The appearance of a cat in the house accompanied by a number of issues related to the care and education. Each owner cares about the health of your animal, surrounded by care: Follow hygiene, develop a comfortable place to sleep and rest of the diet of healthy foods.
Complete and balanced food - a pledge of the cat's health. Includes:
- Protein or protein
- Fats of vegetable and animal origin
- carbohydrates
- Vitamins and minerals
- Food for homemade cat
- Dry Cat Food
- Forage for cats economy class
- Feed for cats Premium
- Feed for Holistic class cats
- Hypoallergenic cat food
- Food for cats in diseases of the stomach
- Food for cats in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- Cat food for constipation
- Forage for cats residing in the room
- Cat food after surgery
- Cat food after birth
Food for homemade cat

Preparation of the dry animal feed at home - a laborious process. It is important to understand that it is the quality inferior products sought after brands. The food is homemade indispensable way to organize animal nutrition natural food for two or three months.
This way of feeding is indispensable if the owners leave for a week and left the cat to friends and neighbors. So ensure good nutrition even pet owners are not yet available.
Home-cooked dry food stored up to three months. Cooking food can be for the future.
Dry Cat Food

Ready kinds of practical use: Save time on preparing natural food stored up to six months, and the cats are not indifferent to them. On the market there are: economy class, premium class and Holistic.
In the industrial food complex provides nutrients needed for growth and normal functioning of the body. Such products are intended for everyday use.
To make the right decision, what kind of food prefer, should become familiar with the characteristics and types of treats ready.
Forage for cats economy class

Components of cheap food for animals:
- soy protein
- Waste from meat companies
- Starch
- Cellulose
- Vitamins and minerals do not exceed the mark of 5%
- dyes
- flavors
- flavorings
- preservatives
meat content - 6%. The purpose of the use of one - satisfaction of hunger. If you have to feed such a product, add the diet of natural health products: meat, cereal, milk products.
The only advantage of the product of economy class - low cost. Animal regularly receive food similar composition, with age may acquire a number of serious diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys.
Feed for cats Premium

Divided into premium and super premium class. The premium animal protein content is higher than in the composition of the economy class. Less than a second-rate raw materials: soy, cereals, flavorings. The amount of vitamins and minerals above.
Such food meets the needs of the animal, but the meat content of such products does not exceed 20%, which is less than the physiological norm. Price products higher than economy class, but he spent more economical due to the high absorption by the body.
Manufacturers of premium products develop kinds of food for other purposes:
- For pregnant and lactating.
- Kittens and older.
- Suffering from diseases of the digestive system or the genitourinary system, prone to allergic reactions.
In the super-class products no vegetable protein and meat content approaching 50%. Number of grains and soy least a third number of components.
Enriched with vitamins and trace elements in full, so when feeding this kind there is no need for additives. As part of the present, not only meat and cereals, but also fruits and vegetables.
Absorbed by the body, for the saturation it will need a much smaller amount of food. super-class food divided by functions, species and physical data.
The use of high quality raw materials increases the cost of production that is not affordable for all pet owners.
Feed for Holistic class cats

Environmentally friendly products, whose ingredients are thoroughly tested for the presence in the composition of hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, dyes.
The raw material of the highest quality, which directly affects the price and the prevalence of sale, making it inaccessible to the average consumer.
In addition to these classes of cat food is divided into species and subspecies in its purpose, ability to influence prevention and recovery process from diseases for cats with additional requirements due to the special physiological state.
In pet stores and veterinary pharmacies can buy food for animals:
- allergies,
- diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract,
- constipation,
- problems with hair, teeth,
- pregnant and lactating
- prone to obesity,
- as well as cats, leading exclusively home lifestyle, undergoing surgery and castrated.
If your favorite is suffering something of the above, you will need to devote more time and attention, to attract professionals to the process of selecting a suitable diet and the products in it.
Hypoallergenic cat food

Animals, like people, are susceptible to allergies. There are reactions of the body is allergic to foods with a high content of foreign protein - milk, chicken and eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
If you suspect your pet have a food allergy, the first thing to do - the allergen eliminated from the diet. Pet risk of under-essential nutrients. The best solution - to translate the cat on the hypoallergenic products.
In such compositions, it is replaced by protein hydrolyzate. Hydrolyzed protein body will not perceive as an allergen because it is split into smaller particles, which improves digestion.
The composition of such foods include not allergenic meat (lamb, pork, horsemeat, rabbit, turkey), cereals containing no gluten (rice, buckwheat), corn starch, vegetable oil, fish oil, minerals, vitamins, soy protein.
Hypoallergenic represented premium food segment and super class, however harmful colorants and flavorings are excluded. The price of this kind of high, but the effect has been observed in two or three days.
The low cost of products for the production of cheap food speaks for itself - it simply can not be the meat and nutrients.
If chosen hypoallergenic composition came: allergy disappeared and the animal eats it with pleasure, it is not necessary to experiment and change the power.
Food for cats in diseases of the stomach

