Until a few decades ago, the construction of a well in the suburban area was possible only by using reinforced concrete rings. But joints between these elements necessarily sealed.
The inner surface of the container are coated with a special solution to groundwater not leak. When using the polymer tube such problems do not arise, because a monolithic structure is obtained, resistant to compression elastic.
- Properties of plastic pipes for wells
- Pros and cons of plastic pipes for wells
- Installation and repair
Properties of plastic pipes for wells
On the market are realized tubes of low-pressure polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.
PVC is a polymer, environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment. At high temperatures, the plastic does not release hazardous volatile substances does not react with various substances and materials.
Plastic is safe for drinking water. It is possible to equip the container with the technical liquid which is used for commercial purposes. Plastpolymer produced at the plant, does not emit harmful substances and bacteria are unable to reproduce.
Polyvinyl chloride - not an antiseptic, but scientists have proved that the use of the material in the water reduces the risk of propagation of harmful bacteria / germs.
Plastic constructions do not carry critical negative temperatures. Therefore, the source would have to bury lower than the ground freezes. PVC is officially approved for use in drainage systems engineering.
High density polyethylene (HDPE) is durable. It can withstand the pressureWhich is outside the design. Excellent resistance to low temperatures. Material suitable for cold water as the casing structure. Sometimes, these rings are used for deepening old wells.
Polyvinylchloride Pit tech products have a higher rigidity and strength compared to low-pressure polyethylene. They also have a greater resistance to deformation and impact strength.
PVC is not used in temperature conditions below zero degrees centigrade. Under such conditions Pit tube or plastic construction team will fail: will crack or burst.
Pros and cons of plastic pipes for wells

Advantages of PVC:
- Zero reaction on contact with cold water;
- UV resistance;
- Easy to transport products (due to the low weight);
- The ability to choose the plastic according to the budget and requirements;
- A huge range of products;
- Ability to manufacture PVC rings on an individual order and dimensions;
- Low cost;
- Resistance to aggressive environments;
- service life up to 50 years
PVC products are safe and practical. Usually, in order to save the corrugated pipe, ready to plastic wells or screwed onto each other plastic parts, transported on the roof rack of the car. Own transport concrete products, using a passenger vehicle - it is impossible.
The walls of the product does not leak, so the drinking water does not enter the waste water and microbes, so reducing the risk of gastro-intestinal infections.
Crosslinked polyethylene should not be used in engineering networks where there are high temperature performance.
If we compare these products with asbestos-cement pipes, the benefits are greater. Asbestos-cement structures can not be called environmentally friendly material that is not harmful to nature and human health. Because of this material today try to give the benefit of PVC products, to show their best side.
Disadvantages of PVC:
Structural element resistant to mechanical stress. Because in the process of excavation and installation of PVC frame to be careful. Otherwise pipe will crack or burst, the wall part being damaged, waste water seep into the clean potable liquid.
Do not use PVC pipe with a mechanical damages (scratches, chips, cracks) in the intakes ground with considerable pressure on the vessel wall.
Although PVC Kolodeznaya wall can still withstand a certain load, but also any mechanical impact PVC capacity - disastrous. Structure in any case can not be bent, because it always fails, because the structure has been destroyed by ultraviolet rays.
This change does not allow the material to stretch, be flexible. The load on the plastic wall does not compensated, and appeared tensions may at any time break the container. How fast collapse polyethylene pipes under load is not known, but they do not last a long time.
Advantages of HDPE:
- The life expectancy is 50 years
- Easy installation, with which even a novice can handle
- Environmentally friendly - material without harmful impurities
- No corrosion
- Saving Water Pressure and the absence of blockages due to the smooth surface of the pipe
- Unaffected chemicals: acids, alkalis, gases
- Flexible material - can be used on the rotating section without splitter
- Easy to transport
- Resistance to low temperatures down to -60 degrees
Disadvantages of HDPE:
- Afraid v / f-ray - tubes are rapidly destroyed in the open space
- Acceptable positive temperature inside the tube - to 45 degrees on a continuous basis and up to 60 - momentarily
- Material damaged even slight mechanical action sharps
Installation and repair

The work begins with the selection of the structural elements of the right diameter, shape and length.
Before proceeding with the digging source previously estimated depth of the aquifer (perched, underground river, etc.). Then it must be concluded, how long tube or need to buy a ring for the proper arrangement of the deepening water.
For lasting soil will suit one-piece tube. Difficult terrain involves the acquisition of the rings, which are mounted in the hole to the source, which are assembled from small mobile components.
Well, assembled from separate sections, much easier to repair, clean, conduct partial restoration capacity. This is important because the well will have to periodically maintain, so it does not become a source of gastrointestinal diseases related to contaminated drinking liquid.
Prefabricated manholes are installed as follows:
- One element is screwed onto the other by a special threaded.
- The construction is fixed in the ground. To this end, the plastic around the sand pit wakes up (the river or quarry).
Ramming the bulk material does not work, so it should be watered with water to shrink. Moreover the sand around the ring will prevent excessive compression of the walls of the well, so no gap occurs container. On the walls of the frame will not crack and the source of drinking liquid remains perfectly sealed for 50 years.
The appearance in the well turbid waste water - Direct evidence that the internal structure of the plastic ring burst. In this situation, we will have to replace the entire capacity, if it is represented by a monolithic structure. If the well is made up of swirling rings against each other, you have to gradually dismantle the construction and replacement of defective plastic part.
If damage is detected in the form of dents, then most likely, no repair is not required, because the defect will recover on their own under the influence of the environment.
Local repair can be carried out as follows: on the defective portion establish a special plastic cover on top of the damage and produce welding. Accordingly, it is necessary to pump water from a well and drain damaged area and only after that carry out local repairs.