Plastic window is not closed: Causes and Solutions

A situation where plastic window not closed, are rare. It's a long time or operated, or assembly of windows was carried out poorly. That is, in any case, the main cause is in the structure itself and the failure of one of the parts. But what if it does not close - an issue that worries many ordinary people who want to solve this problem on their own. So first of all we need to become familiar with the causes of the problem and deal with ways to address them.

Plastic window is not closed
PVC window is not closed

Read article

  • 1 How to repair plastic windows with their hands
    • 1.1 slipped flap
    • 1.2 The flap fits tightly to the frame
      • 1.2.1 Wrong worth eccentric
      • 1.2.2 Blocking of drainage strips
  • 2 Problems with the handle flaps - how to open plastic window
    • 2.1 Handle stuck in the up position
    • 2.2 Handle stuck in the down position
    • 2.3 The handle is rotated with a force of
    • 2.4 The handle is broken or become loose
  • 3 Rules of service of PVC windows
  • 4 Recommendations made by the maintenance and repair of plastic windows

If the window is operated for a long time, then, whether we like it or not, it's parts and components will gradually lose their initial technical quality. But it happens, and so that put the box recently, and it ceases to be opened or closed. In what could be the reason?

The reasons are many, and to find that It does not allow the opening of or closing, it is necessary to know the structure of plastic windows. That is what arrangements and details can affect the quality of its operation. Therefore, we consider the main causes and remedies.

Attention! The plastic window assembly technology at the plant includes adjusting the valves on the combination of them in the opening frame. But installers should also check the correct assembly by adjusting the valves. This must be done necessarily.

slipped flap

This is the most common problem. In fact, between the sash window and the frame is formed a gap through which air from outside will penetrate into the room. In winter, it will be felt particularly acutely. In this case, it opens the flap will never be closed, because it rests against the bottom edge of the window frame.

vertical adjustment
vertical adjustment

To remedy this situation is not very difficult. To do this, hold a series of simple manipulations.

  1. With hinge leaf protective strips are removed, closing the loop from falling on the dust and dirt.
  2. At the upper end of the loop there is a hole within which the adjustment screw is located. It can take the form of a hexagon, Phillips or straight head screwdriver.
  3. It is inserted into a tool that is suitable for the head that produces a clockwise rotation. In this way, the flap is lifted. If the rotation is carried out counter-clockwise, there is a lowering of the sash.
  4. Turn the need to screw on one turn, to check how the closure. If you close it is impossible, it is necessary to continue to turn the screw, periodically checking on the flap closing as long as it does not close tightly.
horizontal adjustment
horizontal adjustment

adjustment may be carried out one lower loop by a flap which can be moved up-down, left, right. But the top and can be irregular or regulate movement only from side to side. As you can see, setting up a plastic window with his hands - the process is not the most difficult.

upper adjustment
upper adjustment

It should be added that some model plastic windows equipped with special mechanisms by which to carry out the adjustment without affecting the loop. They are located at the upper hinge to the upper end flaps. There's also the adjusting screw with a hexagonal hole, where the key is inserted. This mechanism makes it possible to shift the flap from side to side.

You to understand what it is about, watch the video, how to handle the plastic box, if it is poorly closed:

The flap fits tightly to the frame

The most common cause of this problem are the sealing elementsLocated in the door and window frame, which are compressed when closing, tightly clinging to the plane of the frame. This special rubber gaskets inserted into the groove of casement and frame construction. In this case, seals are installed around the perimeter of the closing plane, thereby providing sealing the plastic window.

rubber seals
rubber seals

At the request of producers to seals long work, they should be periodically lubricated with silicone grease. However, consumers do not pay attention, so rubber products will work a maximum of 5-6 years. After that they will decrease in size, cracked and will pass through itself air from the preview.

To solve this problem is simple - it is necessary to replace the old gaskets with new ones, the benefit they are sold in the shops of the meter.

  1. Purchased necessary quantity, after which the product is cut to the required length corresponding to the length of the profiles (vertical and horizontal).
  2. The obtained segments are inserted into slots on the profiles, each corresponding to the length of the profile.
Setting seals
Setting seals

Wrong worth eccentric

Modern plastic windows require more complex control and repair. For example, some manufacturers offer model, Which is a special mechanism, called eccentric. With it, a perfect seal the flaps to the frame section is adjusted depending on the temperature outside.

Therefore, the experts called the two positions of the eccentric, as the "summer" and "winter". In the first case, a perfect seal is not very large, which reduces the tightness of the window construction. And if the winter does not translate position to the position "Winter"Then through leaks cold air will penetrate into the room.

Adjusting the eccentric
Adjusting the eccentric

Translation is carried out very simply. It should be on the front of the sash find eccentric and rotate it about an axis at 90 °. It is similar to a round hat, which made hexagonal keyhole. If such a tool is not available, you can use ordinary pliers. The very mechanism pivots easily.

Attention! On the cap has a label in the form of slots (risks), which can be taken as a basis for turning control. "Summer" - this is when the risk is placed horizontally, "Winter", when looking down.

Blocking of drainage strips

Sometimes it happens that the closing mechanism works, and the flap is still not closed. The reason - the water taking plank that shifted about its location. It is located outside parallel to the window. It must be set in place, this problem is solved.

the closing mechanism connected to the handle, thus subjected to high loads, besides intense. Therefore, over time, its parts fail.

Attention! If the handle is stuck in a certain position, do not apply to it a lot of effort, it can lead to more serious problems.

