Semnadtsatilitrovy device for heating a smaller amount as compared with conventional aggregates. This makes the device much more compact, but does not allow to warm up at the same time large amounts of food, or prepare special dishes in it. Such an embodiment is suitable for microwave oven installation in a small kitchen, in a car or for long distance travel.
- The apparatus and the types of microwave ovens to 17 liters
- functions
- Pros and cons of the microwave up to 17 liters
- How to use
- malfunctions
The apparatus and the types of microwave ovens to 17 liters

The main advantage of semnadtsatilitrovyh units to more capacious devices - this compact. From this, it can be argued that consumers are choosing to seventeen liters furnace, in order to save space.
The most compact of them - is a mini-microwave. They develop specifically, as a more convenient standard embodiment of the microwave oven. The volume of such aggregates may be seventeen liters or less.
The housing is designed specifically to take up a minimum of space. The mini-ovens sometimes can not accommodate a rotating platter does not reduce the efficiency of heating, if the magnetron is located below rather than sideways.
By type of management of the microwave can be divided into:
- mechanical;
- Pushbutton;
- Touch;
mechanical devices controlled rotary switches. Generally, two switches are arranged on the control panel: first sets the heating time and the second power. This is the most common, least functional form of microwaves.
Pushbutton control option there is a more functional microwave. These units typically have several modes of operation.
The most common modes include the following:
- defrost;
- Food warming;
- heating drinks;
- setting the clock;
- auto cooking dishes
In such devices is easier to control the heating process and it even allows you to cook food without using anything other than an oven.

Touch the type of control no different from the push-button. The only difference appears that on the control panel touch. This prevents many failures due to the control panel. Touch the microwave often broken, but are more expensive and the mechanical push-button.
It is also possible to divide the microwave on the inner cover. This is an important factor when choosing the furnace, since each coating contains its own advantages and disadvantages over the others.
The coatings can be made of the following materials:
- Enamel;
- Ceramics;
- Stainless steel.
enamel coating rampant because costs a small fee. Enamel - smooth material which is suitable for low-cost microwave ovens. But the enamel coating is easily damaged, so it requires constant care and regular cleaning.
Microwave oven with a ceramic coating expensive, but the price is due to the high quality. Ceramics not less smooth than enamel, but has a lower thermal conductivity. Whereby the product is heated much faster and with less energy costs.
stainless steel coating suitable not for everybody microwave. Typically, this coating is used for the convection mode, since stainless steel is much easier to tolerate temperatures than enamel or ceramic.
If you are looking for the unit to heat up a meal that does not provide convection mode, it makes no sense to choose stainless steel, as the desired coating.

In terms of functionality can be divided microwaves into four types:
- Solo oven;
- Microwave with grill;
- Microwave air convection;
- Inverter microwave.
Solo oven
This is the standard version of the microwave - no grill. Units with up to seventeen liters belong precisely to this species. In terms of functionality may differ from each other, but no built-in add-ons such an instrument in itself does not carry.
Microwave with grill
This solo furnace in which additionally incorporated grill. In this unit, you can not just reheating or defrosting foods, but also to prepare simple culinary masterpieces. Many use a built-in grill pizza.
With convection
If the microwave function provides air convection, the culinary possibilities are expanding. Built in the cooking chamber, the fan distributes the air that not only allows you to create simple dishes, but even to cook cakes, stew meat or vegetables.
Inverters are different regulator, which allows you to change the heating power during cooking. This function helps to preserve the products in all the beneficial vitamins, and the heating of the product evenly.
In addition, the microwave may have special equipment that extends the possibility for cooking or presenting with additional convenience.
Such equipment includes:
- Multilevel grating intended for heating or cooking several foods;
- The rotating plate;
- Drive for frying which can be heated and used as a frying pan;
- Rotisserie and Grill, for the expansion of the built-in grilling possibilities;
- Steam disk for parks vegetables or meat in a microwave oven;
- The timer gives the signal for completion of the work;
- Control panel lock - this feature is interesting for people who have small children.
Pros and cons of the microwave up to 17 liters

With regard to the control panel, the unit will be safe with mechanical adjustment of time and power. But if you want a functional device, which is programmed and configured on a completely different dishes, it is best to choose a microwave with the push-button or touch control method.
What kind of coating process chamber is more practical? If we proceed for reasons of economy, then the best option - an inexpensive enamel coatingWhich, thanks to its smoothness, easily cleared from food residues and grease, but eventually these qualities deteriorate enamel extremely short-lived, high temperatures cause damage to camera strength.
Ceramics superior enamel coating in smoothness, durability and power saving. The ceramic coating is resistant to scratches and mechanical stress, they tend to be expensive when compared with enamel, but are considered qualitative.
Stainless steel is used in microwave ovens with air convectionAs it implies increased strength and resistance to temperature. If the microwave function provides for air convection, the coating of stainless steel becomes a necessity.
As the functionality and the additional equipment, here it depends on what the requirements put forward to the microwave oven.
How to use

Careless use of electrical appliances leads to tragic consequences. Therefore, for safe operation, it is necessary to remember some rules and stick to them.
- During operation, the walls of the microwave can become very hot. Therefore, you should avoid touching them.
- Remove the dishes from the working chamber is necessary, using gloves.
- Do not operate the microwave oven with an empty working chamber.
- Do not heat food in disposable containers - if they are not designed for this purpose. Under the action of heat, the plastic melts.
- Do not heat the eggs and sealed dishes - for heating the eggs and products from the skin puncture requires them to within no pressure, it is easy to explode.
- Do not dry in the microwave clothes.
- If the products contain a mixture of fat and water, after reheating is necessary to wait a minute before removing the contents of the working chamber.
- If, during the fire started in the camera, turn off the appliance before opening the door and removing the contents.
- Keep the microwave oven out of the reach of children, if the instrument is not designed to lock the control panel.
- Do not use metal utensils.

From time to time broken electronics, but many problems can be easily solved on its own. It is worth considering a few common faults of microwave, to know how to confront them.
Occasionally light stops shining in a microwave oven, which illuminates the working chamber.
Almost always cause of the problem lies in the bulb. You need to replace the bulb. If this does not work, the reason is in backlight elements or a timer.
Microwave not included.
This may be a consequence of damage to the power cable, the failure of a fuse, the thermal fuse in the blown transformer power supply.
SHF does not respond to the rotation switch or pressing a button.
The reason for failure of the control panel. In this case it is necessary to apply to the master.
The unit continues to work, but does not heat food or warm slightly.
The reason may lie in the low voltage network. If the voltage is normal, it is probably faulty capacitor, high voltage fuse (usually protected by a plastic sheath) that need to be replaced. If you are not experienced in dealing with electrical appliances, do not do it yourself.
Microwave can crack and sparks during operation.
For mica gasket got fat. In this case, a mica plate need to be replaced if it contains traces of scorching.
Skeet has stopped rotating.
If your microwave oven is equipped with rotating plates, the engine failure could occur due platter then stops rotating. In this case, the engine will have to change.
High voltage fuse blows when opening / closing the door.
If the door is opened, the working chamber fuses high-voltage fuse is required to clean or if the microswitches oven versed perhaps the door is set straight, whereby, upon closing of microswitches triggered not synchronously. If cleaning or leveling the door does not work, micro-switches have to be replaced with new ones.