Sandblasting machine is useful to almost everyone. This device will help quickly and efficiently clean the surface of the traces old paint, rust and scale. The sale is easy to find tools to clean the sand, but they are not cheap. The most "budget" of which will cost a minimum of 9000 rubles. Today HouseChief edition offers detailed instructions on how to make sand blasting their own hands. Videos, tips from the masters and important recommendations for the operation of the device - in this article.

Read article
- 1 How does the sandblaster and its circuit
- 1.1 The general scheme sandblaster
- 2 The principles of operation sandblaster and its scope
- 2.1 The operating principle of sandblaster in a training video
- 3 Types of sandblasters in scope and principle of operation
- 4 How to choose the right sand for sandblasting
- 5 How to choose a sandblaster presented in stores
- 6 What are the tools and materials required for the production of sand blaster with his own hands
- 7 How to make sand blasting with their hands out of scrap materials: master classes and videos
- 7.1 How to make the hands of the sand blasting gas tank
- 7.2 How to make your own hands sandblasting of fire extinguisher
- 7.3 Blasting nozzle and manufacture their own hands
- 7.4 How to make your own hands sandblasting gun
- 8 Pros and cons of homemade sandblasting
- 9 Small instruction for the correct operation sandblaster
- 10 How much are sandblasters prefabricated: the most popular models
- 11 Does it make sense to make a homemade sandblasting
How does the sandblaster and its circuit
Produce sandblasting machine entirely of home-made parts do not work, you will have to purchase some of the devices before starting work. In principle, similar to sand blasting gun. It consists of a compressor, which provides injection of air flow line into which the sand and the nozzle, the discharge side of the treated filler surfaces. The unit itself can have impressive dimensions, if you, for example, must be cleaned brick wall from the traces of paint, or compact, when it comes to the fine work of engraving on glass.
In addition to the three basic elements of which have already been mentioned, the device includes a receiver circuit, crane system, electric relay and hoses. For filling with sand required main tank.
The general scheme sandblaster
Here is the diagram of the device.

As you can see, all the components of the device can be purchased or manufactured separately and then assigned task - to make a sandblasting unit with your hands - is feasible.
The principles of operation sandblaster and its scope
Simple operation as a powerful abrasive sand is known to all. The smallest particles that fall on a working surface under pressure, tear all layers paints, Plaque rust. sandblasting task is just to send the abrasive in the desired direction and to provide the necessary pressure for performing work. The pressure is provided by an air compressor.

Note! For blasting machines required compressor capacity not less than 3 kW and a capacity of 500 l / m.
It can be used sandblaster with water - it will replace the air, and the compressor can be used instead of Pressure Washers. To the sand fed into the line, the machine tank must have the correct angle of inclination of the walls, as in the hourglass.
The operating principle of sandblaster in a training video
As in practice the surfaces are cleaned blasting pressure type is demonstrated in the following video material:
With such a device can be cleaned, not only the metal from corrosion. By adjusting the pressure of the incoming abrasive, you can easily take off from the walls and floor old paint or whitewash, lead in the order of a wooden fence, matiruete surface.
Types of sandblasters in scope and principle of operation
Sandblasting can be divided into several types according to the principles.
In scope:
- Vacuum. In operation, sand is ejected through the nozzle returns to the container via a vacuum and re-used. It is used for accurate and fine workmanship.
- Pneumatic. Powerful devices, throwing sand at high pressure, is used for the treatment of large areas.
- Suction. The air in such apparatus submits sand to the nozzle and collects it back after use. Such devices are designed to remove paintwork and delustering glass surfaces.
On the principle of supply of sand:
- Pressure. The compressor pumps air into the dosing unit and to the installation itself. Thus, the maximum speed is reached the abrasive particles.
- Injection. Abrasive and air flow moving along different sleeves. sand particle velocity in this case is low, and the unit itself less powerful.
How to choose the right sand for sandblasting
Initially sandblasting work on quartz sand. This is the cheapest consumable material for such plants. Today's manufacturers offer refilling the machine other loose abrasives, the effect of which is significantly different from the usual sand. Things reached the point that in some European countries banned the use of simple sand in the work, citing the fact that it causes serious health problems in people who are in a radius of action works.

Proponents of sand but its main advantage - the price referred to, and the ability to reuse the abrasive, including for construction purposes. The average hardness of particles allows a person to use the device with a lack of experience without damaging the surface. Additionally, sand has a different size fractions, which allows to select the optimal mode for the treatment of different types of coatings.
What other types of abrasive materials can be used in sandblasting:
- kupershlak or nickel - waste nickel and copper production, have high strength and toughness;
- garnet sand - used for cutting metal in powerful sandblasting machines;
- aluminum oxide - corundum - is the hardest abrasive, able to cope with any challenge, and it retains its particulate form;
- iron and steel shot - it is not cheap, but it has the property to harden the surface as forging.

