It is hard to imagine life without the basic necessities representative household appliances - vacuum cleaner. Few houses where not use this assistant.
But if suddenly you wanted to change the old one, or purchase a new device: how to make the right choice among the variety of existing models?
consumers preference is given to devices which come with a complete set turboschotkoy. What is this brush is different from the others?
- Features
- Types turboschetok for pyleososa
- types of vacuum cleaners
- How to choose the turbo brush for vacuum cleaner

Turbonasadka better than others copes with the cleaning of horizontal surfaces, especially if they have carpet. Roller with bristles rotates at high speed, which helps to get rid of the wool or hair is much better.
It is indispensable for cleaning carpet with a long nap, and also suitable for those who have animals in the house. This tool - harmless to the surface to be cleaned and does not spoil it.
Appearance turbonasadki - roller with helical bristles. This tip works because of the motor and the electric turbine.
This tool is designed to get rid of impurities that are difficult, if conventional nozzles, easy to harvest: animal hair, hair, large amounts of dust and other complex cleaning.
roller rotational speed requires adjustment device independently copes with this problem, depending on the surface being cleaned. If a solid surface, such as parquet, laminate, linoleum or tile, the roller rotation speed is slow.
If the surface kovrolinovaya or carpet - torque increases. Tool mechanism powerful enough, so the high efficiency of cleaning any surface is guaranteed.
Do not forget that, like other heads, "turbo" in need of care and cleaning. Otherwise, debris that accumulates in it, will reduce cleaning efficiency. This is especially true threads, hair, animal hair, which stuck in the brush.
It is therefore necessary to conduct regular cleaning of the tool, so as not to slow down the speed and does not reduce the quality of cleaning. Serious contamination brushes can incapacitate the entire turbonasadki operability.
Types turboschetok for pyleososa
Two types of actuator turboschotok whose configuration depends on the producer.
Mechanical turbo brush for vacuum cleaner
In this case the brushes performance depends directly on what a vacuum cleaner itself. The efficiency of the brush is actuated by air which enters into it.
In this case, the nozzle is mounted on the pipe, and further operation of such nozzle does not differ from the use of other removable tools.
As the roller rotation speed depends on the power of the device, to obtain high-quality cleaning results requires that the device meets the requirements of high capacity.
If the housing is dominated hard surface, the best option would be a vertical type vacuum cleaner with aquafiltering.
If the house preference is given to soft surfaces, it is best to pick up the device with a bag of garbage.
Electrical turbo brush for vacuum cleaner
In itself, the name already indicates that the drive is integrated into the brush, and require a separate power supply. In this embodiment, the auxiliary tool is powered by electricity, regardless of the device itself.
roller rotation speed in this type of autonomous and the only thing which determines - the technical capabilities of most brushes. And it should be prepared for the fact that the cost of such brushes will be quite high and may reach nekootryh happened price of a new home appliances.
types of vacuum cleaners

For dry cleaning
This is the "classic" version, models with this type of harvesting the most popular. Such household devices are intended for cleaning parquet floors, carpeting, carpets, upholstered furniture and cabinet, and other surfaces that can not tolerate moisture.
balloon - more popular than all the others. They are distinguished by the fact that their price is much lower than the other models in this segment.
They are divided into:
- Hand - differ in that they are much easier. Best suited for apartments with a small area.
- compact - by weight, as well as hand-held, but the average size. Easy to carry and it is quite comfortable to use.
- Full-size - characterized by the presence of bulk bags and versatility. The package includes many different accessories. Respectively - the price of these units is much higher.
- vertical - designed for cleaning in offices and other commercial premises. These vacuum cleaners are much better to clean dust and dirt. These devices differ in size, they are multifunctional, incomparably comfortable in the work, are indispensable in the fight against allergens, air filtering mode - multi-level.
- combined - types of machines that have collected a complete configuration. They are designed for cleaning flat surfaces and large areas. Home use such devices impractical.
The wet type cleaning
Cleaning apparatus with turboschotkoy - can operate in modes dry and wet cleaning of premises. Washing liquid spray surfaces is held and its subsequent absorption.
They are easy to cope with the cleaning fluid, which can help get rid of the use of sexual rags.
control varieties:
- mechanical - power is controlled via a rotor disposed on the fixture.
- electronic - resistance type regulator smoothly changes the power level. A knob placed on either the housing or the tube cleaner. Some manufacturers equip their models display showing the value of power, along with other parameters.
How to choose the turbo brush for vacuum cleaner

Manufacturers offer many options, from mechanical to electric drive equipped, which differ only in appearance, but are similar in characteristics.
The main thing to do - choose the nozzle that will provide productive and qualitative cleaning. When choosing a brush do not forget that it must be easy to clean, assembled and disassembled.
It is best to choose those models, which are made of transparent plastic. In such a structure easy to look, determine the degree of contamination and to conduct cleaning time.
Some manufacturers sell a brush with a set of adapters that allow you to use a nozzle on the other models of vacuum cleaners, making it a versatile tool.
If the power requirements and the quality of the surface cleaning high, it is worth paying attention to the tips that are equipped with hard bristles on the roller. Such bristles will get rid of hair, dirt and other contaminants even include the long dense carpets.
Some manufacturers produce turbo brush, fitted on the body a special indicator that shows the level of nozzle contamination. Thus it will be easy to determine when it is time to clean the instrument.
Manufacturers have taken care that the service life has lasted as long as possible, and in case of failure, some of the details can be replaced. Therefore, choosing a turbonasadku, especially electrically, should clarify the existence of the guarantee and the possibility of replacing parts.
When you select should not forget that cell phones with a bag is much hardier and equipped aquafiltering - environmentally friendly. Remember that whatever you choose to clean the machine, it is best to choose one with him turboschotku model.

What should I look for when choosing:
- A variation of the dust bag and filters.
- Variety of cleaning - dry or wet.
- Power operation and cleaning efficiency.
- outlet air filters.
- Noise level depending on the operation modes.
- Design.
- Dimensions.
- Fittings and accessories.
- Secondary functions.
suction power
This is the main criterion, which is defined as a harvest. Better to choose a model with a higher power - the work of cleaning will be better, and it will take less time.
Note that the suction power and consumption - these are two different concepts which are virtually connected to each other. consumption figures are usually given on the unit and are measured in thousands of watts.
Suction power can not be specified on the unit or is indicated in a small font. But these data are required to indicate in the data sheet of the device.

Unfortunately, the standards for vacuum cleaners yet as laundry washing machines classes. Therefore, manufacturers tend to inform the consumer about the suction power of their models, each in its own way.
For example, the unit of measurement of the magnitude of some brands, serves airwatt than others original and notation used in watts.
Typically, the performance of this feature must be specified in two ways: the maximum and nominal. This simplifies the task of making the right choice. Do not forget that the peak is reached only in the first few minutes of operation. After 5-10 minutes of working process - its nominal value, because dust bag is filled with air and it becomes more difficult to pass through.
Therefore, the choice should pay attention to the fact that these values do not differ from each other by more than 16%. So, if the figures are marginal 300-350 watts, the unit can easily cope with coverings: tiles, linoleum, carpet with a short nap. If the limits are equal to 350-500 watts - they arrange those who have animals in the house or include the long carpeting.
Upper class models of vacuum cleaners the most successful - they have a measure of power consumption is lower and the suction - above. But these types of equipment are relatively expensive.
Therefore, when choosing turboschotki for a vacuum cleaner, above all, we should think about where you will use it, what are the requirements to be nominated?
To date, most of the high-performance models are equipped with essential, compared with others, a nozzle for cleaning - turboschotkoy. It can be a standard or a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to purchase it separately.