Often amateur beekeepers holding 2-3 bee colonies, faced with the problem of "overpopulation." After all, bees start to swarm, and therefore there is a question of acquiring new hives. But what then? Buy new not everyone can afford, and were in use - and even dangerous. After all, it is not known why they are selling and what diseases can be purchased along with the "home". That's when a thought - why not make the hive with their hands? Today we try to understand how hard it is and what it requires. Surely this information will be useful to those who only thinks about beekeeping.

Read article
- 1 Beekeeping for beginners - how to start an inexperienced beekeeper
- 2 The device of the hive for the bees: general information about what they are species
- 2.1 Beehive Dadant-Blatt: description, the apparatus and some features use in apiculture
- 2.2 What is the Langstroth hive Ruta and how it works
- 2.3 Horned hive Michael Palyvoda - best budget option
- 2.4 Alpine or beehive structure according to the method of Roger Delon
- 2.5 Cassette hive - why a lot of it is not recommended
- 2.6 Beehive lounger and how it differs from other houses for bees
- 2.7 Beehive boa why he is so fond of amateur beekeepers
- 3 Beehive own hands: step by step instructions with photos examples
- 3.1 What is needed for the construction of the hive with their hands according to the drawings
- 3.2 The difficulties that may arise during the construction of houses for bees
- 3.3 Framework for bee house - the nuances of their manufacturing
- 4 Summarizing
Beekeeping for beginners - how to start an inexperienced beekeeper
The main thing - it's certainly understand whether a person will be able to engage in this difficult work. After all, not all of it under force due to physical performance and health. The first and most important requirement - is the lack of an allergy to bee stings. After all, some people can not tolerate even a single case. If a novice beekeeper there is such a strong reaction, then the path to the apiary he ordered. It should also be aware that the bee venom entering the body, contributing to a sharp increase in blood pressure. That is why people with heart disease and high blood pressure to engage in such activities is strictly prohibited.
Now on the physical condition. Those planning to do beekeeping should be understood that it is hard, everyday work. It will be necessary to carry hives, honey extractors and work on more. And do not think that this is a very profitable business, which will begin to generate income from the first season. After initially require large expenses for themselves bees, hives, additional buildings. And when there is no honey fields and does need to be transported hives from place to place by negotiating with the owners of the meadows of the post apiary, addressing issues with its protection. So the first 2-3 years can not even think about any slightest profit.

But if you have specifically decided to do this difficult task, it is one of the primary items of expenditure can be minimized - hives for the bees to build their own hands. Obviously, this requires some knowledge and experience joinery. But if you want, the care and accuracy matter it is quite doable.
The device of the hive for the bees: general information about what they are species
To understand how the hive, you need to study all the information about them and find out why there is a particular compartment. Many beekeepers, sometimes hereditary, do not even know how it's called. But this does not prevent them from doing things you love. However, beginners have to understand it. After all, for you must be able to read construction drawings for the hives of bees, and sometimes to draw them. Right now, and we examine some of the types and try to figure out which one is easier to build to start. Those who subsequently will address this matter in a larger scale, will eventually be understood all kinds of houses for bees. In the meantime, start with the most common.
Beehive Dadant-Blatt: description, the apparatus and some features use in apiculture
Initially, this hive had the name of only one of its inventor - Charles Dadant. But its design, although it was quite successful, yet require revision. It was her and made Swiss beekeeper Blatt, who added some innovations. But to this day among beekeepers (perhaps for the sake of simplicity) used the name "beehive Dadant" this bee houses.
This construction is not widely applied in industrial honey crop, but among the fans is almost the most popular. Dimensions hive incident on a framework 12, the drawing of which is shown below the image is 585 × 585 × 815 mm.
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Important information! It does not matter what the hive. It is important to do as much shopping as possible. It's the most important thing for honeybee workers. But fanaticism in this case too to anything.
In fact such a home for bees is fairly simple. In other words, the building, the presence in front of the eyes of the drawings, Dadant hive with their hands, no problems will be.
What is the Langstroth hive Ruta and how it works
This design is also quite popular. And not only among fans but also among industrial builders. It begins from the beginning of the nineteenth century. While beekeeper Lorenzo Langstroth invented the first version of it. However, he was somewhat uncomfortable due to the fact that the bottom of the hive proved non-removable. This greatly complicates the cleaning and maintenance. However, at the end of the same century industrialist beekeeper Amos Root slightly changed, and one might even say, and simplified design. And even today, his descendants owned company manufacturing a variety of devices for apiaries by making these hives.
The main difference of the bees from the previous home - lack of shops. In addition, the frame itself is slightly lower, although the width of them is identical. Drawings hive Ruta can be easily found on the web open spaces the InternetTherefore it makes no sense to put them all here. Of course, for the general concept, we present the esteemed reader a few of them below.
On their own drawings Langstroth hives differ from Ruta structure slightly. But among beekeepers name of this structure was fixed with only one name. By analogy with the Dadant we call them simply Rutovskimi.
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Horned hive Michael Palyvoda - best budget option
While many of those who have been professionally engaged in beekeeping and talk about a similar design with disdain, for the novice beekeeper it can become a true godsend. Apart from the fact that to make it a lot easier than the previous two options, so also it can be done from virtually any scraps boards.
Important information! Speaking "from any" we do not mean oiled or rotten wood. Bee will not live where there is a stranger, even the slightest smell. It is for this reason that experienced beekeepers hives to collect nails or screws, and never use adhesives. A coloring is used only outside the house bees.
With regard to ease of manufacture, then looking at the photos we submitted drawings horned hive, with their hands can make it probably even a schoolboy.
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Just can not fail to please the fact that in such a house can accommodate virtually all breeds of bees. But especially such a structure like Buckfast and Carpathian. Pretty good it feels and the famous bee Burzyan but Bashkiria beekeepers somehow chosen for themselves other types of structures. Perhaps due to the fact that these hives are made small enough.
Alpine or beehive structure according to the method of Roger Delon
Pretty comfortable design due to the fact that as the number of bees in the family there is no need to build up a new hive. Only need to add inserts, lifting it high.
Roger Delon - fairly well-known French scientist beekeeper, apiary holding in the Alps. Moreover, thanks to its construction of hives, he does not have time to collect honey in the summer, but by doing it for the winter.
The very structure of bee house is radically different from all mentioned earlier, not only the structure but also the size. It is for this reason that the content of such hives is not very convenient. It is quite difficult to choose a non-standard frame suitable extractor. But the performance alpine hives outperform any other, even not nectariferous year.
It is also difficult to move from conventional bee houses in Alpine - "newcomers hard to get used to a different structure. For this reason, if a novice beekeeper, having considered all options are settled on Alpine, you should not start with something simple with the idea that over time it will be possible to change the design. Better in this case, once a hive of building design by Roger Delon.

