Motorists need to know how to choose the right jack. Starting search for a suitable model, you should know what criteria should be followed when selecting and defining the best model, suitably to a particular situation.
- How to choose a jack
- Best rolling jack
- Best hydraulic jack
- Best Farm jacks
- Best jackscrew
- Best bottle jack
- Best inflatable jack
- Best rhombic jack
- Best jack with low intercepting
- Best dvuhshtokovy jack for an SUV
- Best Power jack
How to choose a jack

To be able to choose a lifting mechanism for your car, you need to walk a few steps, paying attention to the key points and ignoring minor details.
Each model is designed to work with a load of a certain weight, so more than the value specified in the description of the model, we can not under any circumstances.
Breach of this condition may result not only in damage to the equipment, but also damage to the vehicle.
That is why the first rule when you purchase: a correct calculation of the actual weight of the car (take into account the need to weight with load in the trunk: the reserve, instrumentsFire extinguisher, etc.).

This characteristic suggests that at some maximum height can lift the machine. Most of the models and product lines is calculated, an average of 30-50 cm.
Of this magnitude would be enough to replace the failed wheel, or to gain access to the handbrake cable. Some types of mechanisms provide an opportunity to lift the load to a height of about 100 centimeters.
These mechanisms are mainly used in a fairly narrow field: competitions in the wild, when lifting, massive structures in construction.

The height of the pick-up
This expression represents a parameter which indicates the distance between the ground and the vehicle bottom. The magnitude of the pick-up, depending on the model, is 6-25 cm.
Here it is necessary to take into account the vehicle ground clearance - what motorists called clearance.
The easiest way to choose a lifting device in the event that you have an SUV or car, the ride height is increased, because any kind of jack is suitable for this vehicle.
The most difficult task facing the owners of cars, the ground clearance is less than 15 cm, as is quite difficult for them to pick up the lifting mechanism.
Some models have the characteristic as the working stroke of the ram. This is the distance from the point of pick-up to a height of maximum lift - it's the altitude at which you can work.
The wider range of heights, the more functional mechanism. Apply it is possible for a larger number of vehicles.
type of drive
Hoisting mechanism have another important difference: driven by a variety of ways.
Lifting is done by providing forces to the hilt. These devices are suitable for occasional use, such as a change in the wheel path.
This is a fairly inexpensive option that is suitable for passenger cars. Apply them in the workshop or garage ineffective.
It is driven in a manner similar to the preceding species, but the effort the user has to use less. The load pressure rises, which creates a working fluid, the ejector piston with a fixed load.
These mechanisms operate on compressed air. In workshops pneumatic used in "field" must be connected automotive exhaust pipe or a gas cylinder.

Chamber filled with air is increased, raising the car, like an air cushion. It requires minimal effort. Such devices lead to lower labor costs, a rapid recovery.
Coming to this stage, you need to understand how often the device will be used. If you decide to buy a jack "just in case", meaning expensive hydraulic devices is not because they do not be able to use the full potential of the mechanism.
If you have a shop, stop for pneumatics or hydraulics - it increases the speed of service while facilitating work.
Mark mechanism
There is an opinion that the purchase should only branded products.
Most importantly, what can be expected in this case - full compliance with the parameters specified in the accompanying documents, which show the mechanism in reality.
Manufacturers who are concerned about their image, necessarily conduct the necessary tests, so you can be sure that if the specified load capacity of 2 tons, that is how much, and will raise jack.
No less important is the high quality of the materials from which it is made. All of the devices are ideally adjusted, all connections are fixed securely.
Proprietary mechanisms show excellent results, they are not susceptible to rust, they move smoothly, they will not be bent by heavy loads.
Unnamed model or unknown brands, according to practice, fail quickly - often after the first use.
Experienced motorists advised not to repair these models, as this can lead to tragic consequences. It is better to buy a new device approved manufacturer to be sure of its quality.

Firm guarantee correct operation of 1-3 years - one more argument in favor of the producers with the name.
When selecting jack is very important to consider each of the steps. In this case, you need to know that such factors as the car brand, the country of origin of the jack, or, especially, the mechanism of color, no role has to do with the choice of the lift model.
Some importance is the weight and size of the structure, since not every model will be able to place in the car. However, it is not the most essential characteristics.
To approach the selection of the jack fully prepared, should review the best models of each type.
Best rolling jack
[Profitprice] MATRIX MASTER 51028 [/ profitprice]
Hydraulic rolling jack MATRIX MASTER 51028. Podkatnye devices are in high demand, and not in vain: they are easy to operate, they are compact, convenient to store thanks to Casey provided.
All this applies to a jack of this type with the hydraulics. Best suited for lifting cars.
Model equipped with a valve, which protects the device from overloads. Perfect not only for the private garage, but also for work in the garages.
The magnitude of the lever makes it possible to apply a minimum of effort. The model has a rigid frame, thanks to which the device is able to withstand high loads.

