12 kinds of plastic pipes: the pros and cons, features

Plastic or plastic pipes - it is a universal and common material. Used in the fields of construction and communications.

Allocate polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and metal. Each type of its characteristics and scope of which are determined by the resistance of the pipe.


  • Plastic pipes for sewers
  • Corrugated plastic pipe
  • Plastic pipe for heating
  • Plastic pipes for water supply
  • Plastic pipe for hot water
  • Plastic pipes for floor heating
  • Plastic pressure tubes
  • Frost plastic tubes
  • The gas plastic pipe
  • Square plastic tubes
  • Plastic pipes for wells
  • Plastic pipes for water wells

Plastic pipes for sewers

Plastic pipes for sewers


  • Resistance to chemical reactions. Since the pipes for sewerage are constantly exposed to numerous chemical resistance, they are protected from destruction. The plastic does not collapse under the influence of chemical reactions;
  • External damage. Since the outer drainage placed in the ground, it acts on ground. plastic structure withstands severe stress, mechanical damage and pressure;
  • Resistance to clogging;
  • Installation of sewer drain covers in half the timeThan the creation of sewage from metal products. Are joined together without welding - are inserted into each other using special lubricants;
  • Cost. Compared with other materials, plastic is much more profitable.

To carry out sewerage of plastic needed tees, fittings. Most often it is necessary to create an internal sewerage system at home.

Choosing the correct diameter sewer. For individual construction (private house) is sufficient diameter to 150 mm, even at home with 4-5 bathrooms.

Material larger diameter is used for sanitation in hotels, hospitals and other administrative institutions. Diameter of 300 mm is used in industrial plants.

Universal type for sewerage - Polypropylene model (subscript PP). They combine best cost, service life up to 50 years old and simple installation. PP used in the construction of private homes in the wiring external and internal drainage.

Corrugated plastic pipe

Corrugated plastic pipe

Common material in the construction of sewage systems. Due to the structure and properties they are a good side show themselves underground. In addition to the sewage are used in the wiring.


  • Single-layer. Used in the conduct of cable ducts, protection of power lines;
  • Dual Layer. Used in sewers and underground for communications due to its increased strength;
  • Lungs. Vulnerable to mechanical stress, so they are not used under the ground;
  • Heavy. Average resistance opens the access to and use of underground utilities;
  • Superheavy. Used in the laying of communications in difficult conditions (under the highway).

The material is divided into:

  • plastic;
  • PVC;
  • HDPE.

Durable and will last up to 50 years. Plastic is resistant to thermal overloads - withstands heating to 95 degrees Celsius. Not subject to chemical reactions, therefore, it is used in contaminated soil. PVC is much more popular in the creation of polypropylene sewage, especially the inside.

IPA - the lightest and most versatile of the three material presented. Withstand all the ground load, is not subject to corrosion and UV rays.

Differences from smooth forms:

  • The recesses over the entire area and length of the material;
  • At their expense achieved a high level of flexibility and practicality;
  • The two-layer structure;
  • Installation without the use of additional funds (fittings, couplings);
  • Mobility involves the use of differential soil conditions;
  • Ease of use increases the variability and ease of installation.

Plastic pipe for heating

Plastic pipe for heating

Heating of steel and iron products for a long time gone. Due to the complexity of installation, connection and the high cost of these materials were unprofitable. In their place came polypropylene. For heating systems it is recommended to use polypropylene with a reinforcement. This increases the service life.

Reinforcement separated on glass and aluminum. In the first embodiment, the reinforcement inside the product, the second - aluminum envelops the outside.

Fiberglass prevents deformation under the influence of changes in temperature and intense heat. Cost is 30-40% higher than without reinforcement material. It is not necessary to save it. Reinforced ensure long service life of the heating system.

The advantages of plastic pipes for heating:

  • Service life - up to 50 years. Proper selection of material will forget about the replacement and repair of the heating system for the long term;
  • Resistance to chemical processes. Plastic bypasses steel and cast iron, as absolutely not subject to rust;
  • Since plastic - soft material, the flow of water inside will not prevent residents with their noise;
  • Easy connection. For heating installation will only need a special welding machine, which is often referred to as a soldering iron. Skills welding plastic models acquired literally 5 minutes or 2-3 parts welded to each other;
  • When water freezes, you can not worry about the safety of plastic-reinforced;
  • Low cost. Polypropylene is cheaper for heating metallic twice.

