⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: types, advantages, features production

Choosing kitchen facades, look for products made of solid wood. High performance and presentable appearance is beautiful and permanently help Contents kitchen. We offer to meet with the existing varieties of facades made of wood, and their benefits, as well as to explore options for the use of different solutions to furnish kitchens.

Wooden facade - a stylish and high-quality solution
Wooden facade - a stylish and high-quality solution

Read article

  • 1 Materials for manufacturing furniture facades made of wood
  • 2 Manufacturing process facades of the array depending on the design
    • 2.1 Production of furniture fronts from array filonchatyh
    • 2.2 Manufacture of the whole kitchen fronts array
  • 3 The performance characteristics of the array facades
    • 3.1 Kitchen facades of pine: the accessibility and attractiveness
    • 3.2 Furniture facades made of solid oak: high quality, long life
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages of the facades for the kitchen made of solid wood
  • 5 Decoration of facades from an array
    • 5.1 Embossed and carved facades from an array
    • 5.2 Bent and latticed facades from an array
    • 5.3 combined options
  • 6 Leading manufacturers offering kitchen facades made of wood
  • 7 Recommended use and care of the facades from an array
  • 8 The nuances of repair and restoration of the facades of the array
  • 9 Which is better to buy for the kitchen facades from an array: a review of prices

Materials for manufacturing furniture facades made of wood

Quality, value and appearance of the furniture depends largely on the type of solid wood used in their manufacture. For the production of furniture fronts using hardwood and softwood. Among the most popular can be considered:

  • pine. The most affordable option. Doors have a strong texture with a pale yellow tint;
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
  • beech. The surface has no definite structure. It may have a different color, from gray and ending with reddish;
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
  • cherry. It attracts good decorative properties. The flaps have a characteristic pink or red tint;
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
  • ash. For a surface characterized by a large straight-grained texture and yellowish-white color;
Stylish solution for the classic interior
Stylish solution for the classic interior
  • birch. Color doors may vary from the characteristic whitish color to light brown;
Perhaps painting in any color
Perhaps painting in any color
  • oak. The products can have a variety of colors, have high strength, presentable appearance;
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
  • alder. The ideal material for the realization of complex design solutions. The surface reddish-brown with a characteristic white or yellowish hue.
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
Large assortment will help you choose the appropriate option

Attention! Facades for kitchen sets premium are made of expensive wood: red or black wood, cedar.

Mothers should be used to meet a number of requirements. Him humidity should not exceed 6 - 10%. The wood must be free of large knots and various defects.

Humidity of wood used must be carefully controlled
Humidity of wood used must be carefully controlled

Manufacturing process facades of the array depending on the design

The manufacturing process of the facades of the array depends on their structural characteristics. The products can be whole and filonchatymi. Offer to deal with the peculiarities of each type of production.

Manufacturing technology is dependent on the design features
Manufacturing technology is dependent on the design features

Production of furniture fronts from array filonchatyh

Filonchatye model can be called a classic solution with no time constraints. Companies offer models with lattice panels are and classic. Such products consist of separate parts bonded together:

  • frame consisting of straight parts in which one part milled under the insert;
  • filonchatogo element whose perimeter is processed in a special way for a tight connection to the frame.
Filonchatye flaps consist of separate elements
Filonchatye flaps consist of separate elements

In more detail the production process filonchatyh furniture facades from an array can be seen in the following video:

Manufacture of the whole kitchen fronts array

For making solid products may be used either board glued together wooden battens. The first type will cost much more expensive than the second. Offer to meet with the main stages of the production of kitchen fronts of the whole array:

The performance characteristics of the array facades

The service life and operational characteristics suite of furniture directly dependent on the wood that was used for its production. Before you order from an array of cuisine, is to get acquainted with the available options. With a large variety of the most popular products from oak and pine.

The quality of the headset dependent on the operating characteristics of the array
The quality of the headset dependent on the operating characteristics of the array

Kitchen facades of pine: the accessibility and attractiveness

Kitchen facades of pine are an economical solution. In this case, due to the characteristic texture of the product look elegant and can stain in any color. This is the right solution for any interior. Good machinability allows us to produce doors of the desired size and configuration.

Facades for kitchens from solid pine exude a subtle aroma of pine needles, making the kitchen a special atmosphere. Such doors are universal. They are appropriate in an apartment or a rustic country house.

When choosing must be remembered that the pine wood is fairly soft material. In addition, under the influence of sunlight, he may eventually lose its brightness.

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Furniture facades made of solid oak: high quality, long life

Kitchen fronts of oak have high strength characteristics. Even after a long period of use they retain their presentable appearance. Such products are more expensive than similar models made of pine.

Furniture fronts of solid oak are not afraid of considerable temperature fluctuations. Keep configuration in high humidity conditions and under the influence of steam.

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Advantages and disadvantages of the facades for the kitchen made of solid wood

Choosing material for facades for kitchens, many prefer solid wood. These products have the following advantages:

  • presentable appearance. Unique pattern, characteristic of natural wood, can not be reproduced artificially. Doors have a refined appearance and expensive;
  • security. Being a natural material, wood does not have a negative impact on human health;
  • long service life in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • are classical solution. No matter how many years of kitchen, it will look appropriate in the interior of a specific cuisine.
Presentable - an important advantage
Presentable - an important advantage

Among the shortcomings should be noted:

  • increased demands on the used cleaning agents. Due to the presence of corrosive substances in their composition furniture can lose their presentable;
  • low resistance to UV. Over time, exposure to sunlight can fade the surface;
  • the high cost. However, it is fully justified, given the strength characteristics and durability of furniture sets from an array.
For beauty will have to pay a lot
For beauty will have to pay a lot

Decoration of facades from an array

Good machinability makes possible the production of facades for the kitchen of the array with a different decor. Offer see photo presentable and evaluate products from natural wood.

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
Perhaps a different design of the doors

Embossed and carved facades from an array

Embossed patterns are stylish decoration of kitchen units. For any interior you can choose the appropriate option:

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Carvings belong to the category of expensive and complex to manufacture pieces of furniture. The elite models shaping and sanding pattern details manually. In industrial plants use high precision milling machines, The effect of which is controlled by computer programs. The thread can be executed:

  • the contour of the frame;
  • inserts for forming an openwork;
  • on a solid surface.
⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Bent and latticed facades from an array

Curved radius or doors allow more efficiently dispose the available space. Depending on the configuration, it is possible to give preference to a concave or curved patterns. They are safe to use and have an attractive appearance.

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Stack models look quite impressive. May have a different pattern. Cell size may vary over a wide range. Photo latticed kitchen fronts from the array are as follows:

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

combined options

Often manufacturers are brought together several options of decoration in order to achieve the best effect. Offer see photo kitchen sets, in the development of the facades which use the combined options of decor that have the same style:

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages

Tip! Having defined the configuration and decoration kitchen furniture, buy a table in the kitchen of the array, which will be combined with the other elements.

Leading manufacturers offering kitchen facades made of wood

If you decide to buy beautiful facades for kitchens from solid note for the products:

  • Poggenpohl;
  • SieMatic;
  • Alno;
  • Häcker;
  • LegnoStyle;
  • "CALL";
  • "Forest";
  • karri;
  • "Omega";
  • "Vitra";
  • "Furniture House".

In furniture factories directories can be found facades from an array of different configurations and sizes. This allows kitchen update with minimal financial investment.

You can purchase the facades of the desired size or make to order
You can purchase the facades of the desired size or make to order

Tip! Choosing a kitchen in classic style, pay attention to the production of the Italian manufacturers Bamax, Castello, Arka, Francesco Molon, Busatto.

Recommended use and care of the facades from an array

that kitchen set He served as long as possible, should be to create optimal conditions for its operation. The temperature in the kitchen should be 15 - 25ºC with humidity Air 70 - 75%. This can be achieved through regular ventilation and Ardagh room in the winter.

On the surface should promptly remove contaminants using a dry or damp cloth. The movements must be carried out in the direction of the wood pattern. special means or a mild soap solution should be used to remove stubborn dirt.

Attention! Solvent and compositions containing abrasive particles is unacceptable.

For protection from external impact kitchen should be treated with water-repellent wax or oil. Such special purpose composition will prevent the ingress of moisture, dust and dirt in the pores of the wood.

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
To remove dirt should use suitable compositions

The nuances of repair and restoration of the facades of the array

No matter how careful or was related to the kitchen, with time on the surface may appear various defects and damage. We offer to meet with a variety of ways, helping to restore presentable surface:

Which is better to buy for the kitchen facades from an array: a review of prices

If you decide to buy a separate kitchen facades from an array, check the average price on these products:

FacadeCharacteristicsPrice ( of November 2018), rub.
MEB. filonch. deaf straightSoftwood. Resolution 800 × 396 mm.3500
Kitchen glazedOf solid birch. Available in various colors. 4080
MEB. filonch. shaped hollowSoftwood. Resolution 570 × 396 mm.3800

We think you will be interested in reviews of real customers.

Feedback on furniture fronts of solid wood without processing "Forest":

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4621673.html

furniture fronts without processing "Forest

Reviews of Furniture fronts Karri:

⚒ Kitchen facades made of wood: the materials used and the undeniable advantages
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_7081382.html

furniture fronts Karri

Share in the comments, if you like the facades from an array and whether it was possible already to assess their strengths in reality.