The jacking equipment includes a case made of plastic, which is convenient to store the device. The box should PRO pointer, which suggests the possibility of use on a professional level.
- Load capacity - 2 tons
- Weight - 12.8 kg
- The height of the pick-up - 13.5 cm
- Lifting height - 38.5 cm
- set of equipment: jack and the shield.
- Packing Dimensions - 23.0 * 15.0 * 57.0 cm.
The birthplace of the brand is Germany, while China is engaged in manufacturing. To the product is applied dealer certificate.
The advantages of the model are:
- hydraulic type;
- reliability;
- availability of convenient briefcase;
- repair kit;
- the weight;
- cost;
- high quality of the material of which the jack is made.

The disadvantages of this model, according to reviews, you can take it to the price and weight. Without stand under the threshold should be avoided.
Comments about this device model say that he is the best in its class. He consistently raises cars, hydraulic drive allows you to spend a minimum of effort on it.
Best hydraulic jack
[Profitprice] SOROKIN HobbyLine Jack [/ profitprice]
jacks Sorokin HobbyLine Jack have a greater capacity than other devices with a drive views.
However bottle vertical jacks can be transported in an upright position, which makes them not suitable for transportation, only restricting the use of the garage.
This model is useful for individuals working in the garage. They quickly pick up cars for the subsequent maintenance or repair.

Easy grip enables you to install the mechanism in any convenient place, without wasting energy. Comfortable pedal allows you to raise the support surface.
Compactness, portability, reliability of this model allows this model to be the most popular among motorists all categories. Series devices are used for daily operations. not recommended for professional purposes.
The mechanism is not designed to hold cargo. Should be used harnesses stands, parking for fixing shoes lifted load. In addition, it is necessary to use a rubber pad on the heel.
Choosing the jack, you should keep in mind the minimum height that allows to place the jack under the car with a flat tire. In addition, you must consider the greatest stroke of the jack rod, which will enable the post to replace an automobile wheel.
Operate the device only on flat areas.
- Load capacity - 3 tons
- The height of the pick-up - 14 cm
- Lifting height - 43 cm
- platform diameter - 5.2 cm
- Length - 120 cm
- Weight - 19 kg
- Packing 66 * 28.5 * 17.5 cm

Buyers hydraulic jack mark its undeniable advantages:
- smooth ride;
- rapid rise;
- high efficiency;
- Placement accuracy;
- suitable for a small car ground clearance;
- maneuverability and relatively low weight;
- reliable braking jack.

Despite the many positive qualities, this jack has a few drawbacks:
- cardboard box;
- plastic handle;
- no rubber lining.
Best Farm jacks
[Profitprice] HiLift Jack HL604 [/ profitprice]
Flying this type jacks moves vertically. They have a high load capacity, are therefore used, for the most part, with freight transport and travel / off-road competitions.
With this device you can pick up the car, but you can rearrange it by lifting and pushing in the desired direction.
Very often it is used as a winch.
HiLift Jack HL604 made of cast iron, its several details are cast from steel. Drive mechanical jack. Powder coated black, working mechanisms are galvanized to prevent corrosion.
Hijack designed for lifting and holding the side of the car to change the wheel, or perform other operations. Pick-up can be carried out for the standard part of the wheel, kenguryatnik or bumper.

Using the additional material, the jack can be turned into a universal mechanism by which it is possible to pull the bars of the fence or to pull the car using a jack as a winch.
Indispensable not only on the roads, but also far beyond.
The model can be used as media, including drawing body parts.
- model length - 15.2 cm
- Lifting height - 11.43-122.56 cm
- Load - 2.113 tons
- Draft force - 2.268 tons
- Weight - 13.6 kg
- Made - US

The most favorite motorists pinion jack has a lot of advantages:
- reliability;
- versatility,
- high load capacity;
- stability;
- Lock reliability;
- no need for lubrication;
- lack of parts prone to wear;
- rapid uplift necessary part of the machine;
- winch function.
The model has disadvantages. Some users as a "minus" was named the high price of the equipment.
The manufacturer produces lifting equipment for over 100 years, during which time simple design has visited in a variety of situations, showing himself as a universal device.
Easy to handle with it convenient to store it. All this, together with higher maximum load, allows us to consider the best mechanism for the device in the off-road racing.
Best jackscrew
[Profitprice] BIG RED T10202 [/ profitprice]
More popular rhombic type of screw jacks. Despite the large variety of owners of cars and domestic cars prefer to purchase this option mechanism.
These jacks are quadrilateral. clamp through a change in the angles of. By pulling a quadrilateral load falls / rises.
It is simple, compact, low-cost tools that can raise quite small loads that require a lot of effort at the beginning of the work.
Model BIG RED T10202 It intended for use by individuals for the recovery of private vehicles weighing up to 2 tons.
The mechanism can lift device to a height of 38 cm. It is designed for holding the car, but at the same time it must also insure, to avoid accidents.
The model is reliable, quality materials. The products meet the safety requirements, the materials have high strength, they are responsible for the increased equipment durability.
Ideal device model allows the mechanism to be easy to use.
The model is durable, able to serve the owner for decades. Due to the simplicity of the mechanism, there is nothing to break, which is important for long-term operation.

- mechanism load capacity - 2 tons
- The height of the pick-up - 9 cm
- Lifting height - 38 cm
- Weight - 2.9 kg
- Length - 66 cm
- Width - 26 cm
- Height - 47 cm.

- rubber pad;
- ease;
- easy to transport;
- suitable for cars;
- stability;
- ease of use.
- complexity of use on an uneven surface (requires podkladyvaniem board or a similar material for leveling the surface;
- short handle.
An excellent device for changing a wheel on the road or in the garage.
Best bottle jack
[Profitprice] Autoprofi DG-08 [/ profitprice]
One of the most popular types of jack - bottle. From the title it is clear that the form he looks like a bottle. He has another name - the vertical.
The equipment for the garage have a smooth ride, they are easy to use and can lift heavy enough weights. The main advantage over other types of jacks - high load capacity with a compact.
Model AutoprpfiDG-08 - bottle jack with hydraulic drive. It quickly and easily copes with the rise of the load to a height of about 40.5 cm.
Folded mechanism does not exceed 20 cm. robust construction does not need special care, providing it work in all situations. The apparatus has a bypass valve allowing overloading to 25%.
In this case, the valve does not allow the product to work, the load is exceeded significantly.
The jack is only used for lifting - must support the weight of other devices.
Used on flat surfaces. After lifting the car fixed belay supports. AutoprpfiDG-08 makes it possible to lift up to 8 tons of cargo.
With its help raise commercial and passenger vehicles, is used for lifting and construction work.
Note that this model is not suitable for vehicles whose clearance less than 20 cm. The hosts also SUVs and crossovers will be satisfied by buying AutoprpfiDG-08, because of its carrying capacity will be enough even on a loaded "Gazelle".

Excellent performance in use, even though it belongs to the economy class: reliable processing cylinder prevents undue wear cuff, the valve does not allow them to extrude at excess load capacity.
Complaints capable of causing the heel of metal - for the preservation of the coating against corrosion or paint requires a responsible approach to the choice of backing.
- Load capacity - 8 tons
- Lifting height - 40.5 cm
- The height of the pick-up - 20 cm
- Height - 20 cm
- Safety relief valve - there
- Material - metal
- Weight - 12.5 kg.

- hydraulic drive;
- acceptable price;
- reliability;
- durability;
- capacity;
- convenience.
The main drawback of the model (as well as all type of jacks) is the need for transportation in the vertical state. This makes transportation is not too comfortable, but when working in the garage is not equal to the model.
Best inflatable jack
[Profitprice] Air Jack [/ profitprice]
This type is designed for lifting cargo weighing more than 4 tons. Especially loved by fishermen, hunters and other travelers on the road.
Relative to other types of these have obvious advantages:
- compact - pump fits easily assembled in a bag, located in a small bag;
- ease of use on uneven surfaces (suitable for snow, off-road, dirt);
- the possibility of investing in a small ground clearance - about 2mm.
Inflatable jack - pillow placed under any part of the cargo. Thereafter airbag inflates or vehicle gases, whereby lifting occurs.

Air Jack - the most reliable and fast mechanism to lift the car out of the snow, sand or mud. To inflate it, it is necessary to use a six-meter pipe connected to the exhaust pipe or the compressor 12 volts.
Made of high quality Nylon, which is covered on the outside and the inside of PVC. With this design, the car rises like itself. lift height reaches 85 cm, the jack is able to lift up to 4 tonnes.
The device is suitable only as a lift. Jack used to replace the tires or the car pulling out of a complex space. For the correct application of the instructions should be studied.
Design tools improved, it consists of several layers. Vehicle jack promotes rapid elevation. Its easy to use, and the car is not damaged, as is often the case with rack-type jacks.
The spikes at the bottom to prevent slipping of the jack.
The jack is supplied with a transport bag, hose 6 meters long, with a repair kit, mats (for bottoms and ground), a connector for a compressor, gloves and other items.