Disadvantages of plastic pipes for heating:

  • The wrong choice leads to the replacement of the heating system;
  • Fire hazard. Heating of the plastic pipes are vulnerable to fire.

When buying criteria:

  • Pressure. Is shown next to the main label. For example, PN25 - polypropylene pipe withstanding a pressure of 25 atmospheres. Suitable for the majority of heating systems;
  • Temperature. There are two types of marking. First - this is an indication of the maximum temperature. Usually it is 90 degrees Celsius. The second - the use of hot and cold water marked hot & cold markings;
  • Reinforcement. As mentioned above - one of the basic selection factors. It is desirable to choose variants with reinforcing glass fiber;
  • Diameter. This item depends on the room in which heating is used. In private houses used for wiring a diameter of 32 to 40 mm. When using a radiator used in 20 or 26-mm embodiments.

Plastic pipes for water supply

Plastic pipes for water supply

In the area of ​​water supply plastic replaced other materials. In the old apartment buildings owners have long replaced the old metal tap system to practical plastic.

Advantages of plastic pipes for water supply:

  • Cost. Plastic versions are much cheaper than steel;
  • Environmentally friendly. One of the decisive factors. Because they are used to hold water in the bathroom, to the sink, they should not affect the level of pollution of the water. What can be said about metal;
  • Resistance to corrosion and other chemical reactions. The metal parts are rust and plastic - no. Because this water does not come into contact with harmful substances and particles. It comes out of the tap relative to pure water. But anyway, it does not release from the installation of the water filter and does not guarantee perfectly clean water;
  • Easy to install. As options for heating, plumbing installed in minutes without the use of complex additional equipment, in addition to the welding machine;
  • Resistance to sudden temperature changes. When water freezes, the tube will not crack or burst. Also, when heated to a high temperature, the material will not deform and swell;
  • The service life of up to 50 years will not take care of the replacement or repair for many years.

On the downside can be attributed only to the fact that plastic water pipe must not be used in fire conditions.

Features that need to pay attention when choosing:

  • The maximum heating temperature. Shown next to the label;
  • The maximum pressure;
  • Manufacturer. Depend on it design features and composition.

When installing the needed metal valves and adapters inside the house. All bends and corners can be done by means of special fittings and corners, which are also made of plastic. After welding all parts together need to immediately check the strength and the absence of holes in the compounds.

If the water does not imply the use of hot water, you can use ordinary plastic materials. For carrying out both hot and cold water need other material.

Plastic pipe for hot water

Plastic pipe for hot water

Carrying out of the hot water is more common in living rooms and bathrooms. For water for other purposes, conventional plastic pipes. Synthetic pipes polypropylene composition enables to heat it to 140 degrees Celsius. The shape of the product recovered after complete cooling to the operating temperature.

For hot water supply will require reinforced polypropylene model. Reinforcement - is the introduction of a metal grid or a casing structure in a plastic tube. It is of two kinds - the reinforcement of aluminum or fiberglass. The first option is used less frequently. Reinforcement using fiberglass layer increases the resistance of the material.

Advantages of plastic pipes for hot water:

  • Improved thermal stability. Therefore, they are used for hot water;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes. Reinforced safely tolerate both cold and hot water. When strong heating of the material structure and does not deform by itself.

products are also used with aluminum foil or a layer of reinforcement. If the reinforcement takes place inside, the water reacts with the metal. This material loses the properties of the glass fibers.

The structure: inner layer of polypropylene, a middle layer of fibers, an outer layer of polypropylene. Plastic environmentally friendly and flexible material, and a fiber mesh imparts strength and stability.

When choosing a need to focus on the riser diameter - of 19 to 26 mm. When wiring from the riser on the floors used much smaller diameter (less than twofold) - about 12-13 mm. When choosing the diameter of the water supply should take into account the length, number of floors and the expected water flow.

Save on hot water pipe is not recommended. When using the materials of questionable quality cases of accidents, floods occur. After that, you have to re-purchase materials and do all the work.

Polypropylene - a flexible and light-alloy material. Because of this, there are problems with heating. Polypropylene greatly expanded and deformed when the water in it reaches a temperature higher than stated on the label. When increasing the temperature to 175 degrees Celsius material melts.

