Be watched: set the child lock on the window 🔒

If you live in an apartment building or just worried about the safety of their family members, it is necessary to understand what the protection of children on window. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products with various design. We offer to meet with the distinctive features of each type, advantages and disadvantages.

Timely installation of protection to prevent falls
Timely installation of protection to prevent falls

Read article

  • 1 Types of children's locks and bollards window shutters
  • 2 Blocker - the effective protection of children in the window sash
    • 2.1 The device, a principle of action and how to install lock Child Window
    • 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 Lock the windows of the children, is installed on the window handle
    • 3.1 The device principle of operation and installation methods
    • 3.2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 Flexible constraints on the window of the children
    • 4.1 The device principle of operation and installation methods
    • 4.2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 Child locks on plastic and wooden windows
    • 5.1 The device principle of operation and installation methods
    • 5.2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 6 Handle with integrated child lock for PVC windows and wood
    • 6.1 The device principle of operation and installation methods
    • 6.2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 7 Other types of protection on the windows of the loss of children and vandal-proof fixtures
    • 7.1 Bars on plastic and wooden windows from falling out of children
      • 7.1.1 Advantages of plastic bars on the windows of children
    • 7.2 The film on the window glass against mechanical damage
  • 8 the cost of protection on windows and actual customer reviews

Types of children's locks and bollards window shutters

The design of the plant devices can differ significantly affecting the price, which will manage the installation of the protection of children in the plastic window. Manufacturers offer devices:

  • with locks. Despite its small size, these devices can be a reliable barrier when trying to open the flap. Most child locks on the window sash comes with a red key to the past were better visible;
  • c sliding mechanismIs attached to the sash and the window sill. The presence of a special guide prevents the opening of the window on the set limit;
  • Locking bolt-. Installation in upper, lower or middle part of the window system. Suitable for windows equipped with a rotary or longitudinal retention mechanism to the frame;
  • on the window handle. Set directly on the handle to ensure its fixing in position. Installation protection can be executed independently without the use of special tools;
  • flexible bollards. According to the principle of the work they are close to a door chain and allow the flap to reveal only a few centimeters.
Red color key will attract adult attention
Red color key will attract adult attention
Place the protection setting is chosen independently
Place the protection setting is chosen independently
The degree of opening of the leaf is limited
The degree of opening of the leaf is limited

Attention! From the viewpoint of reliability preferred protective device with a key.

Blocker - the effective protection of children in the window sash

Manufacturers offer various types of interlocks to help prevent full opening of the leaf, even under heavy load. We offer to meet with the data protection method, its features and benefits.

Interlock will not allow plowing leaf
Interlock will not allow plowing leaf

The device, a principle of action and how to install lock Child Window

Such locks on windows and children have a relatively simple design concept. They consist of two components: one attached to the frame, the second - on the casement. When you press a button or turn the key components are permanently connected with each other, eliminating the possibility of opening the sash.

Location selected individually
Location selected individually

Installation lock from children at the windows is performed in several stages:

  • performed sash marking for positioning the main assembly;
  • block is fixed in the desired spatial position;
  • the second unit is mounted, which is attached directly to the frame.
The package includes everything you need for self-assembly
The package includes everything you need for self-assembly

Design features and principle of operation of such protection for the children clearly demonstrated in the following video:

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of blockers should include:

  • prevent full opening of the leaf, so that the windows are safe for children;
  • automatic sash lock in the closed position. You can not fear accidentally forget to close the lock;
  • possibility room ventilation.
Reliable protection against intruders for active kids
Reliable protection against intruders for active kids

Among the shortcomings should be noted need drilling holes in the chassis and the high requirements for positioning the constituent elements relative to each other. Poor quality of the individual elements significantly reduces the service life of such products

Lock the windows of the children, is installed on the window handle

If you decide to provide lock boxes from children does not necessarily fix the flap. Manufacturers offer products designed for installation on the window handle, or instead of it. We offer to meet with their features and benefits.

Blocker is a part of the handle
Blocker is a part of the handle

The device principle of operation and installation methods

This protection involves the installation instead of a conventional rotary knob special caps on the window of the children. As a result, during the operation to open the shutter can neither an adult nor a child - until the handle does not take the place allotted to her.

Say "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protection
Place the handle occupies a plug

For the protection dismantled rotary knob, and in its place established a special element - sealed with a plug. Ease of execution ensures reliable protection of the window system. Overhead model simply mounted on the handle and eliminate it from turning.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a structure should include the ease of use. Among the shortcomings are the lack of regular handle, which significantly worsens the appearance of the window frame.

Exterior view of the frame deteriorates
Exterior view of the frame deteriorates

Flexible constraints on the window of the children

Such devices are quite popular, because they provide reliable protection. Establish flexible restraints on children can not only windows, but also on doors and vents. Offer to meet with its design features.

Widely open the sash will not work
Widely open the sash will not work

The device principle of operation and installation methods

The system consists of a cable, covers, housings, fasteners and key used when assembling the structure. Rope length is standardized and equal to 200 mm. Due to the design of such a system of protection of the sash opening is possible only if there is a key.

color protection can be any
color protection can be any

Setting protection is performed in the following sequence:

  • frame counting is performed under the fastener unit with the locking element and the counterpart element on the same height;
  • drilled holes and made the protection system for children;
  • set cable;
  • check the efficiency of the mechanism.
Say "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protection
Installation is made on both flaps

The process of installation of protection clearly demonstrated in the video:

Advantages and disadvantages

To protect the benefits should include:

  • versatility. This child seat can be installed not only on the windows, but also on balcony door. It can also be mounted on plastic and wooden frames;
  • protection from external intrusion inside the apartment. Even if a thief can open the flap, he will not be able to break a solid cable that can withstand the load of more than 500 kg;
  • reliable fixation flaps;
  • the possibility of regulating the degree of opening of the leaf.
All components are supplied
All components are supplied

The disadvantage is the deterioration of the appearance of the window assembly due to dangling of the flexible member, and the need to store the key, the loss of which will lead to the fact that the shutter is fully open is not out.

Say "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protectionSay "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protectionSay "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protection

Child locks on plastic and wooden windows

If you want to increase the level of security of a wooden or plastic windows, note the child lock. If any will be easy to lift the flap on the ventilation. Full opening is blocked.

Protection of the right color, you can pick up for any frame
Protection of the right color, you can pick up for any frame

The device principle of operation and installation methods

It consists of two parts. Installation of the lock from children to glazing is carried out in the end flaps. Mate is attached to the frame.

Involved two parts of the window system
Involved two parts of the window system

Features installation and design features children's castles can be seen on the following video:

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of these products should include:

  • ability to install on all types of profiles;
  • the possibility of airing room without opening the lock;
  • quick installation;
  • use one key for all windows.
The castle is almost imperceptible
The castle is almost imperceptible
Installation can be done on their own
Installation can be done on their own

Among the shortcomings should be noted the need for drilling the sash and low strength characteristics as well as high demands on the positioning elements relative to each other and the flaps relative to the frame. at sash sag Lock performance deteriorates.

The flap is drilled in the butt
The flap is drilled in the butt

Handle with integrated child lock for PVC windows and wood

Additional constructs can worsen the appearance of the window system. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide for in the pen box made of PVC or wood a special built-in child lock. We offer to meet with the distinctive features of such protection, its advantages and disadvantages.

Castle - reliable protection for your child
Castle - reliable protection for your child

The device principle of operation and installation methods

Outwardly the handle with integrated lock can be distinguished from the normal only by the presence of the larvae of the key. Suitable option for frames fitted with a swing-out or twist mechanism. The flap can be fixed in two positions: a flip or closed.

Fixing in two positions
Fixing in two positions

Construction works in the following way: setting the shutter to the desired position, turn the key, locking mechanism. Then removed the key, so that it was inaccessible to the child.

The package includes all the necessary fasteners
The package includes all the necessary fasteners

Attention! Manufacturers offer models equipped with an additional button. Change the position of the handle is possible only after the button is pressed.

To open the lock you must turn the key or press
To open the lock you must turn the key or press

Installation is performed as follows:

  • unmounted waybill decorative strip, unscrewed fasteners, removed mounted handle;
  • measured length of the pin;
  • selected handle on the window with child protection with the appropriate parameters;
  • pen is installed in the mounting hole and fixed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of locking handles with locks on windows for protection against children should include:

  • frame lock in the closed position. The window can not be opened even if the broken glass;
  • ensuring sufficient safety of children;
  • possible movement lock fittings on the outside.
The handle with the lock is presentable appearance
The handle with the lock is presentable appearance

The disadvantages of such a protection system should include:

  • inconvenience room ventilationAs you have to constantly look for the key to just open the window;
  • the risk of losing key;
  • constant monitoring, so that the key is not accidentally left in the castle, and the castle was closed. To attract users attention key executed in red.

Other types of protection on the windows of the loss of children and vandal-proof fixtures

If the above listed protection to children from falling out of the window you for some reason are not satisfied, we offer to pay attention to a number of additional structures that perform a similar function. Perhaps with their help will be able to protect your child from a possible injury.

There are more ways to protect
There are more ways to protect

Bars on plastic and wooden windows from falling out of children

Such products can be an obstacle in the way of a child accidentally opened the flap. Mounted grille from falling out of children outside of the window. Installation is carried out on a special bracket.

The grille will prevent fall baby
The grille will prevent fall baby

Advantages of plastic bars on the windows of children

The main advantages of gratings for plastic windows from children should include:

  • possible to ventilate the apartment at any time of the year without the risk of loss of the child;
  • vertical arrangement of rods, precluding the rise of a child to a great height. The optimal distance between adjacent elements eliminates jams his hands and does not allow to stick his head;
  • the ability to install all along the window or only the portion where the flap is opened;
  • sufficient height (1 meter) to prevent the baby falling;
  • the possibility of joint units with a mosquito net.

The film on the window glass against mechanical damage

Outdoor games can lead to glass breakage. The special anti-vandal film in such situation will protect the child from cuts and other injuries. Stick tape every parent can independently on already installed box. If cracks glass retains its integrity and for some time will continue to perform its function, which is especially important in winter time.

Glass does not crumble
Glass does not crumble

the cost of protection on windows and actual customer reviews

If you decide to buy protection for plastic windows from children, read with the average prices for popular models:

BSL Sash Prime Baby Safe LockMetal housing. Blocker.
Elementis, white. VVD0021.07With rope. Metal. Two keys. Mounting by 4 screws.
Elementis, white. ELE0070.07Installation without milling. Mounting by 4 screws. Metal housing.
Gait NSA-1ABlocker. Waybill model. Weight 149 g
Lock rotation Penkid flag keyMade in Turkey. Metal housing.

Review of security locks for plastic windows from BSL children:

Say "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protection
More on Otzovik:

security locks for plastic windows from BSL children

Review of the castle window Penkid:

Say "Yes!" The security, or why it is necessary from the children to the window protection
More on Otzovik:

Lock windows Penkid

Share in the comments, what protection windows from opening by children is installed in your home, whether it suits you for their performance and durability, as well as why you have given preference to this option.