- Carrying capacity - 4 tons;
- The height of the pick-up - 7.5 cm
- Lifting height - 66.5 cm
- Weight - 5 kg
- The tapered outlet pipe for exhaust gas

The model is suitable for use in the field, has a number of advantages:
- compact size;
- convenient hose to inflate, resistant to corrosive gases;
- availability of transport bags;
- high load capacity;
- the convenience of use;
- the presence of anti-slip spikes;
- low weight;
- the opportunity to choose an orange or red color cushions.
The disadvantage of using is the ability to use only for lifting the vehicle.
Best rhombic jack
[Profitprice] Alca Lozenge [/ profitprice]
The device consists of arms interconnected by hinges so that they form a rhombus. In this type of compound teeth are responsible for the stable position of the jack, by means of a gear connection apparatus holds the load.
Vertical movement is performed by increasing / decreasing value parallelogram angles. These mechanisms are universal, the rigid structure having a larger support plane.
Jacks are compact, take up little space in the luggage compartment, and their capacity is quite high.
Alca Rhombus2 ton - a compact device with a mechanical drive. classic design of the equipment, which is easy to use. The mechanism is designed to lift loads up to 2 tons.
lifting height - 418 mm, the device is designed for lifting of cars with low ground clearance.
Folded mechanism easy to store, comfortable transport, so this model is an excellent alternative to an accessory, a part of the vehicle equipment.
Used on a flat, solid surface. In order to maintain the machine in the raised position, it is necessary to apply the belay support. The package, in addition to the device includes a handle.
- Load capacity - 2 tons
- Lifting height - 41.8 cm
- The height of the pick-up - 12 cm
- weight 3.38
- Manufacturer - China
- Box Size - 46 * 13 * 13

- reliability;
- quality materials;
- compactness;
- low weight;
- the convenience of use;
- metal thickness;
- lifting height.

No matter how good the product, the disadvantages can be found:
- lack of lubrication;
- no rubber lining;
- uncomfortable handle.
Best jack with low intercepting
[Profitprice] DA5P120K [/ profitprice]
DA5P120K It is designed for lifting, fixing heavy construction, for backup of various goods, for repair work, for assembly, disassembly, assembly, and other operations in garages, warehouses and other areas.
Jacks of this type are equipped with pick-up, with which you can raise a variety of objects that are a short distance from the ground.
Reliance has a corrugation, excluding sliding cargo. The pump makes it possible to qualitatively and quickly lift loads. The device is equipped with return springs, through which the rod quickly returns to his seat.
To install and transport equipment are pens.

Jack with low intercepting designed for heavy lifting, assembly, repair and demolition work. Thanks to its compact size and relatively low weight of the equipment is designed to work in small spaces, confined spaces.
The apparatus is made of high strength steel with supporting-sealing latest generation materials.
The mechanism of unilateral action is small in size, equipped with a spring-return rod, maintenance simple, reliable operation. On a support jack is able to lift up to 5 tons, paw - 2.5 tons.
Stroke 12 cm, a height of the pick-up of less than 2 cm. The equipment is equipped with a hydraulic drive with a built-in pump, working autonomously.
Autonomy jack determines its efficiency, mobility, and ability to work without an external source of hydraulic power.
- Load capacity - 5 / 2.5 tons
- The height of the pick-up - 1.9 cm
- Stroke - 12 cm
- Pump - built
- Dimensions - 17 * 24.3 * 23 cm
- Weight - 12 kg

- handy removable handle is rotated in different directions, which makes it possible to operate the device in a confined space;
- Lifting permissibility arranged in a minimum of 19 mm from the surface;
- autonomy, mobility;
- bottle hydraulics;
- convenient handle for transportation;
Equipment pickup, allowing firmly fix loads, including those located close to the surface;
- equipment return springs, making it possible to quickly give a jack initial position, continuing the work;
- grooving work sites, excluding the sliding load.
Best dvuhshtokovy jack for an SUV
[Profitprice] BottLine Jack 2m [/ profitprice]
small dimensions BottLine Jack 2m allow to apply it not only to repair the car, but also for rigging. The efficiency of the device is provided a simple and reliable structure which does not require complex maintenance.
The jack has a valve enabling the overload device is 25%, preventing, thus, unnecessary overload.
Jacks of this type should only be used on a flat surface, allowed their application for lifting, but not hold. After lifting goods must be securely fixed to the supports.

