Internet - is what binds people in the world. But it is important to make it work quickly, continuously and without any problems. Although it happens that handle such a load a lot of computers and the router can no longer be in a room or building properly and work in the usual way.
In addition, a variety of barriers, walls or floors, also affect the propagation range.
To increase Internet coated area, use Wi-Fi repeater. The apparatus duplicates the signal and transmits it further, thereby increasing the coverage area.
- Types of Wi-Fi repeaters
- How to choose a Wi-Fi repeater
- adjustment
Types of Wi-Fi repeaters

Wi-Fi Repeater - repeater wireless Internet signal, which is transmitted from the router. This gadget small size and resembles the charger. It can be equipped with 2-3 antennas, or may not be, and one port for the Internet.
Standard Internet transmission speed of the Wi-Fi repeater - 300 Mbit / s at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.
Models can be configured in two modes:
- Repeater;
- Client.
In addition, these gadgets are divided into active and passive depending on the performance characteristics.
active - standard models, which are used more often. They may have different power and external data, and are used either at home or in the workplace. Most often they are two or three antennas, which allow to get data transfer speeds of 150-300 Mbit / s.
Some models are Wi-Fi repeaters may provide higher data transfer rates over long distances, but for them, the price will be quite high. They have three antennas and gain 3 dBi. antenna can sometimes be removable, for their replacement by more powerful.
Passive Wi-Fi repeaters - mounted directly on the router and, where possible, enhance the signal, frequency and direction.
How to choose a Wi-Fi repeater

Before purchasing a repeater read reviews and consult with professionals to choose the most suitable option for the room.
If the apartment is a thick wall or router gives a weak signal, it will be pretty standard Wi-Fi repeater average price category.
If the signal is needed on the whole building or business, you will need a powerful model and, depending on the areas, even several at once.
When you select a Wi-Fi repeater models, pay attention to accessories, among which should be: a network patch, a mini-CD with information, instructions and technical specifications.
Some equipment is equipped with a unit for autonomous operation, which increases the weight. In this case, it is possible to use the Internet and power outages.
Choose even the Chinese model for a small flat enough and their characteristics.
Range of action
It is important to pay attention to how extended signal after connecting Wi-Fi repeater. It covers an area should be 10 meters with a few concrete walls or long corridors.
Enough of the two antennas on the device to the Internet has become available, even on a staircase in the entrance of high-rises. If we take the model is more powerful, it is possible to achieve more significant results.

Models Wi-Fi repeaters from some brands are designed for specific routers. In this case, you need only turn on the gadget and click one button, all the setup and connection will take place automatically.
If need manual adjustment, it is possible to follow all the instructions in the enclosed instructions, or take the help of professionals who will install a repeater true.
A feature of the installation, you can select the distance between all the antennas. It is important that it be at least 5 cm. Otherwise there will be interference and work unit will not be stable.
If Wi-Fi repeater is equipped with one internal antenna, in this case, it is best if it will be at least at a height of 2 meters from the ground.
Setting via smartphone

Turn on the unit, then go to the wi-fi connection in the phone, choose from the list and connect to it. You will be redirected to the login page if it does not, the instructions specify the path on which you want to go to the browser.
On the login page, enter your login and password, which are also listed in the instructions or on the box Wi-Fi repeater.
Then make the necessary settings according to the instructions.
Setting via cable

To connect, plug the cable from the Wi-Fi Repeater to your computer and prepare a disc that comes. On the disk there is an instruction on how to proceed, and the driver to the computer "see" gadget.
After that, in accordance with the instructions, proceed to configure the network adapter settings. Here, select the appropriate protocol or save the auto-completed data. Further, all of the installation of the repeater action is carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied.