Rating of the most popular torrent trackers

Thanks to torrent trackers, we can easily download your favorite movies, games, music and other files that are shared among users. There are several dozens of similar services on the RuNet, but not all of them have a friendly interface, stability and high activity of the distributors.

We chose the most convenient Russian resources, making the rating of the most popular torrent trackers , according to Internet users.


  • 10. x-torrents.org
  • 9. megashara.com
  • 8. free-torrents.org
  • 7. torrentino.ru
  • 6. lostfilm.tv
  • 5. nnm-club.ru
  • 4. tfile.en
  • 3. kinozal.tv
  • 2. rutor.org
  • 1. rutracker.org

10. x-torrents.org

A private private tracker intended to exchange materials between registered users. There is a forum and even a section of acquaintances. A somewhat inconvenient look is a list of torrents not divided into categories. Only top downloads in the last 24 hours are available from the ratings.

9. megashara.com

A universal torrent tracker that offers movies, TV shows, games and music. Exchange of materials is available to registered users. The site presents the ratings of the most popular files, as well as the best aploaders, there is a forum.

8. free-torrents.org

Service has been working since 2007.According to the administration, the site does not cooperate with rights holders. Every day about 25 thousand people visit the service. Pretty convenient to search for materials, there is a forum.

7. torrentino.ru

This torrent tracker allows you to download content without registering. Movies, music, games and software are grouped by category, there is a rating of downloads, the forum is missing.

6. lostfilm.tv

Torrent tracker specializes in movies and TV shows. You need to register to download. There are ratings of films and serials, announcements of new products, a forum.

5. nnm-club.ru

Some of the materials can be downloaded without registration, but for the most part of the content it is still needed. There is a forum, a rating of popular hands.

4. tfile.ru

You need to register before you can download content. Torrent tracker collaborates with copyright holders. For downloading available movies, series, software, music and books.

3. kinozal.tv

Contrary to the title, this popular torrent tracker is not highly specialized, in addition to movies there is music, games and software. There is a forum, published ratings of popular hands.

2. rutor.org

Popular torrent tracker allows you to download content without registering, but privileged users have registered. A convenient search system is implemented, all files are divided into categories. There is a forum, chat, ratings of popular downloads and novelties.

1. rutracker.org

The most popular Russian torrent tracker unites about 6 million users. The service cooperates with rightholders and periodically removes materials from distributions on their applications. Implemented convenient navigation, there is a forum.