Tap water does not stand high quality. It contains injurious impurities (rust, sand, clay, salt) is present an unpleasant smell and taste. This affects the functionality of appliances: kettles, water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines. The main damage is such water for human health.
The solution to this problem would be water purification by the main filter.
- application
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Types and main water filters
- The apparatus main filter
- Precautionary measures
- malfunctions
Bulk filter - the mechanism for water purification from impurities, dirt particles. Externally the flask is of cylindrical shape, which is mounted in the trunk water pipe. Thanks to what are called.
Scope of the main filter is not limited. It is installed in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, garage and other areas as needed.
The structure includes a collapsible plastic or of stainless steel flask with a replaceable filter element (or cartridge mesh).

- Purification of impurities. Tap water does not meet drinking water standards. Often municipal services do not have the equipment for cleaning of chemicals, which include pesticides, heavy metals, carcinogens. Chlorinated water should also be cleaned with a main filter, because it live bacteria.
- Improve the taste. Fluid from the crane offers a wonderful palette of flavors: Marsh taste, metallic taste or chlorine, manure. Purifying filter, the water loses its odor, becomes the natural taste. cooking quality improves.
- Mitigating the effects of water on the skin and hair. Water affects the condition of the face and body skin. From raw water dries the skin, appear rash, acne, wrinkles, the hair falls out.
- Preservation of sanitary ware and household equipment. Precipitation, impurities, dirt and other solid particles damage the surface, even if it is not immediately evident, eventually manifest scratches. They settle in the pipes, adversely affect the operation of household appliances.
Advantages and disadvantages
product benefits
- Improvement of chemical composition and flavor.
- Protection of household equipment - life extension.
- Savings detergents and from time to clean the precipitate.
- Universal device for any requirements.
- Easy installation and easy cartridge replacement.
- Compact size.
- Long time service.
- Cheap replacement cartridges.
The disadvantages of the device
- The need for replacement and cleaning a mesh or cartridges.
- Installation is a specialist.
Types and main water filters
Separation of the temperature of feed water.
The filters are installed on the hot and cold pipe, depending on the types of products that are distinguished. Device for cold liquid does not require heat-resistant materials of manufacture.
The hot stream requires a stable structure.
Filter calculated for hot water and for cold solution. However, a product intended for cold water can not be used for hot water.
According to the type of treatment
Steel mesh suitable for cleaning hot liquids, gases, polymer solutions. Grid distinguish three types:
- five-layer sintered wire mesh;
- sintered metal fibers;
- sintered powdered metal.
Devices intended for cleaning large mechanical elements of 50 to 500 microns. The basis structure protrudes stainless steel mesh. Grid keeps impurities from it is often contaminated, require rinsing.
Two purification methods: direct, inverse. Direct flushing comprises treating under running water. Feedback refers to cleaning more efficient method, and the dirt particles sputtered water jets.
However, even with regular care, the grid is clogged with dirt. In this case, clean by hand or must be replaced. Filter with direct purification is 2 years, with the back up to 5 years. Housing data models made of brass.
Products with a replaceable module removed fine particles 5 to 25 microns. When you select a cartridge to be guided, first and foremost, the quality of water that is purified. Each type of cartridge is designed for its chemical composition.
Material cartridges varied. According to the basic materials for manufacturing an article shared by: Corrugated, winding cartridge model with propylene.
- Conventional traditional filament are considered models for deep cleaning. They consist of polypropylene, glass, cotton. Operating temperature of 85 to 400 degrees. The winding structure provides an increase in resources and high filtering.
- For a cartridge devices include membrane cartridges for microfiltration. The membrane consists of nylon on a polyethylene substrate. Apply such types for transporting, cleaning chemicals, common industrial processes.
- Multilayer cartridges are composed of materials, manufacturing technology of hot and cold forming fibers. This increases the density, filtration area Dirt-holding capacity, the cleaning speed.
- Corrugated products are nanomaterials having unique properties. Nanofibres are combined into cylindrical nanoconstruction comprising polyvinylidene plate.
- Cartridges with activated carbon used for the adsorption of impurities, filtering pulverulent substances. It consists of coconut shells, crushed coal powder, and by burning organic fibers activation.
According to the degree of purification is isolated:
This type operates based on backflushing. Cleaning, produced a single-stage filter rough. The device cleans the sand, rust, precipitation.
Particle sizes detained metal mesh from 100 to 800 microns. Setting backwash mode is automatic. The cartridge is replaced 2 times a year.
The product helps to get rid of sand, rust, clay, chlorine, precipitation, mechanical elements. Water deprived of extraneous smells, tastes. If necessary, such a device is installed additional carbon filter that cleans organic matter.
Cleans all the above impurities, organic chemical compounds, removes iron. The good quality of the three-stage filter is allocated softening water, which is achieved by filtration hardness. Minimum cell sizes - 0.05 microns.
Type of treatment
Removes major impurities. The structure consists of a metal grid in the housing, which holds the largest impurity. Such a device does not require regular replacement. As the contamination is removed mesh, washed under running water.
Removes fine suspended matter, chlorine, iron, smell, taste, turbidity. Water is softened. Such a filter will deliver kettle descaling. The design consists of stainless steel or plastic with a reinforcement.
The apparatus main filter
The bulb is composed of metal or plastic. Metal housing contains the stainless steel. On the one hand, it guarantees durability for a long time, on the other - is combined with the interior, does not need to disguise or concealment.
Plastic casing is less durable, but considerably cheaper. When good-quality manufacture can withstand continuous operation.
The advantage of the transparent bulb that the contamination degree is determined by visual inspection.
Depending on the space of the room selected device size from compact to medium products.
Keep in mind that smaller size does not guarantee high performance. Therefore, when heavy soiling selected a powerful filter, conducted procedures: wash, change cartridges. The height of the device 20 or 10 inches. Diameter 185 mm distinguish Big Blue (BB) and 130 - 140 mm Slim Line (SL).
There are four types of cartridges sizes according to international standards (two types of the first diameter different heights, with two of the second height 10, 20).
To determine the required size of the cleaning device is calculated water consumption per household. Or the number of points is calculated, and intake valves. For a small enough consumption of the standard SL, and for a greater flow preferable standard BB.
Some models for cleaning of hot and cold fluid allows to wash the cartridge without disassembling the housing. On the product is a special valve that is easy to open and to clean. In complex industrial applications, this procedure is carried out automatically.
There are valves to reduce the pressure to the required level. This design prevents hydraulic shocks.
This increases the level of security prevents damage to equipment and machinery.
Precautionary measures

The filter is a safe device, however, some rules of operation must be observed.
- Connecting the device and replacement cartridges, a specialist or a person who carefully read the instructions and safety precautions.
- On the cover should not place any foreign objects.
- The filter is not designed to produce drinking water from microbiological technical unsafe.
- The system should not be accessible to children.
- Cartridge change in a timely manner in order to avoid microbial contamination of water.
- In the case of actions relating to the dismantling of the device is required to close the water supply.
- Storage, transportation, use to prevent shock, the product falling, freezing water in it.
- Store is not worth close to toxic, strong-smelling substances.
- A device to protect against dust and dirt.
- When the temperature is lowered to room setting and storing filter protect him from cold.
- To carry out any improvements prohibited.
- Transportation is allowed on all types of transport.
- Keep the filter is recommended at a distance of 1 meter from heaters.
- Exclude direct sunlight.
- Do not handle the potent substances from the outside, but inside is not allowed cleaning detergents.
- Leakage in the connection to the backbone.
It occurs when insufficiently tightened connection, seal threaded joint wrap polymeric tape.
- Leakage of pressure reset button.
If the seal is defective, it is replaced with a new one. Check whether the screw is tightened enough buttons fastening, if not to twirl.
- Leakage between the lid and the body.
Check the gasket, lubricate with silicone grease, install smoothly. If the unsuitability of the sealing ring replace it with new.
- The water is cloudy, not cleared.
Check to see if there was a misalignment of the cartridge, then unscrew the cap to set it straight, fasten the cover.
Milk color associated with the air in the system, admitted at a primary installation or replacement cartridge. Water quality should be good, and the bubbles will come out within 1 - 2 weeks.
- Low filter performance.
With insufficient water pressure (e.g., on the upper floors of the house) the pump is installed. If the cause - pollution of the cartridge, which means that it is time to replace a new one. Since through the blockage pressure will decrease
If the unsuitability of the cleaning membrane, the membrane itself change the different working.
- Noise at work.
Sounds appear at the wrong location in the clamp, there is an airlock. The clamp is placed correctly.
If clogged drainage line clean it.
- Unpleasant taste, smell.
The reason is unwashed distribution flank, which must be cleaned. Another reason in favor - the exhaustion of the filter of their abilities. replacement is required.
To select the main technical features of the filter are recorded types of products and water system characteristics.