🔨 Laying linoleum: how to lay on different surfaces

The last (on the priority, but not the most important) step in the repair of the apartment or private home is laying the flooring. Here, everyone chooses a material suitable for the design or cost. But the most widely known today, is linoleum. How to lay such flooring that is required for the job and how difficult it is to perform its own hands, not having sufficient experience in this area - these are the questions which will try to answer today article.

Linoleum - a very practical and affordable pokrytieFOTO: ptz-remont.ru
Linoleum - a very practical and cost-covering
PHOTO: ptz-remont.ru

Read article

  • 1 Laying linoleum in the room: the general requirements and rules
  • 2 What preliminary work is necessary to make before laying linoleum
    • 2.1 How to remove the dimensions of the room where the installation will
    • 2.2 Which to choose linoleum: a few tips for beginners
  • 3 Work on preparing the grounds for laying linoleum
    • 3.1 How to prepare the wooden surface
    • 3.2 Concrete screed and the nuances of working with it
    • 3.3 Laying linoleum tile
    • 3.4 Stel coating old linoleum: how to prepare the surface
  • 4 The main work of laying linoleum: how to lay coating
    • 4.1 Measuring and cutting prior to laying linoleum
  • 5 How to lay linoleum whole cloth
    • 5.1 Nuances laying linoleum with welding seams
  • 6 The final stage of laying linoleum: the installation of the baseboards
  • 7 Final part

Laying linoleum in the room: the general requirements and rules

By itself, this stuff is not too complicated in the packing. Often such work to cope even novice handyman, for the first time faced with a similar question. However, some rules still need to know. Particular attention should be paid to the subfloor. The surface must be clean and smooth. Even a small pebble, got under the flooring over time protrot it from within, resulting in the need to replace the entire fabric.

Properly selected color and texture indistinguishable from laminataFOTO: toolonkadunpysakointilaitos.com
Properly selected color and texture indistinguishable from the laminate
PHOTO: toolonkadunpysakointilaitos.com

The choice of material is also very important. For example, in a softer more pleasant to walk the linoleum, but it is very easy to damage, simply by moving furniture from one place to another.

All work on laying can be divided into 4 main steps:

  1. Preliminary activities include measuring, training tools and the choice of floor covering.
  2. preparing a base (subfloor).
  3. Directly laying linoleum on the prepared surface.
  4. Installation of baseboards.

Now let us consider in detail each of these stages.

Interesting decision emphasizes the furniture in the interior kontrastomFOTO: novteksnn.ru
Interesting decision emphasizes the furniture in the interior of the contrast
PHOTO: novteksnn.ru

What preliminary work is necessary to make before laying linoleum

First, you need to prepare all the tools that you need to work. Quite frustrating when stacking process has to be interrupted because of some little things. To work needed:

  • tape measure, a pencil;
  • stationery or other sharp knife;
  • Drilling and dowel-nails (for installation of the baseboards).

When the tool is prepared, you can start measurements of the room.

Linoleum laid on any poverhnostiFOTO: repairblog.ru
Linoleum is placed on any surface
PHOTO: repairblog.ru

How to remove the dimensions of the room where the installation will

To minimize the loss of the waste, you must correctly remove the size of the premises. By measuring the length and width of the data should be transferred to the paper. You can then decide how long the segment will be purchased. The fact that the width of the roll of linoleum always standard. It starts from 1 and increases m by 0.5 m. So, if the room has a size of 4 × 3 m, the advantageous cost to purchase 3 linear meter material 4 m wide. A linoleum cut into 4 linear meters and a width of 3 m will be more expensive, despite the fact that parts of the total area the same.

The main thing - it's the right measurements and podrezkaFOTO: awninginterior.com
The main thing - it's the right measurements and trimming
PHOTO: awninginterior.com

Which to choose linoleum: a few tips for beginners

should pay attention to its density when choosing the material. Too soft linoleum will push for even under the weight of a person sitting on a stool. But too hard and should not be taken. It is better to find a "middle ground". And what it will be - it's up to the master.

Unduly cheap material should alert the buyer, as the harsh chemical odor emanating from the floor covering. Particular attention should be paid to drawing. Blurred, fuzzy line - a sign of low quality products.

After this treatment the material and linoleum can not vyrovnyatsyaFOTO: dekoriko.ru
After linoleum can such handling of the material and does not align
PHOTO: dekoriko.ru

Work on preparing the grounds for laying linoleum

To lay such a material can be virtually any base, whether it be concrete, wood, tile, or even the old linoleum. However, it does not always have the possibility of laying without preparation. Wooden floor can be uneven, e.g., cracked boards, bumps are gone. And the other bases may have flaws. Now we shall understand what works best to produce floors with before you start packing.

Linoleum "razlezhalsya", now it can be podrezatFOTO: stroimsami.online
Linoleum "razlezhalsya", now it can be cut
PHOTO: stroimsami.online

How to prepare the wooden surface

The simplest embodiment of the alignment of the wooden floor laying on top of it will OSB or particle board sheets. But this would entail extra costs and, therefore, should look for another way out. They can be surface leveling using special equipment that can be easily rented. The only problem could be the nails. And here there is a little trick.

All the cracks in the wooden floor need zamazatFOTO: remont-svoimi-rykami.ru
All the cracks in the wooden floor need to cover
PHOTO: remont-svoimi-rykami.ru

You need to pick up a hammer and a nail is the largest, which is found in the house. His head leans end to a nail in the board, after which it made a strong and accurate shot with a hammer. As a result, the nail goes deeper into the floorboard. Now it does not hurt to equalize.

Perfectly prepared wooden floor, even it is a pity to close linoleumomFOTO: borales.ru
Perfectly prepared wooden floor, even it is a pity to close linoleum
PHOTO: borales.ru

All existing cracks between the boards is necessary to cover with a special postmark on wood. It is worth it inexpensive and sold in any hardware store.

Concrete screed and the nuances of working with it

With concrete screed work much easier. Smooth and non-critical level of sex differences can be left. But small and sharp can be a problem. In this case, it is necessary to bring down the hills and deep holes to cover. Once the floor is aligned slightly, he carefully prometaetsya. It is also a good idea to rinse it with water to remove residual dust and small stones. This is especially important if you plan to fix the linoleum on the glue to the floor.

Grinding concrete floor before finishing rabotFOTO: svouimirukami.ru
Grinding concrete floor before finishing
PHOTO: svouimirukami.ru

Laying linoleum tile

Outset that if possible, the tile is better to dismantle. If such opportunities are not available, the installation of linoleum on such a surface is quite acceptable. It is only necessary to cover all seams, raze them to the floor, as well as other available remedy shortcomings such as chips and cracks. Thereafter, the coating can be easily laid.

All seams must be level with the tiles before laying linoleumaFOTO: uchi.kz
All seams must be level with the tiles before laying linoleum
PHOTO: uchi.kz

Stel coating old linoleum: how to prepare the surface

This is probably the easiest option of laying a floor covering. In this case, not even necessary to support the deck. But there may be another problem - linoleum is too soft, it will lead to the emergence of significant dents under the legs of furniture. This moment necessarily be taken into account.

Important! Before laying the new pavement, you must remove all the shortcomings of the old. Existing cracks are coated with silicone sealant and zaravnivayutsya. The same must be done with split seams.

Linoleum can be laid on one layer drugoyFOTO: thewalls.ru
Linoleum can be stacked one on another layer
PHOTO: thewalls.ru

The main work of laying linoleum: how to lay coating

There are two methods of laying floor coverings - solid web or with welding individual parts. The first method is more optimal. Linoleum, laid solid cloth, durable, looks more presentable. In addition, this method is much easier to perform. The only way in which it will be impracticable - too much floor space. Today in DIY stores can be purchased strip width up to 4-4.5 m. If the length or width the room is equal to or less than this figure, the only solution would be laying solid canvases. If the room dimensions exceed these parameters, you can not avoid welding seams.

The floor covering can be laid easily into odinochkuFOTO: vueaz.com
The floor covering can be laid easily alone
PHOTO: vueaz.com

Measuring and cutting prior to laying linoleum

To begin to deal with the laying of it whole cloth. In this case, the first thing to do - is to cut out the linoleum in size. To do this, it is best to use a room with a larger area. The initial cutting-out is made in size, slightly larger than the area of ​​a finished room. The finished fabric should be slightly recessed in the wall. Remove excess after will be easy. The cut cover is placed on the floor and leveled. It must not lie down less than a day. This will allow the linoleum take final form, all wrinkles caused during transport on a roll, smoothed.

Finish pruning is done at the end of the day on mestuFOTO: pol-ukladka.ru
Finish pruning is done at the end of the day at the place of
PHOTO: pol-ukladka.ru
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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«Necessity substrate stacking is achieved Wizard and depends on the quality of linoleum surface subfloor and necessary insulation. "

How to lay linoleum whole cloth

There are three main ways of flooring linoleum:

  • using an adhesive;
  • using double-sided tape;
  • without the use of adhesives and materials.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not glued linoleum will "float" to the apartment or private home last option is the most optimal. Provided that the floor covering has been enough time "razlezhatsya" to its minimum fix will be enough baseboards, which will press it on the last stage of the work. The exception is when the owner of fear of flooding from the neighbors living above. In this case, after the linoleum "razlezhalsya" it can be glued to the floor along the perimeter by means of sealing double-sided tape.

Double-sided adhesive tape glued on perimetruFOTO: setka-plenka.ru
Double-sided adhesive tape glued on the perimeter
PHOTO: setka-plenka.ru

With regard to the glued over the entire area of ​​linoleum, then for its dismantling, with damage to the coating, the owner may face certain problems. Especially it would be difficult to dismantle when the coating properly selected based adhesive, e.g., if the composition is not suitable for such purposes.

Glued linoleum is very difficult to give in demontazhuFOTO: dismantling, operation-krym.rf
Glued linoleum is very difficult to give in dismantling
PHOTO: dismantling, operation-krym.rf

Nuances laying linoleum with welding seams

stacking technology individual parts differs somewhat from the one-piece blade coating. There are unlikely to be able to do without bonding material to the floor. In addition, it is necessary to purchase a special composition - cold welding for joints. It works differently than regular glue dissolving linoleum edges and how to soldering them together.

The consequences of improper installation joints strips linoleumaFOTO: montazhpolov.ru
The consequences of improper installation joints linoleum strips
PHOTO: montazhpolov.ru

The final stage of laying linoleum: the installation of the baseboards

When the flooring is laid, it remains only to properly install baseboards. The manufacturer offers different models of similar products, and therefore should initially to understand, whether they take place inside the power cable, phone or internet. If such is not planned, it is better to buy cheaper plinth, not equipped with a cable channel.

Before mounting plinth is expanded along the perimeter of the room, checked that all necessary plugs, parts and fittings. After the elements cut to size and fitted, you can proceed with the installation. Most often used for this purpose punch and dowel-nails, but sometimes the master mounted on a plinth adhesives, such as "liquid nails". In any case, whatever was used for fixing the plinth must fit tightly to both the wall and to the linoleum. This is facilitated by a silicone strip, which extends along the upper and lower edge surface of the plastic moldings.

To install baseboards need perforatorFOTO: glavmaster24.ru
To install baseboards need a hammer
PHOTO: glavmaster24.ru

Helpful information! Fixing plinth in the dowel-nails more convenient due to the possibility of subsequent dismantling of the product without hassle. After the production of the necessary work (for example, replacing linoleum), old skirting can be easily installed in its place.

Final part

The question is how to lay linoleum with their hands, not too difficult to DIY, to understand in detail the technology. This means that it makes no sense to seek professional help and pay for their work. Rational to perform it yourself, saving money, that will never be superfluous, especially in terms of repair. Besides, if to do everything carefully, in addition to the savings will be more and satisfaction from the fact that everything was done with his own. And experience in the production of such works will never be over. In order to better understand for themselves what should be your interior, we offer a look at some ready-made solutions.

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PHOTO: construction.bestcleaning.ca

PHOTO: construction.bestcleaning.ca

PHOTO: v-interere.ru

PHOTO: v-interere.ru

PHOTO: 2gis.ua

PHOTO: 2gis.ua

PHOTO: yandex.com

PHOTO: yandex.com

PHOTO: linoleum-juteks.co.ua

PHOTO: linoleum-juteks.co.ua

PHOTO: dizainvfoto.ru

PHOTO: dizainvfoto.ru

PHOTO: str.city

PHOTO: str.city

We hope that the information in today's article will be a good tool for Beginners house masters in this difficult matter, which is the repair of the apartment or private house. Any questions arising in the process of reading, feel free to ask in the discussion below. Edition of our online magazine will try as quickly as possible and deployed to answer them.

You yourself laid linoleum or assisted in such work? In this case, please share your experiences with novice handyman. This will help them perform laying flooring more efficiently.

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