Telescopic jacks of this model different from the traditional bottle of reduced height of the pickup. When the lifting height is classical or more increased.
When you purchase is necessary to take into account the height of the pick-up, which will make it possible to expose the device under the SUV, which has a flat tire. In addition, it is important to remember the maximum stroke that allows the wheel is to be replaced.
Use jack only for this model car lift, do not leave it as a holding means.
To secure the necessary parking shoes, safety support. You can use the equipment for lifting or construction work. It is capable of lifting loads weighing up to 2 tons.
Ease of use and a hydraulic actuator does not require the application of significant efforts to carry out the necessary work. For this reason, even a woman can easily cope with the rise of the car.
- Load capacity - 2 tons
- The height of the pick-up - 17.8 cm
- Lifting height - 42 cm
- Stroke - 19 cm
- The course of the screw - 5.5 cm
- Packaging - 12 * 11 * 19 cm
- Weight - 3 kg

Distinctive features of the model:
- the presence of an overload valve;
- reliability;
- low weight;
- compactness;
- smooth ride;
- stability;
- durability;
- hydraulic drive.
Best Power jack
[Profitprice] Katun 701 [/ profitprice]
First jacks Power appeared in our market not so long ago. Supplied Katun-701 in a convenient carrying case made of plastic. It is intended for transporting the suitcase rhombic jack Power.
A substantial portion of the weight of the suitcase is a motor with wires. The system design is quite simple. Screw devices changing magnitude of angles is twisted by means of the motor through a gear transmission.
Mechanics made solidly, powerful shoulders have thickened places in the connecting axis, reinforced at the edge profile passes into engagement with an asterisk.
Structure supplemented lower support platform - its size is increased by an additional wing motor. The upper support member cast him mounted rubber pads with deep slits designed for edge nut machines.

The engine has a blue wire terminating connector to the cigarette lighter socket. The wire, which is about 5 meters long, equipped with a mechanism of control.
If you press a button, the device begins to lift the load by clicking on the other, the load fails omitted. For convenience, the remote has a luminous coating.
At startup required to hold the unit by hand, since the motor rotor strong pulse produces an unbalanced moment. You should use the jack when the engine is running a car, because it consumes a lot of energy.
Maximum height of lifting in this construction - 43 cm, the minimum - 12.
It is important to remember that at the extremes opening / closing the load on the screw maximum equipment, so the load on the engine increases.
To a maximum opening / closing ram engine turns itself off, it is equipped with micro-switches located on the inside of the support arms. These switches allow to exclude damage to the structure.
Disclosed the jack from the starting position up to a maximum of 2 minutes. Raising one wheel device that is practically equal to the idling speed.
If the light is off, you can use this mechanism in the manual mode. To do this, from the case to get a plastic handle, resembling the shape of the curve starter.
When rotating the handle of the device is lowered and raised with little or no effort, even if it strengthened the car. Hand feels a slight resistance.

Ram Power "Katun - 701" is designed to raise the vehicles with wheels hanging to conduct the necessary work. Use the device assumed at temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees.
safety requirements when working with the instrument:
- placing mechanism on a flat surface;
- work without interruption should not exceed 10 minutes;
- prohibits transhipment.
- jack;
- socket with contact terminals;
- wrench;
- puller;
- lever for manual control jack;
- fuse;
- underride guard (2 units);
- union head;
- extension cord.

- Load capacity - 2 tons
- The required voltage - 12 V
- Type of current - constant
- Torque - 350 Nm
- Lifting height - 43 cm
- Work from the cigarette lighter
- Operating conditions - from -20 to +40 degrees
- Warranty - year
- Producer - Russia

- capacity. it is large enough for such a small device - 2 m;
- maximum lift;
- electric;
- presence carrying case;
- quality materials;
- reliable mechanism;
- the connection;
- ease of management.
Weight of the device and the entire set in the case.
To choose the optimal variant of the model, you need to know exactly what tasks the device must be addressed. In addition, the need to know the characteristics of the car, which this equipment will rise.
So, laden weight of the machine must not be greater than the permissible device capacity. mechanism design should approach the area at the bottom of the car.
Flat bottom says that the car fits any type of device.
It is necessary to consider the size and weight of the jack in order to understand whether it will go into the boot - if you plan carry the device with them, you should choose a lighter, compact models that are easy to use.