Ambient temperature is approximately 90 degrees. At high pressure and temperature, the material may break. In addition, the pipe is expanded in length. It is undesirable to use polypropylene for warming a floor. Decorative coating (e.g., tiles) from the expansion tubes will begin to crack.

For this reason, there was reinforced polypropylene. All the disadvantages of the material it does not annul, but makes it much more practical. The reinforcement makes plastic expand, deform and melt.

Types of reinforcement:

  • Aluminum. It is divided into subtypes. Reinforced aluminum foil layer on the outside, inside or in the middle of the product. Determine the type can only slice.

The aluminum foil thickness is 0.5 mm. It is connected with the plastic with adhesive. The material quality is checked by time - frequently delaminate and unstuck pipe under the action of hot water and daily operation. Savings and purchase cheap and little-known brands in this case is irrelevant;

  • Fiberglass - an alternative to aluminum. Fiberglass layer - a blend of polypropylene fibers and The Fiber. This layer is welded to the external and internal, so the structure is integrally formed. The margin of safety and resistance to deformation of the material is higher than that of aluminum, and the price remains the same.

Installation of reinforced products is no different from the usual plastic. Used welder or a soldering iron. For corner joints couplings and fittings are used.

Different process for pipes with an aluminum reinforcement. Before using soldering trimmed top layer metal. If the foil is located in the inner layer - required milling cutter. The procedure is necessary to prevent delamination and pasting material.

Plastic pipes for floor heating

Pipes for floor heating

Water in this system is heated to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, and is distributed evenly. Increasingly warm floors installed in bathrooms and kitchens.

types are used for the installation:

  • metal and plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • Polyethylene.

Metal-plastic - a cheap alternative option copper. The inner layer is made of polyethylene, medium - of aluminum, external - polyethylene.

Polypropylene is cheaper than the previous embodiment. But it is rarely used because of its safety factor and overheating resistance is much lower. The best solution to become cross-linked polyethylene. It is characterized by increased strength, durability and resistance to overheating. The price of the material is democratic.

Laying of heating floor - a complex process with a long preparation. Before you laid, plan drawn up. On paper is drawn diagram, which adhere to the installation.

Stacked serpentine or spiral. The first option - fast but not uniform. Sex heated moieties. The second method is more common. Spiral evenly heats the floor area.

The distance between the heating tubes - under 35 centimeters. Statistically, a 16 mm diameter pipe was heated to 15 cm on each side of itself over the total length.

The next step - cleaning the floor and alignment. After this the plastic pipe laying on a pre-prepared pattern. The first step the substrate is placed on the floor area. Top - foil layer. Further reinforcing mesh is placed. grid cell area is not more than 10 to 10 cm.

The plastic tube is placed on the circuit composed and fixed at 40 cm. Places where heating comes out of the floor covering, pre-clothed in a protective casing. This prevents plastic deformation and erasure when filling the upper layer and the screed further operation.

Before pouring the concrete screed, the system is connected to the collector and is tested to flow. tie layer thickness of not more than 7 cm, otherwise the floor is not warmed up.

Approach to the selection of material for underfloor heating should responsibly. Otherwise spent on external floor finish does not make sense - at any time, poor quality plastic may break, swell or deform so that the entire floor tiles to crack and split. After that, the work will have to start from scratch.

It is better to spend more money on quality materials once than to redo the entire structure and system.

Plastic pressure tubes

Pipes for high pressure

Characterized by high strength and adaptability to stress. Mainly used to transport fluids at oil plants, in mechanical engineering, in hydraulic systems. A three-layer structure. The middle layer, most often, is a reinforced grid.

The composition includes PVD polyethylene as the main component. Products made of it gets completely environmentally friendly. Distributed LDPE with a diameter of 16, 25 and 32 millimeters.

Advantages of plastic high pressure tubing:

  • Low thermal conductivity. In this liquid transportation it becomes possible virtually no temperature loss. Also, this feature minimizes condensation;
  • frost resistance allows TPVD even in the most adverse conditions. When water freezes inside, the outer shell is not degraded and not deformed. This eliminates the need for repair work and reconstruction;
  • Easy installation thanks to the weight of the product. Steel pipes weigh 6 times greater than TPVD;
  • The elasticity of the material makes it possible to endure all the mechanical impact and shock;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Service life - up to 50 years;
  • Quiet water flow.

