The buyer feels insecure, the first time being in the shop, which sells quadrocopters. Complicated the first time to select a technique which satisfies the requirements.
- Types of gasoline quadrocopter
- Material producing gasoline quadrocopter
- Functions gasoline quadrocopter
- Motors and drivers
- SHIP and management
- rotors
- Pros and cons of gasoline quadrocopter
Types of gasoline quadrocopter

The first point - the engines, which are equipped with this device. There are the following species.
- Miniature models are provided with collector. They are low cost, small own weight. Minus - power. In the process, strongly heated.
- Geared collector installed in structures with large dimensions. They provide traction on the order of magnitude better. A small price to the weight stored. But it is not to do without the disadvantages, including: rapid wear of gears, low efficiency.
- High thrust and an excellent efficiency characteristic of the engine in bezkollektornyh quadrocopter. This wear-resistant, reliable devices. But they have plenty of great, because you can set them on the large-scale structures. An affordable cost.
Question strength - another point that deserves special attention. It is influenced by the mass and dimensions. Taking into account the materials used for the manufacture of the housing. Sometimes miniature quadrocopter can fall from the 16th floor, and nothing happens to them. But for large models such falls are often fatal.
Smaller size and weight of a positive impact on reliability. Direct link with propellers and protection. Geared motors for reliability greatly inferior to other options. It is easy to break even fall from a low height.
Power, which is capable of the device and strength of materials should be matched.
The design seems to be symmetrical, but the pilots are often confused where the front part, and where the back. To understand this issue is important. The rear part is indicated by the arrow.
The calibrator is adjusted to all the parts working simultaneously. procedure originally sewn in the program each controller. It consists of several steps, which differ by the manufacturer.
Material producing gasoline quadrocopter

For the manufacture of extruded foam bodies are used. Material retains fragility, although the weight is less than the others. Plastic enclosures quadrocopter popular among buyers. They are low cost combined with strength.
The best option to consider housing carboxylic basis. But they are expensive, because no demand.
Modular housing affordable for all buyers. No need to buy a new drone, if the old part is out of order. Enough to buy a spare, and set in place.
Range of reliable reception of the signal also deserves attention. As battery capacity, the display on the remote control if it is discharged.
Functions gasoline quadrocopter

- every second model is equipped with professional camera.
- GPS.
- For fall protection, quality stabilization is responsible SPI - interface for data transfer.
- Available control with your smartphone.
Price category and the level of user training - one of the important parameters for buyers who only plan to purchase.
Price depends on what purpose the device used. To models for experienced pilots are looking at those who have already had a small radio-controlled cars or helicopters. In addition, other functions are added.
- Additions to install photo-video equipment.
- Return home.
- professional-grade video camera.
Motors and drivers

Stabilization and control, data transmission at high speed impossible if the central microcontroller has insufficient resources. Quadrocopter require high thrust engines, regardless of its type. Brushless type best to cope with the task.
For their control, use pulse width modulation. motor control drivers take over the function of the organization. It is required to obtain information about the position of the rotor continuously, in order to successfully operate the device.
Sometimes the sensors are supplied by the manufacturer. They inform the user of the motion of the rotor. The rotor position is determined in another way - when motor windings receive pulses at a high frequency. Then estimate the reverse induced reflection. It depends on where the magnet located closest to the coil.
The remaining parameters are the same, and the efficiency increases. Alternating current and provides the best torque. At maximum speed is shown only advantage that different motors with direct current.
Choosing the engine, buyers are looking at the capacity. The main thing - to provide take-off unit with a specific weight. Easy to prevent overloading, if you take charge with a reserve.
SHIP and management

Alternating current does not change the principle of control - motors controlled by the same principle as that of servo motors. The main signal characterized by the following characteristics: width of 1 ms, the period - 20 ms. The width of the control pulse after the device - exactly 1ms.
If at the start of the pulse duration is longer than 1ms, the driver does not allow the device to turn on. This is due to security reasons. Engine speed will be greater if the increase and the pulse width. Even if it happens smoothly. 2ms - upper limit of this value. It allows you to work with maximum efficiency.
The critical factor for stabilization becomes continuous direction changes. It is important that the number of revolutions varies smoothly. Otherwise, the output control value will change too dramatically. Because of this quadrocopter destabilized.
The rise in air is not possible, if a pair with rotors offline. The screws rotate in the direction opposite to each other. The increase in the diameter steps and lead to increased energy consumption indicators.
Step - the distance that the screw passes per revolution.
the rotational speed is reduced in the presence of the screw in small increments. But an aircraft increases speed quadrocopterIncreasing energoraskhod.
Important balance between indicators of diameter and pitch in propellers. If the step is small, the torque increases. It reduces the power consumed by motors. Aerobatics requires screws, having a big step. This increases the speed and reduces the load on the power source. Flying become stable due to the lower step.
By increasing the steps of large air masses move inside the structure. Because of this, there is the phenomenon of turbulence. vibration appears. With such characteristics is recommended to choose the screws, in which the step less.
Direct link diameter rotor with an area, which extends from contact with air. Even a slight increase in this parameter leads to the fact that the device becomes more efficient. Stop or accelerate the rotation is easier when there is a propeller with a small diameter. This means that less energy is consumed.
Pros and cons of gasoline quadrocopter

Used for model aircraft petrol and two-stroke internal combustion engine incandescent (based on - Glow plug). Gasoline ICE differ cubic capacity, measured in cubic centimeters. In the role of fuel is recommended to take 92 gasoline, while maintaining the proportions of 1: 25-1: 40.
The power and speed is lower than that of the glow. Torque and 9 - fold efficiency of the engine compensates.
The device uses a gasoline spark plug. It ignites the fuel-air mixture. Onboard ignition system is becoming a necessity for the gasoline engine. It is required that at the right time apply voltage to the spark plug.
Petrol models are put on large and medium size, suitable for small incandescent only. The presence of the ignition system - the reason why the petrol units are heavy.
Kalilnye ICE wear faster than running on petrol.
- The increase in depreciation is due to the fact that the rotation takes place at high speed.
- Nitromethane in the composition. Which reduces the life cycle.
During the working stroke of the glow of fuel burned in 8.7 times more as compared to gasoline.
But the ignition petrol engines become the cause of radio interference. The electromagnetic field generated at a time when an electric arc at the spark plug. Field and becomes a source of interference. The problem is reduced by using a series resistor, and a receiver placed at a distance of 30 centimeters from the circuit that is responsible for the ignition.
The advantage of gasoline - in that such units do not depend on the battery charge. And do not think that every 25-30 minutes of flight require recharging. This is a tedious and costly affair. Fuel increases during operation. Drones produced hybrids, in which it comes to 1:00, if the drone lifts weights no more than 3 kg.
Quadrocopter enough power to cope with strong winds. It retains its position regardless of the weather conditions.
RC quadrocopter stopped being toys. They perform and serious function. For the organization of aerial photography, used in hunting, transportation and delivery of goods in hard to reach places.
Convenient option - when the model is controlled by a smartphone or tablet, on WiFi. But the solution is suitable for small distances. Otherwise, the remote control is acquired.
Quadrocopter with large dimensions are professional devices. A middle class is gaining popularity, as well as options with built-in cameras.