On the Internet a lot of information for the assembly of distribution switchboards with their hands. However, few learn how to do the job. Much more important is to understand how to choose the right wire for the electrical quality of assembly, connection protective automation. In today's article we will focus precisely on this. After all, handyman, is going to take electrical wiring in his apartment or private home is vitally important to understand what features from a particular manufacturing or material modification cable.

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- 1 General information on the structure and material of manufacture of cable cores
- 1.1 Copper cables and their modifications
- 1.2 What to choose: the use of rigid and flexible copper conductors in the installation of the electrical panel
- 2 Features of the application lived during installation of the electrical
- 3 Use of aluminum cables for automatic mounting
- 4 To choose the desired section of copper and aluminum cables
General information on the structure and material of manufacture of cable cores
Here, the information, which is owned by many, is limited to the difference between the aluminum and copper cable. And it is quite meager and sometimes erroneous. The fact that aluminum, in addition to the small life, also very unreliable. Enough to bend it a few times and lived fractures. The only advantage is cheap, but this criterion in electrical engineering should be the last place, which means that should stay on copper.

Copper cables and their modifications
Such cores are ideal not only for the assembly of distribution boards, but also in general for all wiring. But we should not forget that such cables may be rigid or flexible. The second is much easier to wiringBut they have a higher cost. Another disadvantage to the rigid conductors can be called in the impossibility of their locking screw terminals without prior preparation. We are talking about tinkering or broken down in the tip using Crimper.

What to choose: the use of rigid and flexible copper conductors in the installation of the electrical panel
When viewed from the standpoint of convenience, when mounting better use of flexible cables, But here it's not unique. When using a hard living, they blow a little harder, but it simplifies the creation of quality contacts on with automation and tire compounds, both zero and grounding. In addition, all carefully paving once more the master will not return to this work. But when using a flexible cable a problem of poor quality connections that necessarily will subsequently be heated, which is unacceptable when assembling the power cabinets or boards lighting.
Thus, the best choice for the mounting of boards is a copper wire of a suitable rigid section. The use of flexible conductors is permissible only in remote places with the obligatory tinkering or crimping tip purified by segment isolation.

Features of the application lived during installation of the electrical

It is especially necessary to focus on the mandatory compliance with the color-coded lived in the assembly of the distribution panel. This is necessary in order to not spend a lot of time in the production of audits or repairs in the future. Also this operation can be performed by another installer, which can result (in violation of color coding) to defeat the master electric shock. To date, the European system of color coding adopted in Russia, namely:
- neutral conductor - blue;
- grounding wire - yellow-green;
- phase - any other color.
For phase conductor made more colors due to the fact that there may be three. In this case, the manufacturer can "play" shades lived in any interpretation. The only thing necessary for him - is the presence of blue (sometimes white and blue) and yellow-green wires.

Use of aluminum cables for automatic mounting

This option is the budget, and therefore require a minimum cost. But there are features that need to be addressed.
- The main problem of such cables - duralumin excess component in the alloy. Often this happens when a manufacturer wants to reduce the cost of production. In this case, the wire is not withstand even a single bend and break. Such cables should not buy. Determine the excess of cheap metal is not difficult in the alloy. It is only necessary to ask the seller to clean the external insulation of approximately 1 cm of the cable, then bend one of the cores at 180º, then straighten his back. Excess Duran in the alloy is immediately noticeable - lived fractures. Sometimes it breaks even at the first bend.
- Aluminum is short-lived, so its use is only allowed on condition that the planned use of the premises for a period not exceeding 30 years. More often than not, after this period, the aluminum starts to crumble at the slightest touch.
- Collecting the switchboard should be very careful. Do not get too often bend the wire. This will lead to a weakening at the site of repeated fracture that at the slightest overheating of the cables is fraught with burning-off.
- When using aluminum require periodic broach contacts - they often weaken.

To choose the desired section of copper and aluminum cables
This problem is one of the most important when choosing the right wire for the quality of the electrical assembly. Too thick veins acquire unprofitable for the purse, and to install, they are more complex. But buying too thin wires will cause them to heat and possible fire in an apartment or private house. It is necessary to find a "middle ground" - the section that you need. It is calculated on the current load on the cable, measured in amperes (A). In order to produce accurate calculations, you can use the table.

On some appliances there is no such. In such a case, a power consumption, from which the current load and calculates the formula I = P / UWhere:
- I - target value the current load in amperes (A);
- R - power consumption in watts (W);
- U - the supply voltage (220 or 380).
Important! Much easier if you just lay down the power consumption of all household appliances, the current load is unknown, it is planned to connect, and then apply the formula to the total immediately.

Choosing the right wire for the electrical assembly quality is the foundation of the entire installation. So hold the above information is required every handyman, respecting yourself and your work. If you make this choice wrong, then, in the best case, this has a negative impact on the family budget (with the purchase of a thicker cable). At worst, this will lead to ignorance of fire with all its consequences.