Glued laminated timber - an important component in the construction of buildings and structures. From this building wooden country house. The resulting construction is known for quality, environmental friendliness, aesthetics.
The houses made of wood is easy to breathe. They strengthen the health, because it does not contain harmful synthetic substances (provided that the manufacturer used EPI-glue).
- making
- Pros and cons of laminated veneer lumber
- comparison
- How to choose glulam
- Exploitation
- Security
- Construction and maintenance
- Where you can not use glulam

To create good-quality wood used conifers: cedar, spruce, pine, larch. First, the tree being cut, and then thoroughly dried, otherwise the design will be short-lived. Then logs are glued and treated with presses and milling machines. The length of the finished laminated board is not less than 15m.
After drying, the entire timber is checked for existing irregularities, branches, defeat the fungus. Boards, which are sawn wood, called lamellae.
Thickness created by the layers (lamellae). As a result, possible to obtain the raw material of special quality. Bruce smooth and resistant to shrinkage. Therefore, it is used for installation of prefabricated buildings.
Pros and cons of laminated veneer lumber

Advantages glued bursa:
- wood does not change shape or deform;
- characterized by a smooth surface does not require sanding and additional materials for the walls;
- no moisture, which leads to the appearance of mold and mildew. Products are thoroughly dried, so the tree does not rot;
- I use it to create structures for 2-3 months;
- aesthetic appeal;
- almost no shrinkage occurs;
- House easily assembled. Working with this material only.
Disadvantages glulam:
- much more expensive than non-profiled timber;
- glue inside the structures by 30% disturbs the natural air exchange and circulation. This impairs the room climate. Reduced environmental friendliness.
What is included in the price? The production technology is complex and time-consuming. Consumption of wood and other materials, production and labor costs affect the price. The efficacy and quality of designs decrease, if during the creation of low-grade raw materials used, permitted negligence.
If after a couple of months building collapses and slumps, it means that the manufacturing process used inappropriate material. This laminated veneer lumber is not deformed.

In glued laminated timber has a rival - profiled.
- Strength. Here wins glued. In the manufacture of shaped timber logs are cut with only the upper part, which is much stronger. Middle without touching. Gluing and pressing of material help to be stronger.
- Humidity. Pierre is almost impossible to shrink as its humidity is greater than 14%. Profiled wetter, although technology is used now, which help to achieve humidity of about 18%. However, laminated much more resistant to the appearance of mold, mildew.
- Price. Profiled almost twice cheaper, so many people choose it. However, construction of such a timber require lining. Therefore, the cost as a whole together with the finish is no different from the price of laminated veneer lumber.
- Environmentally friendly. Both types - natural, artificial therefore harmful impurities in them are absent. However, laminated less "pure", as used in the glue. These mixtures are divided into groups depending on the risk. There FC2 class that is considered dangerous and unsuitable for use in the home. FC1 - potentially dangerous group, FC0 - safe class. Clay, in which the composition is more than 0.5% mg / l formaldehyde substances considered hazardous.
- Shrinkage. Shaped articles do not always lend themselves to additional drying, so more prone to shrinkage. This usually happens when the house is already built.
How to choose glulam

Select only recommended from manufacturers proven. It is better to overpay a little bit, but to be sure of the quality and reliability of the product. When you select should be guided by values.
The material is divided into the window, the wall and the one that is used for mounting beams. The difference between these types of thickness. If it is about 150 mm, a house constructed of lumber or summer cottage. But in the cold is cold in the building. If tenants live in the country permanently, it is better to choose a material thickness of 200 mm. Then in the winter in the house will be comfortable.
The construction of the timber saunas or baths require structures of at least 250 mm thick. Otherwise, the heat will not be stored indoors.
Companies producing and selling materials, offer to see samples. It is better to apply to such firms. It is recommended to watch the patterns and the very timber.
Samples made perfect, therefore, difficult to notice the flaws in them. If possible, it is better to get acquainted with the finished construction of the timber.

After the erection of construction time allow for shrinkage. Moisture and fire - the main enemy of wood, so you have to protect the wall. Sell special compounds with antiseptic, antibacterial, fire-fighting properties. This treatment will last longer home.
Painting will make the structure stronger. Suitable paint mixture, which protect the walls from rain and dust. Treated structure at a temperature of not less than 5 degrees. Can not ignore end parts. They are rapidly destroyed by moisture and heat.
They need to protect the design of the house. It is advised to follow the vertical bars, because they provide a uniform shrinkage of casing boxes. The process takes place without deformation and skewing to the side. Sliding bracket and equipped with a roof.
In the first years of life the process of synchronous contraction control:
- examined, skirtings, stairs for damage and deformation;
- shrinkage and tightening bolts is adjusted by shortening.
From inside the building, too, is being operated correctly. Indoors maintain a constant temperature and prevent sudden changes. Humidity 75%. The temperature is reduced or increased gradually.
It is not allowed too low humidity. A suitable moisture content for the wall - 6% and air - about 45%. Indicators below are not welcome.
Sharp launch heaters detrimental effect on the condition of the wood.
Preparing for heating the house in advance and carefully. Starting the appliance begin smoothly. If the two-storey building, is not allowed to overheat the second floor. The wood from this rassyhaetsya.
Heated house cautiously and gradually. Optimum temperature - 18-20 degrees. Winter is not recommended to leave the premises without heating.
The most terrible danger - fire. In 80% of tenants - the perpetrators of the disaster. To avoid this, you need to follow safety rules.
- Constantly monitor the condition of the electrical wiring and the efficiency of electrical appliances.
- Follow the chimney if it is available. The accumulation of soot in it is fraught with fire.
- Do not leave unattended stove or fireplace. Coals or wood sometimes falls, so constantly monitor the operation of the system.
- No smoking in the house.
The roof protects the room from the cold, rain and leaks. But it fulfills its function only under constant supervision. In winter, with the roof clean of snow. This will help avoid damage to buildings.
Operated nearby septic tank to be cleaned. This is necessary to protect the design and comfortable living residents. The accumulation of waste spreads unpleasant odors that absorbs timber.

- The room is done periodically wet cleaning. Help maintain the atmosphere humidifier.
- Always ventilate the room.
- Work on adjusting shrinkage do at least 2 times a year.
- Chimneys and flues is recommended to constantly clean. For the heating system able to attend a licensed company.
- Electrical appliances comply with the standard "Euro".
- To avoid nasty smell, it is necessary to monitor the state of septic tanks and pumping stations. Disposition of sewage in the room unpleasant effect on the wood. Trapiki and traps in the bathrooms and lavatories do not dry up when checking them.
- Painting the house make regularly. Is selected only the first-class compounds as questionable mixture eventually break away, and this leads to the appearance of fungus and mildew on the surface.
- Roof clean of snow and fallen leaves.
Construction and maintenance

First lay the base (foundation). In this laminated veneer lumber does not differ from other materials. Install formwork, it pours the foundation, and then transferred to the waterproofing.
Next comes the assembly. Collect the construction of pre-engineered just as functional marking is done at the factory. After assembling the timber walls are treated with an antiseptic. Then set the rafters. After moving to the roof decoration, painting.
Faults occur due to improper care and low-quality wood. The second can be avoided if you choose wisely and buy timber only from trusted manufacturers. In the first case, the entire building must be periodically pay attention.
- Draining the entire structure - the important process. Drains, pipes and manholes strong jet of water carefully cleaned of dirt, debris, fallen leaves.
- For roof look first. Hatched damage (scratches, cracks, chips) eliminate, or resistance to extremes of temperature and precipitation disturbed.
- Gutter house design sometimes clogs. It clears, otherwise moisture gets on the wood.
- Ventilation holes in the attic are always clean and open. Thanks to them, the moisture comes out.
- Inspect the product of the timber can be visually. Thus detect malfunctions and damage.
Where you can not use glulam

Despite the popularity of timber in the construction of baths and saunas, this material is not recommended. arguments:
- Wall little breathing accumulates condensate;
- low-grade material is quickly covered with cracks, sauna does not keep warm;
- require additional finishing wall insulation;
- Bath is not durable, it will cease to function after 3-4 months.
Glued laminated timber with proper choice of long pleases aesthetics, cleanliness, comfort.