person is always lower than worthwhile. This means that much of a berth arrangement pitch completely useless. Convenient location and design of the table. Loft bed, in this case, too, can be low. If necessary, the writing surface will be pulled out from under her.
Important! Do not underestimate the useful qualities of such designs. When properly positioned loft bed with the cabinet can completely get rid of the drawers along the walls, saving up to 30% of the useful area.
Yet increasingly used this furniture is found in the design rooms for children and adolescents. After all, they need the extra space is felt most acutely. Let's try to understand how and how fully perform their functions loft bed with a desk and a wardrobe in these areas.
Features of the application of such furniture in the rooms for children and adolescents
It should be understood that the basic functionality for a teenager, in addition to the bed, to become a work area in which it will be convenient to do their homework. To do this, a good option a loft bed with a corner computer desk by various shelves and cupboards. These can be seen in the photo below.
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Making the work area in the device such beds can be quite varied. And that means you need more details to understand it.
A loft bed for a teenager with a work area: as it is better to issue
Here much depends on the child's own wishes. After all, adolescence involves the formation of personality, desire independence. And that means you should not try to force their point of view - it can be just a little push. Yet the design must choose himself.
Important! Parents can be considered a sleeper in terms of functionality, brightness and convenience, the teenager will choose, basically, only in appearance. The main thing here - to come to a consensus. In other words, to consider all his wishes, trying to do this without compromising the functionality and comfort.
Buy a loft bed for a teenager is not easy. The best option would be if one of the parents has the skills of a designer - in this case, there is an opportunity to create something special. If not - do not matter. Nowadays almost all the company's production of furniture provide services for the design in 3D.
You have to understand also that the work area bed for a teenager should be sufficiently high. If the ceiling does not allow her to do such, it is better to give preference to a sliding table or the working surface located on the side. These loft beds are called the corner.
Nuances loft beds for children from 3 years
It should be understood that this bed can not be equipped for children under three years. And the kids over this age need additional protection from falling, such as excessive bumpers.
Important! A loft bed for girls can be in the form of a princess castle, in soft, pastel colors. For boys is more suitable for something darker. In any case, at an early age should be avoided bright, "flashy" shades and sharp transitions. This can disrupt the immature child's psyche.
If a family has two children, the loft bed is a two-level. In this table or shelf are located on the side. As it looks, you can see in the photo examples below.
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The device loft beds for boys is best accomplished in the form of cars, aircraft or missiles. This will allow to combine play and everyday life. Usually in such cases it is a play area downstairs. On it we will talk a little lower. If the age of the child a little more, it is more convenient to make a baby bed with a working area. But, in any case, the decision on the appointment of the ground floor should be made taking into account the views of the child. It was his room, and he was in it should be comfortable.
Very important! The phrase, passing an abandoned child, "You do not understand, it is better to do like this ..." is perceived by him as "What's your opinion here nobody cares!" Dear Parents, remember this!
The device loft beds for kids is quite common, it is not surprising. Because in addition to saving space in the room, the child receives his first private space. And this factor is quite important in the formation of personality.
Zone lofts beds - how to arrange
Making gaming zones can be quite diverse - it all depends on the imagination of parents and children. But the most popular among the girls enjoyed "boudoir", which can be closed from all using blind. Boys are much more like a loft bed with a slide, which can slide from the top, without wasting time on down the stairs. However, it is worth thinking about the safety of the child. A good solution would be a soft carpet and foam acoustic panels on the walls.
Related article:
Soft floor for children's rooms. In the review, we will discuss the main characteristics of a soft floor, the average price of puzzle mats for children how to properly carry out the installation of the flooring in the nursery, fixation methods, rules operation.

How difficult is the production of a loft bed with his hands
The answer to this question is ambiguous. For some, such work will be quite simple, while others may become altogether impossible. But still a little bit easier to manufacture double loft beds for adults. Indeed, in this case it does not require any special form - the sleeper may be in a minimalist style. Children this variant is unlikely to enjoy. We will definitely consider a step by step of manufacturing in this section later.
Important! With self-manufacturing loft bed for two people should not forget that it needed more strength than for a berth for one person. Including and for this reason need a detailed drawing, drawn up listing all the materials and sizes.
Dimensions of beds, the height above the floor, and other dimensions
The dimensions of the bed-loft are selected depending on the wishes of the home worker, as well as the height from the floor. But do not forget that from the bed to the ceiling must be a minimum distance of 1 m. otherwise about any healthy sleep can be no question - is an option that a person simply not to be missed air. Including For this reason, when applying these beds you need to consider and forced ventilation.
Forming drawings bed-loft should take into account the amount of material which is required for manufacturing. Just need to pre-calculate the number of fittings required. But the most important is the choice of wood from which the sleeper will be carried out.