Disadvantages of plastic high pressure tubing:

  • This material is not suitable for the creation of fire line;
  • Observe the temperature. Though the material and withstands overload, but melts at high temperature raising;
  • Fear of light rays. Therefore TPVD cover additional insulation against ultraviolet rays;
  • Ways and fastening technology different from the rest.

Characteristics of plastic high pressure tubing:

  • Pressure. The indicator mark is determined polyethylene, wall thickness, diameter articles;
  • Working temperature. The standard temperature at which the product maintains its properties and functions as +40 degrees Celsius. If you exceed the norms talk about maintaining a healthy state of place;
  • Diameter. diameter range from 10 mm to 3000 mm. When the water supply in private homes and apartment used in 20 mm diameter;
  • Wall thickness. Parameter varies from 2 to 6 millimeters. This item depends on the diameter of the product.

two methods are used for mounting - compression or electric fittings. The first way - quicker and easier. It does not require special skills and equipment. In bolshinstve cases used in the home to connect the two segments.

The second method - electric fittings. The fitting is aligned with the inner coil, which is melted by means of special equipment and is connected to the other part. Once the material has hardened, the two parts become one. This method is much more reliable and durable. But this requires experience and equipment. In particular for this method is rarely used.

TPVD - one of the most reliable. Application area is very diverse. Undemanding material. The only thing that is required for their protection, - isolation from ultraviolet rays.

Frost plastic tubes

Frost-resistant pipes

Plastic as extremely vulnerable material, without further involvement in the composition and structure is not suitable for use in adverse conditions. To use frost-resistant variants are used in a frosty time or underground. They are required to create drainage, protection for power grids, water supply.

Frost resistant material is used for transportation of fluids over long distances and for heat transfer lines.

Pros frost-resistant plastic pipes:

  • Cost. The price of the plastic is lower than metal;
  • Increased resistance to external influences;
  • Operation at very low temperatures. For these purposes often use plastic products, the stability of which is preserved to -400 degrees Celsius. When water freezes inside the material itself does not lose its properties. After thawing, the plastic will return to the original shape.

Deficiencies in the material actually not. He is in all respects superior to metal and steel products.

The gas plastic pipe

The gas plastic pipe

Polyethylene gas pipes are black with yellow stripe, that distinguish them from all others.

Advantages gas plastic pipes:

  • Frost resistance. Copes even with lower temperatures;
  • Resistance to corrosion, which can be used in underground conditions;
  • Mechanical resistance guarantees a peaceful opposition to the effects of the soil;
  • The service life of up to 50 years;
  • Weak permeability. After the walls are not skipped gas due to the use of polyethylene, which is structurally much stronger polypropylene;
  • Easy installation. Laying of pipeline made of plastic is much faster than the metal;
  • No additional chemical protection, covers and linings. It handles all congestion and difficulties without additional protection;
  • Cheaper metal;
  • No need of waterproofing. This further reduces the cost of material and installation work in general.

With their help pave the pipeline just below the ground. The use in homes and on the surface is prohibited because of the vulnerability to external influences. This reduces the security.

Not every kind of gas is used for wiring. The material of the first and second category are not suitable for use in difficult conditions (for transitions, highways). It is also forbidden to use in areas with high seismic activity.

Polyethylene gas pipes are of two kinds: PE-100 and PE-80. They differ thick walls. A first embodiment of PE 100 has a thickness of 3.5 millimeters. Bae-80 - 2 to 3 millimeters. Also, both types of different pressure, which can withstand. The first type can withstand up to 12 atmospheres, and the second - to 6 atmospheres.

Operating temperature range from -15 to +40 degrees Celsius. If the temperature overcomes upper threshold, the product loses its properties and deformation begins.

The pipeline connects polyethylene harder than water or sewage. For this purpose, special tees, couplings, caps and reduction. For any compound used butt welding or compression joint.

Today alternative polyethylene pipes for the gas pipeline does not exist. Metal pipeline for underground tracks left in the past, and polypropylene products do not have a set of properties for safe use in the construction of the pipeline.