Cassette hive - why a lot of it is not recommended
Similar designs appeared relatively recently, but now they have both supporters and opponents. In this second many times more than the first. The essence of design to save space by narrowing the distance between the frames. Here lies the main bone of contention.
Experienced beekeepers claim that it will lead to a framework between the layers of propolis. As a result, they will be inoperative. You do not trust the opinion of experts of reasons not.

It is also in doubt and that the Council make of a material such as Fibreboard. Frankly, anyone who understands even a little in beekeeping will say that in such houses about any honey, and can be no question. Bees simply will not live there.
Not to be unfounded, we give an example of such a review for the bee house:
Rchalyar: In the early 90's one of my relatives decided to become a beekeeper. I do not remember where, like in Moscow, sent him a pamphlet with the drawings, the description and the technology content of the bees in the hive of the original design. Honey yield in this hive was promised just unprecedented. Work started. Sawed boards, somewhere dragged posters "Give ...", "Glory ...", "Long live ..." from Fibreboard and built 8 pieces. And built a pavilion, though stationary, not on wheels. What am I all about? Oh, just the one hive and your identical. The height of the frame like more, and can not, do not remember exactly. I must say that he is the guy with his hands, it was all done soundly ...
More on Pchelovod.info: http://www.pchelovod.info/index.php? showtopic = 25251
We do not give a full review, it is interesting - you can read it in the source. For those who have no desire to go on the sites, we can say that in this recall people wrote that the hives are now in no one else mice does not live. Well, sometimes there are stray bees, not only those that produce honey, and those on the balconies yes to garages periodically inhabit.
Beehive lounger and how it differs from other houses for bees
If you ask such a question of professional beekeepers, you can hear a completely different answers. It is not that some are right and others are not. Simple design it can be different.