Which materials can be produced attic bed
The most common for the manufacture of a loft bed solid wood, which is not surprising. After all, wood is easier to process and less weight. However, some use for attics metal-beds. Today, we will not consider the second option, stopping at wooden bedding.
The simplest option is to purchase products in stores such as "Ikea" and their subsequent assembly of the house. But to dwell on this question makes no sense today. These loft beds have a full description of the assembly with the numbering of parts. This means that the additional instructions for the production of such works is not required. Much more interesting to understand how to make a loft bed from scratch with your own hands. About it now and we'll talk.
Step by step the production of a loft bed with his hands with photo examples
Having dealt with the choice of material and drawings of the bed-loft, you can begin substantive work. We will consider the simplest version
photo example | Resulting actions |
![]() | The first step, according to the drawing, we prepare all the details that are needed to build a loft bed |
![]() | On the opposite wall fasten furring |
![]() | Just a reference beam and fastened along the longitudinal wall at the desired height |
![]() | Completes the frame crossmember |
![]() | Strengthen the sex of the attic. Subsequently, it can be used not only as a sleeper, but also as a balcony inside the apartment (agree, an interesting solution |
![]() | Now you need to install the attic ladder and railing for safety |
![]() | There can be positioned fairly wide berth. But it is still possible to establish even a couple of chairs, and on the wall to place the home theater. |
![]() | Installed below the shelf must be covered from the external sight. With this task perfectly cope blackout curtains |
![]() | And in the end, our loft bed should look like |
Of course this is the easiest option. Children's loft beds to make much more complicated. That we will devote a separate topic. After all options for their production of a great many. And in each of them should be dealt with in detail.
In our example, we have shown the production of loft beds without a working area. In this case, it is not necessary to mount the bed at such a high level - if it is done below, everything will look much neater, and the material will leave less. At the same time, setting on the first floor of the computer desk and office equipment, it will bed the workplace below.
Yet independent production of these products is not very common. This requires the existence of certain tools for woodworking, as well as the skills to work with him. So there is a need to deal with the average prices for finished products, to find out who is major producers of loft beds and see the most famous and popular models present day.
Overview of manufacturers and models of loft beds, on the Russian market
Major producers attics beds are companies such as:
- "Yaroff" - the most famous of the models - the "Kid";
- "Fairy tale";
- "Aster";
- "Mansion" with loft bed model "Grand";
- "Corsair";
- "Carlson";
- "Stor";
- "Indigo";
- "M 25".
None of these producers attics beds we can not ignore, and therefore try to tell as brief as possible about each.
Loft bed "Yaroff Kid" - the main advantages of the model
Judging by the reviews - the model is fairly easy to use, made qualitatively. At a cost we understand a little bit later, but in terms of functionality. Most clearly characterizes this loft bed Review a young mother.

Rituzina, Russia, Moscow: Bought this bed when the child was 2 years and 4 months. To go and look at the shops it was not possible, therefore, we have been studied and compared all Proposals are, descriptions and reviews on the Internet. Yaroff stopped at the factory. "My favorite color, my favorite size," as they say). For us it was a huge plus its length, a little bit more and would have to do a permutation. Cot very comfortable and roomy. All accessories fit for children, even a place to stay. Table just wonderful on it and we will draw and dance and play with cars ...
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_722411.html
Certainly more comments about bed loft "Kid" is not necessary.
Customer Feedback on the bed-loft "Fairy Tale"
Here the views that we could find on the Internet, as a very laudatory. Most celebrated quality, compact size, and at the same time capacity, as though it may sound paradoxical. Not to be unfounded - an example of one of the reviews.
Talya, Russia, Moscow: Children have no big when choosing furniture and a lot of that revised and did not suit us, then found the bed and decided everything, we only buy it! We bought the bed and it has paid off, good quality, comfortable, functional, large variety of colors to suit every taste. Very comfortable roomy closet, ample workspace. Good finishing. Comfortable ladder with rungs made of wood. And most important son was just delighted with this bed. Niece arrived, so we could barely have removed her sister and then her little daughter bought.
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_389842.html
It turns out that children's loft beds "Fairy Tale" very high quality and also have very reasonable price.
Children's loft bed "Legend": whether it has differences from previous models
It is, in fact, a type of the previous model. "Legend" this loft bed named thanks to a rather long time, which it is produced. The most commonly purchased loft beds "Legend 2". However, other model, they are not inferior. That's the opinion of one of the owners - Review of loft beds "Legend 3".

