Corn-crusher 🛠 own hands: the order of assembly of various types of structures

crushed grain demand from the owners of poultry. Grind oats or barley to the desired state helps Corn-crusher. I need to buy an expensive machine, when it is possible to produce such a useful device with your hands. We offer to meet with the finished structure and order of their creation.

Homemade Corn-crusher is able to become a serious competitor to industrial units
Homemade Corn-crusher is able to become a serious competitor to industrial units

Read article

  • 1 Corn-crusher manufacture their own hands from parts of agricultural machinery
    • 1.1 What you need for work: basic positions
    • 1.2 Driving device
    • 1.3 Preparation of prefabricated elements
    • 1.4 construction assembly
  • 2 There are Bulgarian - will own hands Corn-crusher
    • 2.1 The materials needed to build their own hands Corn-crusher
    • 2.2 Driving device
    • 2.3 Instructions for the production of grinders Corn-crusher
  • 3 Master-class on making Corn-crusher from the washing machine
    • 3.1 What you need to work: preparing the essentials
    • 3.2 Driving device
    • 3.3 Preparation of prefabricated elements
    • 3.4 construction assembly
  • 4 Doing their own hands Corn-crusher from the vacuum cleaner
    • 4.1 We prepare everything you need for work
    • 4.2 Driving device
    • 4.3 Preparation of prefabricated elements
    • 4.4 construction assembly

Corn-crusher manufacture their own hands from parts of agricultural machinery

Corn-crusher for the manufacture of their own hands, you can use a variety of parts and agricultural components. Offer to meet with the design of which is based on brake drum. In the opinion of some users, this device is able to serve a lot of decades, effectively coping with the task.

Ready to feed
Embodiment zernodrobilok can be quite varied

What you need for work: basic positions

To carry out assembly and welding operations should be kept in stock:

  1. Drum. In the absence of a brake, you can use the on-board.
  2. Engine.
  3. Button start.
  4. Sections of pipes of different diameters.
  5. Rolled metal for the manufacture of the frame or the frame is already finished.
  6. The metal sheet 3 mm thick.
  7. The capacity to be used as a grain hopper for loading. You can use an old gas bottle.
  8. Metal plates for the manufacture of blades of width 4 cm length 34 cm.
  9. fasteners.
Brake drum can be purchased at a reasonable price
Brake drum can be purchased at a reasonable price

Need to work welding, Bulgarian, screwdriver.

A special tool is optional
A special tool is optional

Driving device

The design of the device may differ considerably. The motor may be mounted vertically or horizontally. Selecting the scheme should be carried out taking into account the available elements.

The housing is made of a brake drum
The housing is made of a brake drum

Preparation of prefabricated elements

should prepare basic elements before assembling. For this:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Ready to feed To the ends of the blades of the future welds the end plate. In the center of the three mounting holes are drilled, which will allow to fix the blade on the ground.
Ready to feed Machined sleeve to be fit over the motor shaft and used as a landing member for elektrodrobilki blades.
Ready to feed Prepare the container for loading of grain. It is possible to use the old gas, to the end of which pipe section to be welded suitable diameter.

Attention! Sheet metal disc it is necessary to make a diameter equal to the drum diameter. Size drilled holes will affect the degree of grinding.

construction assembly

The assembly structure is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Ready to feed Putting together the brake drum. Welded pipe, designed for the installation of the hopper. If desired, it is also possible to weld a second tube of larger diameter, which can be used for maize feed.
Ready to feed Install the blade, providing precise positioning and fixation elements by means of three bolts.
Ready to feed Set the container in place.
Ready to feed On a frame of metal or wood laid on top disc prepared with the hole after fixing inside bag for ground grain.
Ready to feed We collect the remaining elements. Fastened to the frame drum. Run the installation.

We offer watch the following video, allowing more detail to meet the design features zernodrobilok made with his own hands from the agricultural machinery:

There are Bulgarian - will own hands Corn-crusher

If the volume of harvested grain is relatively small, the need to produce high-Corn-crusher absent. In this situation, you can become the owner of a relatively small unit, which is based on an ordinary Bulgarian.

Bulgarian will grind a small amount
Bulgarian will grind a small amount

The materials needed to build their own hands Corn-crusher

Getting manufacturing process, it is necessary to take care of the presence of:

  • Bulgarian;
  • old pots;
  • a metal plate for making knife;
  • the mounting plate.
Corn-crusher may be made of improvised
Corn-crusher may be made of improvised

Driving device

The design of the device depends on the available parts. If necessary, you can always make some changes, if something becomes out of stock.

A possible variant of the Corn-crusher grinder with his own hands
A possible variant of the Corn-crusher grinder with his own hands

Instructions for the production of grinders Corn-crusher

Works are carried out in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Ready to feed We drill a hole in the middle bottom of the pan. Cut off by a grinder handle. All grind to prevent injury during subsequent operation.
Ready to feed We manufacture the corners of the fastening plate. We use them for fixing the grinders to the pan. grinder shaft should be within the drilled hole. Take care about the integrity of the junction.
Ready to feed Of a metal plate and produce a knife fasten it to the grinder shaft.
Ready to feed Pour grain in the pan. Corn-crusher run and check the efficiency of the design.

