- Types of voltage stabilizers
- Principle of operation
- How to choose a voltage regulator
- Faults and repairs
- manufacturers stabilizers
Types of voltage stabilizers
Stabilizer voltage - it is a device for the derivation of which it is possible to take high quality electrical energy (with stable parameters of Unom. and fN.) at a feed input at its low quality electrical current (with no stable parameters of Unom. and fN.).
These types of devices, depending on what type of equipment working, perform different functions:
- Protect electric motors against overheating, since they lose power and when falling frequency (frequency of the obstruction), and the steady reduction value Vnom.
- Protect semiconductor devices, so they are very sensitive to even a short-term increase in voltage.
- Ensure the accuracy of the semiconductor and computer technology as well as in the rubble of their frequency semiconductor elements can change their characteristics.
- Are an additional divider network and thereby protect electrical equipment against short circuits and lightning surges in the external distribution network.
- In operation, the heating devices provide a predetermined energy conversion from electrical to thermal.
On weekends, the characteristics of the stabilizers are divided into three major groups:
- Single-phase stabilizers;
- three phase stabilizers;
- stabilizers DC voltage.
The stabilizing device is mainly characterized by the power they are able to pass through itself, signified providing quality electric current:
- first of all, the voltage;
- in the second place, the frequency;
- in the third place, in response to the speed changing parameters of the input current of Unom. and fN.
Depending on the particular functionality stabilizers available capacity from hundreds of watts to several hundred kW. This parameter depends on the physical parameters and devices:
- the weight;
- dimensions;
- design solutions;
- a system of primary and secondary connectors; etc.
Another important characteristic of a particular stabilizer is its ability to adjust the input current in certain aisles, which is indicated in percentage of the nominal value of the input voltage: + 10%, + 20%, etc.
Principle of operation
The physical sense of the functioning of the accumulative type of these devices is the accumulation electrical energy from an external network and issuing it to an electric current consumer network with stable characteristics.
The corrective adjustment devices of network parameters is due to the electromagnetic properties of the materials from which they are made and compounds circuit elements of the device structure. This is achieved in different ways, so the industry produces various types of stabilizers.
The basis structure of ferromagnetic electrical products are the two chokes (inductors) with cores, one of which has an air gap, and a condenser.
Especially saturated choke (ferromagnetic core without a gap) is that its current-voltage characteristic (I-V) provides a low variability of output parameters Unom. and fN at considerable vibrations current flowing through the coil.
Method of selection of the constituent elements of the device can be a device that regulates the voltage in large aisles. Ferromagnetic devices are simple to manufacture and because they found a wide distribution in the home.
The disadvantage of these stabilizers is that they are very sensitive to a dip frequency, as they dramatically lose their performance.
Electromechanical voltage stabilizer
It is, in fact, transformers with transformation ratio close to the "unity." Voltage regulation is performed by mechanically moving the special collector node the secondary winding of the current parameters agreed with the changes at the input or output terminals device.
The advantages of this type of product provided they widely used in everyday life and industry. They produced a wide variety of capacities, in both three-phase and single-phase version.
- do not distort the sine wave input voltage;
- easy to manufacture and reliable in operation;
- capable of retaining a predetermined output voltage with high accuracy parameters
The following disadvantages are significantly narrowed the scope of possible applications of these electromechanical devices:
- high probability of settling of moisture in open live parts when the ambient temperature falls below the dew point;
- low speed of response to changes in the output parameters Unom. and fN. due to a mechanical inertia of the collector node (graphite rolls);
- comparatively large and discrete control range of the input voltage, which depends on the constructional features of the device.
The electronic voltage regulators adjustable via the electronic switches, which switch respective terminals on the transformer windings in response to changes in input and output characteristics of the electric current.
Keys currently come in two types:
- relay;
- semiconductor (triac).
The undeniable advantage of electronic devices is their exceptional performance, so they are used to protect expensive equipment from the effects of transients during short circuits and lightning surges in the external power supply network.
They solely are stable in almost all temperature conditions, because they do not physically moving parts.
A particular type of stabilizers are electronic devices that use a semiconductor circuit of pulse width modulation. In this case, the adjustment is carried out:
- or by changing the regulating transistor resistance;
- or by high frequency on-off (about several tens of kilohertz) regulating circuit element (IGBT-transistor).
Stabilizer circuit with "motor generator"
These devices, power leveling network parameters consist of a motor which is connected to an external network, and an electric current generator, which outputs a current for powering the equipment.
The system has the ability to accumulate a considerable kinetic energy by the rotating mass of the engine and the generator rotor and flywheel mechanically associated. Therefore, short-term fluctuations in the external network settings do not affect the network settings, supply specific equipment.
In everyday life, such devices are not used because of its high cost, despite their reliability and ability to maintain a maximum stable voltage on the output terminals.
Industry produces sufficiently powerful stabilizers of this type and only three phase. They are used for power supply of critical and strategic facilities.
Ferroresonant regulator provides an output electrical current parameters due to the electromagnetic properties vibrationally resonant circuit "capacitance-inductance", in which the oscillation process with external energy accumulated network a certain frequency.
The degree of persistence of the circuit, and hence the degree of stability of the oscillation process, depends on the magnitude of the accumulated energy, measured in kWh.
Pluses household ferroresonant stabilizers predetermine their use for food expensive equipment, which is quite demanding for the quality of the consumed electric current:
- providing an output voltage to within 1% of the rated value;
- low sensitivity to changes in Un. fN and the external network;
- lack of moving parts in the scheme ensures the longevity of the device;
- absence of higher harmonics in the sine wave output of the electric current;
- no sensitivity to changes in the frequency of current in the external network, because the vibrationally resonant circuit "capacitance-inductance" has its own frequency.
The main drawback of ferroresonant stabilizers is their noise in operation, with which the more difficult to fight the more increases the working capacity of the device.
Inverter voltage regulator double conversion uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

The inverter circuit stabilizer conversion takes place of the alternating electric current from the electric power accumulation in its bulk and with subsequent generation of an AC with specified parameters stable and resilient.
UPS operate on the same physical principle, only electricity to be accumulated in batteries. This feature allows you to power the equipment from the IBPP some time with the loss of external power.
The duration of the power from the IBPP without external support depends on:
- from the electrical battery capacity;
- the magnitude of the load at its output terminals.
Use of the inverter circuit allows the creation of such stabilizers which are capable of providing high-tech and computing the electric current of the highest quality.
In addition, an indispensable advantage of the inverter circuit is that it provides a reliable extra protection equipment from the effects of higher harmonics, which are generated in the external network at lightning surges and short circuits on the line.
How to choose a voltage regulator
Any technical device created with specific parameters for the efficient execution of certain functions. Therefore, when choosing the stabilizer must be defined with the following input data:
- Power consumption of an attached to the device hardware. Electrical devices with the greatest efficiency and durability operate with a load of 75% to 100% of said nominal capacity in the passport.
At constant overload increases the heating device, which greatly reduces the service life.
- If the stabilizer is connected to the motor, it is necessary to consider the fact that when you start the motor consumes electric power in 3 - 4 times more than in nominal mode.
- With hardware architecture that is powered by a leveling Un. and fN. apparatus to select a specific device with the required number of connections.
- With the stated hardware requirements to the quality of its supply of electric current.
- With the stated protection system equipment against overload, short circuit, overvoltage and pulse bursts.
- Environmental parameters, in which the stabilizer is supposed to operate.
The technical data sheets that are attached to the electrical devices, the following information is mandatory:
- Operating power rating of the product;
- number of phases of the input and output terminals;
- efficiency of the device;
- protection equipment fed directly from the device overload, short circuit and over-voltage input;
- Un limits. and fN. at the input indicated by specific numerals;
- frequency of the electric current in the external network;
- output voltage within a tolerance of Unom. in percentage terms;
- device type;
- environmental parameters in which the permissible work a particular device;
- dimensions of the device, its weight, the number and types of connectors.
Additional information is considered information:
- an indicating device on the control panel;
- the presence of voltmeters;
- the parameters of the fuse and circuit breaker.
By comparing the original data with information obtained from technical passport device can with reliably determine the choice of a specific stabilizer for domestic supply equipment.
UPS and voltage stabilizers for computer
UPS manufactured by American, Russian, European and Japanese firms belong to a single-phase voltage regulator with built-in inverter-type lead-acid batteries.
Generating device mainly with working capacity from 0.415 to 9.0 kW, and in smaller quantities more powerful. Already 5-kilowatt power IBPP suitable for high quality of an entire group of computers electrocution, network equipment and servers, so they have 8 or more single-phase sockets with grounding.
In the steel casing such articles are mandatory bolted connection for connecting the ground, which provides a protective relaying device against short circuit.
"Bespereboynik" large operating power is always have high technical properties.
In particular:
- They are aligned to the nominal input voltage of 220 V with an accuracy of + 5% in a rather wide aisles: from 160 to 300 V.
- Provide a schedule of the output voltage is close to sinusoidal.
- These batteries provide power at full load at a voltage failure in the network up to 10 minutes, and at half - up to 25 minutes.
- Supports automatic server connection after the power failure in the external network.
Warranty service of such devices is provided for 2 years from the date of purchase, but not more than 36 months from the date of manufacture.
Design all IBPP American and European companies demonstrates the exceptional functionality of electrotechnical products. That's their style. Making IBPP Japanese manufacturers more diverse and varied.
Stabilizers for food and household appliances power tools
Gen. modern people fill the rather long lists and power tools (drills, screwdrivers, electric spray guns, Hair dryers, etc.) and household appliances (refrigerators, Air conditioning, TVs, Heaters, air purifiers etc.).
All these electric motors are used, or the heating elements, which greatly lose power supply voltage is lowered, that is threatening them with output order.
Even worse effect on household appliances and electrical overload (impulse and even short-term). Called the critical electrical voltage increase of more than 230 can simply burn out.
Such problem in areas of low quality which is supplied electricity, the installation is achieved reliable stabilizer sufficient operating power voltage.
The average installed capacity of city apartments ranges from 3 - 10 kW, country houses - from 5 to 20 kW.
Based on these data, we can conclude that in order to ensure reliable operation of household appliances and desirable to equip electrical household stabilizers working capacity from 2 to 12 KW. Of course, it must be determined individually in each case with a selection voltage stabilizer.
Reliable power supply at home
A number of companies produce special relay automatic stabilizers different operating power voltage (up to 20 kW) with excellent technical characteristics, purpose is to adjust the voltage for household equipment apartments and private houses.
For example, single-phase device of this brand mark Stabilia 5000 weighing 9.300 kg has 98% efficiency at a maximum power of 5000 VA. It is provided with a bypass functionality, which allows to connect the input power quality in addition to its system voltage stabilization.
General technical parameters of this type of product:
- Limits regulated voltage - 140 - 270V;
- The voltage at the output terminals 220 is maintained to an accuracy of 8%;
- adjustment process is carried out in less than 20 ms;
- Almost all outdoor units have a relay type:
- relaying from overheating and overcurrent on the circuit breaker, which is arranged on the chassis;
- natural air cooling;
- blockers against unintentional functional bypass connection;
- display of the input and output voltages;
- a separate indication of high and low voltages;
- delay the connection indication;
- line with screw terminals, to be connected consumer shopping network;
- handles for transport;
- anti-slip feet.
Demand single-phase stabilizers relay type of domestic companies. They come with a working capacity from 5 kW to 22 kW.
Exemplary performance products maximum outdoor relay unit passed through a 10 kW with an efficiency of 97%:
- supported by the output voltage of 220 V with an accuracy of ± 8%;
- Iin. Rated - 50A;
- 4 has a control stage in the output winding;
- voltage is adjusted in the range from 140V to 260V.
