Homemade from chainsaws with their hands: step by step instructions

At all times, were "Kulibins" that could make the seemingly ordinary things of something truly innovative and useful. In the event that in mind there are no ideas, and a desire to do something with their own hands does not rest, you can start with a pre-existing and proven developments. Homemade from chainsaws with their own hands will be perfect for this as well as possible. Especially for those who are not accustomed to sit idly by our editorial staff has prepared an overview with detailed photos and video instructions on how and what you can make out of old chainsaw.

Homemade from chainsaws with their hands
You do not know how best to use a chainsaw? Read recommendations HouseChief.ru

Read article

  • 1 What and how you can make your own hands chainsaw
    • 1.1 As of chainsaw do snowthrower
    • 1.2 Snowmobile from the saw with his own hands
    • 1.3 Homemade sawmill from chainsaw
    • 1.4 How to make ice screws from the saw with his own hands - scheme
    • 1.5 Outboard motor from the chainsaw with his own hands
    • 1.6 How to make a moped and a bicycle from the Chainsaw
    • 1.7 Karting of chainsaws with their hands
    • 1.8 Generator of chainsaws with their hands
    • 1.9 How to make a chainsaw winch
    • 1.10 How to make the augers of the chainsaws with their hands
    • 1.11 Power cutters with their hands out of the saw
    • 1.12 RC car with the engine of the chainsaw
    • 1.13 How to make grinders of chainsaws
  • 2 Features of creation of homemade chainsaw "Ural"
  • 3 Features of creation of homemade chainsaw "Friendship"
  • 4 conclusion

What and how you can make your own hands chainsaw

Chainsaw - Universal unit. the tool size is small, but the capacity of the motor allows to use it for almost any purpose. "Rotary Heart" will be superb for the transplant in pump, generator, Domestic snow-plow, Ice pick or any other device which requires independent drive. Let us consider in detail some of the know-how.

As of chainsaw do snowthrower

If there is a chainsaw and a part of the old car, then you can begin to design snowthrower. Typically use a rotary actuator driving the auger. This is a special shaft, designed in a special way for the snow fence.

IllustrationDescription of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAs the main shaft using the rods of the front struts 2110 that are welded together.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsFor connection joints using just such a clutch.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsIt sheets for welding the screw blades. Size - 140 × 100 mm, thickness traditional - 2 mm.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions"Sunrise" is possible to adapt the star of the motorcycle to drive. The rear part is welded parts prepared from a metal plate 5 mm. C to make a hole for the shaft diameter.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThat's part seemed to welding.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAuger blades are made from sheet metal 2 mm. For this cut a circle outside diameter of 300 mm and the inside - 220 mm, and pulled from the star to the blade.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsCook the frame of the same "two" and bearing strip with a radius of 160 mm.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsBends body from a sheet of 1 mm. Welded to the side walls.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsHere's a worm, we get in the end.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe diameter of the holes "ejector" snow - 160 mm. For pivoting mechanism can be used a plastic tube.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsBut the gutter itself is better to make galvanized steel 0,75 mm.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWith saws remove all unnecessary, doctoring old paint, Painted in black. Parse saw a star.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsCleans all parts tsentruem welded a star of the motorcycle "Java".
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsEngine chainsaw laid on rubber pads.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsA frame for fixing the motor set on shock absorbers.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWe paint the entire structure and make a trial run. Everything is working!

Snowmobile from the saw with his own hands

For the production of homemade snowmobile chainsaw need some prefabricated parts (e.g., gas cable to the steering wheel) and children snow-cats.

Illustration Description of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsTo create a snowmobile from chainsaw "Friendship-4" we need a children's snow-cats.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsTo create tracks 25 take a polypropylene tube cut to 20 cm, cut in half lengthwise.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAs for the tape tracks, you can take an old tire from a car tire.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsIn this paper we use the elevator drive sprocket MHC.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsNext, here in this way with the help of screws and trained plastic pipes we create our caterpillar.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWe begin to collect the drum shaft.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsFasten the plastic sprocket and driven by a moped "Karpatka".
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsTensioner take on potato harvester "Ryazanets".
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe next step - manufacture seatbelt caterpillars and the frame itself.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsSet chain saw on the frame, and that you now know how to make a sled out of the chainsaw.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWith snow-cats remove the plastic and finalizing the frame, attach "motosobaku".
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsCompounds are fastened on the rear fork type as a motorcycle, but without absorbers.