mamanya1986, Russia... inexpensive, compact and very comfortable bed with children's gaming site, and built-in shelves. The kit also includes a loft bed and a wardrobe and shelves for books. All that is essential for the child. Since the room we have is not big, but instead it had everything, and still leave room for games. It was the perfect option for us. Everything is done carefully and firmly. Made of high quality materials. Convenient steps. Cool and very roomy closet, even though you could not tell at first glance. Many shelves for books and not only. We were satisfied with the purchase
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1209651.html
However, among the comments caught and not very good. The problem of the buyers was in the assembly.
An important tip! If you are not confident in their abilities, build better left to professional carpenters. This way you save yourself from unnecessary worries and unpleasant residue of the purchase. Children as such models are very popular.
What features has a loft bed "Astra"
it was not about this loft beds no complaints revealed. Pretty nice colors and high-quality production. Probably not very comfortable staircase, but it is subjective.

IDlinnovolosaya, Russia, Moscow: Loft bed PB Furniture "Astra-7" - very handy. Two in one: a place to work and a place to sleep, very clever. Very pleased, nice color, the staircase is very convenient. I looked at other reviews, many write, that the stairs inconvenient. Bright light green-green color is very inspired me. Immediately climbed up, evaluated, sleep will be comfortable, it all fits in size. There is also a small box under the stairs. He's on wheels, retractable. We put the child in the room, very convenient, small footprint.
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4100534.html
Models loft beds "Astra-7" for today are the most popular line of this brand. However, other models can not be called outsiders. For example, the great reviews on the net and on the models of loft beds "Astra-5».
Loft bed "Mansion" - is there any disadvantages
On the internet we found a few not very positive reviews. Among the disadvantages referred to do not complete the ordered matching color, poor resistance to abrasion coating, as well as the absence of holes for fasteners cabinet knobs. Although the manufacturer says on the last point, it is done just for convenience - some buyers set their pens, but they can not match up in size. Here is one of those reviews.

Eugene: The crib is wonderful, a lot of advantages! Folding table, spacious closets, bookshelves! Full corner for the younger child! I like the stairs! Delivery to the gangways take weeks! Delivered carefully! Among the shortcomings 2 nuances: ordered light green color of the facades, but the real color is much different from what was in the picture! He is more than a pistachio green, slightly was upset, but not for long! Pistachio too simpotichno looks! And the second - in the assembly on the door did not have holes for handles, had drilled himself!
More Furniture in the formula: http://buymebel.ru/otzyvy-na-mebel
Most laudatory reviews we found on the loft beds "The Mansion Grand 1".
Loft bed "Le Corsaire" - the outsider rating
I would not want to say anything bad about the manufacturers of children's furniture, but by such a withdrawal on a fairly well-known website, we could not pass.

Marina, 55, Russia, Omsk: Bought furniture corsair four days ago. After two nights spent in a room with furniture from the baby- vomiting, fever, burns the throat (signs of poisoning formaldehyde what to do now with the furniture do not know.
Advantages: bought-son liked
Disadvantages: where compliance standards of children's furniture? The child had been poisoned!
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3740841.html
As it turned out, it also happens. It is possible that this case is an isolated case, but the "bell" is and can not not listen to it.
Loft bed, "Carlson" - advantages and disadvantages of the product
Reviews by this bed-loft is quite contradictory. On the one hand, children are all very pleasant, and in the assembly of the product is convenient enough, and on the other hand buyers complain about the presence of sharp angles, as well as too much weight. And if the mass of the loft bed - a secondary question, the presence of the corners - it's child's safety. In general, the views are quite satisfactory. And if loft beds "Carlson mini" and does not claim to be the first place in our rating, then a strong "middling" - quite. And that's what they say about them.