In more detail the process of making grinders Corn-crusher from a few other embodiment can be seen in the following video:

Master-class on making Corn-crusher from the washing machine

If you have purchased new washing machineDo not rush to throw out the old type of device. From it necessary to get a quality and productive Corn-crusher. We only need to work out a detailed drawing and purchase some items.

Washing machine - a good foundation for the grain crusher
Washing machine - a good foundation for the grain crusher

What you need to work: preparing the essentials

The list of materials and tools will depend on the selected scheme. The most commonly used only motor from a washing machine. However it is possible to use and the tank if desired. You will also need:

  • metal: plate, pipe sections;
  • fasteners;
  • sealant.

Driving device

In its design concept and the principle of the Corn-crusher is similar to a coffee grinder. During the manufacturing process, the focus should be given to the blades and the hopper for receiving the finished product.

Drawing Corn-crusher, which makes use of the tank
Drawing Corn-crusher, which makes use of the tank

Preparation of prefabricated elements

The work begins with the preparation of the grain tank. Increase the diameter of the drain to 12 - 15 cm to provide sufficient device performance. Because pipe lengths produce tubes desired size and configuration for discharging the crushed grain.

Made of strong steel cut three knives. This plate must have a length of 20 cm and a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm. Longer that the device has served for the manufacture of these elements can be used handsaw. The middle of the prepared plates drilled mounting holes. Sharpen parallel sides.

We produce filter grille, which does not allow whole grains to leave the tank. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter made pipe. The holes in the filter grid must ensure the smooth passage of the crushed grain.

Attention! The diameter of the filter openings of the lattice should be 3 - 4 mm.

Prepare the container for crushed grain or think over the method by which it is possible to secure the bag to the outlet conduit. To avoid the formation of excessive dust during operation, foot hopper must sealingly abut the outlet nozzle.

Bucket - not the best option for the receiving hopper
Bucket - not the best option for the receiving hopper

construction assembly

The assembly is as follows:

  1. The tank mount hole extended discharge pipe, providing sufficient sealing compound.
  2. Installing the knives on the motor shaft. To eliminate an overlap of the blades during operation, carefully twirl clamping nut after every plate.
  3. Before the transfer tube fasten the filter grille. It should be located at an angle of 15 - 200 to the horizontal. Considering that the washing machine tank bottom runs slanted to ensure a full flow of water between the base plate and installed should turn right angle. For mounting plate using screws.
  4. Promazyvayut place sealant compound to exclude the presence of gaps and slots through which the whole grain could blend with comminuted;
  5. Launch device. Check its performance.

If there is no whole washing machine, but did not work the engine, it is also possible to use in the production of Corn-crusher with his hands. How to make such a useful tool in this case, you will learn from the following video:

Doing their own hands Corn-crusher from the vacuum cleaner

If you do not have a washing machine - look a vacuum cleaner. It can be used in whole or in part. It all depends on what kind of design seems to be more attractive to you, and what skills you possess. We offer to meet a possible execution variant.

Vacuum cleaner - a good basis for Corn-crusher
Vacuum cleaner - a good basis for Corn-crusher

We prepare everything you need for work

Corn-crusher to produce from an old vacuum cleaner, should prepare:

  • metalwork and metal-cutting tools;
  • nazhdachku;
  • drill;
  • fasteners;
  • pipe lengths of about 15 cm in length for manufacturing outlet;
  • ready to use knives or metal plates for their manufacture;
  • grid with small cells, which is required for the manufacture of sieves designed for screening grain. If there is none, you can use a metal sheet in which holes are drilled right diameter.
To produce suitable metal sieve of 3 mm thick
To produce suitable metal sieve of 3 mm thick

Attention! The above list is approximate.

Driving device

The design of the device depends on what part is used. Most often preferred embodiments involving the use of a single motor. It is mounted on the base, which is located under the tank for receiving the crushed grain.

The circuit device of the engine cleaner
The circuit device of the engine cleaner

Preparation of prefabricated elements

At the preparatory stage:

  • We manufacture base, using plywood, laminate or metal;
  • dismantle a vacuum cleaner to remove the engine;
  • hole drilled in the base. Its diameter should correspond to the diameter of the motor shaft;
  • If there are no knives, we make them out of metal plates. With a thickness of about 1.5 mm, their length should not exceed 20 cm;
  • in the absence of the finished sieve manufacture it from metal sheet.

construction assembly

Corn-crusher assembly process of the vacuum cleaner includes a number of stages, each of which deserves special attention:

  • by a nut fix the blade to the motor shaft;
  • establish a sieve;
  • placed under the sieve capacity, which will be supplied The crushed grain.

Attention! Installing tin boxes for loading of grain will simplify the crushing process.

We offer watch the following video to understand the sequence of performance of works:

Share in the comments, if relevant for your household Corn-crusher. would you dare to raise it yourself?