Homemade sawmill from chainsaw

Craftsmen offer dozens of different options for how to "adapt" to the chainsaw sawing boards. Most often, these designs require a framework for setting SVKiA "carriage" under the saw or so-called tire. As a guide used toolbox, for example, a common staircase.

Homemade sawmill based chainsaw... and stairs
Homemade sawmill based chainsaw... and stairs

The most important thing - hard to weld the frame, controlling himself on the level. Smooth and solid foundation will help to avoid distortions and vibration during operation. Consider also, at what distance and height will be assigned a chainsaw. On this depends the durability of its work. Too close fastening the carriage to the work area will lead to clogged mechanisms circuit and failure of the motor.

If you do not plan to cut big logs, you can make a manual version of the sawmill. Learn more in this video.

How to make ice screws from the saw with his own hands - scheme

Boer - an indispensable thing for those who can and loves to work on the farm: it is used in construction work, installation of poles for vineyard posts and fencesAs well as ice fishing for the preparation of the wells.

To make ice screws from the saw with his own hands, the scheme requires and the following devices:

  1. Motor from the chainsaw.
  2. Reducer on the chainsaw for a drill.
  3. drill itself.
  4. Pipe made of metal.
  5. Bulgarian.
  6. Drill.
  7. Welding machine.

The most important thing - to find the right gear unit to the motor, make the necessary calculation of the compatibility of their characteristics. Motor chain saw may be too "high-spirited" for the simplified design of the gearbox.

However, if you do not care what (or whom) borrow instead of a drill, you can use this idea cartoonist
However, if you do not care what (or whom) borrow instead of a drill, you can use this idea cartoonist

The first thing that is important to do, if we ignore the humor and approach the task seriously, is to define the dimensions of the drive shaft and select the correct attachment point pinion. Fixation on the perimeter to make the best pins and dowels. Such an attachment in the future will facilitate the process tool-change. If you do not possess the skills turner, then make a special adapter for screw auger will turner and our scheme.

Scheme-drawing simplest ice screws
Scheme-drawing simplest ice screws

Outboard motor from the chainsaw with his own hands

Buy ready-made sample of the outboard motor is expensive, but if you stray from the old motor chainsaw "Friendship" and you are friends with lathe and welding equipmentThen make a home-made will not be difficult.

Illustration Description of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWith chainsaw is removed and the tire grip. It remains only a truncated cross.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe rod recessed under the crossbar, set bearing.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsDownstairs also set the bearings taken by the Soviet Strubtsov outboard.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsBulgarians take on 250 gearbox, propeller and keel. Everything is fixed to the additional silicone seals. Inside filled with gear lubricant.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAnd water engine slight hand movement along the guides is mounted on the base structure is fixed by standard nuts.

Among the main advantages of homemade - high capacity, providing a decent travel speed on the water surface, and economical consumption of fuel material. One hour scratchbuild of chainsaws consumes 1 liter of gasoline at a speed of 20 km / h.

How to make a moped and a bicycle from the Chainsaw

Bicycle the engine of the chainsaw easy enough to do, having some experience in welding and metal work.

Illustration Description of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsTo make a moped with his own hands from the chainsaw, you need to prepare all the details. First parse chainsaw remove blunted chain.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsBicycle sprocket is welded to the sleeve. This should be as straight as possible, because the flying circuit at high speeds can make the cyclist cripple.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsUpgrade frame privarivaya fastener for self-made gear.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsHere such it has a construction space of the arrows, you need to flatten for attachment to the motor housing.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe flattened "eyelet" hole to be drilled for mounting.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAttach it to a conventional bolt.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsSet the chain to the wheels. Leading specially made smaller, and the slave - more. Thus, we reduce the proportion of the driven wheel speed.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsOur engine has turned out quite voluminous, so we set it to boot, privarivaya firmly to the frame. If you want a miniature version, you can collect a moped from a chainsaw "Friendship".

Karting of chainsaws with their hands

The whole process works practically one to one repeats the previous scheme, the main difference - the engine is mounted on the frame of the kart, and there is no need to mount the gear of the two chains and sprockets.

To visualize the process offer watch this video:

Generator of chainsaws with their hands

For those who like to watch movies about postapokalipsis, useful knowledge on how to stop the chainsaw into the generator. This homemade can be useful, in our time, for example, in the country where there is no electricity.

