Using the shelf for storing plants, decor, books and souvenirs is an excellent choice of interior styling. The usefulness of such an element will be in the kitchen, bathroom, home workshop or garage. Practical products help to conveniently store personal belongings or tools, utensils, cosmetics. But to ensure the reliability of the installed shelf will only correct selection of fasteners. There are a variety of mounting shelf on the wall, different installation method. Various characteristics of fasteners may be universal or used only for the flanges of the particular material. Find the right kind of shelf attachments will help you our useful descriptions. Below we told how affect the choice of fastener material, shelf design, as well as material to equip the walls.
- hidden
- Brackets, fasteners, brackets and hinges
Selection and method of attachment
- wooden
- glass
- corner
- metal
- plastic
Step by step guide mounting fasteners on the wall
- Materials and tools
- How to fix the holder with no visible fixing
- Fixing glass shelves with his own hands: Features
- Fasteners for hanging shelves on a plaster wall
- Custom mounting solutions
- conclusion
Conventionally, shelf supports are divided into two major groups: visible and hidden mounting hardware. The first type is often the original look, complemented by forged elements or other decor. Also visible fasteners may have a minimalist design. With regard to the holders of the hidden, they are ideal for wooden shelves. Due to the invisible attachment it will give the impression that the shelf is just glued to the wall. In this case, it will be able to withstand heavy loads. Shelf made of other materials (eg metal), hidden fastening are applied rarely.
There is a special type of Shelf: Side long strips in the form of the box, mounted on the wall. Shelves are fixed (inserted) between the slats. The side holders are suitable for the manufacture of a stylish pendant rack.

Hang shelves in the house can be so that the attachment is not visible and does not violate the attractiveness of the mounted element. There are various fasteners for flush mounting:
- Flat loop.
Fixed on a shelf nailed or glued to the light products. To hang a shelf, under a fixed hinge screws are screwed into the wall. Next loops are placed on the protruding screw heads.

- Metal shelf supports, pins.
Represent the long portion, is recessed into the wall, and short front portion that is inserted into the shelf. Initially under the pins on the wall and in the product harvested appropriate holes. Sometimes, instead of the usual shelf-used steel threaded studs.

Brackets, fasteners, brackets and hinges
Visible shelf mount made of metal and plastics (which may be a metal substrate). There are the following visible shelf supports:
- Brackets.
According to the intended purpose and load the product on the used brackets can be in the form of small Holder with a prepared hole for installing the shelf (e.g., pelican). Heavy hinged products used T-shaped fasteners.

- Corners.
Seating area attached from under the bottom of a shelf, as well as mounted on the wall itself. They may be L-shaped or curved fasteners decorate arc.

- Loop.
Furniture hinges for roomy shelves barely visible above products. Unlike thin analogs have a greater thickness capable of withstanding a large load for flush mounting.

Selection and method of attachment
Fastenings shelves of different materials differ greatly. For example, glass or plastic shelves are quite fragile, and when installed in concealed installation may be damaged. Also on the choice of suitable holders affects shelves weight, things that will be placed on them. Heavy souvenirs, numerous books have to install the most reliable fastening. Otherwise guarantee the integrity of the shelf or fixing strength is not obtained. When selecting holders should be specific mountable products. For angular and custom shaped shelves (for example, consisting of multiple frames) selected attachment that securely support their individual parts. Particular attention should be paid to the location of fixtures flatness. Even a slight misalignment in the horizontal will result in an uneven load on the product.
See also:Padding sofa with his hands

Due to the convenience of working with wood, wooden shelves are hung on all fixtures. The most popular option left corners and brackets. They are ideal, given the fact that even a small board will have more weight. In addition to the classic versions, there is a special hidden method of fastening wooden shelves with an auxiliary beam (not the rack!). It is stuffed in the place of installation of the interior member and serves as (base) of the support. Sheer shelf or the inside from the bottom is fixed to the beam. With regard to the shelf of the derivatives of wood materials (MDF, chipboard), then they are encouraged to hang on the brackets, hinges and corners. Using hidden metal rods, mounted within the shelves used, will lead to rapid destruction of the compacted material.