Anonim329759, Russia, Khimki: To move a lot of options and settled on this bed. Saves space in the room, it is essential for us. By itself, the model is very convenient, versatile and reliable. I gathered it my dad. His staged fixing it in this regard picky. Praised the design of the drawers, the bottom of their bottom fixed additionally, will not sag in many chests ...
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1196068.html
New to the Russian market - a loft bed "Sture"
Reviews on this model is small enough. But already it is possible to judge that the loft bed has a very good performance, both in the quality of manufacture, and for ease of assembly. The manufacturer is the well-known brand "Ikea".
Mary1214, Russia, Moscow: Recently I appeared in our use of the very unusual piece of furniture: a loft bed. Despite the fact that the area of our children's room to freely deliver standard beds for two children, decided to buy a so to speak "for growth" for the older loft bed. Ladder decided not to fix, t. To. Kids still not grown up to sleep at this altitude ...
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3162451.html
Loft bed "Indigo" and its characteristics
Rather scarce information on this product. However, it is known that there are problems with the assembly. Full message text shall not give, if anyone is interested, you can read in the source.
Maksimkemerovo, Russia, Kemerovo"Yesterday collecting bed" Indigo ". What I want to say. Material and excellent handling quality. Fitting enough and even some left. The color is excellent. But! First: Technology, who developed the need to tear off the head of the assembly scheme that bed, you had to check how you can put the two halves of each bed on the other (at least it is drawn on the chart this way, without ties, and might, and a pair of pins and to project (to center)) to strengthen base? as?…
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_683546.html
Orbita-1 M85 - a new generation of loft bed
That's how buyers respond on this model, a loft bed. I am glad no sharp corners and protruding parts on which a child can get hurt.

lekaohgo95, Ukraine, Zaporozhye... Nothing better than we found nothing. Just the furniture is very safe: there are no high rises and sharp corners on which our little could get hurt. I forgot to remember for the design, very nice, gentle and not provocatively. Thank you very much for such a wonderful producer of children's furniture, it is very reliable, so we use more than a year, come to my son's friends, they're jumping, running around, but did not even cracked. I think the furniture for a long time.
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_980970.html
It should be noted that the above review is provided for guidance only and an overall opinion. Decide exactly who and which model will suit longer need to individually. It is not necessary to regard our today's review as specifically called for the acquisition of a particular make and model of the bed-loft.
Price Range: how to buy a loft bed and do not make the wrong choice
Buying a bed-loft - is not easy. But the main task - it's not just choose something that really like, but also not to make mistakes in the material, as it happened with the buyer-author of one of our reviews. The main thing here - a careful study of all accompanying documentation. If you purchased a loft bed on demand, the manufacturer must have a certificate of conformity to the material. That it indicates the presence or absence of various noxious impurities and harmful substances.

Buy a loft bed with a working area for the adults can be in the range of 15,000 to 50,000 rubles. As for children's products, their value is somewhat lower. price Fork starts from 8000 rubles. Specific costs for brands to name it is impossible, because in the line of each of them there are different models. Also in our survey it was named only the most famous. By regions and cities a lot of small businesses that produce their products. And it is not always that they are not well known, speaks of their poor quality. Sometimes they are loft beds are better than the products promoted brand.
Making a decision about purchasing this or that loft beds, be aware that the purchase is to bring joy to you and your children. It should be as attentive to detail - of them are general opinion about the furniture. Be sure to check all the documentation and certificates of conformity, especially when buying a baby bed-loft. All securities dealer is obliged to provide on demand - and therefore should not be shy to ask them. After all, it is buyer's right.

If we talk about the functionality and usability, we can say with confidence that the purchase loft bed for an adult or child - is very correct and good buy. And most importantly, that it does not disappoint as a result of a wrong choice.
We hope that the information presented in the current article has been helpful to our dear readers. If you have questions, or if you have your own opinion on this matter, welcome to the discussion. There, you are always welcome.
And finally, a short video with tips on choosing a loft bed: