Toilet - machinery, without which no cost, no one home. His device, the type and material of the base is determined comfort.

- device toilet
- types of toilets
- functions toilets
- pros
- Problems
- How to choose a toilet
- Which is better
- How to use
- Guarantee
- Faults and repairs
- manufacturers toilets
device toilet
Any toilet consists of a bowl and drain system.
How it works:
- The reservoir contains water for further washing of the bowl.
- Activation flush lever raises the flapper valve, allowing a predetermined amount of water into the drain through holes located under the toilet rim.
- S-shaped bend sewer Adapter serves two purposes, the most important of which - the immediate outflow of the fluid from the device. The second - to prevent retraction of sewer gases into the room.
- Water when emptying the tank causes a decrease in the float, while pushing the contents of the bowl into the sewer.
- Thereafter, the valve starts re-set pure water to fill the reservoir to a normal level.
Apparatus cistern
Summing Water from pipe flows through a hose into the tank, the tank itself which acts as base models. Inside are two mechanisms: one is responsible for the intake of water, the second - for plums.
- The filler system accumulates to a certain water manually or structurally permissible level.
- A float mechanism (older models, it is designed as a bubble or pears) determines whether the water has reached to the level.
- When the water level in the tank exceeds the permitted (GOST - 20 mm below the overflow level), the float valve closes its tributary.
- Drain system comes into action when the button is pressed flush. The mechanism is generally aligned with the insurance transfusions.
- Pressing the button opens the gate valve, allowing water access to the toilet bowl through a special drain holes.

types of toilets
It spreads out two types of structures: compact and without tank. Practical advantages or differences in their use there.
CD. Standard or open type, consisting of two parts, a long time was the only one. Is a bowl mounted on top of it a drain tank. The system is fixed to the bolts with washers, floor installation.
Without cistern. Hidden type - Flushing system is masked behind the plane of the wall, in niches or furniture. runoff model is tight, no water seeps into the walls. All components are accessible through the access panel to the flush button - shoot tile structure is not required for minor repairs.
According to GOST 30493-96, division toilets on the main types of looks like that:
- in form - poppet, visor and a funnel;
- type of release - direct or oblique;
- tselnootlitoy shelf with or without it.
Additionally, the number of mounting holes is defined:
- the toilet residential use - two or four holes;
- permitted to produce without mounting holes at the request of the consumer.
Types cisterns in the same state standards:
- mounted on a toilet bowl with an upper side or starting;
- low-, medium- and with a side view vysokoraspolagaemy start.

By way of toilet bowls mounted divided into suspension and floor types.
squat toilet
Toilet installed in the appropriate place: a pedestal bolted or screwed to the floor depending on the design.
Advantages of floor system:
- stability and reliability - unbreakable cup sitting on it, even the owners of a serious body weight;
- technical availability of nodes;
- Standard - easy to pick up parts and accessories, even from another manufacturer.
hanging toilet
Features wall or suspension system:
- free floor under the bowl, which is convenient to wash;
- stylish appearance;
- in most cases, equipped with half sink;
- toilet must withstand its own weight and the weight of the person who sits on it.
This kind of picky about the frame and mounting system. The mounting kit is a steel frame that can support the weight of several hundred kilograms. But if the structure is placed inside the frame of the profiles, the latter will require an additional reinforcement beam, to keep the system in a single plane.

Sewerage, water hoses and drain the tank as a result will be hidden inside the frame and behind it. After plating the outside of the frame will only have herself a bowl, sticking out from the wall, and decorative drain button, which resembles a switch.
As the merits of the suspension type is often referred to space savings. In fact it is not, because the frame and the frame too require space.
The exhaust system or drain is also divided into types, each of which has its own peculiarities.
- vertical - fans mounted in the hole, which is located in the floor;
- horizontal - installation directly into the wall, where there is a sewer pipe, substantially parallel to the floor;
- oblique - is placed in a hole in the wall at an angle of 40-45 degrees;
- universal - the socket remote from the walls of the device, which allows to attach it to the sewer drain any form.
Horizontal and universal types - modern. Models with oblique and vertical outlet obsolete even in the XX century. They can not be connected to the wrong type of sewer pipe without the use of adapters.
What do toilets
Main materials for the production of WC - ceramics and steel. Available and variations of iron, plastic or glass, but their usability is significantly lower.
ceramic - manufacture of sanitary ware and Sanitary porcelain, so the vast majority of white or beige.
- hygienic material, it is easily given streamlined shape conducive to easy cleaning;
- lifetime earthenware about 30, and porcelain - up to 50 years;
- do not absorb the smell.
Stainless Steel - the model is generally used in offices that are frequently used. This type of durable and undemanding maintenance, but because of the appearance and unpresentable characteristic associations rarely used in residential areas.

Of cast marble - it resembles natural material, but has a greater strength in comparison with him. Sanitary made therefrom, characterized hygienic and warm surface.
acrylic - light device with a wall thickness of 6 mm. Most often used as a guest variations. Strength comparable to ceramic, but it requires special care without chemical solvents and abrasives.
toilet bowl form
In accordance with the internal shape of the bowl are divided into 3 types.
- Visor - the most popular type. Sloping rear wall thicket provides a neat flush. Form the most hygienic.
- funnel - Hole Flushing is located in the center of the bowl. The advantage of this shape is uniform instantaneous drain water. Lack - Feed force contributes to an increased spatter.
- Belleville - similarity found within the bowl platform accumulating waste. Type outdated and unhygienic.
Further separation of appearance form:
- Round - this saves space bowl small bathroom. The length of this type of toilet is minimal.
- Oval or elongated - a variant with a maximum length of the bowl, it is considered most convenient in use.

water supply
lower supply - hoses invisible and do not spoil the interior. Connection requires skill, as the joints are hidden under the tank. Bottom routing requires more attention to the tightness of the compounds, as the water pressure promotes leakage.
side inlet - Communications are in full view, the option is not too aesthetic, but the most convenient for assembly and future service. Leakage does not happen, except in cases related to the breakage of the float and a natural overflow of water.
functions toilets
Basic functionality toilet bowls is identical, and more determined by the presence or the ability to install accessories.
half plums
The design of the drain valve mechanism comprises a further responsible for the partial emptying of the tank. Models with sink are supplied with a double-click, which allows the full clip Standard emptying the tank completely.
Some species include the adjustment of volume, but in most cases is the automatic installation of the valve at the height of the middle of the tank. By pressing one button, the predetermined volume of additional drain valve.
Saving water when using this function reaches a third of the monthly average consumption toilet.
automatic drain
Drain the system is started by the motion sensor installed in the bathroom. Once detected the presence, in a tank of water begins dialing. Draining is activated automatically when the person leaves the room.
The system has a number of features:
- Lovers get-togethers in a closet with books required from time to time to move your hands, the sensor recorded presence.
- The system responds to domestic animals. If the cat is accustomed to the toilet, automatic saves owners from pollution control equipment after using the toilet pet.

hygienic shower
An accessory that turns into a kind of toilet bidet. Some models come immediately, complete with shower, built-in cover or sidewall. If this functionality is not provided, the accessory can be installed as a separate element on the wall next to the device.
The apparatus is used not only for its intended purpose, but also to easily set a high water capacity, and also for the care of animal stalls.
seat lifter
A kind of door closer, which allows smooth lowering and lifting the lid. lifter mechanism - stock for rigid attachment of the cover and the spring, arresting its rotation.
- Seat with this accessory closes silently.
- The lid can not be lowered more quickly than envisaged mechanism. If you apply force, the mechanism breaks down.
Accessory is not tied to the type of toilet. Seat enough setting that supports this option.
Autoraising / lowering seat
The mention of this function in most cases means talking about the lifter. But there are rare specialized accessory. It is a mechanism with a pedal and an actuator that actuates the seat - as in Soviet trash bins.
- hygiene - do not have to touch the seat arms;
- easy installation without reference to models;
- Facilities for people with disabilities.
Most often used in public places: airports, hotels.

heated seats
Accessory suitable for all types of devices, the heating element is integrated directly into the cover.
- in advanced models of heating is regulated by a sensor, available in different temperature regimes and security control;
- often combined with other rare features - massager, pulse meter, self-cleaning sliding nozzle.
Comes complete with an ergonomically designed seat for enhanced comfort. Often with a remote control - separate or built-in side.
air drying
This function is often combined with a built-hygienic shower. Found in high-end models. There are two types:
- After application built shower for warm air hygiene, the toilet feed serves for replacing toilet paper. In the west, these models are positioned as a technology for people with disabilities, pregnant and undergoing rehabilitation after abdominal operations.
- The second type does not presuppose the shower partially replaces the heating system.

Antibacterial toilets
Protection allows you to keep the lid and the inner surface clean. Available variations coating based on silver or zirconium. Often in combination with anti-bacterial UV light.
The two main types:
- Protection does not change the appearance of plumbing. Models equipped with her little rougher common touch. This type of coverage is only for the ceramic models applied to industrial baking.
- Another kind - with an outer coated antimicrobial metals.
Any of these coatings prevents bacteria and mold.
Advantages toilets depend on the mode of installation, water supply and sanitation. The last two parameters determine the need for additional tubes, Fittings and adapters. Sometimes in areas with complex geometry set of adapters and extensions is comparable in cost to the cost of the toilet itself.
The abundance of joints means more weaknesses exposed to damage and leakage. Therefore, the advantage remains for embodiments requiring a minimum set of fittings.
With the tank:
- quick access to the docking sites for communications services;
- not to install the required facilities repair and mounting skeletons;
- stability, regardless of the weight of a seated, reliable plumbing;
Without floor tank:
- without drawbacks compact systems are aesthetic;
- require minimal maintenance.
Without the suspended tank:
- unsightly details are hidden from prying eyes;
- technological niches and frameworks often do not eat up the entire space - functional cabinets or shelves are based on them;
- Open floor - washing convenience, does not accumulate dust.

Inconvenience depend on the product type.
Toilets with tank
- Systems of this type are always floor;
- space required under the tank in most cases non-functional;
- inconvenience when washing the floor, a pedestal for accumulated dust and debris, to which it is difficult to reach.
- unaesthetic - communication in mind.
Length models tselnootlitoy shelf at least 605 mm, compact models from 330 mm inconvenient in daily life. In combination with the size of the tank, which even in small models typically goes beyond the dimensions of the device, the toilet requires at least two feet of free space.
without tank
- Communications access is difficult - required inspection door for major works carried out over the rest of the hole for the button.
- steel frame in the cabinet does not hide - need cladding with plasterboard or paneling, and with it the additional costs on the finishing materials.
- To install a niche or a frame, masking the drain system;
- combine the inconvenience of service suspension and floor models.
All systems without tank share a common problem - the costly installation.
The width of the frame in suspended models reaches 50 cm. Reduced variations 35 and 40 cm are less reliable in operation and can withstand less weight. The frame is attached to the floor and walls of the toilet base.
Reinforced frame encasing required. The intact structure inappropriate post - it must be protected from moisture and decorated. Installation labor is comparable to a complete renovation of the room.

Further service suspended system in the event of breakage or leakage involves access via a button cover. Small hole - two hands to work hard. Accordingly, the tightening and sealing fittings, not to mention the parts replacement, take several times longer than with conventional Bachkovo toilet.
To simplify access made in an inconspicuous place to leave behind the toilet inspection door. This will speed up access to communications and facilitate maintenance.
Manholes complement the special doors (often prepared plastic) required size. Comfortable for operation - the width of two standard wall tiles 15 to 20 cm. As a result, the width of the hatch will come a little less than 30 cm in view of the flanges and the frame.
How to choose a toilet
When you select should pay attention to a number of parameters.
dimensions - Make sure that the new toilet bowl match the capabilities of space. To do this, measure the distance:
- From the wall behind the planned installation location to the maximum point, which can advance the toilet without causing problems with movement. Important for small bathrooms.
- From the center of the nearest a sewer pipe to the point at which the device will pipe. Measure is necessary to reserve for joining pipes - they are individual, depending on the material.
- A third dimension - from cold water supply pipe to the installation site. Optimally immediately make two measurements - one with the liner side, a second - for the lower option. Dimensions help determine the need for capacity of flexible hoses.
The shape and height - there are models with high or low pedestal height for comfortable use, depending on the height and leg length. The depth of the device often depends on its shape. Elongated variations of sanitary ware is more convenient in everyday life, but demanding to space.
cleaning - decide what should be flush system: with antivspleskom, straight or circular. The latter option is found, with the accelerated cleaning device.
This includes the need for anti-microbial coating, or the free space under the toilet to facilitate cleaning the floor.

insulated tank - possibility of its installation space defined parameters. Without partial repair bathrooms here do not work. But aesthetics and comfort usually justify the cost of the reorganization.
Clamps and drainage system - If you select the device, check the contents, make sure of the integrity of the float and plastic reinforcement elements. The suspended models should pay attention to seams and joints of the frame - there should be no tears, oblezshey paint and corrosion.
Make sure the fasteners free entrance to their nest, suitable in size. The mounting surface (interface with the wall in place suspended models, and in the other - with the floor) should be smooth, without drops and chipping.
Which is better
The best type of toilet for each individual:
- The device should be easy to maintain and service, in harmony with other equipment and to fit into the dimensions of the room, without creating discomfort.
- Water supply and sewerage systems should ideally not require dokupaniya pipes and fittings. In this case, only the fastening and connection of necessary communications will need to install a toilet.
- Availability of service centers and sales service points in the first year of operation a priority.
- Spare parts for the little-known device manufacturers would be hard to find if the toilet is not the standard.
How to use
The first step after installation of any type of plumbing - preventing water from entering the unintended places. All joints should be treated with surfaces sanitary silicone sealant. It need to be updated from time to time.

How to understand that the sealant needs to be replaced:
- A layer of silicone become yellowed or gray - update for aesthetic purposes.
- Sealant looks fine, but let the water - complete removal of the unnecessary, quite a point upgrade.
- Silicone covered with a touch of black color - indoors with ventilation problems. Plaque - a fungus. If you do not plan to change the hood and install an additional fan, the sealant will have to be updated every six months.
Further service the toilet is reduced to its hygienic cleaning.
Regardless of the type of device and the material from which it is made, it is unacceptable brushing technique sharp metal object.
- The glazed surface purified by any improvised means, including solvents and alkalis. The surface will not be affected.
- Acrylic models can not be cleaned with chemical solvents.
- The resulting plaque removed by special means. Used household mixture - soda with lemon juice, vinegar with water in equal proportions.
- Upon completion of washing and cleaning device is wiped dry with a soft lint free cloth.
The technique should be protected from falls and bumps. All models, except made of stainless steel, can be broken. Option of stainless steel does not crack, but may warp.

Manufacturer's warranty does not apply to mechanical damage to the tank or bowl. The use of unsuitable cleaning agents, incorrect installation or operation are not included in the number of warranty claims.
Manufacturers carry out repair or replacement only if the factory defects and marriage, so long-term warranty periods are not an advantage, quite minimal - 1 year. If the device manufacturing defects are present, they will be detected during this period.
Most manufacturers provide standard warranty on plumbing within 3-5 years.
Faults and repairs
Often breaks down the drain tank filling. Most faults can be put in order on their own.
Water continues to flow after a release of the push button
To determine the source of the problem, you need to remove the cover from the unit and observe the operation of the system.
- Wait until the tank is filled with water.
- If the fluid continues to decrease during filling, it testifies to malfunction flap.
- Check tightness check valve, the integrity and absence of corrosion and lime deposits.
Upon detection of stratifications them sufficiently clean by suitable means. In the case of depressurization is used sanitary silicone - for this tank will have to be emptied and dried. If the flap is bent or the hole has expanded due to hard water require replacement of the locking ring.

leaking tank
On this issue shows the flow of water from the unforeseen construction sites. May be several reasons:
- Wear rubber gasket between the tub and the toilet - occurs most often due to the instability of the tank and fixing weaknesses. There are embodiments of wear due to poor quality of the old rubber, lime or mechanical damage. Verdict in all these cases, one - a lining to be replaced. Buy analogue can be in either the sanitary shop. To install the required tank twisting and sealing compounds.
- Spacing washers bolts, which tank is fixed to the device - require the dismantling of the tank. Further examination will tell washers, they need to complete replacement or update sealant enough. It is important not to overtighten the bolts during installation.
- Incorrect operation of the float - due to hard water bottom of the float calcifications. His fall away during flushing may deform the float and cause uncontrolled overflow. If the integrity of the device is no doubt there is no deformation tracks, the bottoms of cleaning sufficiently layers. In other cases, we have to change the float, and in rare models and the entire drain mechanism.
- The crack in the tank - purchase a kit for repairing porcelain or make your own, rubbed into powder a small piece of pottery and mixed with an epoxy adhesive. At the time of repair of the tank should be emptied and dried. Correct fracture, causing the mixture with a spatula. Leave for a day to dry, and then carefully fill the tank with water. If the leak persists - it will last a few more years with the patch. In severe cases, the tank must be replaced.
Difficult wash
The problem associated with low water level in the tank or too rapid closure of the valve flap.
- Lift the tank lid to check the water level. It sets the float - rubber or plastic ball floating on the surface. If the level is low, adjust it manually to the tank filled to the desired volume.
- In case of problems with the valve, check chain length attached thereto. Adjust tension without dragging chain.

Do not leave water
Clogged sewer pipe.
cleaning methods:
- Means for removing blockages - help in mild cases or clogging household waste fat.
- Plunger - creates a vacuum on the surface of the ejecting individual particles clogging.
- Mechanical cleaning - in difficult cases. Depending on the depth of the problem space, we need a long needle, snip a flexible hose or a special cable. Pulling and pushing for efficiency combined with pouring holes degreasers.
If none of the solutions did not work, call the plumber.
Button does not work
Damaged rod. You need to remove the cover and disconnect button and check the nature of the damage. If the item is a metal - in most cases it will be deformed, but intact. Straightens improvised means, whereupon pushbutton system is assembled in reverse order.
In the case of a plastic reinforcement button it could be a laceration or breaking the legs parts. It needs to be replaced. As a workaround broken pull wire is replaced by a piece of thick or long thin sliver.
Troubleshooting drainage system is blocked shut-off valve, and the mechanism is disconnected from the water supply network in order to prevent spills.

manufacturers toilets
Presented manufacturer specialized in ceramic products.
Cersanit - Polish manufacturer of ceramic sanitary ware: showers and pallets, Shells, bath and toilets. It offers its own program to calculate the kind of future interiors with regard to their equipment. The warranty on the sanitary ceramics 10 years, products have been certified. Website:
Duravit - German manufacturer specializing in furniture and equipment for bathrooms. Ceramic bowls suspended type. It provides 5-year warranty on the equipment. Website:
Gustavsberg - Swedish company, a manufacturer of sanitary ware and accessories: mixers and equipment for the soul. Toilets, overhead and floor type. Guarantee 25 years, there is Russian network of service centers. Website:
Jika - the manufacturer of the Czech Republic. It specialized in bathroom furniture and plumbing. Earthenware bowls suspended type. Product warranty is 5 years. Website:
Laufen - Company of Switzerland. It is positioning itself as a manufacturer of luxury designer sanitary ware. Bowls of all types of ceramics. The warranty period of 5 years. Website:
Roca - Spanish manufacturer of sanitary ware and related accessories. Bowls of all types, models are available with custom colors. On products from sanfarfor guaranteed for 10 years. Website:
sanita Luxe - Russian manufacturer. Specializes in plumbing, accessible compact and suspension models in different colors. Outwardly indistinguishable from European counterparts. on the ceramic products are warranted for 15 years, to the valve - is limited to 5 years. Website:
Santek - Russian manufacturer of sanitary ware. Toilets are presented in collections for bathrooms. The bulk of the production of compact type, with seats Duroplast. 10-year warranty. Website:
Villeroy & Boch - German corporation. It specializes in engineering for bathrooms and kitchens. Suspended toilets and compact type. Products are not designed for the average budget. 2-year warranty. Website: