it sets out repairs in their home or apartment, we must consider all the details: Interior Design, Decoration Materials, Decor, change or repair all communications, and more. From this it depends largely on the comfort of living. From this review edition, you will learn how to build an apartment in the loft (pictured below will give a visual representation of the features of this style), design nuances, what furniture to use and etc.

Read article
- 1 The path from an industrial building to an apartment house: a brief history of the emergence of "loft" style
- 2 The characteristic features of the style "loft"
- 3 Who would like to design "loft» (loft design)
- 4 Finishing materials for the repair of apartments and houses in the style of a loft
- 4.1 The ceiling in the "loft" style
- 4.2 Decorating the walls in the style of "loft"
- 4.3 The device in the floor covering "the loft" apartment
- 4.4 Doors and windows in the "loft" style
- 5 Color solution for the design of the apartment in the "loft" style
- 6 Furniture in the interior in a "loft" style: photo examples
- 7 Using pictures in the style of "loft"
- 8 The organization of lighting in the apartments in the "loft" style
- 9 Accessories and decor in the "loft" style
- 10 Repair of apartments in the "loft" style: Photo of interior decoration in different rooms
- 10.1 Entrance hall and a hall in the "loft" style
- 10.2 Study and bedroom in an apartment in the style of "loft"
- 10.3 Bathroom and kitchen in the apartment in the "loft" style
- 11 Planning and zoning studio apartments in the "loft" style: photos examples
- 12 A few words in conclusion
The path from an industrial building to an apartment house: a brief history of the emergence of "loft" style
Lofts first appeared in the 40s of the last century in the United States, when the lease of land prices in urban centers skyrocketed upward. As a result, the majority of industrial enterprises was made in the suburban area, and industrial buildings sold for relatively little money. The first who decided to buy the premises in such homes have been actors, writers and artists who have performed in these exhibitions, recitals, etc. Later, in converted into housing shops and attics of industrial buildings began to buy or rent; flats and ordinary citizens, such as real estate has become of affordable for many people. Still later in the US and Europe have turned into trendy loft apartments, which have become almost an elite form of real estate.

The characteristic features of the style "loft"
As with any interior style"Loft" has its own distinctive features, which allow it to be special and not like others. So, we list the main features:
- a large amount of space and the lack of partitions;
- open plan;
- high ceiling, almost no trimmed;
- rough finish almost all surfaces;
- Availability fireplaces and furnaces;
- multilevel.

Who would like to design "loft» (loft design)
Just as before, this style prefer creative people: artists, musicians, actors, etc. Feature "Loft" It is the presence of a large amount of free space, free planning and an abundance of light. The apartments, decorated in industrial style, convenient to arrange art exhibitions, recitals and just party.

Prefers "loft" and today's youth. Young people are by nature rebels, and this style perfectly reflects the spirit of freedom and creativity. Designers love loft design because it allows you to express their imagination in full at design space.

Recommendation! Interior designers do not recommend to families with children of an apartment in the "loft" style. The fact that the industrial area eliminates the possibility of creating a secluded area, which is so necessary to the child.
Finishing materials for the repair of apartments and houses in the style of a loft
What good style "loft", so it is minimal trim. However, this does not mean that we should just leave all the rough concrete and brick surface premises. Consider what can and should be used for the repair of apartments in the "loft" style.

The ceiling in the "loft" style
As already mentioned, the "loft" practically does not require any decoration. Concrete ceiling can be left untreated, just cover it with a special antibacterial impregnation. Also, some trim its special puttySimulating the texture of the concrete.

In some cases, the ceiling mounted metal mesh, natural wooden beams or falseOr leave exposed metal I-beams. communications and ducts are left open. sometimes use stretch ceiling, Surface sheathe laminated board or, in extreme cases, the roof tile is lined styrofoam.

Decorating the walls in the style of "loft"
Classic "the loft" wall - rough brick or concrete surfaces. Not necessarily that all of them were without finishing. To comply with the requirements of stylistic enough left untreated just one wall in the room. Brick can be coated and impregnated with varnish. Also, the raw wall can paint or whitewash, and how can a rough brush strokes.

Also, the walls in the apartment "loft" style can be finished with wood paneling or shields. The tree is perfectly combined with concrete and brick. You can also make a "ragged" plaster, Ie perform the finishing of individual sections of the wall. It looks quite original.

The device in the floor covering "the loft" apartment
Since the "loft" is an industrial style, and the floor in this room should be unpretentious. As a floor covering can be used roughly processed boards, the aged parquet, tile (Granite or stylized concrete). Those who are not ready to clean "loft", used for decorating floors laminate, Synthetic carpeting or, in extreme cases, linoleum.
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Doors and windows in the "loft" style
"Loft" migrated from industrial premises into residential apartments. The factory halls were large tall windows, broken into squares, narrow strong metal or wooden frame. They allow you to let into the room more light. The same windowBut more modern, it is recommended to put in the apartments and houses are decorated in the "loft" style.

