If you have a home glossy ceilings, Should immediately determine what can be washed without divorce. The selection can be made in favor of finished formulations or folk remedies. It is important to observe a certain sequence of actions and be careful not to damage the spanned canvas. We suggest to familiarize with the intricacies of the process and cleaning rules.
No dust, no dirt, no divorces: we just have to choose the right tool
Read article
1 The reasons due to which we have to think about how you wash glossy ceilings without divorce
2 Frequency of cleaning of glossy ceilings
3 The wash glossy stretch ceiling without divorce - Tools and accessories
4 Detergents for suspended ceilings: topical formulations
4.1 The wash stretch ceiling: popular compositions and folk remedies
4.1.1 Household chemicals
4.1.2 Folk remedies
4.2 Special polishes, helping to polish after washing stretch ceiling
4.3 Which means you can not wash ceilings: important points
5 How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without Divorce: rules that deserve attention
5.1 How to clean up a stretch ceiling - an algorithm of actions
5.2 How to clean the glossy stretch ceilings without stains at low degree of pollution: dry cleaning
5.3 How to wash ceilings at home with heavy pollution
5.4 Methods of washing glossy surfaces without streaks in the presence of oily stains
The reasons due to which we have to think about how you wash glossy ceilings without divorce
Some people think that forming a headlinerIt can be a long time not to think about what to wash ceilings without divorce. In fact, it is not. During installation wizard touch fabric hands. The presence of glove does not protect from the tracks. On glossy surfaces any contaminants are clearly visible, especially in daylight. The eyes will throw not only fingerprints, but also the settled dust. That is why immediately after the completion of the work should begin to wash suspended ceilings.
For good gloss attracts dust
After some time after the blade also need to be cleaned. The reason lies in the emergence of dirt and dust settling. Traces of their life left to flies and midge. Sometimes it may appear a drop of fat, if the ceiling is strung in the kitchen. We offer to find out how to wash the suspended ceiling without divorce, as well as how you can use the drug, so as not to damage the surface.
The choice of the composition is very important when cleaning ceiling
Frequency of cleaning of glossy ceilings
The presence of the antistatic coating significantly retards the process of settling dust. To save a presentable appearance of the ceiling, you should wash it every six months. And until the time comes, we must decide what you will be clean stretch ceiling. Use special solutions in between wet cleaning is not necessary. Simply dusting, using a soft dry cloth.
Attention! If the gloss has lost its shine and become opaque, cleaning should start early, without waiting for debris enters.
Ceiling Cleaning is carried out once every six months or at least the appearance of pollution
The wash glossy stretch ceiling without divorce - Tools and accessories
For work at height using special devices and instruments. Before you can wash the glossy stretch ceiling without divorce, prepare all necessary. To care for the ceiling will need:
stepladder or ladder. Some women use tableBut his movement may cause some difficulties. mop It should be used with extreme caution, as the slightest force can damage the blade;
sponges suitable rigidity;
soft cloth. Most often the choice is made in favor of flannel or microfiber. The latter option is quite popular, as the material absorbs moisture, and therefore remove the stain without a divorce can be even without the use of detergent compositions;
a vacuum cleaner, Equipped with a soft nozzle;
Tip! Before buying a suitable composition learn than wash the ceilings, and whether you have selected is suitable tool for this purpose.
Without a ladder to do a very difficult
Detergents for suspended ceilings: topical formulations
To clean the stretch ceilings can be used not all detergents. Correctly selected composition will remove the precipitated dust, but this will cause the occurrence of defects or loss of gloss. Let's talk in more detail, which are to be used to remove contaminants, which rinse aid, but from what should be rejected at once.
The wash stretch ceiling: popular compositions and folk remedies
If contamination appeared not immediately decide what to wash the suspended ceiling. The selection can be made in favor of household chemicals and folk remedies. Acquainted with them in more detail.
Finished compositions are highly effective
Household chemicals
Manufacturers offer special formulations, which can usually be purchased in companies that provide services for the installation of ceiling systems. Each of these means has a unique structure, adapted to the structure of the webs. We offer to meet with consumer feedback on the means for washing of suspended ceilings without divorce:
Review of Nouvel means:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_410665.html
Review PTMC BVBA means:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_7124430.html
Feedback on SKY means:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5598964.html
Tip! If you purchase household chemicals it is not possible, pay attention to the means for washing of glasses. They help to remove dirt and leave streaks.
Spray for cleaning glass - An Affordable Solution
Folk remedies
If you can not buy a ready means, it is to understand, than folk remedies can be washed ceilings-gloss. The best option is to use an ordinary pure water or a soap solution. For the preparation of the latter is used mainly mild baby soap.
Attention! Use soap should be with caution.
Due to its composition it does not worsen the appearance stretched canvas and its structure. To remove dirt, enough to moisten a soft cloth and wipe the entire surface. After that, the ceiling should be wiped dry, that does not remain divorces.
A soap solution should be faint
The disadvantage is the complexity of the soap solution to combat divorce with the possibility of removing the contamination. To get rid of them, you can use a solution of ammonia. For this:
preparing an aqueous solution of a low concentration of ammonia;
gently rubbed desired area, using a soft sponge or cloth;
wipe the surface.
Tip! In a small area should ensure that the ammonia does not come into contact with the ceiling material. Ask the workers remaining material for such experiments.
A solution of ammonia should be weak
Special polishes, helping to polish after washing stretch ceiling
Determine what better to wash the ceilings, you should choose a tool that will help restore the lost luster. Manufacturers offer special formulations that can be used to prevent the occurrence of divorce. If those are not available, you can use a weak solution of alcohol.
Polishing will return the lost luster
Which means you can not wash ceilings: important points
When choosing a suitable composition should know by what means it is impossible to wash ceilings. The important condition is the rejection of compositions containing:
Not suitable as concentrated formulations designed to remove the resulting pollution. Before you apply, be sure to dilute them.
The content of abrasive particles is unacceptable
How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without Divorce: rules that deserve attention
Following the acquisition of appropriate means should not only carefully examine the recommendations of the manufacturer, but also figure out how to wash the glossy stretch ceiling without divorce. There is a certain sequence of steps to be followed when working. Also in the cleaning process should take into account the degree of contamination of the web.
Stains on the glossy surface of the ceiling should not be
How to clean up a stretch ceiling - an algorithm of actions
Let us consider in detail how to wash the suspended ceiling. Work should be done in the following sequence:
ladder set in a corner;
Apply the composition. Preferably, a spray;
gently, without exerting any pressure, wipe the blade with a sponge. It is advisable not to do it in a circular motion, and straight along the seams or from left to right;
with a dry cloth microfiber wipe dry the surface to completely get rid of the residual solution. This should be done without pressure, without leaving stains;
Work on a stepladder to be very careful
How to clean the glossy stretch ceilings without stains at low degree of pollution: dry cleaning
When deciding how to wash glossy ceilings without divorce, should first consider the possibility of cleaning the surface without mechanical action. If contaminated with small, simply dust builds up, you can use a dry cloth.
You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling
How to wash ceilings at home with heavy pollution
If contamination strong enough, not every woman knows how to wash ceilings in the home. To get rid of the strong stains should:
to prepare a microfiber cloth and moisten it in a solution of mineral spirits;
rub the soiled spot composition;
polished refined place composition for washing glasses;
dry with a dry cloth.
Methods of washing glossy surfaces without streaks in the presence of oily stains
If to be a general cleaning kitchen, it is necessary to immediately determine how to clean the glossy stretch ceiling from fat. You should use gel for washing dishes. Preparing a dilute solution, omit soft sponge, and then carefully squeeze into it. Carefully remove the resulting grease. Remains remove with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly. In this case, be sure to completely get rid of the divorce.
You can take advantage of "Fairy"
To get rid of fat spots can also be used ammonium hydroxide. After complete removal of grease lost surface gloss polishing back using an alcohol or a weak ammonia solution. If there was a smoke next to fat, you should use spray glass and mirror surfaces.
It is necessary to carefully remove impurities
To figure out what and how to wash Stretch glossy ceilings, you can get to work. Share in the comments of his ways and secrets of combat divorce.