If you are tired of the constant slamming of gates and shutters input or of interior designNote on closers for doors. Offer to deal with the advantages and disadvantages of such devices, existing types and installation procedures.
1 Advantages and disadvantages of door closers for doors
2 The apparatus and operation closers for doors depending on the type of
2.1 Overhead door closer
2.2 Floor door closer
2.3 Frame door closer
3 Recommendations for choosing a door closer to the front door
4 The choice of door closers street frost
5 Install door closer in stages
5.1 Determining the installation scheme, depending on the direction of the door opening
5.2 How to install the door closer at the door step by step guide
5.3 Detailed instructions for adjusting door closers
6 Features installation of the door closer on a metal door
7 Features installation of the door closer to the gate
8 How to exploit the closers for door: general guidelines
9 Popular manufacturers of door closers for door
9.1 Russian manufacturers of door closers
9.2 Foreign brands
10 How much are the closers for door - price review
Advantages and disadvantages of door closers for doors
The popularity of these devices due to their indisputable advantages:
protection of the door leaf from impacts during opening and closing;
extend hardware life, as the smooth movement of the door helps to reduce the operational load;
provision of the required flap position in the closed position;
speed control closing flaps;
safe operation of the door system, which is especially important for families with young children.
The device provides accurate positioning of the flaps
Among the shortcomings should be noted the complexity of installation and adjustment, high cost models, with greater functionality.
The device is difficult to adjust
The apparatus and operation closers for doors depending on the type of
Installation site specific model depends on its design features and types. Let's get acquainted with the existing options, to make things easier to make the best choice.
The design of the device may differ considerably
Overhead door closer
Such models are often referred to as overhead. They are mounted on top of the door system. Manufacturers offer closers:
with a sliding arm. Such devices are not widely used, however, due to its constructive performance more reliable than toothed counterparts. The service life of such devices may exceed several decades. In operation, the cam mechanism drives the spring and two pistons, ensuring a smooth closing of the door. Models with sliding arm are compact in size;
with gear drive. A suitable embodiment for the flaps, which weigh more than 80 kg. They are set on edge entrances. In operation, the movement mechanism provided by the toothed gears or pin transmitting the movement from the spring to pull the device for providing a smooth and silent movement flap. Installation of machinery and its adjustment does not cause too much trouble, which contributes to the popularity of a particular device.
The dimensions of the device is relatively smallThe optimal solution for heavy doors
Floor door closer
Floor models hold and shut the door. They are fastened to the floor and at two points to the door leaf: from the outside and the inside. Device, depending on the version, may be used to open webs weighing 25-300 kg. Some models can be synchronized with the top to enhance the security of the door system.
Attention! Flooring Installation is made mainly in areas with high traffic.
Fixing is carried out at several points
Frame door closer
This species belongs to the category of the hidden patterns. They set hidden inside the door panel or box.
Frame model invisible
Recommendations for choosing a door closer to the front door
To set a device served for a long time, when it is selected should first take into account the size and weight of the door. Attached to the product instruction will determine the required class and power door closer for doors. If the power of the chosen model is not enough, you can simultaneously install two devices.
For heavy flaps require powerful device
Attention! If the leaf width exceeds 1.6 m, the setting of the door closer is to refuse.
Other important factors that deserves attention in the selection process, should include:
closing speed. The complexity of its use lies in the fact that this figure has a clear numerical value, but because it is set exclusively by visual observation. For fire protection systems should choose a device with a maximum speed of, for private houses - the minimum;
slam speed. This indicator is relevant to snap locks;
brake opening. The availability of this function is important for public institutions, which will reduce the force exerted by visitors to the door leaf;
closing delay. This function allows the visitor to go shopping, but can be harmful in the winter;
fixing the open sash. If fitted door can be locked in the open position, which is especially important for medical institutions.
The presence of additional functions stipulated in addition
The choice of door closers street frost
Choosing suitable model, it should be taken into account:
the temperature at which the device will be operated;
the required power.
It is necessary to frost street door closer could be operated at temperatures up to -40 ° C. Power devices should be close to the desired value. If the index will be significantly different, the opening / closing of the shutters will be carried out with great difficulty, or not be at all.
Operating temperature - an important criterion in selecting
Install door closer in stages
If you decide to install the door closer with his hands, it is worth pre-acquainted with the milestones and their content. Mounting may be performed on the fabric and the box, inside and outside. For exterior doors most often selected internal method in which the device itself is secured in the doorway, to ensure its operability during wintertime. Please find them in more detail.