The mucous membrane of the stomach wall in cats sensitive and prone to damage. Often the animals are suffering from gastritis (inflammation of the upper layers of the stomach) and peptic ulcer (change of tissue deeper layers).
The reason lies in the wrong diet: eating with the master's table, fried, fatty foods, sausages.
It is not recommended to give bread, fat or raw meat, bones and skin, raw vegetables, dry food. On the market and is available at pet stores special food for pets with an ulcer and gastritis.
They are present in the therapeutic range for producers of food animals premium and super-premium. Dry pet food is desired to soak in warm water or boiling milk.
As part of the present vysokousvoyaemoy ingredients that positively affect the gastric mucosa.
It contains a minimum of protein, because it helps release of gastric secretion. Minimum percentage of fat. High rates slow down the process of digestion in the stomach and hit her in the gut.
Soluble fiber - an indispensable ingredient. It contributes to the normalization acid balance.
Can be converted to a canned cat composition in the form of stews with semifluid consistency. Diet should be followed to complete disappearance of symptoms, then with caution can be translated into high-quality dry food.
Food for cats in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Cats - Curious Creatures. This quality makes them often suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Eaten food may be tainted, plohoperevarivaemoy, inedible or poisonous.
Once in the stomach and intestines, it causes vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. These conditions require immediate human intervention.
Require the use of special food, not irritating the patient's body, contributes to the normalization of the microflora and restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
In the treatment the cat food, in diseases of the digestive organs, depending on the diagnosis can be reduced phosphorus content, reduced calories, fat, carbohydrates. Suitable composition of different consistencies, both wet and dry.
If the animal is suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it requires a special diet, fat and junk food takes a back seat.
Depending on which version of the familiar to the cat (natural or dry) should consult with a veterinarian that giving a pet.

If a representative of the cat family used to take only natural food, it is not necessary to translate it to dry food, so as not to make the animal worse.
Easy chicken soup with a small amount of potatoes and carrots will go for the benefit of the pet. Oatmeal envelops the stomach wall, peretravlivaetsya easily and smoothly passes through the gastrointestinal tract.
Permitted as a garnish to add a piece of boiled chicken eggs, the food should not be a salt, a pinch of salt is enough. Fresh boiled milk neutralizes the acidity and strengthens bones.
If the cat is accustomed to dry food, you should pay attention to what components are included in its composition. Chicken, rabbit, turkey meat, rice, buckwheat - is a good option for a home favorite.
And most importantly - you can not change the power supply manufacturer, it can carry negative consequences. Products from different manufacturers in the composition has a different number of vitamins and minerals.
No matter what kind of food eat animal in his platter should always be fresh water, it is necessary to facilitate the digestion of food.
Cat food for constipation

Cats more than other pets are prone to constipation occurs. This contributes to a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, a habit of licking fur (which is why constipation most often appear at the long-haired breeds).
Talk about constipation can be in the event that the chair was not the cat for two days or more. Be sure to pay attention to whether enough water your cat drinks, whether moving a lot of plays, whether uses vegetables.
Many manufacturers of premium products release formulation intended to help cats suffering from frequent and prolonged constipation.
In such products the composition does not include ingredients having anchoring properties, and, conversely, increase the fiber content and protein. Sometimes good at helping the transition from the dry to the wet look.
If constipation in the cat occur too often, it is necessary to rule out other diseases, the symptoms of which can appear in the form of delay defecation.
If the pet has got used to eat dry food industrial production, it is recommended to go on - wet. It is desirable that the manufacturer was one, as a new food varieties suitable lyuby light canned food, better to give preference to chicken.
If the animal is accustomed to a simple food menu, you can make yourself. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is easily absorbed by the body, it does not create a heaviness in the stomach and helps to alleviate fecal flotation.
After eating a pet have to drink the water. It is necessary to ensure your pet constant access to fresh water. Cats love to drink water, not from their plates, and from vases, buckets or anything else interesting.