Handle stuck in the up position

This position of the window on ventilation. That is, the handle "looks" up and does not move, the flap slightly open at the top. What options repair of plastic windows their hands of this particular situation. Two of them:

  • The easiest - not working lock. This adaptation is in each of the plastic window design. It solved the problem simply. It is necessary to fully open the shutter, press the lock to a position vertically, it is located in its end portion, and turn the handle 180 ° downwards.
The decision by a lock problems
The decision by a lock problems
  • The handle does not rotate from the position of ventilation because jammed scissors, located in the upper part of the window construction. They have another lock, which is opened by pressing a button. Last in different models scissors located in different places. But the essence of its operation is the same for all - a simple push down.
Scissors with backstop
Scissors with backstop

It is necessary to note that in the process of intensive use scissors upper plane button can scuff to such an extent that the projection on an adjacent part of the mechanism can not be pressed against the stop it, which leads to blocking pens. In this case, we can proceed in two ways:

  1. Change scissors for new entirely.
  2. Delete button pliers, so that it is no longer in the way.

Watch the video, how to do it right:

Handle stuck in the down position

This situation is when the sash is closed, that is, the window does not open. First of all it is necessary to open, and then to look for problems in the closing mechanism. It is simple:

  • it is necessary to thrust the fingers between the sash and frame, on the upper hinge portion;
  • delay shutter neither, then rotate the knob;
  • it usually just turns, and the window opens.

The first reason that jammed the handle, may be eccentric. In some embodiments of fittings for plastic windows it is not a circular shape, and an oval. If the oval is turned at a slight angle, then he immediately wedged in the groove of the striker plate. Therefore, the solution to this problem - to put the cam right - vertically.

Be sure to watch the video with the recommendations of what to do if a plastic window does not open:

Blocker erroneous turning the knob
Blocker erroneous turning the knob

The second reason for which does not open plastic window, lock it. He just jumped down from the stop. That is, it must be on the inside, near to the room and turned on the outside, closer to the street. Opening is, but it is small - 2 ÷ 3 cm. What do we have to do. Before opening the plastic window must be understood that this assembled structure consisting of a plurality of parts and components which are secured together by screws. This is what helps hold the repair of plastic windows. Therefore, in this case, the following sequence of operations:

  1. It is necessary to remove the lock with a sash. To this end, a screwdriver unscrewed two screws, which hold the device at the end of casement construction.
  2. Then last fully open.
  3. Locking reset respect to the stop (stop), and is fastened with screws to the same window.

The handle is rotated with a force of

There is one reason - the closure mechanism is clogged with dirt or grease dried out over the years. Lubricated no problems. At the end of the leaf has holes that have access to the mechanism of closing. In them it is necessary to add maintenance oil, rotating the knob from side to side.


If this does not work, it means that the mechanism is completely clogged with dirt, which does not allow him to move. Unfortunately, not always possible with your hands to hold the mechanism clean. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to call the master.

The handle is broken or become loose

If you just came loose, it is necessary to tighten the mounting knobs. To this must be rotated by 90 ° plug which is located at the base of the handle. Under it, and there are two screws. Them and it is necessary to tighten with a screwdriver.

Screws under the protective strip
Screws under the protective strip

If the handle is broken, then all you need to spend just as well. Only the screws are not screwed and unscrewed completely. After that, the device is pulled out and the new changes with fastening screws.

Attention! New handle is inserted into the socket in the same position as the old was pulled. That is, usually the latter is pulled out in a horizontal position, so new it is necessary to insert the same way - horizontally.

To fittings plastic windows worked perfectly, leaves a very small gaps between the technological details of the mechanism. That is why, so that in time gaps are not increased to critical values, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance. In particular this applies to swing-out mechanism for plastic windows. it should be to keep clean and lubricated at least once a year.

Humidity indoors - is another factor affecting the duration of life. It should not exceed 55%. Therefore, the house must be well organized operating ventilation. Additionally, 2-3 times a day should be spent airing.

Maintenance of PVC windows
Maintenance of PVC windows

As for the service, then it will have to acquire some means to care for PVC windows:

  1. Means for glass cleaner.
  2. Plastic processing.
  3. Silicone grease or preparations which can be processed rubber seals.
  4. Maintenance oil for the lubrication of mechanisms.

Attention! Plastic impossible to wipe formulations which contain acid. Experts recommend to clean it with soap and water.

It is necessary to periodically clean out the water drains, mechanisms. Periodicity of 1-2 times per year. Sealers are cleaned when made insulating glass washing. But lubricate them with silicone or glycerine should be 2 times a year.

The grease seals
The grease seals

It refers care for PVC windows should always be. This is the main board. Even at the stage of installation it is necessary to look for the masters, so they do not knock on the design of iron tools, no "karyabali" and not made a dent. The protective film is removed after all installation work.

Removing the protective film from the window
Removing the protective film from the window

And finally, a few recommendations:

  1. Wash plastic abrasive or hard devices can not.
  2. Do not allow plastic contact with hot objects.
  3. Wash plastic better sponge and chamois glass.
  4. If installed on the windows a mosquito net, then it should be removed during the cold period.
  5. Do not leave the window open, if the street a strong wind.
  6. Do not create large vertical loads on the open sash.
  7. Be sure to strictly adhere to the rules of repair and service, which have been identified in the previous sections.
  8. If not confident in their abilities, then repair of accessories plastic window is better left to professionals.