The installation process requires high accuracy
Determining the installation scheme, depending on the direction of the door opening
Before proceeding to installation, you should carefully read the instructions, which explains how to put closer to the door. The circuit is made in the actual size, greatly simplifying the markup. For fixing circuit used Scotch.
Possible installation options presented to the instructions, to invest with each product
How to install the door closer at the door step by step guide
If you do not know how to properly install the door closer to the door, we offer to do it in the following sequence:
Description of the action
We are putting together the construction elements. We check the availability of the system.
We put the collected product to the place of future installation to verify compliance scheme
Perform layout, scheduling space for fasteners on the wing and frame. A hole is drilled. Fasten all the elements of the device and proceed to the adjustment of the door closer.
Features installation of the door closer on the plastic door shown in the following video:
Detailed instructions for adjusting door closers
If the door system is unstable, it means a finer adjustment of door closers. The operating instructions for details on how this can be done. Changing the position of the valve №1 adjustable sash opening angle. With rotation of the valve №2 - closing speed.
Changing the position of the valve - the basic rule adjustment
Attention! In expensive models have a third valve.
Now, how to adjust the door closer:
change the opening angle of the door, selecting the optimum value in the range 90-180 °;
adjustable closing speed. For this flap is opened to the desired angle. Then achieve the ride and door latching action by changing the position of the valve 2.
Features adjusting door closers with their hands can be seen in the following video:
Features installation of the door closer on a metal door
How to install the door closer on the metal door of different size and kind of fasteners used. Given that the web of the metal is heavy, should give preference to models related to the fifth grade and above.
Attention! When using a template, be sure to take into account that the fixture will be a larger diameter.
The device must be strong
We offer watch a video describing the installation of the door closer on the door with his own hands:
Features installation of the door closer to the gate
To install the door closer on the wicket should be used cold-resistant products. Given that the top bar is not at all the gates, cravings often fastened to the rack by turning to the desired angle of the retaining plate. Next, a setting automatic door closers.
Tip! For the gate is best to choose an air model, abandoning the purchase of hydraulic.
The actual method of installation can be seen in the following video:
How to exploit the closers for door: general guidelines
That the device has served long enough, its operation must be carried out according to the rules. Do not do it:
extra effort to increase the speed of the closing flap;
forced to brake or lock the door;
pull lever or rocking device sash.
Attention! Failure to follow the recommendations manual will lead to premature wear of seals, gears and piston damage.
Popular manufacturers of door closers for door
quality of the device and its functionality is closely associated with the manufacturing company. If you decide to buy closer to entrance doorsRefer to the range of products offered by leading manufacturers. We have prepared for you a list of companies whose products you can trust.
Quality products have many manufacturers
Russian manufacturers of door closers
Among consumers are very popular items, "Ekspostroymash Plus" Russian companies "NIKIRET» and «NORA-M». Own development and compliance with technological requirements allow them to offer devices that meet the most stringent requirements.
"Ekspostroymash Plus" - at the height of the quality
Foreign brands
The greatest demand is for products:
German companies GEZE, Dorma, Boda. Design of proposed models with the sliding rod allows to hide the knee traction mechanism, which significantly improves the appearance of the device;
Italian companies Cobra, Cisa, O & O. Manufacturers offer products that allow open and floor installation. All products are high quality and designed for a long service life;
KDC Korean company. A wide range. The products are manufactured with the use of German components, corrosion-resistant materials. Subject to the recommendations of the manufacturer all the products have a long service life;
Oubao companies from Taiwan. In the manufacturer's catalog, you can find products designed for installation on doors with low weight;
Finnish company Abloy. Opting for similar products do not have to think about how to adjust the door closer, as provided for easy adjustment system. Special independent valve ensures smooth movement of the leaf;
Serbia's Diplomat, which produces several models. The most popular are high-speed closers.
GEZE - high German quality
How much are the closers for door - price review
If you decide to purchase for closers entrance doors, The price can be the deciding factor when choosing. We offer to meet with the average cost of popular models:
Closer №4S
Withstand the load of 120 kg. Weight - 2.24 kg. Silumin housing.
DC-20.3 / 0950/065-A1-W
To the left and right wings. Weight - 1.2 kg.
Withstand 40 kg. Frost to -35 °.
Suitable for doors weighing up to 100 kg, and the opening angle to 100 °. It can be operated at a temperature of from -50 ° C to + 50 ° C.
We offer to find out users' opinions on some models:
Review closers door Apecs:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1508720.html
Closer Door Apecs
Review closers door frost Koral HD-132:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6369867.html
door closers frost Koral HD-132
Share in the comments, if you understand how to set up closer to the door with his own hands, or have decided to entrust the job to professionals.