If food diet does not help, in the morning and in the evening added to food laxative, do not worry, your cat's health is not in danger.
If the cat a few days can not go to the bathroom, you need to help her. Do not let her trudnousvoyaemuyu stomach the food, set the cat on a diet food, and see the result.
Forage for cats residing in the room

Domestic cats lead a sedentary lifestyle, which reduces the ability of the intestine to digest food, odor of feces, obesity, constant licking wool.
These drawbacks are corrected with proper nutrition reduced calorie, high fiber special combination and processed individually protein.
The special formulation helps eliminate unpleasant odors, prevents obesity and helps the removal of clumps of hair from the body.
Proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, prolongs the life of the animal, so think about what you give him as food.
Experienced breeders recommend to get dry food for their graceful pets because it contains incorporating the necessary vitamins and trace elements, has a positive effect on the normal functioning of body.
But if the cat refused to eat this food, or you do not want to transfer to a variety of feeding, then give you a balanced diet.

Meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables need to be in the animal's diet. All products must be fresh, so as not to poison the darling home and not cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
To this menu breeders recommend to buy vitamin supplements, due to the fact that by feeding a natural diet, the owner may not always provide a balanced diet.
Vitamin supplements do not only beautiful fur, they are in the structure have the daily rate of nutrients that allow the cat to feel healthy and happy.
Some breeders believe that mixing chemical and natural products in the process of feeding the animal - normally. This is wrong, because it should be fed a dry food, or a normal meal.
In using the same type of food, the cat is produced in equal portions of the gastric juice, which promotes the full digestion of food.
And if the usual food, add something new, something disturbed the digestive balance, thereby causing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Given that a cat - a beast of prey, homemade food is very difficult to achieve a balanced diet, so you should pay attention to the composition of dry and canned food.
No need to worry about that animal will be something not to be missed, the producers of cat food studied in detail the full needs of the organism and on the basis of this created a fully balanced food.
There are some animals that do not like dry food, to solve this problem easily, soak its food in a small amount of water. Animal with an appetite will eat the resulted porridge.
To have your pet live a long time, ensure that it is balanced ration. Periodically indulge your cat canned food.
Cat food after surgery

After surgery, your pet should be paid special attention, all the important elements of care.
If your pet has recently underwent surgery, or he will have it in the near future, it's time to take care of the choice of food, which will be easy to eat, but also conducive to the rapid recovery.
Besides, the operation is often preceded by a disturbed appetite characteristic of the disease.
Criteria that distinguish quality composition for cats undergoing surgery:
- High nutritional value of a relatively small amount of servings
- moist texture
- small pieces
- balanced composition
- Appetizing appearance and odor
Feed the pet after surgery should be every two hours and gradually. Warm the food to body temperature: because food is better absorbed.
The composition intended for feeding pet after surgery, there are digestible components with a high concentration of nutrients.
Elevated levels of high quality protein has a positive effect on the recovery of the body after injuries and maintaining body weight.
Long chain fatty acids - an indispensable component, which reduces an inflammatory response in the body. A high percentage of zinc has a positive effect on the rapid wound healing and postoperative sutures.
Cat food after birth

During pregnancy and postpartum favorite requires elevated protein content, vitamins, calcium, magnesium and iron. Ideal - feeding natural products.
The diet must include meat, dairy products, eggs, cereals and vegetables, and occasionally liver and fish. If the cat feeds kittens follow sufficient fluid intake, due to pure water.
With a shortage of milk make a special milk formula. In the postpartum period should increase the number of feedings and the amount of food twice.
Do not be surprised if the taste preferences after birth vary. Sometimes cats fed exclusively homemade food, happy start to have dry and wet ready.
When selecting industrial prefer special compositions during pregnancy and after childbirth. The composition of the feed is developed by veterinarians, given the increased needs of the cat after the appearance of the offspring.
Check the condition of your cat. Check whether it uses enough food, whether vitamins and minerals may be missing her by her appearance mind and mood: there is no bad breath, hair shiny, playful mood, do not stick out ribs.
If these signs are present - the food and care are chosen correctly.
All the essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients can be found in the dry composition, intended for the feeding of cats after birth. It is useful to add to the diet of a young mother and a little food for kittens.
In its high content of essential nutrients that have a positive effect on the growth of a young organism.
The pet shops in a wide range represented wet food (canned) manufactured specifically for lactating cats.
They balance all the vitamins and minerals that are essential to the animal for a quick recovery of the body and the development of whole milk for feeding kittens. Desirably, the wet food was the same grade dry.
Do not skimp on your pet food. Cheap food will cause irreparable harm to health. Foods premium segment has a high energy, fast and easy to digest and contain no unnecessary ingredients.