Sawdust often accumulates in a country house or dacha. They remain after some kind of construction or repair work, the preparation of firewood. Usually their fate is just a firebox or a waste basket. Meanwhile, this material can be very useful. Let's analyze the most common uses for sawdust.
Read in the article
- 1 Growing substrate
- 2 Insulation for walls, floors and ceilings
- 3 Garden path material
- 4 Flavoring
- 5 Compost material
- 6 Mulch and baking powder
- 7 For smoking fish and meat
- 8 To combat insect pests
Growing substrate
Sawdust is an excellent material for growing onions or mushrooms.
To plant onions in sawdust, you need to saturate them with water so that they swell. This happens most quickly if you pour hot water over them. Plant the cut-off onions in the swollen and cooled sawdust to make it easier for the feather to break through.

To plant mushrooms in sawdust, they are also pre-poured with boiling water. Then the mass is mixed with mixed feed or finely chopped straw in a ratio of 3: 1. The finished substrate is tamped into plastic bags, sprinkling with mycelium layer by layer. In order for the mushrooms to germinate, several slots are made in the bag.

Insulation for walls, floors and ceilings
This natural material is an excellent insulation and sound insulator.
For thermal insulation of the floor or roof, sawdust is mixed with lime, adding 1 kg of lime to 10 kg of sawdust. The screed on the floor with the addition of sawdust is also popular. For the first layer of the screed, 6 parts of sawdust and 2 parts of sand are added to 1 part of cement. For the next layer, the sawdust rate is halved.
To insulate the walls, formwork is made and poured with a composition of 10 parts of sawdust and 1 part of gypsum, 1 part of water and 1 part of lime. The mass is carefully tamped and, after drying, the formwork is removed.

Garden path material
If you sprinkle sawdust in a layer of 5-7 cm between the beds, you will forget about weeds and dirt stuck to your feet after rain.

Some woods have a strong natural scent, such as pine or juniper. Such sawdust need not be flavored with essential oil - they already smell wonderful. If the odor is not pronounced, spray the sawdust with scented oils, and then put them in cloth bags.

Compost material
It is undesirable to add fresh sawdust in large quantities to the garden soil. They can remove nitrogen from the soil, which is necessary for the normal development of plants. But adding sawdust to compost is a great idea.

Advice! In order for the compost to reach its condition faster, a little lime (150 g), urea (130 g), calcium chloride (70 g), superphosphate (10 g) are added to it. This amount is calculated for a small pile no higher than 150 cm.
Mulch and baking powder
For mulching and loosening the soil, only rotted sawdust is used, that is, such that for a year, or better two, lay in the open air.
If you need to speed up the overheating of sawdust, they are poured with a urea solution (200 g per bucket of water) and wrapped in polyethylene for a couple of weeks.
For smoking fish and meat
Fruit tree sawdust is a very aromatic material for smoking. Alder and oak shavings and sawdust are also suitable for this purpose. It is undesirable to smoke on birch: there is too much tar from it, and the product will taste bitter.

To combat insect pests
The Colorado potato beetle cannot stand the smell of coniferous sawdust. It is enough to sprinkle the potato beds with these sawdust - and you are guaranteed a good harvest. They will also help in the fight against slugs, which do not like to overcome thorny obstacles.
And finally, fuel briquettes can be made from sawdust. If you're wondering how - watch this video:
How do you use sawdust? Share your experience in the comments!
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