A child receives a lure, and my mother - the problem of what to do with packages of baby food. Throw them a pity - it harms the environment.

Glass jars of capacity from 100 to 350 ml seem so small, but take up a lot of space when allowed to accumulate in the kitchen.
10 ideas for the production of useful things out of cans of baby food rid of the problem.
Options for creative moms
Before going into decorating jars, you need to prepare trim fabric, beads, braid.
Napkins with a pattern of white acrylic and PVA glue - everything you need to decorate the lids in the technique decoupage.
Some of the ideas do not require additional materials, as suggested Use cans as containers for products:

- Storage of spices. The aroma of herbs is not out of steam in small containers with lids. Remain pour spices, sign and place the collection in the kitchen cupboard.
- Portioned dishes. Jelly panna cotta desserts remain fresh in a sealed container. In banks, they are convenient to prepare and bring to the table - the volume is just enough for one person.
- Replacing yogurt - Only small jars and multivarka need to prepare yogurt at breakfast. Each family member will add to their portion of your favorite fruit, berries or honey.
- Snack for the road. For a walk with your child or work capacity of baby food will serve as a container for nuts, raisins, dried fruit. No longer have to suffer with the knots on the bag to get a serving of snacks.
- Needle bed. Cap, covered with cloth and foam, will cushion for needles and buttons will lie in a jar. Needlewoman are sorted beads, beads, small accessories, to find resembling accessories.
Methods of use
There are also options for the use of jars of baby food:

- Storage details. It is time to expand the self-tapping screws, studs and nuts. If you fasten the bottom lid to the wooden shelf, banks with little things do not get lost and will not take up space in the cabinets.
- Organizer for pencils. At the children's table, it is difficult to clean up the mess? The child learns the names of colors, displaying pencils and markers in colorful containers. For this purpose, glass surfaces are degreased and acrylic paint.
- Flavor. Fill the pleasant smell of the bathroom, bedroom, closet with linens is simple - you need to pour into a jar of herbs, essential oil drip and make holes in the lid.
- Candlestick. Decoupage, composition with sand and shells, a chandelier to give - options are limited only by the imagination. The handle of a jar of wire turns in a garden lantern. To take the candlesticks candle sleeves - aluminum form will not allow the glass overheating, homemade lamp bursts.
- Vases for bouquets. Wild flowers, pansies, violets look touching in small vases, bandaged lace or braid. Such compositions are cozy and summer mood.
- night light. To make the lamp, want artificial candle. Flashlight is not difficult to make with your child by filling a jar in the form of a fairy house. The kid is not afraid of the dark, knowing that sleep protects the good fairy. Nightlight, painted stained glass paints or pasted cloth will create a relaxed atmosphere in the room.
Packing for sweet gifts, growing seedlings, storage jewelery - fantasy mistresses limitless.
Moms do for children sorter and piggy banks to develop fine motor skills.
Joint production of articles made from cans, clay, natural materials awakens creative skills and taste of the child.