For shelves of glass used plastic or metal fasteners with plastic, rubberized inserts. Most often hang glass products in the following holders:
- fixing-pelicans;
Plastic fasteners comprise small upper and broad lower part. Is connected between the short vertical bar. Whole-mount pelican mounted on the wall of glass inserted between the upper and lower part.
- area with a rubber spacer;
Corner mounted on the wall, and glass shelf bolted to its rubber spacer.
- shelf support with suction cup.
It is used for fixing glass shelves in the cupboard, but is also suitable for the installation of the product on the wall. Long attachment (preferably choose a model with 2-3 suckers) is mounted to the wall plugs. The glass is attached to the suction cup.

Because of the unusual arrangement of the angular models are mounted on special fasteners. For example, for a single shelf use small nooks or brackets. This mounting method is suitable and separate shelves considerable distance from each other. The bathroom lock chrome or plastic shelves can be carried out using suction cups. Custom option is attractive for its ease of implementation: to carry out the work owner does not need to use auxiliary tools. Another way to fix the corner shelves - overall vertical slats. Shelf supports are fixed anchors on adjacent walls. And directly on the side panels are installed benches. To this end, vertical slats are complemented by special projections.

To properly fix the metal shelf, it is necessary initially to determine its purpose. Forged elements mounted in the hallways to store hats, attached with hinges. Light metal shelves for cosmetics in the bathroom are fixed on hinges, suckers. If unusual metal shelf is used for storing books or potted plants, it can be attached by hinges or corners. Installation of products in shops, garages carried out using solid metal brackets. Brackets themselves should plant to anchor Retractable Wall of brick, concrete, foam block. Otherwise, ensure that the chosen mount will withstand a lot of weight, will not work.
See also:Folding table with his hands in wood

Hang plastic shelves made on brackets or metal and plastic corners. Initially shelves of plastic have special holes for fasteners, eliminating the need for drilling their own hands. After screwing the plastic shelves for mounted fixtures can be used various kinds of plugs. They will close the screw head. Another type of fasteners used for plastic shelves are pelican and similar shaped attachment made of plastic, metal. Shelf supports are mounted on the wall and shelves themselves entered into their allocated for installation pits. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation performing with his own hands. But when using curly brackets decorate corners or you can emphasize the design of the installed shelves and original complement the interior.

Step by step guide mounting fasteners on the wall
Before you attach the mount to the wall under the shelf, it is necessary to choose the right holders and auxiliary tools. For example, for the walls of brick, cinder block, aerated concrete and apply dowels and anchor. Strong walls can withstand heavy loads, and will not break or deform due to heavy hanging shelves. On a concrete or brick wall, you can hang any shape and material of the shelf. They are also allowed to load different objects, from books and encyclopedias to all kinds of ceramic, metal figurines. Plaster walls will not be able to withstand heavy objects. These better strengthen small bookcases or shelves with a light decor and ornaments. Regardless of the wall materials, the installation of fasteners is performed under the general scheme:
- The marking of installation sites holders.
- Installation of fixtures under the shelf supports.
- Installing the shelf support.
- Installing shelves.

Materials and tools
Depending on the choice of shelves, fixtures and features for them against the wall, installation of interior decor will be different. For fastening the shelves to the wall, you may need the following tools and materials:
- nails and a hammer (to help fix small shelves for pots or light decoration);
- screws (ensure a secure fit shelves medium weight);
- dowels (suitable for mounting shelves or the shelves at various souvenirs);
- Anchor (will securely fix the wall multilevel racks or shelves with higher weight);
- screwdriver, drill, hammer drill (used for fastening screws or the workpiece in the wall holes for dowels);
- level and a pencil (let right place to note the installation of fasteners);
- selected attachment (visible or hidden);
- plugs for screws or nails (if the cap and are visible on the shelf should be hidden).

How to fix the holder with no visible fixing
Carry out the installation of hinged wooden shelf with hidden shelf support under the force of each owner. Attach it as follows:
- Under exactly the level mark space for metal pins (pin diameter should be at least 10-12 mm).
- Note on the shelf space for attachments. The distance between the fasteners on the wall and the shelf should be the same!
- Drill holes in the wall for mounting.
- Install fasteners. In addition, they can be fixed in the holes with liquid nails (but remove them from the wall then it will be very difficult).
- Drill the holes on the shelf.
- Attach the shelf to the previously assembled shelf supports.

Fixing glass shelves with his own hands: Features
To simplify the installation of glass shelves, arranged one above the other, will help the use of vertical shelf support. They are complemented perpendicular supports and limiters. Similar fasteners can withstand a lot of weight, eliminate the danger window offset. Limiters fixtures may look like a complete roof rails. Attach them to the wall quite easily. Do this you will help the following scheme:
- Mark the location of fixtures under the vertical bars (attached to dowels 3-4).
- Drilling holes for mounting dowels (if drilled tiles - use a special drill with diamond coating).
- Installing anchors.
- Installation of vertical shelf support.
- Installing glass shelves.
See also:Chest in modern interior

Fasteners for hanging shelves on a plaster wall
Because drywall is a brittle material, fixing on shelves therein need special fasteners. Dowels butterfly (also called plugs, umbrellas, Molly) during the installation of the wall open, creating a strong emphasis. They are ideal for hanging light plastic or wooden shelves. However, to secure the fasteners to use screws that are in the 1-1.5 cm longer than the dowel. Installation work is carried out as follows:
- Under the level places are marked shelf support.
- Drill holes for dowel-butterfly.
- It carried out the installation of dowels.
- Fixed angles, brackets.
- Installation is carried out most of the shelf.
Heavy shelves are not recommended to be attached to the drywall. Because of the heavy weight of gypsum board products over time will begin to deform and break.

Custom mounting solutions
Besides the classic fixings for shelves, can be used in a completely unusual holders. They will help to diversify the interior, to give it flavor. The most original mounting options for the shelves are:
- leather belts;
For the manufacture of the holders of the leather belts made two big hinges that are put on the right and left on the shelf. In the upper part edges folded in two loops installed metal ring. Installed ring snapped on the screws, mounted in the wall.

- ropes;
For such an option would require in each shelf, drill the hole on the left and the right. Shelves are strung on ropes. Each shelf is fixed at a certain portion of the rope by tying it into a knot wood strap. Above the upper flange rope binds to a node is fixed on the screw.

- chain;
Hanging shelves by chains performed in a similar way with the fixation on the leather straps. The only difference will be the use of different chain length (front to be longer than the rear). Also, chain themselves to be attached to the shelves, not just frame them.

- wooden beams (with a cross section of 5x5 cm).
Initially, the wall hidden fasteners fixed. The pieces of timber are drilled holes for stringing beam on the wall mount. Under one shelf can be mounted 2-4 pieces of timber.
Spend quality installation of shelves in the room, the kitchen, the bathroom is easy with the knowledge of all the nuances. First of all take into account the material and weight of the selected product. According to its characteristics to select the optimal method of installation: hidden or visible. So, for the wardrobe shelves you can use any attachment. And for the stylized elements as possible should be used invisible fasteners. It is important in the selection of fixtures mounted on the wall, to take into account its material and load-bearing capacity. The specifics of the installation screws or dowels in wood, brick, plasterboard wall is somewhat different. Please review our tips and helpful advice, you can easily select the appropriate attachment and hold their installation without errors. Particular attention is paid to recommend a selection Shelf for solid products installed to store tools or heavy decorations.