Since the industrial-style rooms differ a free layout, and the almost complete lack of partitions, Then the door to them, they say, one, two and miscalculated - only front, at bathroom, on balcony and in the pantry. The loft doors are easy, whether wood or metal construction.

Color solution for the design of the apartment in the "loft" style
When creating interiors in industrial style "loft", mainly used warm and cold tones. Primary colors - gray and brick, or terracotta. Dilute the monotony help correctly placed color accents, for which it is recommended to use a bright red, black, white and blue colors. The apartments have an industrial character may be bright and interesting. Photo color solutions design rooms in the loft prove it.

Furniture in the interior in a "loft" style: photo examples
Decorating the room in any style is not possible without the use of the furniture. used chairs, Table, sofasAnd so on, must be practical and durable. For registration apartments and houses can be used, hand made furniture in the "loft" style from natural materials: wood, Textiles, leather. Also original design will look of metal and glass. Welcome and combination of materials. The only thing that is not allowed in the "loft" design - furniture pretentiousness.
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Using pictures in the style of "loft"
For decorating the walls of apartments in the "loft" style widely used posters or paintings industrial theme. Also, it can be abstract paintings, which serve as a bright accent to dilute the monotony of walls, modular pattern, photos and posters. Perhaps the only thing that will look out of place in the loft apartment, so it is the paintings of classics in the heavy carved frames.
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The organization of lighting in the apartments in the "loft" style
Since the "loft" - industrial style and is used for the design of large and spacious rooms, the lighting system for the organization requires a large number of fixtures: Floor, ceiling, desktop and wall. Widely used lighting, stylized industrial fixtures and spotlights.

Accessories and decor in the "loft" style
For decorating the loft apartment is better to use technological and original elements. The décor may be a furniture, especially vintage, glass and metal design, posters on the walls, panel and various installations. This will give the room bohemian.
Since the "loft" - industrial and modern style, it is appropriate to the presence of high-tech items, a variety of multimedia applications, as well as "Smart home". In the loft apartment almost everything can be used as a decoration, even a box of air ducts.
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Repair of apartments in the "loft" style: Photo of interior decoration in different rooms
It is clear that all the rooms of the apartment or house should be made in the same style. However, there are some nuances kitchen design, Living room, bedrooms etc. We consider several variants of design projects of apartments in the "loft" style.

Entrance hall and a hall in the "loft" style
Hallway in the loft apartment differs minimalist. Since this room is not the biggest, then each item in it should be as functional. The main requirement for registration of the hall in the style of "loft" - the lack of extra elements that can reduce space. Making a small corridor perform better in white, because it will expand the space visually. terracotta and Brown color It will help to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Living in style "loft" - a harmonious blend of old and new, as well as several styles in the same room. Windows should be large, almost the entire wall, and does not curtained, so as not to interfere with the penetration of sunlight. If, nevertheless, decided to hide from view, the best solution would be light curtains or jalousieBut no heavy curtains or curtains. Furniture - solid, functional, comfortable and made from natural materials. Upholstery and frames seats, chairs or sofas may have or be frayed artificially aged.

Study and bedroom in an apartment in the style of "loft"
Today, many people prefer to work at home. This writers, journalists, programmers, and so on. For normal operation, it is necessary to arrange a convenient and comfortable place. If study in the "loft" style of settling in a studio apartment, then you need to worry about how to fence this place. This can be done with screens, Sliding partitions or cabinet.
The office should be a minimum set of furniture and decor, so nothing distracts from the work. Table placed against the window and equip a good lighting system. And for the rest, you can install a small and comfortable sofa.

Bedroom - a place of solitude and comfort. It may seem that industrial style "loft" for it does not fit. However, stonework and terracotta colors will ensure the necessary comfort. The floor covering should be of natural or boards laminate. Tile - not the best solution, but if you did not accept the system "warm floor". Furniture set - bed, A pair of bedside tables, wardrobe, chair, ladies' table and pouf.

Bathroom and kitchen in the apartment in the "loft" style
Bathroom - this is the place where we spend a lot of time: the morning hygienic procedures, evening bath or shower, and some suggest the beauty here. The walls are recommended to draw up an industrial-style: brick or concrete, but they must be covered with a special protective structure, as this room has high humidity. Bathroom in an apartment in the "loft" style does not differ a lot of free space, so that all elements of the situation must be functional.

Kitchen in any apartment or house should be comfortable and functional. At arrangement of the space you need to consider a competent lighting system, as well as to provide for the presence of additional lamps. Brick kitchen wall can be used as an operating panel, to be treated with special moisture repellent compositions.

Planning and zoning studio apartments in the "loft" style: photos examples
in the regeneration studio apartments in the style of "loft" is necessary to pay great attention to the planning and zoning premises. Please find some design ideas interior studio apartment.
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A few words in conclusion
"Loft" - style for creative people who prefer the freedom, space and independence. This direction is often chooses young people, because a large space, and industrial style provide ample opportunities for the manifestation of fantasy in the regeneration of their homes. We hope our article has been helpful to you, and you will express an opinion about it in the comments.