Headphones - a necessary gadget for easy operation on the tablet. With the headphones included, you can view videos, listen to music and audio books, talk on Skype and other voice messenger.
To use these functions, the most comfortable, you need to determine which is best suited for headphone tablet.
- 1 Terms of Use
- 2 Main characteristics
- 2.1 mount
- 2.2 cups design
- 2.3 with a source of compound
- 2.4 Noise suppression
- 2.5 frequency band
- 2.6 Dynamics and power
- 2.7 Sensitivity
- 2.8 Resistance
- 2.9 The amplitude-frequency characteristics
- 2.10 distortions
- 3 manufacturers
Terms of Use
Tablet with headphones used in more difficult conditions, as opposed to home use when connecting to a PC or laptop. It is basically a public place with lots of loud and intrusive extraneous sounds, as well as a long road.

Therefore tablet headphones should be:
- optimally protected against external noise;
- Easy, convenient, compact;
- their technical characteristics must be suitable for the intended purpose.
Main characteristics
To better navigate in a variety of models on the market and pick up a good option, it is necessary to know the basic technical specifications of this gadget. These include:
- methods of attachment;
- cups design;
- cable;
- noise reduction system;
- frequency range;
- speakers and their power;
- sensitivity;
- resistance;
- the amplitude-frequency characteristics;
- distortion.
Due to differences in technical parameters, not all models can work effectively together with the tablet. When buying, consider also their preferences.
On this parameter headphones are divided into:
- false or inserts;
- intracanal or vacuum;
- with fastening on the pinna (the hook);
- from the back of the arc;
- Classic headband.
All types have their advantages and are not without drawbacks.

Plug and vacuum very light, does not occupy much space and are less noticeable, even in your pocket. But liners loosely seated in the pinna and often fall out with the active movement.
Vacuum with soft silicone tips and a memory effect firmly fixed in the ear canal and are better suited for dynamic movements.
However, their long-term wearing can cause physical discomfort, such as itching.
Headphones with a hook under the ear maintain a stable position, but not suitable for people who wear glasses. Classical arc attachment headband adjusts to fit, tie tightly cover the head and provide a secure fit. Frequent lack of devices with fastening - their relatively large overall characteristics, which is not always convenient for mobility.
Tablet is best suited ears from the back of the bow. Their advantages are:
- they are light and compact, easy to transport;
- perfectly adapted to any head size due to elastic and durable bow;
- snugly, without losing stability in the movements;
- They can be used together with any headgear.
cups design
It affects the auditory sensations. The highest quality in this respect closed headphones with ear pads, tightly covering his ears. This design protects against outside noise and allows you to fully concentrate on listening.
Good noise proof properties are vacuum models that are placed inside the ear canal, and due to the elastic memory effect nozzles in close contact to its walls.
Other models are an open type. Due to the peculiar attachment they are superimposed on the auditory canal, without isolating it from extraneous noise.
For quality audio transmission and comfortable listening better to use a model closure. However, they are not always convenient in conjunction with mobile devices:
- they are heavy and bulky for extended wear and transport in a small carry-on baggage;
- limit the ability of the environment control and reduce the level of security when traveling in public places.

Expensive closed ears with excellent characteristics can be useless for the tablet. This is due to disabilities such an apparatus, which are not designed for the transmission of high quality sound.
Careful study of the technical parameters allows you to choose a decent model with a decent quality acoustics among compact open ears with the arc attachment on the back.
with a source of compound
Connection can be used for balanced or unbalanced circuit, cable flat or round section. In terms of ease of use, it is better to choose an asymmetrical single-sided cable with a flat cross-section. This allows you to more easily handle the headset quickly add or expand it. The plates are equipped with a Bluetooth port, which allows wireless connection.
Noise suppression
To suppress ambient noise using passive and active systems. First reduces extraneous sounds by the design embouchure.
In the second special microphone signal generator used with an inverted phase, which suppresses pattern noise and decreases by 70-90%. Such a system is used in compact mobile headphones that are comfortable for extended use on the street or on public transport.
frequency band
The audible frequency range for humans is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. However, manufacturers often specify a wide range of speakers. Therefore, the devices are capable of transmitting high quality sound in audible frequencies.

Dynamics and power
headphone size has no effect on their acoustic properties. Volume determines the power rating, it also affects the brightness and saturation of the sound. But higher values would require frequent source recharging.
Headsets identical power can operate with different volumes. To this parameter at the optimum level for the user, it is better to choose the technique with sensitivity from 95 to 100 dB.
The plate like most mobile devices is a low-impedance resistance. therefore Tablet headphone this parameter is 32 Ohm. With a higher resistance will sound soft and poorly perceived.
The amplitude-frequency characteristics
They determine the quality of transmission of the audio source. In the graphical illustration AFC line should be positioned high, do not have any sharp changes, and at low frequencies must be present a pronounced hump. This configuration provides:
- a decent volume;
- balanced sound transmission;
- good sound on the bass.
When harmonic distortion of less than 0.5% in the band from 100-2000 Hz the sound quality is good. If the rate exceeds 1%, the speakers will work indirectly. For low frequencies which are less audible to human ears, the allowable distortion level deemed to 10%.
Among the most popular brands of headphones are Sony, Sennheiser, Philips, Beats.
In Sony produced many cordless models with high quality sound and wide frequency range.
Sennheiser produce a large variety of different headphone value, among which there are buyers for devices with different demands and opportunities.
Philips For many years it produces audio equipment, which differs processability and sound quality.
BUT Beats It earned its reputation thanks to the production of high-quality headphones, but the acoustics is quite expensive.
But all these characteristics do not guarantee the quality of the purchased device on the eye.
To decide what would be optimal headphones is best to take a tablet and try vending model to work.