All floor stabilizers with voltage regulation relay model up to 30 kg are equipped skid feet and weighing more than 30 kg - wheels and handles for special transportation device.
Electric protection circuit has:
- the upper limit of the input voltage - 270V;
- the lower limit of the input voltage - 140V;
- overheating protection 750C and above, and overcurrent;
- Automatic switch built into the housing and protects the device against short circuit currents.
Many products in case of overheating of the windings of more than 700With the forced air cooling is used, so they can operate in areas with positive air temperature to 400C and relative humidity - less than 80%.
Almost all relay Un control devices. and have similar electrical characteristics, which are interconnected in a 1 KW operating power stabilizer for 2 kg of its weight. If this ratio is lower than 1 kW / 2kg then the device would be more reliable in operation than the device in which the ratio of its thickness to its weight above 0.5.
Faults and repairs
Voltage regulators of all types can be attributed to the category of fairly resistant to equipment failure. That is why manufacturers offer them in warranty service for 2, 3 or even 4 years.
If they provide the proper maintenance, they can be smoothly and for longer periods.
voltage stabilization equipment maintenance can be carried out with their own hands, not having even a minimum of special training, as follows:
- To disconnect the device from external and internal networks.
- Remove the cover from the device.
- Clean with hand vacuum cleaner or large lint brush operation circuit and movable parts of the stabilizer from dust.
- Electromechanical devices require lubrication at least once a year special electrical grease, which can be purchased in stores.
- The graphite current collector needs to be changed to a new at least once in two years. When you adjust the intensity of the input voltage - often.
- For relay devices need to replace the regulating relay is estimated by the degree of intensity of their work. This can be determined by burning the surface of the contacts.
- Close the device cover.
Systematic and timely removal of dust from the working parts of the stabilizer considerably lengthens the life of any device.
- circuits in the circuit of the electronic device;
- insulating materials overlap at surge conditions resulting from switching transients;
- sticking of moving parts relay;
- occurrence of sparks at the current collecting parts of electromechanical stabilizers.
Replacement relay and transistor switches
If you extend the life of the relay can be thoroughly cleaned from soot, the transistor switch when leaving to be replaced with the absolute failure.
If necessary, replace the keys in the electronic control spare parts is best to buy from an authorized manufacturer of the particular device. Keys one device model may differ substantially in their physical parameters from the keys of another model.
Cleaning the relay contacts in the following order:
- Remove cover specific relay.
- The relay is released by a pressing spring.
- Both contacts are cleaned from soot "nulevkoy" (type sandpaper) until the silver metal gloss.
- Further purification is carried out with the help of contacts or high-octane gasoline or 70% industrial alcohol.
- It puts in place a pressing spring.
- Cover purified relay closes.
Stabilizers double conversion (inverter) and UPS are rather complex electronic circuits and therefore their successful repair by unqualified experts excluded.
His hands can be made unless a replacement battery, which is the end of their operating life, and it can be quite long, if the battery is rarely completely discharged.
Replacing the secondary elements of the stabilizing devices
The secondary elements of the device are:
- circuit breaker;
- LED indicators;
- indicator panel;
- terminals, connectors, sockets, Grounding conductors;
- fan forced air cooling.
All these elements of the device play a significant role in enhancing the effective operation of the stabilizer, but to replace them with a system with no outlet requires in-depth knowledge and skills of electrical soldering semiconductor components, since they are not included in the basic electronic circuit instrument.
Industrial 3-phase voltage stabilizers
Large the stabilizer settings are applied to the industrial consumption of electricity facilities to prevent situations that threaten:
- health and life;
- negative environmental impacts of the natural ecosystem;
- large financial losses,
- which may be caused by instability of electric current parameters. In many industries, it is constantly used equipment, which is very sensitive to frequency and voltage fluctuations in the power of their network:
- public facilities management, military units and military industry, telecommunications, hospitals, laboratories;
- business objects (plants, factories, farm animal breeding, birds, fish, offices);
- facilities of water, gas and heat supply, sewage treatment facilities and communication;
- banks;
- chemical and electric power industry objects.
In such industries to allowable stresses imposed oscillation standards much more stringent than for domestic standards. For example, during operation, and especially during start-up, high power consumption equipment (hundreds of kW and even several MW) over large sections of power lines necessarily occur "drawdown" voltage.
Therefore, in such enterprises are set stabilizers large working capacity, which can be assembled in parallel working groups, together with sets of batteries.
This creates a kind of industrial three-phase uninterruptible power supply.
This sophisticated equipment, so there is electrical company, which specializes in the production of industrial 3-phase stabilizers. The range of power electronic devices produced by companies such unusually wide:
- 2 KW 100 kg to 250 kW, weighing 980 kg, with some characteristics; and
- 60 kW weight of 650 kg to 5000 kW, weighing 4000 kg with somewhat different characteristics.
Besides the production of the main product lines of electronic products company produces special models made for a specific customer with increased operating capacity of up to 6000 kVA.
The main technical parameters of the three-phase industrial apparatus:
- adjustable input voltage,% of Unom. – ±20%;
- the output voltage supplied to the equipment as a% of Un. – 0,5%;
- speed adjustment voltage in ms / V - 12.
Industrial stabilizers specialized plant customer order can be equipped with, besides the standard defense mechanisms, additional protective devices.
They can disable the device, for example, in the event that the output terminal voltage value is below or above the aforesaid aisles in the passport 141 - 285V; 130 - 300V, etc.
They also inserted into the system from lightning discharges, which can act on the external electric power lines.
Current maintenance and service
There are companies on the provision of maintenance services of stabilizing voltage equipment at regular intervals from 1 per month or less.
They include the following works:
- external inspection and installation of all matching and extending therefrom feeder and connections;
- Cleaning from dirt and dust all surfaces and ventilation grilles;
- Inspection of contacts, circuit boards, connectors, heat sink, and the conductors on the issue of mechanical, thermal (overheating) and electrical hazards;
- cleaning contacts and job boards;
- analysis of accidents and equipment failures, if they were, and adjusting the technical parameters of the stabilizer;
- drawing up recommendations for further operation of the plant.
Routine maintenance is carried out by trained permanent industrial facility personnel who acquired stabilizers high power.
Professionals need to know how to deal with the devices, capable of working in their cells to accumulate and store the electrical energy that represents a danger to human life.
manufacturers stabilizers
All companies producing and selling electrical products, consumer equalizing the voltage and frequency can be divided into three groups:
- specializing exclusively in their manufacture;
- company in which the stabilizers are a number of basic kinds of electrical products;
- firms for which the electrical apparatus is a byproduct.
Trade marks APC and Ippon IBPP produce virtually all operating capacity required to equip offices with a solid branched networks of computers.
Such manufacturers of computer accessories and monitors, as: Huter, Elitech, Defender IBPP produce small and medium-sized operating capacity wall and floor execution.
Their main customers are not offices, and residential consumers, so the technical characteristics of these products Brands are not imposed such strict rules as to the products of those firms that IBPP are among the top goods.
In particular:
- Alignment of the input voltage to 220V is carried out within 100 - 250 V with an accuracy of ± 5%.
- Allowed distortion output sine wave electric current.
- During a power failure during the external network appliance batteries provide work for 5 - 15 minutes.
- No automatic connection of consumers to power after the disaster of extinction.
It is also advisable to use IBPP with low specifications for the supply:
- security systems with a low level of consumption;
- emergency lighting in the protection of people in case of fire or other disaster relief systems.
Well-known companies quattro Elementi and Resanta It produces a number of lines of the relay of automatic stabilizers varying operating power (20 kW) with excellent technical characteristics, which are designed to provide apartments and private homes with stable electric shock parameters.
You can also buy single-phase relay regulators floor and wall execution requested operating capacity of 0.400 kW to 22 kW, the following brands:
- Elitec ;
- Sven;
- Suntek;
- Uniel;
Virtually the only company that delivers on the market three-phase industrial stabilizers high power, is an Italian electrical company ORTEA.