With the advent of electronic floor scales in everyday life it has become easier to control their own body weight, maintain good form. Household appliance running smoothly at home.
It allows for a few seconds to get reliable information on the number of kilograms to take on the status of evidence organism - obesity presence or deficiency of body weight, the ratio of muscle, bone, and adipose tissue to follow the dynamics changes.
- Device electronic floor scales
- Functions of electronic floor scales
- Features
- How to use
- Precautionary measures
- malfunctions
- How to choose electronic scales
Device electronic floor scales

The main purpose of the electronic floor scales - weighing in the simplest human living conditions with a load of up to 160 - 220 kg.
Electronic scales are different from the mechanical output according to the method of weighing the result not of the measuring scale, and on the electronic display, having a scale interval. Discreteness of readings depending on the model: 100 grams - more expensive, up to 500 g in cheaper.
The design of electronic floor scales consist of load cells, display, electronic circuit boards, knopkok (not all models). Mechanical impact is minimized, which increases reliability.
Electronic models differ from the mechanical principle of work. To understand the difference, it is sufficient to include, pick them up at a palm without touching the legs, the other palm pressure on the platform. Indications in the display will be zero.
Weighing plate remains stationary, the main work is done by the legs, which are hidden under a particularly strong frame. When they get up on the platform, this frame is deformed, but the changes are minor and invisible to the eye. Each frame is equipped with a small plate - main sensor node up to 2 cm across. Sensory plate securely imprinted into the frame, filled with adhesive.
To the plate are connected three wires providing resistance measured at different points of the bridge. When under the weight of the frame scales are bent at the corners, there is excess weight distribution. The final reading is displayed on the display includes the sum of all the data.
For use of the product batteries 1.5 V or 9 V. The power source may be a solar battery, an electric outlet, the energy accumulated by mechanical action on the platform. weighing devices are automatic on / off, and the definition is either a zero value when switched on, either via a dedicated button, built into the housing.
Availability of e-filling, extends the scope of use.
Functions of electronic floor scales

Apart from the main purpose - to measure a person's weight, there are additional options:
- Remember the dynamics of values ββfor user-designated time.
- Calculate the optimum weight using the body mass index, which takes into account height, sex, age and constitution of man. The basis of the calculation formula is taken: BMI = weight in kg / height, growth * m, m.
- Determine the ratio of fat and muscle are present in the human body. This function works on the principle of differences in electrical resistance in muscle, fat and bone tissue is passed through a weak discharge electrodes installed on the platform. It should be borne in mind that the analysis of the ratio of tissue has a rather high accuracy.
- Store data on the dynamics of indicators to multiple users.
- Show when weighing recommendations on diet and exercise.
- With regular measurement of body weight, a particular user is determined automatically.
- A significant excess of the norm of the body weight is accompanied by a sound signal.
- Some models are equipped with a monitor. Duplication of monitor measurement readings allows people with a bad back do not bend over to read the information on the display located on the platform.
- Automatic on / off.

The main advantage of electronic floor scales, which distinguishes them from mechanical instruments - minimal error in the measurement of body weight. Depending on the producer of the brand, cost, margin of error ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 kg.
Electronic scales differ from each other by the following parameters:
- Differences in the technical data. Floor devices differ in performance and advanced functionality, allowing you to produce accurate weighing.
- Differences in size, design and manufacture of materials. The most common size products -. 0,4 m x 0,4 m, depending on the consumer preference in a selected pattern a variety of colors, designs, materials (natural wood, high-strength glass, marble, plastic, alloy steel).
Platform body can have a ribbed or roughened surface that prevents slippage in humid conditions. The surface of the platform can be performed by repeating the anatomical shape of the feet, identify where you want to become in order to ensure correct readings.
- Place of operation. Depending on the degree of protection housing and manufacturing material set in rooms with different levels of humidity. For bathrooms or saunas choose models with sealed steel or plastic housing.
To avoid damage to the material from the corrosive environment, the product is made of natural wood, set in moist places should not be.
How to use

Correct weighing procedure
To get the correct data, follow the rules of operation of the device.
- To measure the body weight on the platform rise into the upright position without tilting. Weigh produce no shoes, socks or tights.
- Take a strong position on both feet, not moving or shifting from one foot to the other in order to avoid distortions in the testimony.
- After the show the result on the scoreboard, gently descend from the platform.
- Switching off occurs automatically.
Space for
- Hard and smooth surface. Installation on a carpet on the floor with an inclination or curvature causes the error to 10%.
- Place, protected from the effects of radiation of electromagnetic waves. Libra located away from radio and electrical appliances.
- Places with high humidity is only suitable for scales with a waterproof housing made of materials resistant to the harmful effects of moisture.
Precautionary measures

- To avoid failure, control to weighting conducted within allowable load. The instructions to the specific model necessarily contains information on the maximum weight.
- Avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which causes a malfunction. For settings are not suitable places with closely spaced electrical and radio equipment.
- For safety reasons, the platform product stand dry feet, without socks or tights.
As the need to change batteries. care product is a wiping surface. Cleaning is carried out with a damp cloth without using detergents. The aggressive medium for the washing means is able to damage the drawing, the paint on the body surface.

Because of a simple principle of operation and of simple construction weights breakage unlikely. Manufacturers provide quality assurance.
By the frequent problems arising in the operation of electronic floor scales are:
- measurement uncertainty. In this case, make sure that the device is installed on a hard surface without tilting line, and the measured body weight - within the permissible values. If necessary, make adjustments platform.
The distortion in the testimony arises due to incorrect posture during weighing. The platform is based on both feet, not moving and not deviating.
- Failure of a battery. As the operation will require replacement batteries.
- Failures occur during operation in unsuitable conditions: strong electromagnetic radiation, standing nearby radio equipment, high humidity (in the case of leaking the enclosure). Malfunction is eliminated by the restart: the device off and on again.
How to choose electronic scales
When choosing a model, take into account, for what purpose and under what conditions the device will be used for the measurement of body weight.
- Durability. If the priority of the buyers reliability, choose devices with metal housing. The least durable material for the manufacture of devices - plastic, it is deformed in a short time.
- Accuracy. Despite the relative accuracy of electronic devices for weighing, before buying check correct operation.
Accuracy is tested by comparing the readings in weighing on the model chosen and the instrument for measuring the other manufacturer of body weight. If you know the tare weight of the body, it is a control test. In case of discrepancies in the figures, the model change in the defective device.
- Convenient operation. Sick and elderly people who have difficulty bending over, see measurement results without the need to tilt the monitor on with additional weights. For people with low vision developed a model with a larger display, which is easy to read digits.
- Applicability. Choosing appliance design and additional functionality not forget about measurements pursuant system used in this product is the accepted measurement system (pounds or kilograms, etc.)
- Quality. To use the advanced range of features in operation, pay attention to dust and moisture impermeability of the housing. Sealed products are not affected by the harmful effects of the environment and are suitable for installation in locations with high humidity or dust.
Such devices have the abbreviation IPX7. Scales with IPX8 abbreviation used in a high dust content (facilities for sports). An indication of the degree of tightness of the case is provided in the data sheet of the product.
- Taken into account and the permissible level of cargo. This indicator is important for weighing of obese people or heavy objects. Cheap devices are designed for 120 kg, standard load - up to 160 kg. In some models, the load range is increased to 220 kg.
- If the body weight is monitored, the model is selected with sufficient memoryFor storing data on measurements of the dynamics. A similar requirement for the amount of memory is presented with the need for constant weighing of several persons.
- Warranty card manufacturer. Guaranteed to avoid possible unpleasant moments in the event of a breakdown of the device within the legal limits.
Question purchase of electronic floor scales most often occurs in those who like to control their own body weight: with diet, exercise, overweight. The accuracy of the measurements made it easy to keep track of a set of picture / weight loss.
With additional options, outdoor electronic devices will measure the weight and adjust the regimen, diet and physical activity to multiple users.