Cotton liquid wallpaper is considered one of the best finishing materials. Though expensive, they meet the needs of the consumer. Used in finishing surfaces in offices, country houses, town homes, where there is no heating system.
- properties
- Material
- Pros and cons of cotton liquid wallpaper
- How to choose a cotton liquid wallpaper

Choice of finishing material would be the solution for everyone who wants to renovate the interior to create a cozy atmosphere. Wallpaper will transform the room will serve for decades without changing the structure, properties, color.
Used for decoration of concrete, plaster and drywall surfaces. They are useful for finishing walls and ceilings painted with priming.
Compared with paper rolls, suitable for wall decoration with numerous corners and projections. It is not used for the decoration of surfaces of plastic, wood or metal without preliminary soil treatment.
Different composition, a non-standard technique of applying. Beyond the walls, decorated with such a material, it is easy to look after.
Choose these products to be placed, characterized by high humidity or temperature. Take into account when buying a property, the cost of the country of origin, color solutions, the required amount.
It is sold as a dry crumbly substance. It is distributed in a special durable plastic bags with an indication of weight. Package contents diluted with water. Withstand the proportion that is given by the manufacturer on the packaging. Use only sealed the whole package.
It is forbidden to share a portion of the dry substance. Otherwise, the components may not mix and the resulting composition would be unfit for use.
Material found in the finished liquid state. The mixture is sold in special plastic buckets. Buying such products do not need to spend extra time to prepare a mixture.
They are durable, because they are able to withstand ultraviolet rays. Cotton - the main ingredient in the production of liquid wallpaper.

In appearance, the material similar to plaster. The difference in the composition. Cotton wallpaper does not contain sand. In the dry state, they resemble children's ornamental material. The product consists of 100% cotton fiber, as well as cellulose, natural mineral components, including decorative additives.
The deposition process is formed pleasant to the touch smooth surface devoid of seams. As a result, office or living room instantly transformed. It becomes a cozy, warm, beautiful. A diverse color palette provides the versatility of the material.
With surface finishes opportunity harmonious combination of hues. Even if your desired color does not pick up, choose your favorite colors and then paint them using the color scheme in the desired tone.
Scope of the presentation of the goods is extensive. Due to the non-standard invoice, create amazing bright objects - moldings and panels.
Pros and cons of cotton liquid wallpaper

- Not forming junctions during application to the surface. The decoration of the walls or ceiling of the porous texture is different. Do not crack, do not rush, do not wear out like paper.
- Hide irregularities. Due to the composition of cotton line the geometry wallpaper walls and ceiling. This is a great way to disguise cracks and defects on the surfaces.
- Environmentally friendly materialSafe for human health.
- On the surface design leaves little time even for an inexperienced person.
- Does not attract dust.
- FIRE possess properties that do not emit harmful toxic substances under the influence of fire.
- They lend themselves to multiple stainingThat makes it possible to frequently change the situation in the interior.
- The service life is calculated for decades. Even after repeated staining does not deteriorate.
- Do not fade under the scorching sunlight, do not lose their color as a result of use, while maintaining the original appearance.
- Provide sound insulation.
- Easily applied to walls, ceilings.
- Retain heat.
- Easily amenable to recovery. The damaged area is moistened with water. After 40 minutes, remove it using a plastic spatula. Permission is applied to the surface again, pre-chopped, mixed. It is recommended to use fresh decor, which remained after the repairs.
- Suitable for interior decoration in new buildings. The material is not afraid of shrinkage.
- Prolonged drying time (two days).
- In areas with high humidity levels it is not recommended to use. If desired, the coated surface of the lacquer to eliminate a disadvantage. Characterized by high water absorbency.
- They are more expensive than paper.
Since cotton wallpaper fear moisture, it is coated with varnish. The resulting contamination wash, using a damp cloth. If such a coating is absent, the dust removed by the cleaner.
When the wallpaper is removed from the wall or ceiling, it is required to wet them with water. After a few minutes, clean the surface of the composition using a wide spatula. This technique is used to separate sections of the wall or ceiling.
How to choose a cotton liquid wallpaper

Buy in retail stores or hypermarkets of building orientation.
Products sold in the markets or in the hands of strangers would be substandard, overdue, including peremorozhennoy or fake.
Take into account the cost. The main producing countries of quality products are: France, Germany, Turkey. If liquid wallpaper made of cotton low cost, from an unknown manufacturer may be cheap components in the composition. By purchasing and using a product, you can be disappointed in the result, and harm your health.
If the walls are made out in the bathroom or in the kitchen, where the humidity, you become more moisture resistant formulation. When choosing such a finishing material for the living room, bedrooms and hall, guided by appearance. The rest are chosen, relying on their own tastes and preferences.
When applied to cotton with a thick layer of wallpaper, to achieve the effect of comfort, warmth. If the coating is a thin wall, the end result will emphasize the elegance of the room, the exquisite taste of the owners.
When choosing a cover for the kitchen following nuances should be considered:
- Not recommended for finishing near the sink or the desktop.
- Afraid of moisture, absorb odors, grease. If you use them in the interior of the kitchen, the additional funds are used.
- After placing a wall finishing material is covered on top acrylic varnish or paint special paint - latex or latex. As a result, the wallpaper does not swell from moisture, do not absorb odors, grease. They do not deteriorate when wet cleaning using a gentle detergent.
- Since cotton wallpaper lend themselves to multiple staining, it does not make sense to buy too expensive, stand out an attractive design and originality.
- When choosing such products for the kitchen draw attention to the country of origin. It is better to buy a product of the French or Turkish. He does not absorb dirt from the walls exude over time on the front surface.