The most harmful foods

Toxins, slags, carcinogens - all these harmful substances enter the body from the external environment, in particular with food. Years accumulating in the body, they lead to irreversible consequences and the emergence of the most serious pathologies. Therefore it is very important to control what lies on your plate.

presents the most harmful foodstuffs, list of which is presented below.


Low-calorie yogurts and curd desserts

Low-calorie yoghurts and curd desserts open the list of the most harmful foods. Despite their apparent airiness and lightness, they contain the lion's share of carbohydrates in the form of starch, sugar and sweetener. So the manufacturer "compensates" for the fat content in the product, which is completely absent there. But consumers often do not think that such products can lead to obesity, due to the high content of carbohydrates and nutritional supplements that slow down metabolic processes in the body.


Sausages and sausages

Sausages and sausages beat all records for fat content. In their composition instead of the put meat basically contains pork skins and fat, to which are added thickeners, preservatives, stabilizers, transgenic soy, flavorings, etc. Regular use of sausages threatens obesity and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.


Canned food

Canned food does not contain any benefit, despite the maintenance of fish in them. But the harm, though more than enough: food additives, stabilizers, preservatives, which they contain, with regular use disrupt the metabolism. In addition, they have in their composition such a dangerous substance as benzapyrene, which can cause cancer.



The popcorn is on the list of the most harmful products for a reason. Grains of popcorn do not in themselves represent any harm, but the situation changes when they are cooked with flavors, flavor enhancers, caramelizers, oil, salt and sugar, which make you consume more and more product, and with it a hugenumber of calories. Salted popcorn contains such a shock dose of sodium chloride, which breaks even the record of chips, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the work of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.


Sweet carbonated drinks and juices

Sweet carbonated drinks and juices not only do not contain absolutely any useful substances, but they can not quench your thirst, but, on the contrary, only cause it. So, for example, everyone recognizable and beloved Coca-Cola in addition to the impact dose of sugar contains dyes, caffeine, orthophosphoric acid and carbon dioxide, which together simply kill the body from the inside: wash calcium, corrode mucous membranes and promote the deposition of fats. The person who drank a can of cola should run about 5 km to spend all the calories he received with the drink. In addition, soda includes a sweetener aspartame, which when decomposed turns into toxins. As for the purchased juices, they contain nothing but high quality of the same sugar in addition to the high content of the same sugar.


Chocolate bars, sweets and candies

Chocolate bars, sweets and candies are located in the middle of the list of the most harmful products for health. They are the record holders of easily digestible sugar, which is absolutely useless from the nutritional value and is very harmful. In addition, all these sweets include emulsifiers, sweeteners, sweeteners, thickeners, antioxidants and the like. Experts recommend replacing the production sweets with honey or dried fruits, which do contain useful substances.


Mayonnaise and ketchup

Mayonnaise and ketchup occupy the fourth line of the list of the most harmful food products. Emulsifiers, stabilizers, chemical dyes - the composition of a typical, store ketchup, which in addition is one-fifth of sugar. All these components are designed to enhance the taste of food, forcing to eat more than the body needs. Mayonnaise, enriched in addition to taste enhancers, stabilizers and trans fats, which are built into biomembranes, causes a number of diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer. In addition, the ingredients of mayonnaise have a depressing effect on the body's immune system, preventing the normal functioning of enzymes. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that most often the product is produced in plastic packaging, from which the vinegar, which is part of the sauce, literally "sucks" the carcinogenic substances safely afterwards entering the body.


Noodles and instant mashed potatoes

Noodles and instant mashed potatoes knowingly occupy the "honorable" third line of the list of the most harmful food for health. Their contents are solid dyes, preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers and stabilizers that provoke liver destruction, kidney stones, gastrointestinal upset, allergies, cancer and even nervous disorders, which are responsible for E-shki 620-637.Such food brings a sense of satiety only for a short period of time, after which the person again feels hungry, because the body did not receive all the necessary nutrients, except for harmful and empty additives.


Hamburgers and hotdogs

Hamburgers and hotdogs are located on the second line in the list of the most harmful products for health. Fast snacks include all the harmful ingredients that exist in the food industry: white bread, synthetic yeast, palm oil, soybean, etc. In addition, meatballs in hamburgers are stuffed with not only "e-shki", stabilizers and synthetic dyes, but also in principle very doubtful meat that is produced from artificially grown cows and pigs on anabolic. For this reason, the regular use of hamburgers as snacks threatens a person's resistance to antibiotics, which are so necessary during a serious illness. In addition, stabilizers and additives that contain buns with a cutlet or sausage irritate the gastric mucosa, causing a feeling of hunger and causing you to consume more food than necessary.


Chips and French fries

Chips and French fries top the list of the most harmful food products, thanks to the content of the impact dose of starch and fats. With their regular use, a person quickly begins to gain extra pounds, which inevitably leads to obesity and the corresponding pathologies: hypertension, heart disease, thyroid gland, etc. In addition, chips and French fries contain various carcinogens and additives that pollute the body with slag. But the main danger lies in the fact that these products cause food dependence. The whole point is that they contain glutamate sodium( E-621), which "changes" the taste of food, affecting the nervous system. This is a kind of food drug, making from any indecent product the most "tasty" food.