Looking at this hive, you can see that he looks just like the others, but if lying on its side. The lid also opens up, but it serves as the top wall. Outwardly, it looks like a chest. That's what it was called sunbed. The design of such hive may be similar to any of the above. This can be as rutovsky and Dadant hive.
Try as well to appeal to guests of professionals - and what they think about the hive sunbeds with their own hands?
Danichek: I can not say yes, because they do not have the experience of driving the bees, for example, in multihulls, and therefore I can not compare. Although, I remember that in his lectures Kashkovsky claims that they have in Siberia is using sunbeds beekeepers honey harvest achieved a record either from one hive, and in general from the apiary. In my opinion, a sunbed just to create a strong honey cake (what we seek), less concerned about the bees inspections (every viewing, wants or does not want to beekeeper brings family nervousness, and for a couple of days the family gets out of their normal rhythm life) ...
More on nn.ru: https://www.nn.ru/community/user/pchely/lezhak_na_20_ramok_plyusy_i_minusy.html
Beehive boa why he is so fond of amateur beekeepers
The secret of the popularity of such hives in their compactness and ease of both installation and maintenance. Outwardly, it is somewhat reminiscent of the alpine, but much smaller in size. While those who are not the first year engaged in beekeeping say that a novice beekeeper with hive will handle is not easy. But as you know, everything is relative, but by those who are close to such a structure, nothing prevents to start with such bee houses.
Fabrication drawings hives boa own hands simply, we will present them dear reader for review below. If provided will not be enough, you can always find more information in the network.

Beehive own hands: step by step instructions with photos examples
Let us consider the example of the six actions, how to make the hive with their hands from the boards:
photo example | Resulting actions |
![]() ![]() | The first step is pre-aligned bonded "in spike" workpiece width 250 mm. |
![]() | Now it is necessary to align them along the length of 439 mm and 434 mm. |
![]() | Cut folds - upper, lower and lateral. |
![]() | This is how should look the finished parts. Now it's small - to put the pieces together. |
![]() | About such a result and should get. |
Of course, in the instructions it is impossible to show everything, but in fact it is not necessary. After all, any beekeeper learns all his life, trying something different, and therefore will never find two beekeepers who do exactly the same hive. And yet, we offer to watch the video on making the hive with their hands according to the drawings and dimensions. We think that there will be no problems after that.
What is needed for the construction of the hive with their hands according to the drawings
The main thing that you need for the job - is to choose the material. Bees - a rather fastidious insects and, if they do not like the house, they can simply fly away to look for a new home.
It is also important to maintain the necessary microclimate in the house. That is why when reading and parsing the drawings for the beehive with his hands to think and warming. After all, they should be neither too hot, nor cold. It is worth to pay close attention to the system ventilation. Do not forget that in different kinds of houses it runs on its own.

Insulate the building can be like an ordinary foam and Penoplex (Polyurethane). These materials are non-toxic and odorless.
Important! In any case it is impossible to insulate the inside of the hive. Otherwise, we get a situation where because of the wax will be simply impossible to pull out of the frame.
If possible, try to avoid gluing. In an extreme case, you need to select a composition which is odorless. You can use hot melt glue - it is neutral, non-toxic and bees on it did not react.
selection wood very important. The best option may be aspen or lime. Conifers are also suitable, but in this case it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that in the first year of honey will be felt not strong, but perceptible smell of resin.

The difficulties that may arise during the construction of houses for bees
The main objective in such work - this is the exact compliance with all specified dimensions. And this is not just a whim of the one who came up with one or the other hive. It is a necessity, which are cross-checked for years. Many people think that it is possible to design and build a house for the bees on their own invented sizes, and after getting the honey not less than the rest. Will not work! It has been said that, if the distance between the frames is smaller between bee propolis will emerge and they will become inoperable. What will happen if we make the distance more?
In this case, the bee decides that you need to build the intermediate cell and end up with the first option - all tightly stick together. As for the height - there is practically no restrictions. But we should remember that it is necessary to carry hives that becomes problematic when a large weight.

Quite a big problem and are vagrants, strangers bees. Often it is with them come a variety of diseases and it is the degeneration of the breed starts with such incidents. If again cite the example Burzyan bee, its degeneration in Bashkortostan has become noticeable. A frequent reason for that visit beekeepers with neighboring regions.
And of course do not forget about feeding insect sugar syrup during the winter. After all, the bulk of the honey that they are ready for the cold season, they have taken. All this should find out more before you make a hive to settle and to its first guests.
If you think about the process of making the hive with their hands, a complicated matter, but quite interesting and exciting.
Framework for bee house - the nuances of their manufacturing
Frames - is the foundation of the hive. And it is very much dependent on the quality and proper execution.
Important! From whatever material was not built in a bee house, the frame should always be of good wood - linden, aspen or apple. This will ensure the best taste of honey quality. The wire guide to be made of stainless wire, if it is not made of wood.

Everyone knows that honey - it is not just a sweet treat, but also a great medicine. And on what will hives, they are equipped, and the quality depends on the final product. So the responsibility for this rests on the shoulders of the beekeeper. Do not forget about it. Well, what kind of bees select homes - up to you, our dear reader.
If anyone have any questions - we will be glad to answer them in the discussion, and perhaps also debatable. As it is known, in a dispute born truth. In case, if you have found any inaccuracy in the information provided by us, we will be grateful if you specify it.
And finally a video on the topic of manufacturing frameworks: