πŸ”© Recovery Phillips screwdriver: a solution once and for all

Anyone who has worked with screwdrivers and other similar tools knows how different in terms of ease of use they can be. And if a person is used to form one arm, then work on the other is becoming uncomfortable. But what if the favorite tool spoiled? Slotted screwdriver, everything is clear, it is easy to sharpen. But what about the cross? How difficult is it to restore it, if the faces ripped off? It is about the reasons and how to fix these troubles and will be discussed in our article today.

Quite frustrating when in the course of the work there is such a problem
Quite frustrating when in the course of the work there is such a problem

Read article

  • 1 Reasons for failure of the splines on the Phillips head screwdriver
  • 2 Recovery tool Phillips Screwdriver
  • 3 The process of restoring a Phillips screwdriver: Procedure
  • 4 Final part

Reasons for failure of the splines on the Phillips head screwdriver

From such troubles are not insured by anyone, but there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to. The main reason for failure of the faces, as always, is the "human factor". This may be the wrong choice form. If we talk specifically about the Phillips head screwdriver, that among them are 2 types:

  1. Usual Phillips - PH.
  2. Phillips with diagonal notches - PZ.

There are other forms, such as TORX (asterisk), HEX (hexagon), SL (flat or slotted), etc., But they are not talking today.

On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of screwdrivers
On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of screwdrivers

The second reason, which meets every year more and more often, you can call the quality of the metal. Manufacturer in the pursuit of profit instead of the high-strength alloy steel slips buyer cheap "rawhide". Such an instrument should not even recover. Simply send it in the trash and buy a quality product that will last for years. Surely almost every home has a screwdriver to the Soviet era, which is still not afraid of the most difficult tasks.

Screwdriver should be chosen not by their appearance, but by the quality of metal and reviews Manufacturer
Screwdriver should be chosen not by their appearance, but by the quality of metal and reviews Manufacturer

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Recovery tool Phillips Screwdriver

What will it take to become a screwdriver as a new? It all depends on the steel grade. Softer metal can be treated with the help of files, needle files, or grinding machine. If it is a high-alloy steel, it requires special tools. For example, a relatively long time for the produced bits screwdrivers German production sometimes takes even cutting disc angle grinder (LBM or Bulgarian).

Needle - the most convenient tool for grooving
Needle - the most convenient tool for grooving

But most of all to restore the Phillips screwdriver and a fairly wide flat trihedral file. Let's try to understand the algorithm of production of such works.

The process of restoring a Phillips screwdriver: Procedure

To begin with you will need a tool to grind off the sting to a level where the slots remained intact. This work can be performed using a conventional flat file or grinding machine. Usually, if a screwdriver is easy to fell, process it will not be difficult.

Next you need to make the sting of the original shape, imprisoning angle. Usually it is 30ΒΊ, but more often it will depend on the size of screws or screws. There is already a master decides for himself how he will be a tool easy to use. After the completion of the restoration of the angle can be corrected.

Attach sting screwdriver desired sharpening angle
Attach sting screwdriver desired sharpening angle

When the sting sharpened screwdriver, it is necessary to hamstring an angle. Further work is done with a file or a three-edged needle files. Hold the tool at an angle to the screwdriver, File all the grooves 4. It should be possible to keep the angle sharper grooves are obtained so long that they will simplify the re-recovery in the future.

Once all the work is done, it makes sense to take any screw or screw and try slots. Screwdriver should sit in the most densely metiz - this will reduce the risk of stalling and damage to the tip, and hence the need to re-recovery.

It makes sense to try, how tightly sitting sting Phillips screwdriver into the slot of the screw
It makes sense to try, how tightly sitting sting Phillips screwdriver into the slot of the screw

Final part

Restoring Phillips screwdriver - the process simple, does not take much time. However, if this happens regularly, you should consider purchasing a high-quality tools. Constantly correcting the sting in the production of works is not too rational. In the end, maybe even gulf desire to do anything.

Do not neglect the form of splines - it will save from the issues of the restoration of the sting Phillips screwdriver
Do not neglect the form of splines - it will save from the issues of the restoration of the sting Phillips screwdriver

We hope that the master will be home to a note, as set out in today's article. If there are any unclear points, the editors HouseChief happy to explain them. You only need to present the subject matter in the discussions below. It is also quite interesting to find out what recovery methods Phillips screwdriver you use. Perhaps this is your method will be more efficient and convenient for novice home masters. We also offer a last look at the short but very informative video that tells about a very unusual way of restoring a Phillips screwdriver.