No one person can not imagine their existence without electric lighting. And surprisingly, when people do not understand how the changing light in the cartridge, although such individuals are extremely rare. But on the device cartridges and their forms do not know everything - it's fact. In today's article we will focus precisely on this. Try to figure out what could be the ammunition for light bulbs, how hard they work, how they distinguished in appearance, if necessary, replace the lamp, so as not to incur the lighting unit with him to score.

Read article
- 1 What is a cartridge in the lighting fixtures
- 2 Types of ammunition, their labeling and manufacturing materials
- 3 The easiest cartridge by a screw cap, its structure and principle of operation
- 3.1 How contact occurs between the lamp holder and
- 3.2 What is manufactured screw cartridges E40, E27 and E14
- 4 Cartridges for pin base and their varieties
- 4.1 The principle of operation and the device pin holder
- 5 Advantages and disadvantages of different types of ammunition
- 6 Selection criteria: what to look for, buying a cartridge for the luminaire
- 7 Embodiments fixation lamps cartridges, chandeliers and other surfaces
- 7.1 Fixing with latches
- 8 A few words in conclusion
What is a cartridge in the lighting fixtures
If we draw an analogy, the cartridge can be compared to the same jack headphone plug is for which light. Depending on the type, the lamp can be screwed or simply inserted into the holder. This creates a reliable contact with the emitter of the current wires. To the layman the problem lies in the fact that the lamp base, as well as ammunition for them, do not always have the same size and appearance. So, it makes sense to understand how classified certain home electrical connector assemblies.

Types of ammunition, their labeling and manufacturing materials
The first thing you see when moved to a new building - it's bullets hanging from the ceiling on wires. Most often, these are the most common connectors are designed for normal screw cap incandescent. But in the process it is necessary to repair the installation of various fixtures, which simple light bulbs just do not fit. It was then handyman begins to think about the kinds of caps and markings - this information is required when purchasing lighting products. Let us examine in detail what may be lampholders, from which they can be manufactured.

The easiest cartridge by a screw cap, its structure and principle of operation
Such cartridges may have two different diameters. Marked by this kind of letter "E", followed by the size. three sizes of these cartridges is used in Russia - E27 (the most common variant of a usual lamp Filament), E14 (under cartridge thinner emitter called "minion") and E40 - product for industrial lighting.

How contact occurs between the lamp holder and
The principle of operation of such cartridges is simple. By metal "glass" with threaded plugs neutral wire, and inside, at the "bottom" is the phase contact. When screwing the lamp reaches the phase contact center cap. Since the circuit is completed, and starts to flow through the emitter current. In this case, the threaded connection holding the lamp, without letting it fall out of the chuck.

What is manufactured screw cartridges E40, E27 and E14
production of materials can be varied. Most often, a plastic, or ceramic karbolitovaya shell within which the copper, brass, steel and sometimes even (which happens very rarely) contacts. The manufacturer selects material according to the model, shape and operating conditions of the lamp. Most suitable for devices in which filament lamps are used, a ceramic which is not afraid of high temperatures. And when the lamp with a cap, the temperature inside is significant. After incandescent bulbs emit a lot of heat.

Cartridges for pin base and their varieties
Such cartridges are denoted by Latin letter «G», and the number after the name means the distance between two sockets under the pins. There are, though more rarely, cartridges 4 sockets. In this case, the specified distance between the diagonally opposing contacts. These connectors are used for halogen, and neon LED bulbs. The most common area of ​​application - point ceiling lights or directional spots.

Pin cartridges are designed for low-power emitters. Their contact is not so dense as that of the screw, such as E14 or E27. Some characteristics of such cartridges makes sense to consider the list.
- From G4 to G10 - These cartridges are suitable for halogen lamps with low power, no more than 60 watts. In this case, the cartridge is designed for the G9 flat loop-like cap.
- GU10 - quite an interesting option holder. It looks almost no different from the G10, but with tabs. On pins cap should be slight thickening which enter the grooves when turning the lamp, wherein the maximum power should not exceed 50 watts.
- G13 - chuck allows you to use the lamp a little more power - up to 80 watts.
- GX53 - the same as that G10, but having a greater distance between the pins. It has a small thickness, which allows its installation in a suspended structure with small gaps. Maximum power of the lamp - 50 Watts.

The principle of operation and the device pin holder
Here everything is quite simple. The lamp is inserted into the cartridge so that the socket pins were in their designated slots. Some models of this type of ammunition require rotation of the radiator. Such fixation can be compared with the installation or removal of the starter from the fluorescent lamp. Which of the two contacts will be supplied phase, and a neutral - does not matter.
Such cartridges can also be made of ceramic or plastic. They may vary by location and - end, suspension, rack-mounted.



Advantages and disadvantages of different types of ammunition
Try to understand the ins and outs of ammunition, made of different materials. And we should start with the most common items - from karbolit and ceramics.
Among the advantages of the material can be noted:
- low cost;
- resistance to high temperatures;
- prevalence (replacement problems will not arise if necessary).

PHOTO: achinsk.bigsklad.rf
But in addition to the advantages, have such products and sensitive cons:
- the quality of these cartridges is poor;
- extremely brittle material that, together with the first point, promotes frequent breakdowns on the need replacement;
- contacts (lately increasingly) made of simple metal subject to corrosion, which leads to deterioration of the compound, the heating and burning-off or simply disappear. This means that you need to be alert to the possibility that such contacts will have to be cleaned frequently.

Selection criteria: what to look for, buying a cartridge for the luminaire
To begin to determine whether a change or replacement of the cartridges are subject to all the elements. In the first case, you must choose a certain shape and size, and the second can be a bit away from the dimensions. However, the old bulb does not make sense to throw away, so it is best if the new cartridges are completely identical removable.

When replacing the cartridge is best to choose the same size, but made of a more resistant material. For example, if the lighting unit has good ventilation and it is not planned to plant bulbs Tungsten, which is very heated, it is best to stay on the cartridge with silicone sheath. This material is elastic, durable and never crumble, which often happens with karbolitovymi and ceramics.

By type of base you can say the following. If there is a possibility of installing a cartridge pin base, it is better to stay on this option. The quality of modern screw cartridges are so low that it is better to forget. Exceptions are designer appliances collected by hand from the first to the last detail. It is unlikely that the owner of such exclusivity comes up with the idea to replace the cartridges in them.

By purchasing cartridges for lighting, should consider contacting them carefully. They should be solid. The slightest defect in the connection lead to heating, burning-off the upper layer, a further deterioration of the contact and still greater temperature rise. Here's a vicious circle.
Embodiments fixation lamps cartridges, chandeliers and other surfaces
When designing the interior space designer cartridges can simply hang on the wire, without any additional fastening. But the manufacture of chandeliers in manufacturing, the most commonly used copper, steel or brass tubes. At the ends of the curved "tunnel" in such cases, it is the thread on which is screwed and socket. The wire is passed inside the tube and passes through it to the point of connection. The same design and have different table lamps, Floor lamps or sconces.

When it comes to ceramic cartridge, it is often fastened by means of small bolts to the metal platform. But the bullets for pin base recorded a little different.
Fixing with latches
Ceiling spotlights can not speak. Bullets on them is not fixed. It is enough that the lamp housing is fixed in the hole of the ceiling or furniture. The very same lamp to fall down can not - it holds the rim in the lighting fixture. But in chandeliers fixing cartridges needed. Usually, it is carried out by means of plastic latches, which are included in a specially prepared for their seats. This is useful when having to disassemble the cartridge, which is quick and easy. We just need to click on the latch with your fingers on both sides and pull the cartridge out of the grooves.
A few words in conclusion
With self-assembly of lighting in the rooms of an apartment or private home, it is very important to pick up such cartridges, which not only serve as long as possible, but will be available in the event of force majeure situation. By purchasing a cartridge for the light, do not neglect an introduction to its specifications. After all, even the highest quality product does not last a long time if it inappropriate to set the parameters emitter. It also makes sense to pay attention to an IP socket. Class of security is selected depending on the room where the electrical element will be installed. For example, if you set a regular, unprotected holder in the bathroom, his contacts will be oxidized in a month. If the choice is made correctly, the device, together with the lamp, regardless of its design and type, will be a long time to please the owner of trouble-free operation. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the lamps in which the replacement of cartridges is possible.
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PHOTO: legrand.rf






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