Izon: features embroidery thread on cardboard, tips on choosing materials

Many types of crafts were known several centuries ago, is no exception and izografika. The essence of the latter is that the master hammered in the board clove and then reeling them threads of different colors, creating a certain pattern. Now this art is becoming popular again, but instead of a tree made embroidery thread on cardboard (Izon). Features of technology need to carefully consider before starting work.


The choice of materials

Needlework technique called Izon has many different names: embroidery on cardboard, izografika image thread and so on..

However, the listed terms are united one goal: to create a delicate pattern on pre-defined clear lines.

To carry out the work requiredThe following tools and materials:

Izon features embroidery
  1. Thread. You can use different types, even on the same panel. If you plan to stitch the coniferous forest in winter, eating can be made of thick fluffy filaments and snowflakes - thin. In this case, it takes a few needles of appropriate sizes. Experienced seamstresses in his works most often used iris and sewing for beginners is quite suitable conventional sewing spool.
  2. Cardboard - a simple but at the same time an ideal base for newcomers. It is not necessary in the early stages to look for some special types, you can buy the most common in the nearest stationery store. Important note: the denser the material, the thicker the thread and needle needed. If the base is too thin, it will be inconvenient to work. Rectify the situation can be, it is necessary to glue together several sheets.
  3. The ruler, compass - needed to be applied to the base image circuit. The latter are often built on the basis of a square, triangle or circle.
  4. The foam (preferably extruded). In operation, it will be used as the substrate under the base. An important task masters - piercing holes in the ground. At first glance it may seem that it's pretty simple, but in fact negligence may lead to finger-prick or damage the table surface.
  5. Tape - need to fix the strands from the wrong side panels. Not every site will be securely fixed to the cardboard. High-quality tape will cope with the task.
  6. Shiloh - you need to puncture the cardboard. Use of this instrument is especially true if the work is carried out by thin threads and corresponding needle.

Recommendations for creating embroidery

Of course, any beginner, before proceeding to the creation of the pattern, learn the basics of technique, considering various master classes, which are on the Internet, there are many.

Experts strongly recommend to adhere to the following rules:

 embroidery thread on cardboard
  1. For the application of the pattern is best to use solid simple pencil. Pre-need to sharpen it well, that the line was thin.
  2. Shiloh is desirable to take a short but very sharp. To ready the panel was neat puncture the foundations necessary to carry out from the front.
  3. To smooth the paper it is quite possible to use any thread, but considered optimal embodiment of the floss. On velvet cardboard will look great woolen thread.
  4. Secure the thread from the inside helps PVA glue or adhesive tape (Scotch).
  5. In the initial stages it is essential to monitor the application of the density of the pattern. If you strongly tighten the coil, the base may tear. A weak clip will sag and ugly to look at the finished painting.
  6. Izon embroidery technique most often used for decoration of cards, pictures, bookmarks, and covers.
  7. As a base it is best to take Cardboard or heavy paper, At least you can find the work carried out on the basis of velvet.
  8. For easy passage of the thread is recommended to choose a needle with a large eye.
  9. It is mandatory to use a substrate in order to minimize the risk of damage to the coating of the table. For these purposes, it is quite suitable packaging cardboard or a thick foam.
  10. No need to take long pieces of thread, because in the process they will get confused.
  11. Novice webmasters can use predefined schemes points. You can buy them at any store for needlework.
  12. To hide the defects of the reverse side, the finished picture should be pasted on thick cardboard or paste without glass frame.

Embroidery Izon - the direction in needlework, whose popularity is increasing every day.

That the work was the first time, a newcomer you need to carefully examine all aspects and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.