On what basis is chosen one or the other consumables? First of all, we should define the purpose of the work if you need to clean the wall of the house from the facade, it is not necessary to buy an expensive abrasive. If your unit is unable to collect and use the material again, then give preference to quartz sand. It even can be used in bulk in the sandbox.

How to choose a sandblaster presented in stores
If you select the device in the store, there is a reasonable question: what sandblaster is better to choose?
To choose the right device, you need to consider it from the point of view of convenience and practicality of use. Here are some basic criteria for selection:
- criterion â„–1: Container size for abrasive. The larger the tank, the less you will have to make the filling material, but at the same time, the harder it will be the whole structure. For handmade enough stolitrovoy barrels;

- â„–2 criterion: Size and material nozzles. Long nozzles are needed to deal with complex and heavily contaminated surfaces. Wiping nozzle sufficiently length of 5 cm, rust - 6 cm;

- â„–3 criterion: Compressor power. Good performance for a home appliance - pressure 5-9 atmospheres. More powerful sandblasting can cut metal;

- №4 criterion: Performance sandblasting. With this option you can read in the technical data sheet. Qualitative household machines can handle 20-30 m² / h and thus consume up to 40 kg of sand.

sandblasting machine
What are the tools and materials required for the production of sand blaster with his own hands
Returning to the issue of manufacturing sandblasting with your hands, consider what is required for:
- Compressor providing pressure for sandblasting. As we have said, to make the compressor is very difficult for sandblasting with their hands, and the result is unlikely to please you power. So this part you just need to buy. It requires power unit is not less than 3 kW with a forced cooling system, and a pair of piston groups.
- Capacity for abrasive. The main requirement for the tank - the right slope of the walls, providing a natural ssypanie sand. The walls should be at an angle of 30 to 60 °. Tank must be made of thick-walled metal. For this purpose, excellent gas cylinder or a fire extinguisher.

Andrew Feofanov
recruitment specialist tool ""
"Sandblasting can be carried out not only in the open space, but also in the chamber. Such an embodiment is suitable for handling of small parts. "
Drawing sandblasting chamber for making their own hands:

- The hose is easy to pick up. It's enough to the desired diameter rubber hose. Securing the hose is provided by metal clamps or ties.
- Nozzle - you can buy ready-made nozzle or make it yourself from the available material. So that the device will last longer, it equipped with interchangeable ceramic caps with holes 5-6 mm for accurate work.

How to make sand blasting with their hands out of scrap materials: master classes and videos
Think before you take on the production of sandblasting. How ambitious you planned work? Buying air compressor - also the costs of the family budget. If you face a challenge just to clean house porchMaybe easier to take such a device rent in one of the rental stations?
Another thing, if a unit is a regular. Its purchase will affect your wallet. Factory models often fail, and the manufacturers give them a very modest guaranteed due to specific work conditions. It turns out what to do with their hands sandblasting cheaper, and considering the use of interchangeable parts, it will serve you indefinitely. Let's look at the most popular models out of scrap materials.
How to make the hands of the sand blasting gas tank
Picture | Description of work |
![]() | At the bottom of the gas cylinder is necessary to make a hole. Note: the cylinder must be completely empty, it is very important for your safety! To make a hole of the desired diameter, first drilled a few holes, then the content is sawed sawing Metal. |
![]() | Rough edges need to carefully handle the grinding cup. |
![]() | By opening required welding to attach two-inch rut with screw-on lid. |
![]() | For the apparatus required fittings, sleeves, hose and coupler. |
![]() | The hardest part of the job - unscrew the valve from the cylinder. The old cylinder valves usually be turned out with difficulty, can be slightly warm them burner, use a lever and a pipe wrench, vise. |
![]() | The vacant hole screw fitting for connection of the other parts. |
![]() | All screw connections must be sealed with the help of a tow or yarn FUM. |
![]() | To exit the sand required to build such a structure of the adapters. |
![]() | Alternatively, the nozzle may be used to spout from cheap Melt. It is fixed at the end of the hose with electrical tape and clamps. |
![]() | To adjust the pressure power is required to install the crane in place connecting the compressor hose. |
Detailed guidance on how to make your own hands homemade sandblaster in the following video:
How to make your own hands sandblasting of fire extinguisher
Picture | Description of work |
![]() | For manufacturing sandblasting small size, you can use an ordinary fire extinguisher. Such capacity will have to frequently refill, but it is easy to transfer to a new place. |
![]() | The fire extinguishers valve gets out much easier than in the gas tank. You will only have a pipe wrench. |
![]() | As in the gas cylinder, at the bottom of the fire extinguisher is necessary to make a hole for filling sand. |
![]() | To the resulting hole is welded a threaded fitting. |
![]() | To the cylinder should be welded metal legs. They will give structural stability and allow to connect the hose from the bottom. |
![]() | For the further work required set of fittings and tap. |
![]() | The assembled device is as follows: at the exit of the container crane stands on the left - output to connect the compressor to the right - for sandblasting hose. |
We can only be connected to the compressor installation and gun sandblaster. This small device is useful for smaller jobs.
Blasting nozzle and manufacture their own hands
What is important for the blasting nozzle? First of all, - the diameter of the outlet opening, it determines the orderly handling and consumption of abrasive. As spent abrasive, depending on the diameter of the nozzle in the table:

The second important point - the length of the nozzle. The length influences the surface quality. And finally - the material. The stronger the material nozzle, the longer lasts the structural member.
Finished products are factory standard nozzle diameters - 12, 10, 8 and 6 mm. You can find in the sale of a nozzle with a "Venturi" system, the speed of the abrasive particles in them can reach 720 km / h. Treatment with a highly efficient power.
From what we can make with their own hands for the sandblasting nozzle, and how much it will serve:
Material | Service life, hours |
Pottery (automobile spark plugs) | 1−2 |
Cast iron | 6−8 |
Wolfram carbide | 300 |
boron | 750−1000 |
Note! If you are using as an abrasive steel shot, the nozzles will last nearly three times longer.
with his hands technology for manufacturing the nozzle of the spark plugs for sandblasting:
Picture | Description of work |
![]() | For the manufacture of ceramic nozzles are suitable automotive spark, their stock (already used) have virtually every motorist. The spark plug cap must be removed, it can be easily removed without tools. |
![]() | The core need hamstring and accurate motion unscrew the spark plug so that remove the metallic core. |
![]() | The remaining core can be thrown away, it is no longer useful. |
![]() | After the candle should be cut cleanly right grinder for the first nut. Do this carefully so as not to split the ceramics. |
![]() | After trimming all metal parts are easily removed from the ceramic tip and a nozzle for sandblasting ready. |
![]() | Ceramic nozzle can withstand up to 2 hours of operation and after losing its shape. So if you need to ensure a long operating time, please be a set of tips. |
How to extend the life of a self-made nozzle, refer to the following video:
How to make your own hands sandblasting gun
Sandblast gun for the compressor - a tool for the fine machining of small products. Make it easy to need a plastic bottle and a gun with a nozzle. Details of the process to pee in the video master class:
Pros and cons of homemade sandblasting
What benefits do you get if you will take for the independent production of sandblasting:
- save money, as a self-made machine will cost significantly less purchased;
- get the device more powerful than the factory.

But not everything is so rosy, there are also disadvantages in this venture:
- manufacturing of the device requires, as a minimum, the ability to use welding machine;
- If you are unable to pick up high-quality components, sand blasting will last a long time;
- Any mistake in the assembly of the valve is fraught with rupture and injury.
Think before you take up the case, and correctly calculate their potential.
Small instruction for the correct operation sandblaster
Sandblasting machine - a potentially dangerous machine, working with them is important to observe safety precautions to avoid injury:
- Be sure to use a respirator, goggles and gloves. sand dust inhalation can lead to serious diseases of the respiratory system. Make sure that the job is not near your home.
- Before proceeding to a surface cleaning, check the durability and tightness of all connections unit. This should be done every time.
- Do not forget to turn on the compressor to open the valve supplying the sand.
Examine the nozzle for wear and fastening strength - For best effect, direct the jet of abrasive at an angle of 90 ° to the surface.
- In the process, make sure that the instrument hoses are not stretched.
- Check the quality and uniformity of the abrasive sand to backfill into the container. The sand must be dry.
- To avoid accidental electric shock, ground the device before turning on.
How much are sandblasters prefabricated: the most popular models
Sandblasters for home use can be purchased at specialty stores. We analyzed for you assortment of these products, and offer you some of the most popular models on Yandex Market:
Model | Main characteristics |
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Does it make sense to make a homemade sandblasting
We gave you all the known facts, materials and calculations, but the answer to this question will have to yourself. Buy ready-made machine can be about 8 000, rental will cost you 500-800 rubles per day. Think, if you have accessories for independent production unit. If in garage stock not stray air compressor - its buying too much impact on your budget.

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