Homemade belt generator
Homemade belt generator

The main thing - to come up with a frame or packing, which will be fixed benzopilai generator itself. Transfer of effort - a belt, so also will need to pick up an asterisk with a chain and pulleys - with a belt. Thus it is necessary to install a generator so as to preserve the possibility of adjusting the belt tension.

More to explore the process can be in this video:

How to make a chainsaw winch

The winch is used quite often. The simplest application - drawing machine out of the ravine. However, very often the winch helps in building and repairsWhen, for example, you need to lift the load to the upper floors or, conversely, lower well ring.

required for the manufacture of:

  • chainsaw;
  • Old hand winch;
  • a rigid frame, on which all will be set;
  • two asterisks and durable motorcycle chain for torque transmission from the engine to the saw gear reducer.

Variants of nozzles on a chainsaw with the function of the winch:13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions

13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions

If you have not yet found a home-made version, read on to review our editorial staff, what else can be done, "Friendship" from the chainsaw.

How to make the augers of the chainsaws with their hands

Consider the version of the assembly nozzles on a chainsaw using parts from the usual drill.

IllustrationDescription of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsParse electric drill, dismantle work gear.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAnchor bore of the drill, of the parts of the sleeve and weld head design, which will transmit the rotation of the shaft.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsMounting gear for manufacture of a metal piece and the pipe.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe construction is fixed to the blade housing by means of two bolts.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsHere is the finished gear design with a sleeve.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsThe sleeve insert drill, it will continue to transmit torque borax.

The same principle is made and walk-behind tractor of chain saws, only as an accessory to her plow is used.

Power cutters with their hands out of the saw

The finished nozzle on the saw with the disk for edge treatment of various surfaces
The finished nozzle on the saw with the disk for edge treatment of various surfaces

However, such models will cost significantly more homemade baits, which can be done by hand.

Illustration Description of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsParse an electric drill, the main task - to remove the asterisk, which place ribbed arise in the future.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsPut ribbed, bearing and plate. After that set the "home" clutch.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsIn order to fix the piston in the dead center and facilitate the work of the assembly-disassembly-ribbed, you can use a regular string with knots.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsNext, install the starter and close the lid, you can only attach the nozzle to the disc.

Homemade Power cutters much more powerful grinders. It can be used for cutting metal pipes of large diameter, as well as grinding.

RC car with the engine of the chainsaw

If your child is asking for a radio-controlled car, but what is sold in the store, he finds a toy "for girls", you can try to make a real race car with the engine of the chain saw.

Illustration Description of the action
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsWe acquire here a piston collect carburetor.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsAs a basis we have finished racing machine.
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructionsOur task - to make the actuator and the exhaust pipe and ensure that the piston does not hit rocks or bolts.

In this video - car in action!

How to make grinders of chainsaws

Actually, this is a continuation of our story in a paragraph about how to create a Power cutters only for reincarnation grinders you need to adapt a special nozzle.

Nozzles on a chainsaw with a tape drive:

13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions
13 ideas for using old saws: home-made with their own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions

These tips can carve yourself or buy in any store with tools.

Driving device homemade grinder of chainsaws
Driving device homemade grinder of chainsaws

To reduce the likelihood of breakage of the disc, the saw can be equipped with a protective cover, and the number of revolutions lower-speed gearbox.

Features of creation of homemade chainsaw "Ural"

By choosing a chainsaw for alterations should be taken extremely seriously. It is very important to calculate the power of the instrument and the challenges that the new product should be addressed. For example, a chainsaw "Ural" is considered one of the most powerful in its class.

Caution - loggers!
Caution - loggers!

Use a chainsaw "Ural" for remaking the children's bike is extremely dangerous in the moped. Too much speed can only lead to rupture of the chain and bring injury. And that's a huge plus "Ural" is that the chainsaw is not taken off the market and is still in service. Consequently, the replacement of parts can always be found.

Features of creation of homemade chainsaw "Friendship"

Good old chainsaw "Friendship"
Good old chainsaw "Friendship"

It is though quite old, but proven "friend" of all masterovityh people. This saw how many decades it would not gathering dust in the garage, it will always help in a difficult moment and will become an assistant in dealing with a large number of important tasks. Motor though not different excess "horses", but it will pull to rework useful at home and at the cottage devices.


In this article, we told you that from the chainsaw can be assembled virtually any product. The main thing is to observe safety measures and follow the advice of the masters. If you have experience in creating these homemade chainsaw from their hands, share your discoveries, photographs and drawings under the article below.