Square plastic tubes

Square plastic tubes

This species is not highly specialized. Differs from the others only changed the type of cross-section. Before the advent of square products on the market enjoyed a complete monopoly of the pipe of circular cross section. But these products are not always applicable. Used in the following areas:

  • Water supply;
  • Sewerage;
  • Heating.

More common in this kind of got sadovnichestve and plumbing.


  • frost;
  • Flexibility. This allows you to use it on the problematic terrain;
  • Resistance to corrosion processes. Because of this water will remain clean, free of rust and other impurities harmful particles.

Plastic pipes for wells

Plastic pipes for wells

When creating a narrow hole diameter plastic pipes are used. Such well-needle provides sufficient water cottage or garden area. In addition, the supply of water will be enough for a private house located in the area in which they live up to 5 people.

The main task of the casing - ground containment. This well is made of plastic - this is a simplified way to provide water to the site. The well depth is no more than 9 meters. For it need plastic pipe 5, since the length of each is 2 meters.

Simplify the task, you can purchase a specially prepared set of wells.

It includes:

  • A set of couplings and fittings;
  • Drill for drilling the borehole;
  • Water filter;
  • The required length of plastic pipe or preform which subsequently are interconnected;
  • Necessary valves and taps.

Advantages of such wells:

  • Low cost, compared with a steel well bore;
  • The corrosion resistance;
  • No rust;
  • Convenience and ease of installation;
  • Resistance to clogging.

The only case in which the well is of polypropylene pipes inferior embodiment the metal - is increased loads.

Plastic pipes for water wells

Plastic pipes for water wells

Concrete version weighs too much, is inconvenient for installation and requires special lifting equipment. Because of this increased cost of well construction. With the advent and proliferation of plastic products in the areas of communications, concrete rings gradually go out of use.

Advantages of plastic rings:

  • Rings do not require additional treatment, as opposed to the concrete. Concrete absorbs moisture, so in need of waterproofing. This entails additional costs for the impregnation of the Rings;
  • Environmentally friendly. Plastic rings themselves do not pass through the water, while not entering it into any chemical reaction;
  • The cost is much lower than in the concrete structure.

Acquire such a well can be both in solid form, and in the collection. The one-piece embodiment includes a plastic neck integral with the hatch and the length of pipe necessary for the well. In this case, using both smooth and corrugated products. Also, the set includes the connection details.

they are made of:

  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • PVC.

Saving is the additional installation costs, and not in the cost of pipes and rings. Price is not very different from the concrete counterparts. But the cost of transport, installation and further processing in plastic products is much lower. In addition to conventional wells and wells, plastic products are used in the creation of the storage wells, reservoirs.

Plastic rings and pipes are used not only in creating a new well or wells, but also for the repair of concrete options. This is appropriate when the displacement of old rings. There is a shift as a result of seasonal changes in the soil. The well water falls earth and clay, due to which the water becomes turbid and requires additional filtering.

Such damage is repaired using the "plastic stocking". Pipe made of plastic with a diameter smaller than that of the well, is inserted inside. The gap between the concrete rings and plastic filled with drainage.

Cases of plastic products is damaged concrete wells:

  • The flow rate of the well is reduced to a level that is required before the next recess of the aquifer. This is done as follows: Water is pumped from a well, the upper part is dismantled and cleaned from mud pit and other contaminants;
  • Selected product with such a diameter that the workpiece held freely on the shaft of the well and without jamming;
  • At the bottom of the well are made holes having a diameter of 1 to 2 centimeters;
  • Plastic ring is installed to the bottom. Inside the shaft previously fixed metal mesh;
  • All surface water is pumped pump upon receipt;
  • By decreasing the water column moves deeper level, thus obtained a kind of well plastic rings inside the well. Thanks to this well again be filled with water;
  • The upper part of the well obkladyvaetsya plastic rings;
  • The last step - sealing and processing. Held the final Pumping of water and disinfection of wells. If the water does not appear immediately, then the level will rise in a few weeks. It is important after the winter period.

For such recovery originally calculated costs. Before starting examined all well for the presence of significant damage and shifts. It is possible that to solve the plastic inside the well bore will not help and will have to redo everything from scratch.

If the repair costs exceed the cost of construction of a new modern well of plastic, it is reasonable to choose the second option. He will be cheaper and the installation will take less time. And the water is safe for human health due to the fact that the plastic is not prone to chemical reactions.